Growing in Christ CRE Scheme - Grade 1 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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Sub strand

Specific learning outcome

Key inquiry question

Learning experiences

Learning resources







By the end of the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: Recognize themselves as unique created in the image and likeness Recognize that Gods know then by their names as part of God’s creation as they are special

to God

What is your name?

Learners to read genesis1:27

Learners to say why they  are special before God

Learners to sing a song related to why they special to God.


Bible Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 1-8 

Observing the learners as they read the bible and sing






By the end of the sub- strand the learners should be able to:

Recognize why they are special creatures in the eyes of God recognize that we all belong to God and Gog loves us all as his special creation because we are made in his own image and likeness

Why are we special creatures?

Leaners to tell who their special friend are? Learners to learn that they are special because they are created in God’s image and likeness

Learners to recite the verse from the bible Isaiah 49:16 Learners to watch video clip on God creation


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 1-8 




Asking learners questions Writing  exercise 






By the end of the sub  strand the learners should be able to:

Mention the name for identification and self- awareness 

Mention the names of their friends

Recognize that God knows them by their names

What is your name

The teacher to ask learners to mention their name for self- identification

Learners mention the names of their friends in class 

Recite in class the verse Isaiah 43:1 which states that God knows them by names

Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 1-8 



Ask learners to mention their names






By the end of the of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Recognize that their names are important as they give them their identity 

Identify the names of their friends to enhance together  Write their names on flash cards to improve the skill of writing 

Who is your special friend?

The teacher asks the learners to tell the names of their special friends

Learners write the names of their special friends

Read aloud their names in class and write their names and friends names in the charts


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Heron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 1-8 



Asking learners to write the names of their special friends





Self awareness

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

identify who knows their name

Read the names in the picture

Interpret what is in the picture

Who knows your name?






Learners tell who knows their names Learners read the names that are in the picture

Recite the verse Isaiah



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 1-8 


Asking learners to write the names of their friends





Self awareness

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Draw their names on the palm of their hands Read the names on their palm

Identify that God knows them by name Isaiah 49:16

What is your name?

Learners watch the video clip of palm and identify 

Learners read and mention the name on the palm 

Recite the verse Isaiah 49:16

Audio visual material 


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 1-8

Observe learners as they watch the video clip and ask question of what they see in the clip


3 1 Creation Self awareness

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Draw their palm

Color the pictures of their palm/drawing

Write their names on the palm

Learners draw themselves

How special are you to God?

Learners draw their palm

The learner color their drawing

Learner write their names on the palm Draw themselves


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 1-8 

Observe the learners As the draw

  2 Creation My family

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Identify   the members if the family

Appreciate members of the family 

Count the members of the family

Name the members of the family

Learners name the members of the family Learners identify the members of the family in the pictures

Count the members of the family


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 9-13

Asking question to learners.

Naming the family members

  3 Creation My family

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Name   the members of a nuclear family

Identify members of a nuclear family in picture Draw members of the nuclear family in the chart

Who are the members of the nuclear family?

Learners name the members of a nuclear family

Learners draw a chart on the members of the nuclear family

Learners work in pair to identify the members of the family in the chart



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki.

Page 10-15

Observe learners as draw the members of the family on the chart  
4 1 Creation My family

By the end of the sub strand the should be able to: Mention who leads prayers at home 

Pray with the family

Have a desire to participate in the family prayers through reading the prayer in the bible and prayer book in order promote sound morals and religious values

Who leads prayers at home?

The teacher guides learners to pray

Learners mention who leads prayers at home Read in the bible and prayer book on how to pray

Prayer book

Bible Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by

Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 10-15 

Ask the leaners how the pray at home  
  2 Creation My family

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Record the number of times they pray at home together with their family to enhance togetherness

Recognize the importance of prayers in order to grow spiritually and morally upright

How many times do you pray a day

Learners demonstrate how they always pray at home

Learners record the no of times they pray at home as a family enhanced unity of family members


Prayer book

Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 10-15 

Observe learners as they demonstrate how to pray at home  
  3 Creation My family

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify the items they share at home to enhance togetherness

Identify the items in the picture and name the items they share at home

What do you share at home? Learners to identify items they share at home in groups or pairs Learners to identify the items thy share in the picture at home Draw items they share at home in the charts



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 10-15 

Observe the learners as they draw the items they share at home Ask question on the items they share at home  
5 1 Creation  My family

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Appreciate the importance of sharing at home to enhance family unity

Draw and color the items they share at home to enhance creativity and promote individual development and self efficiency

Why are we sharing?

