Grade 5 Social Studies Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 3 2023

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Sub strand

Specific learning outcomes

Key inquiry Questions

Learning experiences

Learning Resources

Assessment methods





Mining in Kenya: Major minerals

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  • Identify major minerals found in the Country
  • draw a map of Kenya
  • and locate major minerals
  • appreciate the importance of minerals found in our country

How do we benefit from the minerals found in our country?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs and list the minerals found in Kenya
  • (Soda ash, Diatomite , limestone, Salt, petroleum)
  • Identify in groups, minerals found in Kenya using appropriate media
  • Draw a map of Kenya and locate major minerals.
  • Maps
  • Photographs and pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Vetted digital resources, educational computer games
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation





Mining in Kenya: importance of minerals

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  • examine the importance of minerals in our country
  • discuss problems facing mining in Kenya
  • appreciate the importance of minerals found in our country

How do we benefit from the minerals found in our country?

  • Engage with a resource person on the importance of minerals.
  • Discuss in groups, problems facing mining in Kenya and do class presentations
  • Maps
  • Photographs and pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Vetted digital resources, educational computer games 
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation








Mining in Kenya: importance of minerals


By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  • examine the importance of minerals in our country
  • discuss problems facing mining in Kenya
  • appreciate the importance of minerals found in our country


How do we benefit from the minerals found in our country?


  • Visit a mining site in the locality/use internet to learn more about importance of mining in our country
  • Prepare a report on the
  • visit/internet search and present in class
  • Create posters on importance of mining in Kenya
  • Maps
  • Photographs and pictures
  • Flash cards and posters
  • Vetted digital
  • resources, educational computer games
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation







Leadership and Political Change: Traditional leaders in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • describe the contributions of selected traditional leaders in the country
  • state the roles of traditional leaders
  • appreciate the role of traditional leaders in the community

Why are traditional leaders important in our community?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm, in groups on who is a traditional leader
  • Find out from parents/guardians the role of traditional leaders in the community and share in class
  • Observe pictures of selected traditional leaders in Kenya using appropriate media (Kivoi wa Mwendwa and Mekatilili wa Menza)
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Leadership and Political Change: Traditional leaders in Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  • illustrate the differences and similarities between the selected traditional leaders in Kenya
  • Name some traditional leaders appreciate the role of traditional leaders in the community

Why are traditional leaders important in our community?

  • Gather information in groups, and do a write up on the contributions of selected traditional leaders in Kenya
  • Present their findings in class
  • Illustrate the differences and similarities between the selected traditional leaders in Kenya using charts and display in class
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio






Leadership and Political Change: Traditional leaders in Kenya


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  • illustrate the differences and similarities between the selected traditional leaders in Kenya
  • Name some traditional leaders
  • appreciate the role of traditional leaders in the community

Why are traditional leaders important in our community?

  • Collect and creatively display portraits/ pictures of the selected traditional leaders in Kenya
  • Draw, colour and display in class pictures of selected traditional leaders
  • Share with parents/guardians the contributions of traditional leaders in Kenya
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Early forms of Government

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • describe early forms of government among selected communities in Kenya
  • state the source of early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • appreciate the importance of early forms of governance in our country

How was your community ruled in the past?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs on forms of leadership in their community and share in class
  • Use appropriate media to describe early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • Find out from the library or relevant sources the early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • Present their findings in class
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Early forms of Government

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • describe early forms of government among selected communities in Kenya
  • state the source of early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • appreciate the importance of early forms of governance in our country

How was your community ruled in the past?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in pairs on forms of leadership in their community and share in class
  • Use appropriate media to describe early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • Find out from the library or relevant sources the early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • Present their findings in class
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Similarities and differences in early forms of Government between the Maasai and Ameru

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government between the Maasai and Ameru
  • role play early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • appreciate the importance of early forms of governance in our country

How was your community ruled in the past?

  • Develop a chart to illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru
  • Create a simple journal on what they have learnt about early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru
  • Role play early forms of government among the Maasai or the Ameru
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Similarities and differences in early forms of Government between the Maasai and Ameru

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government between the Maasai and Ameru
  • role play early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • appreciate the importance of early forms of governance in our country

How was your community ruled in the past?

