Grade 5 IRE Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 3 2023

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Strand/ Theme

Sub strand

Specific learning outcomes

Key inquiry Questions

Learning experiences

Learning Resources

Assessment methods





Nullifiers of saum

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify the nullifiers of saum to safeguard the validity of saum.
  2. differentiate between nullifiers of saum and swalah to strengthen ibadah
  3. appreciate fasting as a means of gaining taqwa (piety)
  1. Why should Muslims observe rules and regulation when fasting?
  2. What virtues do Muslims learn from fasting?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Discuss the nullifiers of saum and make oral presentation in class
  • Sort nullifiers of saum from of nullifiers swalah
  • Brainstorm on rules and regulations of saum and make presentation in class

Charts, course books, resource person, flash cards, digital devices, resource persons, personal logs

Oral assessment and observation schedule, written assessments, portfolio, Journals





Nullifiers of saum

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. differentiate between nullifiers of saum and swalah to strengthen ibadah
  2. Fast while observing the rules and regulations for spiritual growth.
  3. appreciate fasting as a means of gaining taqwa (piety)
  1. Why should Muslims observe rules and regulation when fasting?
  2. What virtues do Muslims learn from fasting?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Discuss the nullifiers of saum and make oral presentation in class
  • sort nullifiers of saum from of nullifiers swalah
  •  Brainstorm on rules and regulations of saum and make presentation in class

Charts, course books, resource person, flash cards, digital devices, resource persons, personal logs

Oral assessment and observation schedule, written assessments, portfolio, Journals





Virtues: Sabr (Patience)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the importance of exhibiting patience in their daily life
  2. Practice patience as a virtue necessary for character formation.
  3. Appreciate the virtue of patience as a means earning rewards from Allah.
  1. How do you react when annoyed by your schoolmates?
  2. Why should a Muslim observe patience?
  3. When should a Muslim practise patience?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Narrate short stories portraying patience.
  • Watch/listen to a story on patience and deduce the teachings
  • Discuss the importance of observing patience
  • Participate in activities that involve practising patience
  • e.g.turn taking during games, when queueing.
  • Encourage/show patience.

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment, observation schedule





Virtues: Sabr (Patience)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the importance of exhibiting patience in their daily life
  2. Practice patience as a virtue necessary for character formation.
  3. Appreciate the virtue of patience as a means earning rewards from Allah.
  1. How do you react when annoyed by your schoolmates?
  2. Why should a Muslim observe patience?
  3. When should a Muslim practise patience?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Narrate short stories portraying patience.
  • Watch/ listen to a story on patience and deduce the teachings
  • discuss the importance of observing patience
  • participate in activities that involve practising patience e.g.turn taking during games, when queueing.
  • Role play activities that Encourage/show patience.

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment, observation schedule





Effects of social media

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the positive and negative effects of social media on the youth.
  2. Outline ways of using social media responsibly to facilitate learning.
  3. use social media responsibly to benefit self and others
  1. How can one use social media positively?
  2. How can social media enhance learning?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • debate on the positive and negative effects of social media
  • discuss how to use social media responsibly and present in class
  • demonstrate how to use social media to facilitate learning

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment, observation schedule





Effects of social media

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the positive and negative effects of social media on the youth.
  2. Outline ways of using social media responsibly to facilitate learning.
  3. use social media responsibly to benefit self and others
  1. How can one use social media positively?
  2. How can social media enhance learning?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • debate on the positive and negative effects of social media
  • discuss how to use social media responsibly and present in class
  • demonstrate how to use social media to facilitate learning

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment, observation schedule





Vices: Evils of gambling

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the evils of gambling to promote responsible citizenship
  2. state ways of discouraging gambling in the society
  3. appreciate the prohibition of gambling by working hard for halaal (legal) earning
  1. What are the effects of participating in gambling?
  2. Why is gambling forbidden in Islam?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • discuss the effects of gambling and present in class
  • (loss of property, family break- down) 
  • role play the effects of gambling 
  • discouraging gambling in the society and display a chart