Learners observe and discuss the a char/picture/photograp h of a family sharing a meal 

Learners to draw and color the things the they share

Learners to share with the themselves what  they have to enhance the importance of sharing



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 10-15 

Observe learners as they share items in class  
  2 Creation  Creation of Plants and Animals

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Mention the types of animals and plants created by god in the school environment

Draw and color plants animals found in the school environment

What types of plants and animals found in the school environment?

Learners identify and mention the plants and animals found in the school environment

Learners draw and color the plants and animals found in the school environment

Learners to take a natural walk in the school compound to see various types of animals and plants


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 16-19

Observe learners as they draw and color plants and animals found in the school environment  
  3 Creation  Creation of Plants and Animals

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify types of plants and animals found in their home Identify in the pictures animals found in the animal park

Recognize that God also created animals and plants  Make animals through modeling it.

State the names of the animals 

Who created animals and plants?

Learners to visit the animal park and identify the animals found them

Learners to name the animals found in the park

Learners the plants found in the garden Draw and color and the pictures of animals and plants and to know that God also created plants and animals



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 16-19 

grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 16-19 

Asking questions on what they see in the trip to the animal park  
6 1 Creation Creation of Plants and Animals

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Care for plants as part of God’s creation

Name the benefits we obtain from plants

Show how to care for plants

Why do we care for plants?

Teachers explain and guide to learners on how to how to care for plants

Learners to demonstrate on how to care for plants for example watering, weeding

Learners name the food they obtain from plants 

Real objects for example watering can jembes, plants, oranges fruit obtain from plants 


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book

grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 16-19

Observing learners as they demonstrate how to care for plants demonstrate and watch video clip on how to carry and handle the Bible with care  
  2 Creation Creation of Plants and Animals

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Care for animals in a special way as they are God’s creation

Name the importance of animal in the society as

God’s creation Identify the types of animals found in our environment

Care and appreciate other creatures in the universe

Why do we care for animals?

The learners say how they care for animals at home

The learners name the importance of animals for example the provide food

Learners also identify the types of animals found in their environment 

Pictures Audio visual materials

Growing in Christ CRE activities learners’ book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira, J watiki. Page 16-19

Asking questions on the types of animals  
  3 Holy Bible Physical handling of the Holy Bible

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify ways of handling the Bible with respect as it is the word of God

Understand the reason for handling the Bible with care

Why do we handle the Bible with care?

Learners to say how they handle the  Bible with care

Learners state the reason they should handle the Bible with care as it is the word of God

The learners to tell their friends how important they should handle the Bible with care



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 20-23

Asking learners to show how to handle the Bible with care in class  
7 1 Holy Bible Physical handling of the Holy Bible

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

know  how to carry the Bible with respect as it is the word of God

Identify the importance of handling the Bible with respect

Name two division of the bible

Write the division of the Bible

Why do we carry the Bible with respect?

Learners demonstrate on how  to carry the Bible with respect

Learners look at the pictures on how to handle and carry the Bible with care and respect

Learners to watch the video clip on how to handle and carry the


Picture Audio visual material

Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade

1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 20-23

Observe learners as they demonstrate and watch video clip on how to carry and handle the Bible with care.  



Holy Bile

Physical handling of the Holy Bible

By the end of the strand the learner should be able to: Recognize the Bible as the word of God by identify the books of the Bible Recognize the importance of  knowing the books of the Bible as it help in spiritual growth

Name the books of the Bible they know

Learners to name the books of the Bible the know

Learners to sing song related to the books of Bible

Learners to write the books of the Bible they know



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade

1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 20-23


Ask learners to write on the books of the Bible




Holy Bible 

Physical handling  of the Holy Bible

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify the  Bible as the  word God  by naming the first two gospel book Identify the values learned from the first two gospel books

Which books are found in gospel books?

Learners name the first two gospel books  Learners write gospel books in theirs exercise Learners draw a chart  containing the first two gospel books



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 20-23



Observe learners as they draw the charts




Holy Bible

Physical handling of the Holy Bible

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be to: Identify other gospel book in the Bible

Identify the values learned in the verse they memorize in the gospel books in the


Recognize the importance reading and memorizing the  verses in the Bible 

Which verse have you memorized in the gospel book?

