Literacy Schemes - Grade 1 Schemes of Work Term 3 2023

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Sub-Strand/Sub theme

Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Question(S)

Learning Experience

Learning Resources






Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners are assisted in reading and predicting the meaning of new words

Learners re-arrange jumbled words to make meaningful sentences Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency.


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg. 177-179

Read short words and phrases





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners are assisted in reading and predicting the meaning of new words

Learners re-arrange jumbled words to make meaningful sentences Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency.


KLB Visionary

English Literacy

Activities Grade

1 pg. 180-182

Read short words and phrases





Spelling instruction

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Apply the knowledge of blending and segmenting to write words.

Use proper letter formation with correct spacing to write words correctly

Develop an interest in spelling and writing new words.

Why is it

Important to spell words correctly?

Learners make new words by

playing spelling games (spelling bee,

flash cards) in pairs and groups

Learners practice formation and spelling of new words by using various strategies (onset and rime, letter-sound correspondence)

Learners are guided to use various forms of media to spell and write words.

Learners write dictated words correctly.

Picture cards, computer, flash

cards, containing words, pencils,

stencils, reading charts

KLB Visionary

English Literacy

Activities Grade

1 pg.183

Dictation, spelling competition







Spelling instruction

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Apply the knowledge of blending and segmenting to write words.

Use proper letter formation with correct spacing to write words correctly

Develop an interest in spelling and writing new words.

Why is it

Important to spell words correctly?

Learners make new words by

playing spelling games (spelling bee,

flash cards) in pairs and groups

Learners practice formation and spelling of new words by using various strategies (onset and rime, letter-sound correspondence)

Learners are guided to use various forms of media to spell and write words.

Learners write dictated words correctly.

Picture cards, computer, flash

cards, containing words, pencils,

stencils, reading charts

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.184

Dictation, spelling competition





Story Telling

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Listen attentively and confidently respond to stories

Use a variety of thematic vocabulary

Develop an interest in listening to oral stories.

What do stories teach us?

Learners listen to a variety of stories about self, family, health, hygiene, and home from different sources (self, peers, teacher, a resource person (if available),

audio recorded stories

Learners respond to oral questions related to the story learned or orally recreate a story

Props for storytelling, picture cards, story books, audio and video-recorded stories, resource person

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.185

Retelling stories, question and answer





Talk About

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Use acquired vocabulary to talk about self appropriately

Identify themselves with people, objects and places in their environment.

Who/what do you like?

Learners practice rules on social interactions  (turn taking, respecting others opinions)

Learners engage in conversations to talk about self (name, class, age and gender), home, and community, in pairs and groups.

Audio-visual aids (recorders), Charts bearing names of people, places, and objects

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.186

Oral presentations, question/answer





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency.

Learners participate in reading games (lucky dip, fishing game), in pairs and groups.

Learners mimic words and phrases to produce right intonation.


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.187-189

read short words and phrases





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency.

Learners participate in reading games (lucky dip, fishing game), in pairs and groups.

Learners mimic words and phrases to produce right intonation.


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.190-192

read short words and phrases





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Plan and organize ideas.

Learn from oral and reading activities to enrich their written words.

Why do we write?

Learners create stories from pictures provided (picture spark)

Learners are guided to write key

words in the story

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons.

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.193

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the






Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Apply knowledge of writing organizer to write a coherent story.

Apply knowledge of writing conventions to aid meaning and presentation.

What do we write?

Learners are

guided to develop a

storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences (on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Learners are guided to construct simple sentences for fluency and Meaning.

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons.

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.193

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures





Story Telling

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Listen attentively and confidently respond to stories.

Use a variety of thematic vocabulary.

Empathize with familiar people in stories.

Who tells us Stories?

Learners listen to a variety of stories about self, family, health, hygiene, and home from different sources (self, peers, teacher, a resource person (if available), audio recorded stories.

Learners respond to oral questions related to the story learned or orally recreate a story.

Props for storytelling, picture cards, story books, audio and video-recorded stories, resource person

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.194

Retelling stories, question and answer





Talk About

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate interest to use names of people, places, and objects within the environment

Express personal emotions, feelings, and opinions about people, places, and


Who/what do you like?

Interactions (turn taking, respecting others opinions)

Learners engage in conversations to talk about self (name, class, age and gender), home, and community, in pairs and groups.

Audio-visual aids (recorders), Charts bearing names of people, places, and objects

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.195

Oral presentations, question/answer





Talk About

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate interest to use names of people, places, and objects within the environment.

Express personal emotions, feelings, and opinions about people, places, and objects.

Why do you like him/her/it?

Learners observe the teacher modelling

effective speaking skills

Learners record their speech and listen as teacher observes

Audio-visual aids (recorders), Charts bearing names of people, places, and objects

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.196

Oral presentations, question/answer





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences

Why is it important to read?

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency

Learners participate in reading games (lucky dip, fishing game), in pairs and groups

Learners mimic words and phrases to produce right intonation.


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.197-198

read short words and phrases





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an

interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences

Why is it important to read?

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency

Learners participate in reading games (lucky dip, fishing game), in pairs and groups

Learners mimic words and phrases to produce right intonation.


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.199-200

read short words and phrases





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Plan and organize ideas.

Apply knowledge of writing organizer to write a coherent story.

What do we write?

Learners are guided to write key words in the story.

Learners are

guided to develop a

storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences (on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.201

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures





Creative Writing

By the end of the  sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Learn from oral and reading activities to enrich their written words.

Apply knowledge of writing conventions to aid meaning and presentation.


Why do we write?


Learners create

stories from pictures provided (picture spark)

Learners are guided to write key words in the story.