  • Develop a chart to illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru
  • Create a simple journal on what they have learnt about early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru
  • Role play early forms of government among the Maasai or the Ameru
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Similarities and differences in early forms of Government between the Maasai and Ameru

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government between the Maasai and Ameru
  • role play early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru
  • appreciate the importance of early forms of governance in our country

How was your community ruled in the past?

  • Develop a chart to illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru
  • Create a simple journal on what they have learnt about early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru
  • Role play early forms of government among the Maasai or the Ameru
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Citizenship in Kenya: Good citizenship

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  • state how one becomes a Kenyan citizen
  • explain ways in which one may lose Kenyan citizenship
  • citizenship in our country
  • demonstrate good citizenship in Kenya

Who is a Kenyan Citizen?

Learners are guided to;-

  • Find out ways of becoming a Kenyan citizen using digital resources
  • Brainstorm in groups, ways of becoming a Kenyan citizen and share in class.
  • Discuss in pairs, the requirements for dual citizenship in Kenya and share in class.
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Citizenship in Kenya: Good citizenship

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  • discuss the requirements for dual citizenship in Kenya
  • develop communication messages on good citizenship in our country
  • demonstrate good citizenship in Kenya

Who is a Kenyan Citizen?

  • Discuss in groups, ways in which one may lose Kenyan citizenship and present in class.
  • Write an essay on what may happen if one lost Kenyan citizenship
  • Create and recite poems on Kenyan citizenship.
  • Sing songs on good Kenyan Citizenship
  • Develop communication messages on good citizenship and share with others in school
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Symbols of Nationals Unity

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • identify national symbols in Kenya
  • draw and colour the national symbols using locally available materials
  • desire to promote national unity in the country

How can we promote National unity in our country?

Learner are guided to;-

  • Think pair and share national symbols in Kenya. (The Coat of arms. The national flag ,the national anthem and the Public Seal)
  • Use appropriate media to identify the national symbols in Kenya and share with others in class.
  • Draw and colour the national symbols in Kenya using the locally available materials. (The Coat of arms. The national flag and the Public Seal)
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project
  • Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Factors that promote National Unity

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • discuss factors which promote national unity in the country
  • sing and write the three stanzas of the National anthem
  • desire to promote national unity in the country

How can we promote National unity in our country?

  • Sing and write down in groups, the three stanzas of the National anthem of Kenya
  • Brainstorm in groups factors which promote national unity in Kenya (National Symbols, National Days and National languages)
  • Use appropriate media to establish factors which promote national unity in Kenya
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources 
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Factors that promote National Unity

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • discuss factors which promote national unity in the country
  • sing and write the three stanzas of the National anthem
  • desire to promote national unity in the country

How can we promote National unity in our country?

  • Find out from parents/ guardians or elders about the National days in Kenya
  • Write a report and share in class about national days in Kenya
  • Share experiences on national days in Kenya
  • Sing songs on national unity
  • Participate in celebration of national days in Kenya
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Human rights

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;

  • Identify the basic human rights in Kenya
  • explain the importance of human rights in society
  • desire to promote respect for human rights in society

Why is it important to respect human rights?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm in groups on the meaning of Human Rights and share in class
  • Identify the basic human rights in Kenya using appropriate media and share in class
  • Discuss in groups the importance of human rights in society and do class presentations.
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Human rights

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;

  • explain the importance of human rights in society
  • create awareness on the importance of respecting human rights in society
  • desire to promote respect for human rights in society

Why is it important to respect human rights?

  • Engage with a resource person on the importance of human rights and write a report
  • Recite poems and sing songs on importance of human rights in society.
  • Develop posters to create awareness on the importance of respecting human rights in society
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





in Kenya

Democracy in society: Types of Democracy

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  • identify types of democracy in Kenya
  • define the term democracy
  • desire to promote democracy in society

How can we

practice democracy in our society?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brainstorm, in pairs to understand the meaning of democracy.
  • Find out types of democracy in Kenya using appropriate media and write short notes (Direct and in direct Democracy)
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral
  • Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Benefits of Democracy

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  • discuss benefits of democracy in society
  • develop posters on benefits of democracy in society
  • desire to promote democracy in society

How can we practice

democracy in our society?

