English - Grade 1 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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Sub Strand/Sub theme

Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Question(S)

Learning Experience

Learning Resources





Listening and Speaking


Welcome & Greetings

Pronunciation and Vocabulary

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Study the picture given and talk about his/her first day at school. 
  2. Discriminate the sounds /a/ /m/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  3. Recognise new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning,

How do you say these words?


Man, Make, All, Apple.

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. In groups, learners identify words which have the taught sounds.
  3. Learners pronounce short words that have the learnt sounds, after listening to audio record.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 2-3


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking


Welcome &



Language structures and Functions



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Use the various realizations of the verb ‘to be’ to introduce  oneself or others, to talk about objects and to show politeness in day to day communication.
  2. Recognize the present tense forms of the verb ‘to be’ in sentences.

Who are you?

Who is she?

Who is he?

  1. Learners introduce themselves politely and ask others their names using the verb ‘to be’, after teacher models.
    – I am Mota, My name is Mota,  Who are you? What is your name?
  2. Learners describe themselves using short sentences with the verb ‘to be’ I am a boy, I am a Girl.
  3. Learners describe  people using the verb ‘to be’ (for example (Mary is a girl)

Realia, pictures/ photographs, audio oor visual computer devices showing greetings and people welcoming others to a new  place.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg.  3-4


Oral questions, portfolio, observation





Welcome & Greetings



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Match familiar letter shapes m, a, M, A, to letter sounds /m/ & /a/ for reading preparedness in English.
  2. Match unfamiliar letters to shapes to letter sounds for reading preparedness in English including diagrams.

 Can you match letters of the alphabet and their sounds?

  1. Learners recognise letters of the alphabet as the teacher models.
  2. Learners recognise and name letters and their sounds by reading from flash cards in printed or digital format.
  3. Learners sing rhyming songs and recite rhymes related to phonics /m/ & /a/ 

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models of letters, audio-visual recordings of minimal pairs. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 4-5

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking 

Welcome & Greetings

Pronunciation and Vocabulary

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the sounds /t/ & /e/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. Recognise new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning,

How do you say these words? 

Table, Egg, Tall, End.

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. In groups, learners identify words which have the taught sounds.
  3. Learners pronounce short words that have the learnt sounds, after listening to audio record.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 6-7 

Oral questions, portfolio, observation



Listening and Speaking


Welcome & Greetings

Language structures and Functions

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Recognize the present tense forms of the verb ‘to be’ in sentences.
  2. Appreciate the various forms of the verb ‘to be’ in their day to day communication.
  3. Use correct greetings for various ties of the day.
What is this? How do we greet people in the morning/afternoon/ evening?
  1. In pairs or groups, learners talk about people and things around them –This is a chair, door.
  2. Learners are guided by the teacher to take part in a language game that allows each one of them to greet others, welcome others, introduce themselves and ask the class members their names.
  3. In pairs, learners are guided to engage in question and answer dialogues using the verb ‘to be’ as an interrogative.

Realia, pictures/ photographs, audio oor visual computer devices showing greetings and people welcoming others to a new place. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg.  7-8

Oral questions, portfolio, observation


Reading Welcome & Greetings

Word Reading

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Match familiar letter shapes t, e, T, E, to letter sounds /t/ & /e/ for reading preparedness in English. 
  2. Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Can you match letters of the alphabet and their sounds?

  1. Join sounds to read short words with letter sound correspondence, in pairs then individually Sound out words with letter sound correspondence (phonically regular) for reading
  2.  Learners sing songs and recite rhymes related to phonics /t/ & /e/
  3. Sound out words without letter sound correspondence (sight words), as modelled.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models of letters, audio-visual recordings of minimal pairs. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 8-9

Oral questions, portfolio, observation

3 1



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Follow the dotted pattern as correctly.
  2. Follow the line pattern correctly.
How do you take care of your exercise books?
  1. Learners practise correct sitting posture when writing.
  2. Learners draw and label objects.
  3. Learners join dots to complete patterns/letters.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and illustrations of writing. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 5&9

Oral questions, portfolio, observation  

Listening and Speaking



Pronunciation and Vocabulary

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the  sounds /s/, /l/, /i/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. Recognize new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning,

How do you say these words?

