- Answer any five questions in the spaces provided at the end of question 6.
- Each question carries 20 marks.

- Outline the characteristics of Messiah according to Isaiah 61:1-2. (5marks)
- Narrate Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. (Luke 1:39-56). (8marks)
- Explain seven importance of singing in a Christian service. (7marks)
- Describe the call of the first disciples according to Luke 5:1-11. (8marks)
- Narrate the healing of the woman with a flow of Blood. Luke 8:43-48. (7marks)
- Outline six ways in which the church prepares people to serve God. (5marks)
- Outline Jesus teachings on watchfulness and readiness Luke 12:35-48. (8marks)
- Explain Jesus teachings on prayers. (6marks)
- State six reasons why some Christians find it difficult to pray. (6marks)
- Identify the fruits of the Holy Spirit taught by St. Paul in Galatians 5:22-23. (6marks)
- Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride. (8marks)
- Give six reasons why some Christians live in disunity. (6marks)
- Explain the importance of leisure in the life of a Christian. (7marks)
- State six leisure activities common to both Christians and traditional African community. (6marks)
- State ways through which Christians use leisure to glorify God. (7marks)
- Outline the remedies to social disorder in our society today. (7marks)
- List seven rights of a citizen. (7marks)
- Identify six ways in which the Kenyan Government is fighting terrorism. (6marks)

- For closed questions, ONLY mark the first given answers as per the marks allocated to the question.
- For explanation questions the candidate MUST explain in-order to score.
- Follow the marking scheme strictly to avoid disparities in marking.
- The characteristics of Messiah according to Isaiah 61:1-2. (5mks)
- He had the Spirit of God.
- He has been anointed by God
- He has been sent to preach the Good News to the poor
- He has been sent to bring liberty to the captive
- He has come to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
- He has come to comfort all who mourn. 5x1=5mks
- Narrate Mary’s visit to Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56.) (8mks)
- Mary arose in haste and went to Judea to Zachariah’s house.
- She entered the house of Zachariah and greeted Elizabeth.
- When Elizabeth heard the greetings, the baby in her womb leaped.
- Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
- She told Mary that she was blessed among women.
- She said that blessed is the fruits in her womb
- Mary magnified the Lord for what he had done to her through magnificat song.
- Mary remained with her for about three months and returned to her home.
- Explain seven importance of singing in a Christian service (7mks)
- Singing is an opportunity to praise /adore God.
- Christians pass message / pray through singing
- Singing removes tension/makes worshippers relax
- Singing creates an atmosphere of worship
- The singing removes boredom because of the varied activities during the services
- God given talents are portrayed / enhanced during singing.
- Non-members are attracted to church through singing
- Those who feel depressed are encouraged through singing
- Singing unites / brings worshippers together as they all join in a chorus /song.
First 7x1=7mks
- The characteristics of Messiah according to Isaiah 61:1-2. (5mks)
- The call of the first disciples according to Luke 5:1-11. (8mks)
- One day Jesus stood on the shores of the lake of Genesaret/sea of Galilee, with many people pressing around Him.
- He saw two boats close to the shore and got into one of them which was Simon’s.
- He taught the people from this boat.
- After He had finished preaching, He asked Simon to cast the nets into the deep sea for a catch.
- Simon eventually agreed and cast the nets into the sea netting such a huge number of fish that their nets began to tear.
- Simon and his companion signaled to the other two partners to come and assist them.
- They were so moved by the miraculous catch of fish that Simon fell on his knees before Jesus and urged Him to go away. He confessed that he was a sinful man
- Jesu told Simon not to be afraid for from that time onwards, he will be catching men.
- The others companions of Simon peter were Andrew and his brother and the two sons of Zebedee, John and James, they all left everything and followed Jesus.
- The healing of the woman with a flow of Blood. Luke 8:43:48. (7mks)
- A woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years and couldn’t be healed by any one, came up behind Jesus.
- She touched the fringe of His garment and immediately her flow of blood ceased.
- Jesus asked who has touched Him, all people denied.
- Peter told Jesus, the multitude surround him and press upon Him.
- Jesus said, someone has touched Him as the power has gone forth from Him.
- When the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling and falling down before Him.
- She declared in the presence of all people why she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately.
- Jesus told her, your faith has made you well, go in peace.
- Six ways in which the church prepares people to serve God. (5mks)
- Preparing New converts for baptism.
- Teaching the New convert the Christian doctrine.
- Reading the Bible to them./ reading the Bible together
- Organizing seminars for specific groups of people
- Taking / sending those willing to theological colleges/seminaries to train as evangelist.
- Continuous religious training in spiritual and social matters.
First 6x1=6mks
- The call of the first disciples according to Luke 5:1-11. (8mks)
- Jesus teachings on watchfulness and readiness Luke 12:35-48. (8mks)
- Believers should be dressed for his coming
- They should keep their lamp burning
- They should be awake / alert
- Those who are found waiting will be blessed.