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment, observation schedule





Vices: Evils of gambling

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the evils of gambling to promote responsible citizenship
  2. state ways of discouraging gambling in the society
  3. appreciate the prohibition of gambling by working hard for halaal (legal) earning
  1. What are the effects of participating in gambling?
  2. Why is gambling forbidden in Islam?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • discuss the effects of gambling and present in class (loss of property, family break-down)
  • role play the effects of gambling
  • brainstorm on ways of discouraging gambling in the society and display a chart

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment, observation schedule





Dua (Supplications) Dua on increase in knowledge

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Recite/memorise the selecteddua as a form of ibadah.
  2. apply the teachings of the dua (supplication ) for spiritual nourishment
  3. appreciate the act of supplication as a form of Ibadah (act of worship)
  1. What is the importance of making dua always?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • memorize and recite the following dua from a digital device/teacher,
  • “Oh Allah make what you teach me beneficial, teach me what is beneficial, and increase me in knowledge.”
  • recite the dua every morning before start of class.
  • brainstorm on the importance of making dua and write notes

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment,







Dua (Supplications) Dua on increase in knowledge

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Recite/memorise the selecteddua as a form of ibadah.
  2. apply the teachings of the dua (supplication ) for spiritual nourishment
  3. appreciate the act of supplication as a form of Ibadah (act of worship)
  1. What is the importance of making dua always?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • memorize and recite the following dua from a digital device/teacher,
  • “Oh Allah make what you teach me beneficial, teach me what is beneficial, and increase me in knowledge.”
  • recite the dua every morning before start of class.
  • rainstorm on the importance of making dua and write notes

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment,







Dua (Supplications) Dua on increase in knowledge

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. apply the teachings of the dua (supplication ) for spiritual nourishment
  2. Explain the importance of the dua to a person seeking knowledge.
  3. appreciate the act of supplication as a form of Ibadah (act of worship)
  1. What is the importance of making dua always?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • listen and recite the following dua from a digital device/teacher,
  • “Oh Allah make what you teach me beneficial, teach me what is beneficial, and increase me in knowledge.”
  • recite the dua every morning before start of class.
  • brainstorm on the importance of making dua and write notes

Charts, course books, Digital devices,

Oral assessment,







Etiquette of Islamic wedding celebrations

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe the etiquette to be observed during Islamic wedding celebrations
  2. Outline un-islamic activities that take place during wedding celebrations.
  3. Appreciate Islamic wedding celebrations as part of Islamic heritage.
  1. What are the activities that take place during wedding celebrations?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • recall a wedding celebration they have attended and note down what they observed/experienced
  • watch an islamic wedding celebration from a digital device and the etiquette observed
  • sort the islamic and un- islamic activities performed during wedding celebrations using flash cards
  • role play the etiquette to be observed during the celebration e.g. (appropriate dressing, gender separation, avoiding Israaf and music)

Digital devices, realia, shop items.

Oral questions, observation

schedule, written


project work





Etiquette of Islamic wedding celebrations


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe the etiquette to be observed during Islamic wedding celebrations
  2. Outline un-islamic activities that take place during wedding celebrations.
  3. Appreciate Islamic wedding celebrations as part of Islamic heritage.
  1. What are the activities that take place during wedding celebrations?


Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • recall a wedding celebration they have attended and note down what they observed/experienced
  • watch an islamic wedding celebration from a digital device and the etiquette observed
  • sort the islamic and un- islamic activities performed during wedding celebrations using flash cards
  • role play the ettiquette to be observed during the celebration e.g. (appropriate dressing, gender separation, avoiding Israaf and music)

Digital devices, realia, shop items.