Sun, Spoon, Ink,

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. In groups, learners identify words which have the taught sounds.
  3. Learners pronounce short words that have the learnt sounds, after listening to audio record.
Plasticine or clay models of objects, realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, 

computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 10-11

Oral questions, portfolio, observation  



Listening and Speaking



Language structures and Functions


Subject-verb agreement (am)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Construct simple sentences about objects in the classroom, with correct subject-verb agreement for effective communication.
  2. Appreciate the importance of subject verb agreement for fluency.

What is Sarah doing?

  1. Learners construct appropriate sentences on pictures showing singular and plural subjects.
  2. Learners are guided to construct sentences about actions demonstrated by one or many learners.

Realia, charts with illustrations, pictures/ photographs, computer devices with audio/visual recordings of words and phrases with subject – verb agreement.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 11-12

Oral questions, portfolio, observation







Word Reading

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Match familiar letter  shapes s, l, i, S, L, I to
  2. letter sounds /s/ /l/ /i/ for reading preparedness in English. b) Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.
  3. Read grade level vocabulary orally, from print and digital formats for enjoyment.


What are some of the words that you can read?

  1. Join sounds to read short words with letter sound correspondence, in pairs then  individually Sound out words with letter sound correspondence (phonically regular) for reading
  2. Learners sing songs and recite rhymes related to phonics /s/ /l/ /i/
  3. Sound out words without letter sound correspondence (sight words), as modelled.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models of letters, audio-visual  recordings of minimal pairs 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 12 

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking



Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the sounds /t/, /a/, /l/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. Use new words in relevant contexts in oral communication,

How do you say these words? Table, apple, leaf,

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. In groups, learners identify words which have the taught sounds.
  3. Learners pronounce short words that have the learnt sounds, after listening to audio record.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 14-15

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking 


Language structures and Functions

Subject-verb agreement


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Construct simple sentences about objects in the classroom, with correct subject-verb agreement for effective communication.
  2. Recognise correct use of subject-verb agreement in statements and questions.
  3. Appreciate the importance of subject verb agreement for fluency.

What is Sarah doing?

What are Sarah and Sam doing?

  1. Learners construct appropriate sentences on pictures showing singular and plural subjects.
  2. Learners engage in simple question and answer dialogues about available realia representing singular and plural object
  3. Learners construct sentences using items with singular and plural subjects at home.

Realia, charts with illustrations, pictures/ 

photographs, computer devices with audio/visual recordings of words and phrases with subject – verb agreement.


New Progressive

Primary English

Learners Book

Grade 1 by Oxford 

Pg. 15-16

Oral questions, portfolio, observation






Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read short words with letters /a/ /m/ /s/ sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.
  2. Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and nondecodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.
  3. Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, full stop and question marks as they read for coherence.

What are some of the words that you can read?

  1. Join sounds to read short words with letter sound correspondence, in pairs then individually . Sound out words with letter sound correspondence (phonically regular) for reading
  2. Learners sing songs and recite rhymes related to phonics /a/ /m/ /s/
  3. Sound out words without letter sound correspondence (sight words), as modelled.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models of letters, audio-visual recordings of minimal pairs


New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 16-17

Oral questions, portfolio, observation






By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Form letters correctly in terms of shape and size for effective communication,
  2. Draw and colour the flag.
  3. Write from left to right to communicate effectively.

How do you write these letters?

m, a, t, e, s, l, i

How do you sit when writing?

  1. Learners draw and label objects.
  2. Learners practice writing letters and words from left to right.
  3. Learners join dots to complete patterns/letters.
  4. Leaners copy the words given in their exercise books.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and illustrations of writing. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 13&17

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking


Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the sounds /p/ /f/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. appreciate the variation in meaning of similar sounding words that look different.


How do you say these words? Pot, Fan, Fish, Fry

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practise vocabulary.
  3. Learners practise matching simple short words with pictures and objects.
  4. Learners sing songs using the new words.