- They should be prepared at all times since they do not know the time for Christ coming.
- Believers should continue working until Christ comes back
- The servants / believers who were drunkards / mistreated fellow workers will be punished.
- Those who know what is required of them/ their masters will and fail to do it will receive a severe beating
- Believers are expected to respond to God according to how much they received from Him.
- Those who do wrong out of ignorance will receive lesser beatings/punishment.
- Jesus’ teachings on prayers. (6mks)
- One should talk to God as Father because He always listen
- One should always honor and praise God in prayer
- One should pray for one’s needs and others needs too
- One should ask for forgiveness as well express their willingness to forgive others.
- One should pray for strength so as not to be overcome by temptations
- In prayers, one should ask fr deliverance from the evil one.
- One should approach God with humility.
- One should not look down on others in prayers.
- State six reasons why some Christians find it difficult to pray. (6mks)
- Lack of faith/trust
- Tiredness /laziness
- Lack of time/busy schedule
- Frustration /problems in life
- Ridicule / discouragement form other
- Sinful living
- Unanswered prayers
- Lack of knowledge in scripture
- Fear of people/congregation
- Too much wealth/affluence/poverty/education
- Poor role models
- Lack of training/experience.
First 6x1=6mks
- Jesus teachings on watchfulness and readiness Luke 12:35-48. (8mks)
- The fruits of the Holy Spirit, According to Galatians 5:22 (6mks)
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control
- The unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride. (8mks)
- Christians are the bride
- Jesus is the bridegroom
- Christians are to be committed to Christ as the bride is committed to the bridegroom
- The church is loved by the Christ just as the bridegroom loves his bride
- The church must remain pure/holy through love/faith in Jesus as the bride keeps her purity for her husband.
- The committed Christians will be taken to a new home/heaven just as the bride is taken home by her husband
- The union between Christ and the church will be everlasting just as the union between the bride and the bridegroom is permanent.
NB: Comparison must come out clearly for one to score
- Six reasons why some Christians live in disunity. (6mks)
- Greed for money
- Greed for power.
- Disagreement on church doctrines.
- Misinterpretation of the Bible
- Some Christians are arrogant
- Nepotism/tribalism in the church
- Some Christians feels that they are holier than others
- Discrimination along gender and age. First 6x1=6mks
- The fruits of the Holy Spirit, According to Galatians 5:22 (6mks)
- Importance of leisure in Christians life(7mks)
- It gives people time to rest
- Leisure provides people with time for recreation
- It allows people to travel and visit friends and relatives
- Leisure time allows people to attend social occasions such as weddings
- Leisure time can be used to enhance and acquire new skills and knowledge.
- Some people use leisure time to develop their talents and hobbies.
- Some people use their leisure time to engage in income generating activities.
- Common leisure activities in African Traditional Society and Christians. (6mks)
- Participating in sporting activities and games
- Vising friends and relatives
- Assisting the old and the needy
- Participating in environmental conservation.
- Singing and dancing
- Attending social functions e.g. weddings
- Being with family members.
First 6x1=6mks
- State ways through which Christians use leisure to glorify God (8mks)
- Praying individually or as a group
- Evangelizing i.e. preaching the word of God
- Joining others in Christian seminars and conferences
- Through singing in choir
- Writing Christina publications
- Through doing manual work in church
- Donating funds to the church to propagate the gospel
- Studying the Bible
- Doing works of charity e.g. assisting the sick
- Relaxing with family and friends
- Involve themselves in the development of community projects..
- Importance of leisure in Christians life(7mks)
- Outline the remedies to social disorder in our society today. (6mks)
- christens should never take or give bribe
- Christian’s workers should be contented with their salaries and wages.
- Christians should be hardworking so as to avoid social evils such as corruption
- They should be law biding
- Christians should aim at living righteously and uphold their integrity
- Christians leaders should not misuse their power to exploit the poor
- Christians should not discriminate others. E.g. through practice of tribalism
- List seven rights of a citizen. (7mks)
- Right employment / just wage
- Right to own / use personal properties
- Right to freedom of worship/expression/personal freedom
- Right to marry/ raise a family
- Right to a fair trial
- Right to assembly
- Right to life/protection
- Right to health
- Right to education
- Right to association’
- Right to vote
- Right to movement
- Right to human dignity/privacy
First 7x1=7mks
- Identify six ways in which the Kenyan Government is fighting terrorism. (6mks)
- They should send troops to fight the group in their strongholds
- It should come up with strict immigration laws within its borders
- Providing employment to the youths to reduce the idle youth from joining the group
- Creating public awareness in the existence of the group and its activities/sensitize the public to report suspects
- Implementing community policing/nyumba kumi initiative to report any suspects
- Enhancing strict penalties on the suspects
- Fighting strict penalties on the suspects
- Fighting corruption in the country / fight greed.
First 6x1=6mks
- Outline the remedies to social disorder in our society today. (6mks)
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