Grade 5 Agriculture Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 3 2023

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Ls n

Strand/Th eme

Sub strand

Specific learning outcomes

Key inquiry Questions

Learning experiences

Learning Resources

Assessment methods





Sowing seeds on a nursery bed

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Establish a nursery bed for vegetables
  2. Demonstrate sowing of seeds on a nursery bed
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners to sow vegetable seeds on the prepared nursery bed.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.70-71

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg.112

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Care for vegetable seedlings in the nursery bed

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify gardening practices for vegetables.
  2. Take care of a nursery bed for vegetables
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners take care of the established vegetable crop using correct tools and equipment appropriately.
  • In groups, learners take care of the nursery bed (mulching, watering, thinning, uprooting weeds, removing pests and diseased plants)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.72

MTP Agriculture
Grade 5 TG. Pg. 113-114

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Care for vegetable seedlings in the nursery bed

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify gardening practices for vegetables.
  2. Take care of a nursery bed for vegetables
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners take care of the established vegetable crop using correct tools and equipment appropriately.
  • In groups, learners take care of the nursery bed (mulching, watering, thinning, uprooting weeds, removing pests and diseased plants)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.72

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 113-114

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation







Preparing the seedbed

for planting


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Take care of a nursery bed for vegetables
  2. Prepare the seedbed for planting vegetables
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables?
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners prepare a suitable nursery bed for planting vegetables.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.73

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 115-116

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation











By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Take care of a nursery bed for vegetables
  2. Transplant seedlings from a vegetable nursery to a suitable site.
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables?
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners transplant vegetable into a prepared seedbed.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.74-75

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 117-116

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation













By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Take care of a nursery bed for vegetables
  2. Transplant seedlings from a vegetable nursery to a suitable site.
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables?
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners transplant vegetable into a prepared seedbed.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.74-75

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg.


  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation







Selling surplus



By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Transplant seedlings from a vegetable nursery to a suitable site.
  2. Sell surplus vegetable seedlings to earn income.
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables?
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • Learners to sell surplus vegetables to the community.
  • Learners to assist parents and guardians in the activities for growing vegetables and maintaining tools and equipment at home.
  • Learners to sell surplus vegetables seedlings to the community.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.76

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 120-121

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Identifying gardening practices for vegetables

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify gardening practices for vegetables.
  2. Take care of a nursery bed for vegetables
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners brainstorm and share experience on gardening such as mulching, watering, thinning, weeding, removal of pests and diseased plants or parts.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.77-78

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 121-122

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Taking care of growing vegetable crops

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Take care of growing vegetable crop after transplanting.
  2. Use correct tools and equipment appropriately in taking care of growing vegetables to ensure safety of self and others
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners take care of the established vegetable crop using correct tools and equipment appropriately.
  • In groups, learners take care of the nursery bed (mulching, watering, thinning, uprooting weeds, removing pests and diseased plants)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.79-80

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 122-123

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Identifying vegetables suitable for harvesting

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Use correct tools and equipment appropriately in taking care of growing vegetables to ensure safety of self and others
  2. Determine appropriate stage of harvesting vegetables.
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learners to brainstorm on appropriate stage of harvesting vegetables.
  • In groups, learners to harvest vegetables for consumption and nutrition.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.81-82

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 124-126

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation








Harvesting vegetables


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Determine appropriate stage of harvesting vegetables.
  2. Harvest vegetables crops appropriately to avoid damage.
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?


  • In groups, learners to brainstorm on appropriate stage of harvesting vegetables.
  • In groups, learners to harvest vegetables for consumption and nutrition.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.83

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 126-127

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation







Keeping consumptio n and sales record

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Make and keep consumption and sales record
  2. Harvest vegetables crops appropriately to avoid damage.
  3. Appreciate the importance of growing vegetable for nutrition and food security.
  1. What are the gardening practices for vegetables? 
  2. Why should we grow vegetables?
  • In groups, learner brainstorm and share experiences on importance of growing vegetables.
  • Learners to keep record of consumption and sales
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.84

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 128-131

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Innovative Gardening: Vertical and Horizontal gardening

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Distinguish between horizontal and vertical innovative gardening.
  2. Watch a video clip on innovative gardening practices
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners to brainstorm on the difference between horizontal and vertical innovative gardening.
  • Learners watch or conserve stimulus materials (video clips, pictures, and photographs) on innovative gardening practices showing various crops in innovative gardens (vertical and horizontal gardens)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.88

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 133

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation








Innovative gardening practices


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Distinguish between horizontal and vertical innovative gardening.
  2. Identify various innovative gardening practices
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?