  • Discuss in groups and list the benefits of democracy in society
  • Engage with a resource person on the benefits of democracy in society
  • Find out more about benefits of democracy in society using digital resources/appropriate media
  • Recite poems /sing songs on the importance of democracy in society
  • Participate in democratic processes in society
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher
  • made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Electoral Process In Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • explain the importance of voting in Kenya
  • identify the elective political positions in Kenya
  • desire to participate in free and fair elections

Why should we vote?

Learners are guided to:

  • Think pair and share on the meaning of voting
  • Brainstorm in pairs, the importance of voting and share in class.
  • Use digital resources to identify elective political positions in Kenya
  • Engage with a resource person on the voting steps in Kenya and write a report
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Electoral Process In Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • explain the importance of voting in Kenya
  • identify the elective political positions in Kenya
  • desire to participate in free and fair elections

Why should we vote?

Learners are guided to:

  • Think pair and share on the meaning of voting
  • Brainstorm in pairs, the importance of voting and share in class.
  • Use digital resources to identify elective political positions in Kenya
  • Engage with a resource person on the voting steps in Kenya and write a report
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Electoral Process In Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • illustrate the steps of voting in the country
  • identify the elective political positions in Kenya desire to participate in free and fair elections

Why should we vote?

Discuss in groups the voting steps in Kenya

  • Develop a poster on voting steps in Kenya and display in school
  • Role play the voting process in Kenya/elected leaders in Kenya
  • Share with members of the community the voting steps in Kenya
  • Share experiences in class on the elections in Kenya
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Electoral Process In Kenya

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  • illustrate the steps of voting in the country
  • identify the elective political positions in Kenya
  • desire to participate in free and fair elections

Why should we vote?

  • Discuss in groups the voting steps in Kenya
  • Develop a poster on voting steps in Kenya and display in school
  • Role play the voting process in Kenya/elected leaders in Kenya
  • Share with members of the community the voting steps in Kenya
  • Share experiences in class on the elections in Kenya
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





The National Government In Kenya: composition of the three arms of National government

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  • Describe the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • Identify the three arms of Government
  • desire to participate in national governance in the country

What is the work of Government in our country?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brain storm in groups the three arms of National Government in Kenya and share in
  • class (The Executive, The Legislature and The Judiciary)
  • Identify the three arms of government using appropriate media and list them down.
  • Brainstorm in pairs the composition of the National Government in Kenya and share in class
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





The National Government In Kenya: composition of the three arms of National government

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  • Describe the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • Identify the three arms of Government
  • desire to participate in national governance in the country

What is the work of Government in our country?

Learners are guided to:

  • Brain storm in groups the three arms of National Government in Kenya and share in
  • class (The Executive, The Legislature and The Judiciary)
  • Identify the three arms of government using appropriate media and list them down.
  • Brainstorm in pairs the composition of the National Government in Kenya and share in class
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





The National Government In Kenya: functions of the three arms of national Government

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  • illustrate the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • explain the functions of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • desire to participate in national governance in the country

What is the work of Government in our country?

  • Find out in groups, the composition of the three arms of government in Kenya using relevant sources
  • Illustrate and display in class the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • Discuss, in groups functions of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





The National Government In Kenya: functions of the three arms of national Government

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

  • illustrate the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • explain the functions of the three arms of National Government in Kenya
  • desire to participate in national governance in the country

What is the work of Government in our country?

  • Engage with a resource person on the functions of the three arms of National Government
  • Respond to a worksheet on the functions of the
  • three arms of National Government and share experiences.
  • Photographs , pictures and paintings
  • TV/video/films /slides/ Internet sources
  • Live Radio Broadcasts
  • Oral Questions
  • Teacher made tests
  • Observation
  • Project Work
  • Checklist
  • Portfolio





Read 240 times Last modified on Monday, 21 November 2022 09:17

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