Oral questions, observation schedule,



project work






Rights of Neighbours

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the rights of neighbours for harmonious living.
  2. Demonstrate the awareness of the rights of neighbours as an act of ibadah.
  3. Appreciate the rights of neighbours as an obligatory act upon a Muslim.
  1. How should Muslims relate with neighbours?
  2. What are the rights of neighbours?
  3. What is the significance of upholding good neighbourhood?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to: 

  • search the rights of neighbours in Islam using digital devices/print media and make notes.
  • discuss the significance of treating neighbours well and display on a chart.
  • dramatize the right way of treating neighbours. rights of neighbours and deduce lessons from it using digital devices/ books/resource persons

Digital devices, realia, shop items.

Oral questions, observation schedule, written assessment, project work





Rights of Neighbours

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the rights of neighbours for harmonious living.
  2. Demonstrate the awareness of the rights of neighbours as an act of ibadah.
  3. Appreciate the rights of neighbours as an obligatory act upon a Muslim.
  1. How should Muslims relate with neighbours?
  2. What are the rights of neighbours?
  3. What is the significance of upholding good neighbourhood?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • search the rights of neighbours in Islam using digital devices/print media and make notes.
  • discuss the significance of treating neighbours well and display on a chart.
  • dramatize the right way of treating neighbours. rights of neighbours and deduce lessons from it using digital devices/ books/resource persons

Digital devices, realia, shop items.

Oral questions, observation schedule, written assessment, project work





Islamic rules of buying and selling

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. State the Islamic rules on buying and selling to promote a healthy business society.
  2. State the benefits of observing the Islamic rules on buying and selling.
  3. Observe the Islamic etiquette on buying and selling in day to day life.
  4. appreciate Islamic etiquette on the rules and regulations of buying and selling to earn rewards from Allah (Q83: 1-6)
  1. What should Muslims avoid while buying and selling?
  2. What are  Islamic teachings on buying and selling?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to: 

  • discuss islamic rules on buying and selling and make oral presentation
  • discuss the benefits of observing Islamic rules and regulations
  • search Hadith on buying and selling and write notes on lessons learnt using digital devices/books/resource persons

Digital devices, realia, shop items.

Oral questions, observation schedule, written assessment, project work





Islamic rules of buying and selling

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. State the Islamic rules on buying and selling to promote a healthy business society.
  2. State the benefits of observing the Islamic rules on buying and selling.
  3. Observe the Islamic etiquette on buying and selling in day to day life.
  4. appreciate Islamic etiquette on the rules and regulations of buying and selling to earn rewards from Allah (Q83: 1-6)
  1. What should Muslims avoid while buying and selling?
  2. What are Islamic teachings on buying and selling?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to: 

  • role play the islamic ruleas and regulations on buying and selling.
  • Name commodities that they have bought from the market.
  • Undertake a project of creating a shop corner by collecting items, write a price list and a list of Islamic rules to be observed

Digital devices, realia, shop items.

Oral questions, observation schedule, written assessment, project work





Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Narrate the story of the Prophet(s.a.w)’s journey to Taifand its implications on Islamic history.
  2. practise the virtues demonstrated by the Prophet (s.a.w) in his journey to Taif.
  3. Appreciate the virtues demonstrated by the Prophet (s.a.w) while in Taif.
  1. What lessons can Muslims learn from the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey toTaif?
  2. How did the Prophet (s.a.w) relate with the people of Taif?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Listen/watch a story on the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif from a digital device/ resource persons.
  • identify the virtues learnt from the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif and display them on a chart
  • brainstorm on the situations that require exhibition of the following virtues: (patience, tolerance and perseverance)

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Narrate the story of the Prophet(s.a.w)’s journey to Taifand its implications on Islamic history.
  2. practise the virtues demonstrated by the Prophet (s.a.w) in his journey to Taif.
  3. Appreciate the virtues demonstrated by the Prophet (s.a.w) while in Taif.
  1. What lessons can Muslims learn from the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey toTaif?
  2. How did the Prophet (s.a.w) relate with the people of Taif?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Listen/watch a story on the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif from a digital device/ resource persons.
  • identify the virtues learnt from the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif and display them on a chart
  • brainstorm on the situations that require exhibition of the following virtues: (patience, tolerance and perseverance)