  • In groups, learners to identify suitable ways and materials (sacks, wails, plastic pipes and plastic bottles) for practicing innovative gardening.
  • In groups, learners to discuss how innovative gardening can be practiced and where they could locate the innovative gardens
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.89-90

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 134

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation







Innovative gardening practices

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Distinguish between horizontal and vertical innovative gardening.
  2. Identify various innovative gardening practices
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners to identify suitable ways and materials (sacks, wails, plastic pipes and plastic bottles) for practicing innovative gardening.
  • In groups, learners to discuss how innovative gardening can be practiced and where they could locate the innovative gardens
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.89-90

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 134

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Innovative gardening practices

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Distinguish between horizontal and vertical innovative gardening.
  2. Identify various innovative gardening practices
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners to identify suitable ways and materials (sacks, wails, plastic pipes and plastic bottles) for practicing innovative gardening.
  • In groups, learners to discuss how innovative gardening can be practiced and where they could locate the innovative gardens
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.89-90

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 134

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Preparing and establishing innovative gardens

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetable seeds.
  2. Sow vegetable seeds in the innovative gardens.
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetables.
  • In groups, learners to sow vegetables materials in the innovative gardens.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.91-92

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 135

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation








Preparing and establishing innovative gardens


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetable seeds.
  2. Sow vegetable seeds in the innovative gardens.
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces?
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetables.
  • In groups, learners to sow egetables materials in the innovative gardens.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.91-92

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 135

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation







Preparing and establishing innovative gardens

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetable seeds.
  2. Sow vegetable seeds in the innovative gardens.
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetables.
  • In groups, learners to sow vegetables materials in the innovative gardens.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.91-92

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 135

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Preparing and establishing innovative gardens

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetable seeds.
  2. Sow vegetable seeds in the innovative gardens.
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners prepare innovative gardens for sowing vegetables.
  • In groups, learners to sow vegetables materials in the innovative gardens.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.91-92

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 135

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Importance of innovative gardening

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Discuss the importance of innovative gardening
  2. Sow vegetable seeds in the innovative gardens.
  3. Show interest in growing of crops using innovative gardening.
  1. How can gardening be done on vertical and horizontal spaces? 
  2. What materials can be used to construct innovative gardens?
  • In groups, learners discuss the importance of innovative gardening.
  • Learners to collaborate with parents and guardians to establish innovative gardens for growing vegetables at home.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.93

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 136-137

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation








Innovative gardening project


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Find information on innovative gardening.
  2. Watch a video clip on
  3. innovative gardening project
  4. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?


  • In groups, learners to use digital and print resources to acquire information on innovative gardening.
  • Learners watch video clip on innovative gardening practices carried out on vegetables.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.94

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 138

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation







Identifying gardening practices

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Find information on innovative gardening.
  2. Identify the gardening practices for vegetables in innovative gardens.
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?
  • In groups, learners discuss and make presentations to share experiences on innovative gardening practices they carried out, harvest and produce made from gardens, importance of innovative gardens and how they resolved encountered challenges.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.94-95

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 139-140

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Identifying gardening practices

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Find information on innovative gardening.
  2. Identify the gardening practices for vegetables in innovative gardens.
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?
  • In groups, learners discuss and make presentations to share experiences on innovative gardening practices they carried out, harvest and produce made from gardens, importance of innovative gardens and how they resolved encountered challenges.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.94-95

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 139-140

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Making a duty schedule

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Carry out the gardening practices for vegetables in innovative gardens.
  2. Prepare and make a duty schedule for the vegetable gardens
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?
  • In groups, learners carry out gardening practices in the innovative gardens.
  • Learners to collaborate with parents and guardians to establish innovative vegetable gardens and keep records at home
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.95

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 140-141

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation








Making a duty schedule


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Carry out the gardening practices for vegetables in innovative gardens.
  2. Prepare and make a duty schedule for the vegetable gardens
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens?
  2. How are vegetables harvested?
  • In groups, learners carry out gardening practices in the innovative gardens.
  • Learners to collaborate with parents and guardians to establish innovative vegetable gardens and keep records at home
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.95

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 140-141

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation






Photograph records on innovative gardening

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Carry out the gardening practices for vegetables in innovative gardens.
  2. Store photos records on activities carried out on innovative gardening.
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?
  • In groups, learner to use digital devices to keep records on vegetable gardening practices such as practices done and dates of the practices, date of harvest and amount of harvest.
  • Learners to make pictorial presentations on the various milestones of the innovative garden projects
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.96

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 141-142

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Photograph records on innovative gardening

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Carry out the gardening practices for vegetables in innovative gardens.
  2. Store photos records on activities carried out on innovative gardening.
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?
  • In groups, learner to use digital devices to keep records on vegetable gardening practices such as practices done and dates of the practices, date of harvest and amount of harvest.
  • Learners to make pictorial presentations on the various milestones of the innovative garden projects.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.96

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 141-142

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation








Determinin g the right stage of harvesting vegetables


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Determine the appropriate age for harvesting vegetables from the vegetable gardens
  2. Harvest vegetables from innovative gardens.
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?


  • In groups, learners harvest vegetables from innovative gardens.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.97-98

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 142-145

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation







Determinin g the right stage of harvesting vegetables

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Determine the appropriate age for harvesting vegetables from the vegetable gardens
  2. Harvest vegetables from innovative gardens.
  3. Show responsibility in growing crops In innovative gardens at home and school
  1. How can we care for innovative vegetable gardens? 
  2. How are vegetables harvested?
  • In groups, learners harvest vegetables from innovative gardens.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Realia
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg.97-98

MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 142-145

  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation





Read 497 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2022 12:18

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