Plasticine or clay models of objects,

realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.


New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 18-19 

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and

Speaking Family

Language structures and

functions Personal pronouns; I, you

By the end of the sub strand, the learner

should be able to: a) Use personal pronouns in relation to gender, number and objects appropriately in dialogues.

b) Appreciate the use of personal pronouns in

effective communication.

Who cooks for you?

Who plays with you at home?

  1. Learners are guided to take part in a demonstration in relation to gender, number and objects.
  2. Learners construct sentences using personal pronouns individually, in pairs or in small groups
  3. Learners use pronouns in simple sentence constructions where appropriate
  4. Learners discuss people and things in their home and school using personal pronouns.

Charts, pictures/ photographs,

computer devices with audio-visual recordings of dialogues with structures on personal pronouns.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 19-20 

Oral questions,

portfolio, observation







Word Reading

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading,
  2. Read short words without letter sound correspondence using word attack skills in preparation for phrasal reading,
  3. Read grade level vocabulary orally, from print and digital formats for enjoyment.

What are some of the words that you can read? What are some of the words you Cannot read?

  1. Join sounds to read short words with letter sound correspondence, in pairs then individually
  2. Sound out words with letter sound correspondence (phonically regular) for reading
  3. Learners recognize and read aloud familiar words in groups, pairs and individually.
  4. Sound out words without letter sound correspondence (sight words), as modelled.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and

models of common

imperatives, audio-visual recordings of words that have been learnt.


New Progressive

Primary English

Learners Book

Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 20-21


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking



Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the sounds /h/ /n/ /o/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. Appreciate the variation in meaning of similar sounding words that look different.

How do you say these words? Hen, Nail, Orange.

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds /h/ /n/ /o/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practise vocabulary. 
  3. Learners practise matching simple short words with pictures and objects. 
  4. Learners sing songs using the new words.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 22-23

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking



Language structures and functions


Personal pronouns; He, She, They, It.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Use the personal pronouns ‘He’ ‘She’
  2. ‘They’ ‘It’ in  relation to gender, number and objects appropriately in dialogues.
  3. Pick out personal pronouns in oral conversations about members of the family,
  4. Appreciate the use of personal pronouns in effective communication.

Who buys you books?

Who tells you stories?

  1. Learners are guided to take part in a demonstration in relation to gender, number and objects.
  2. Learners construct sentences using  personal pronouns individually, in pairs or in small groups
  3. Learners use pronouns in simple sentence constructions where appropriate
  4. Learners discuss people and things in their home and school using personal pronouns.

Charts, pictures/ photographs, computer devices with audio-visual recordings of dialogues with structures on  personal pronouns.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 23

Oral questions, portfolio, observation








Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and nondecodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.
  2. Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, full stop and question marks as they read for coherence.

What do you do when you cannot read some words in a sentence?

  1. In groups, learners practice reading aloud while observing punctuation as modelled by the teacher and independently.
  2. In pairs, learners practice reading decodable and nondecodable words in isolation.
  3. In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and nondecodable words.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.


New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 24-25

Oral questions, portfolio, observation






By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Form the letter p correctly in terms of shape and size for effective communication,
  2. Draw letter patterns correctly for neat handwriting.
  3. Write the words given correctly from left to right to communicate effectively.

1. How do you write this letter?  ‘P’

  1. Learners copy letter patterns.
  2. Learners practice correct letter formation from models in on the board, chart, pattern books.
  3. Learners practise writing letters and words from left to right.
  4. Learners join dots to complete patterns/letters.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and illustrations of writing.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 19&25

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Vocabulary


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the sounds /u/ /b/ /r/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. Appreciate the variation in meaning of similar sounding words that look different.

How do you say these words? Hen, Nail, Orange.

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds /u/ /b/ /r/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practise vocabulary.
  3. Learners practise matching simple short words with pictures and objects.
  4. Learners sing songs using the new words.


Plasticine or clay models of objects,

realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 26-27

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking



Language structures and functions

Singular/plural (addition of ‘s’ only)


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Use singular and  plural forms of nouns to talk about objects at home.
  2. Appreciate the importance of using singular and plural nouns for effective oral communication.