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Narrate the story of the Prophet(s.a.w)’s journey to Taifand its implications on Islamic history.
  2. practise the virtues demonstrated by the Prophet (s.a.w) in his journey to Taif.
  3. Appreciate the virtues demonstrated by the Prophet (s.a.w) while in Taif.
  1. What lessons can Muslims learn from the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey toTaif?
  2. How did the Prophet (s.a.w) relate with the people of Taif?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Listen/watch a story on the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif from a digital device/ resource persons.
  • Identify the virtues learnt from the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Taif and display them on a chart
  • brainstorm on the situations that require exhibition of the following virtues: (patience, tolerance and perseverance)

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Pledges of Aqabah

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe the events that led to the signing of the pledges of Aqabah as part of Islamic history
  2. identify the terms of the pledges of Aqabah for character formation
  3. explain the significance of the pledges of Aqabah in the History of Islam
  1. Why are the pledges of Aqabah important in the life of a Muslim?
  2. How did Muslims benefit from the pledges of Aqabah?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Watch a video on the pledges of Aqaba from a digital device and write the terms.
  • discuss the events that led to the signing of the pledges of Aqabah
  • Role play and present in class (e.g the Prophet (s.a.w) meeting delegates from Yathrib, preaching by Mus’ab bin Umayr in Madina, signing the pledges…)
  • Brainstorm on the significance of the pledges of Aqaba and display on a chart.

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Pledges of Aqabah

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe the events that led to the signing of the pledges of Aqabah as part of Islamic history
  2. identify the terms of the pledges of Aqabah for character formation
  3. explain the significance of the pledges of Aqabah in the History of Islam
  1. Why are the pledges of Aqabah important in the life of a Muslim?
  2. How did Muslims benefit from the pledges of Aqabah?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • watch a video on the pledges of Aqaba from a digital device and write the terms.
  • discuss the events that led to the signing of the pledges of Aqabah
  • Role play and present in class (e.g the Prophet (s.a.w) meeting delegates from Yathrib, preaching by Mus’ab bin Umayr in Madina, signing the pledges…)
  • Brainstorm on the significance of the pledges of Aqaba and display on a chart.

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Pledges of Aqabah

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe the events that led to the signing of the pledges of Aqabah as part of Islamic history
  2. identify the terms of the pledges of Aqabah for character formation
  3. explain the significance of the pledges of Aqabah in the History of Islam
  1. Why are the pledges of Aqabah important in the life of a Muslim?
  2. How did Muslims benefit from the pledges of Aqabah?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • watch a video on the pledges of Aqaba from a digital device and write the terms.
  • discuss the events that led to the signing of the pledges of Aqabah
  • role play and present in class (e.g the Prophet (s.a.w) meeting delegates from Yathrib, preaching by Mus’ab bin Umayr in Madina, signing the pledges…)
  • Brainstorm on the significance of the pledges of Aqaba and display on a chart.

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Hijra to Madina

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Narrate the events on the Prophet’s migration to Madina and the major events as part of Islamic Heritage.
  2. Explain the significance of the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Madina as a milestone in Islam.
  3. appreciate the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Madina as the beginning of Islamic civilization
  1. Why did the Prophet (s.a.w) migrate to Madina?
  2. What events took place during the Prophet’s journey to Madinah?
  3. Why is Hijra important to Muslims?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Listen/watch a story on the Prophet (s.a.w)’s migration to Madina from a digital device/teacher
  • discuss the major events that took place during the Prophet (s.a.w)’s migration to Madina e.g.(the Prophet (s.a.w) leaving Ali in his house ,departure with Abubakar, at cave Thaur, the incident of Suraqah,reception in Madina).

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Hijra to Madina

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Narrate the events on the Prophet’s migration to Madina and the major events as part of Islamic Heritage.
  2. Explain the significance of the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Madina as a milestone in Islam.
  3. appreciate the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Madina as the beginning of Islamic civilization
  1. Why did the Prophet (s.a.w) migrate to Madina?
  2. What events took place during the Prophet’s journey to Madinah?
  3. Why is Hijra important to Muslims?