Learners to identify other gospel books for example mark , Luke, John 

Learners read the verses in the gospel books and memorize Learners sing a song related to the verse they have memorize and all the gospel books 



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki  page 20-23


Observe learners as they sing and

memorize the verses in the Bible




Holy Bible

Physical handling of the Holy Bible

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be to: Recognize the importance of respecting and adore the

Bible as the word of God Identify the important aspects acquired in reading the Bible



What values do we acquired by reading the Bible?

Learners states the importance of reading the Bible and

memorizing the verses Learners handle the Bible with care and to adore it 

Learners sing the song on (read your Bible prays every day.........)


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade

1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 20-23

Observe learners as the read and memorize the verses




Holy  Bible 

Bible story David and Goliath

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Narrate the story of David and Goliath and desire to depend on God on day to day life

Recognize the importance  of faith and believe in God to enhance religious values and spiritual growth

How did

David kill Goliath?

Learners narrate in class the story of David and Goliath in class Learners read 1samuel 17:48-51

Learners interpret stories in the pictures Learners role play the story of David  and

Goliath in class



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 24-27



Observe the learners as they role play the story of

David and

Goliath Ask question on what they see in the pictures




Holy Bible

Bible story David and Goliath

By the end  of the  sub strand the learner should be able to:

Recognize the reason why they learn the story of

David and Goliath

Identify who help David  to

kill Goliath

Apply what they have acquired in the story of David and Goliath in the school home and in the church

   Who gives us spiritual strength   ?      

Learners understands the reason why they are learning the story of David and Goliath

Learners are able to identify who help David to defeat Goliath whom is God

Learners are able to apply  what  they have learner in the story of David and Goliath in their day to day lives


Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 24-27



Ask learners questions who help David defeat





Holy Bible

Bible story David and Goliath

God to guide through their lives to enhance spiritual growth and self –efficiency by watching a clip on the story of David Goliath Narrate the story of David and Goliath to their parents at home


Learners narrate the story of David and Goliath to their parents at home as they demonstrate what they saw in the clip

learners book grade 1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 24-27


story of David and





Holy Bible

Bible story David and Goliath

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Recognize Goliath and David in the clip and be able to draw and color to enhance creativity and imagination

Present the drawing to rest of the class to enhance communication and collaboration skills

What do we gain by having faith in God?

Learners draw   in their exercise books images of David and Goliath from what they see on the video clip

Learners present their drawing from what they  have drawn  to the rest of  the class Sing a song related to  the story of David and Goliath

Audio visual  material 

Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade

1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 24-27




Observe the learners as they draw and present their drawings to the rest of the class




Holy Bible

Bible story David and Goliath

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: 

Understand what happened when people fight as God doesn’t like people who fight and should avoid fighting

Recognize the importance of acquiring and applying the good values to enhance the sound moral development

Why do people fight?

Learners to understand that they should engage in fighting as someone might end up hurt like Goliath who died Learners to understand that instead of fighting friends they should report them to the teacher

Learners learn that they should not fight others instead love them and forgive them as God want us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves



Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade

1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 24-27


Asking learners oral questions why they should not fight their friends




Holy Bible

Bible story  Joseph and his coat of many colors

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to:

Narrate the story of joseph and name the lesson they have learned from it recognize that their parents love them and should also know the importance of love

Who had a coat of many color?

Leaners read the story of Joseph in the bible Genesis 37:3-4 in class and narrate

learners draw and color coat of many colors the same as Joseph

Learners name the things that our parents does to us that sshows love us

Bible pictures 

Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade

1 by Hezron

Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page 28-30

Observe learners as they read narrate and draw

Ask oral questions on how parents love them




Holy Bible

Bible story Joseph and his coat of many colors

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able:

Narrate the story of Joseph in class ,home and church Appreciate the importance of love


Why did Joseph’s brothers hated him

Learners to read Genesis 37:3-10 Learners to watch a video clip about Joseph and his brothers

Learners in pairs to say why joseph’s brothers hated him

Audio visual materials bible

Growing in Christ CRE activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Onyango, Lwachira,J  watiki page  28-30




Read 374 times Last modified on Friday, 27 January 2023 08:57

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