How many (e.g. hands, legs, bags, pencils) do you  have?

  1. Learners identify objects in the classroom
  2. Learners practice  simple question and answer dialogues using constructions with ‘how many’ to talk about the objects identified.
  3. In pairs and groups, learners group items in their school and home in columns of one and many.

Charts, pictures/ photographs with singular and plural nouns, computer  devices that have audio/visual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on plurals of nouns.


New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 27

Oral questions, portfolio, observation






Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.
  2. Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and non decodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.
  3. Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

What do you do when reading a long word?

  1. In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.
  2. Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.
  3. Learners read simple sentences aloud in groups, pairs, and individually

Story book, poems, audiovisual recordings of short stories.


New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg.  28


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking



Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the sounds /b/ /p/ /h/ /n/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. Appreciate the variation in meaning of similar sounding words that look different.


How do you say these words?

Nest, Bag, Hen

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds /b/ /p/ /h/ /n/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practise vocabulary.
  3. Learners practise matching simple short words with pictures and objects.
  4. Learners sing songs using the new words.


Plasticine or clay models of objects, realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 30-31

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking


Language structures and functions



(addition of

‘s’ only

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Use singular and plural forms of nouns to talk about objects at home.
  2. Ask questions about numbers using “how many?”
  3. Distinguish between singular and plural nouns correctly to demonstrate an  understanding of the concept of number.
  4. Appreciate the importance of using singular and plural nouns for effective oral communication.

How many, arms etc. are big/small, long/short, round/rectangle are there?

 Learners identify objects in the classroom Learners practice simple question and answer dialogues using constructions with ‘how many’ to talk about the objects identified.

In pairs and groups, learners group items in their school and home in columns of one and  many.

Charts, pictures/ photographs with singular and plural nouns, computer devices that have audio/visual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on plurals of nouns.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford   Pg.  31


Oral questions, portfolio, observation






Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading. Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and nondecodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.
  2. Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.


What do you do when reading a long word?

  1. In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and nondecodable words. Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.
  2. Learners read simple sentences aloud in groups, pairs, and individually

Story book, poems, audiovisual recordings of short stories. 

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 32


Oral questions, portfolio, observation






By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Form the letter ‘u’ ‘b’ ‘B’ correctly in terms of shape and size for effective communication,
  2. Draw letter patterns correctly for neat handwriting.
  3. Write from left to right to communicate effectively.

How do you write these letters? ‘b’ ‘B’ ‘u’

  1. Learners copy letter patterns.
  2. Learners practice correct letter formation from models in on the board, chart, pattern books.
  3. Learners draw and label objects.
  4. Learners practise writing letters and words from left to right.
  5. Learners join dots to complete patterns/letters.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and illustrations of writing.

New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg.  29&33


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking


Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discriminate the sounds /c/ /g/ in different spoken words for comprehension.
  2. Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.
  3. Appreciate the variation in meaning of similar sounding words that look different.


How do you say these words?

Nest, Bag, Hen

  1. Learners pronounce the sounds /c/ /g/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.
  2. Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary. 
  3. Learners practise matching simple short words with pictures and objects. 
  4. Learners interact with audio material to listen to the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary,  where applicable.


Plasticine or clay models of objects, realia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.


New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 34-35 


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking


Language structures and functions

Present Simple tense

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Use present simple tense forms to talk about the time of the day (morning, mid-day, evening)
  2. Apply simple present tense to sequence routine or daily activities in oral communication.
  3. Appreciate the use of language to talk about routine activities.

What do you do every day before you come to school?

  1. Learners respond to questions based on daily routines
  2. Learners tell each other their daily routines in pairs/small groups
  3. Learners should report what they do when they go home
  4. Respond to simple questions demonstrating the use of using simple present tense and routine activities.

Charts, pictures/ photographs on routine activities, computer devices that have audiovisual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on present simple tense


New Progressive Primary English

Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 35


Oral questions, portfolio, observation


Read 455 times Last modified on Friday, 27 January 2023 09:57

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