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Listen/watch a story on the Prophet (s.a.w)’s migration to Madina from a digital device/teacher
  • Discuss the major events that took place during the Prophet (s.a.w)’s migration to Madina e.g.(the Prophet (s.a.w) leaving Ali in his house ,departure with Abubakar, at cave Thaur, the incident of Suraqah,reception in Madina).

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Hijra to Madina

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Narrate the events on the Prophet’s migration to Madina and the major events as part of Islamic Heritage.
  2. Explain the significance of the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Madina as a milestone in Islam.
  3. appreciate the Prophet (s.a.w)’s journey to Madina as the beginning of Islamic civilization
  1. Why did the Prophet (s.a.w) migrate to Madina?
  2. What events took place during the Prophet’s journey to Madinah?
  3. Why is Hijra important to Muslims?
  • Sing a aQasida of welcoming the Prophet (S.A.W) i.e Talaal Badru ‘alaynaa)
  • Discuss the significance of Hijra and make short note e.g. end of persecution, unity of the Ummah, beginning of the Islamic calendar).

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Unity between the Muhajirun and the Ansar

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe how the Prophet (s.a.w) united theMuhajirun and the Ansar in Madina
  2. Explain the role played by the Ansar in the settlement of Muhajirun in Madina.
  3. develop a desire to maintain Islamic brotherhood as per the teachings of Islam
  1. How did the Prophet (s.a.w) unite the Muhajirun and the Ansar?
  2. What role did the Ansar play in the settlement of the Muhajirun

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • Discuss who are the Muhajirun and the Ansar
  • Listen/watch a story on how united the Muhajirun and the Ansar were from a digital device/teacher
  • discuss the role played by the Ansar in settling the Muhajirun (e.g. shared their wealth, assisted them in integration and settlement)
  • discuss the lessons learnt from the spirit of brotherhood established by the Prophet (s.a.w)(Muslims must be united, assist one another)

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Unity between the Muhajirun and the Ansar

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe how the Prophet (s.a.w) united theMuhajirun and the Ansar in Madina
  2. Explain the role played by the Ansar in the settlement of Muhajirun in Madina.
  3. develop a desire to maintain Islamic brotherhood as per the teachings of Islam
  1. How did the Prophet (s.a.w) unite the Muhajirun and the Ansar?
  2. What role did the Ansar play in the settlement of the Muhajirun

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • who are the Muhajirun and the Ansar
  • listen/watch a story on how united the Muhajirun and the Ansar were from a digital device/teacher
  • discuss the role played by the Ansar in settling the Muhajirun (e.g. shared their wealth, assisted them in integration and settlement)
  • discuss the lessons learnt from the spirit of brotherhood established by the Prophet (s.a.w)(Muslims must be united, assist one another)

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts

Oral questions, observation schedule, project





Unity between the Muhajirun and the Ansar

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe how the Prophet (s.a.w) united theMuhajirun and the Ansar in Madina
  2. Explain the role played by the Ansar in the settlement of Muhajirun in Madina.
  3. develop a desire to maintain Islamic brotherhood as per the teachings of Islam
  1. How did the Prophet (s.a.w) unite the Muhajirun and the Ansar?
  2. What role did the Ansar play in the settlement of the Muhajirun

Individually/in pairs/in small groups, learners are guided to:

  • who are the Muhajirun and the Ansar
  • listen/watch a story on how united the Muhajirun and the Ansar were from a digital device/teacher
  • discuss the role played by the Ansar in settling the Muhajirun (e.g. shared their wealth, assisted them in integration and settlement)
  • Discuss the lessons learnt from the spirit of brotherhood established by the Prophet (s.a.w)(Muslims must be united, assist one another)

Story books on the sirah, course books and digital devices

Islamic calendar/charts











Oral questions, observation schedule, project
























Read 331 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 13:18

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