Learners are guided to construct simple sentences for fluency and meaning

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.202


organizers, reading cards,

pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons





Effective Communication

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Acquire a variety of vocabulary to talk about own and others’ experiences.

Show appreciation of others’ feelings as they share their experiences

What makes us happy?

Learners share their experiences and feelings (texts on health and hygiene), in pairs, groups and whole class

Learners are guided to ask and respond to questions to clarify information on experiences.

Question and answer, Observation of non-verbal cues as the learners share experiences, Role play (drills)

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.203

audio-recording devices, learners





Talk About

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Use acquired vocabulary to talk about self appropriately

Identify themselves with people, objects and places in their environment.

Why do you like him/her/it?

Learners practice rules on social interactions (turn taking, respecting others opinions)

Learners engage in conversations to talk about self (name, class, age and gender), home, and community, in pairs and groups,

Audio-visual aids (recorders), Charts bearing names of people, places, and objects

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.204

Oral presentations, question/answer





Talk About

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate interest to use names of people, places, and objects within the environment

Express personal emotions, feelings, and opinions about people, places, and objects

Who/what do you like?

Learners practice rules on social interactions (turn taking, respecting others opinions)

Learners engage in conversations to talk about self (name, class, age and gender), home, and community, in pairs and groups,

Audio-visual aids (recorders), Charts bearing names of people, places, and objects

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.205

Oral presentations, question/answer





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately.

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners are assisted in reading and predicting the meaning of new words

Learners rearrange jumbled words to make meaningful sentences

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.206

Read short words and phrases





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately.

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners are assisted in reading

and predicting the meaning of new


Learners rearrange jumbled words to make meaningful sentences

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.207

Read short words and phrases





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Plan and organize ideas.

Apply knowledge of writing organizer to write a coherent story.

Apply knowledge of writing conventions to aid meaning and presentation.

What do we write?

Learners are guided to write key words in the story

Learners are guided to develop a storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences (on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.208

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures





Effective Communication

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Use non-verbal cues in oral communication to express feelings and experiences

Show appreciation of others’ feelings as they share their experiences.

How do we respond when someone is sad?

Learners share their experiences and feelings (texts on health and hygiene), in pairs, groups and whole class

Learners listen to songs and poems related to feelings

audio-recording devices, learners

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.209

Question and answer, Observation of non-verbal cues as the learners share experiences, Role play (drills





Effective Communication

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Use non-verbal cues in oral communication to express feelings and experiences

Use non-verbal cues in oral communication to express feelings and experiences.

How do we respond when someone is sad?

Learners share their experiences and feelings (texts on health and hygiene), in pairs, groups and whole class

Learners listen to songs and poems related to feelings

audio-recording devices, learners

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.209

Question and answer, Observation of non-verbal cues as the learners share experiences, Role play (drills





Talk About

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate interest to use names of people, places, and objects within the environment

Express personal emotions, feelings, and opinions about people, places, and


Who/what do you like?

Learners practice rules on social interactions (turn taking, respecting others opinions)

Learners engage in conversations to talk about self (name, class, age and gender), home, and community, in pairs and groups,

Audio-visual aids (recorders), Charts bearing names of people, places, and objects

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.210

Oral presentations, question/answer





Talk About

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Use acquired vocabulary to talk about self appropriately

Identify themselves with people, objects and places in their environment.

Why do you like him/her/it?

Learners practice rules on social interactions (turn taking, respecting others opinions)

Learners engage in conversations to talk about self (name, class, age and gender), home, and community, in pairs and groups,

Audio-visual aids (recorders), Charts bearing names of people, places, and objects

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.211

Oral presentations, question/answer





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately.

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency

Learners participate in reading games (lucky dip, fishing game), in pairs and groups

Learners mimic words and phrases to produce right intonation.


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.212

Read short words and phrases





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Plan and organize ideas

Learn from oral and reading activities to enrich their written words.

Why do we write?

Learners are guided to write key words in the story

Learners are

guided to develop a storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences (on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Learners are guided to construct simple sentences for fluency and meaning.

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.213

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Apply knowledge of writing organizer to write a coherent story

Apply knowledge of writing conventions to aid meaning and presentation

Why do we write?

Learners are guided to write key words in the story

Learners are guided to develop a storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences (on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Learners are guided to construct simple sentences for fluency and meaning.

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.214

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures






By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Listen attentively and actively participate in conversations in different contexts.

Appreciate taking turns while engaged in collaborative conversations.

What do we talk about?

Learners associate the keywords displayed with those in the conversation listened to?

Learners record audios of conversations and listen to them.

Learners watch videos of different conversations.

Audio tapes, videos on conversations related to theme, Phones

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.215-216

Question and answer, role play, dramatization






By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Recognize and use vocabulary related to the themes myself, my family, my school, and my home

Appreciate taking turns while engaged in collaborative conversations.

What do we talk about?

Learners associate the keywords displayed with those in the conversation listened to?

Learners record audios of conversations and listen to them.

Learners watch videos of different conversations.

Audio tapes, videos on conversations related to theme, Phones

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.217

Question and answer, role play, dramatization





Presentation skills

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Use a variety of vocabulary to express self appropriately.

Use appropriate tonal variation, articulation and stress to express self confidently

Appreciate the use of transition words to sequence events.

What does a good presenter do?

Learners are guided to brainstorm on activities for each day of the week, individually, in pairs and groups.

Learners attempt to respond to questions related to sequencing of

activities for each day of the week

(before, after, then)

Learners sing songs, rhymes and recite poems related to routine


Story maps (graphic organizers), list of transition (signal words), Fairy tales and fables, charts, calendar about events

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.218

Narration (check use of signal words), question/answer





Presentation skills

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Use a variety of vocabulary to express self appropriately.

Use appropriate tonal variation, articulation and stress to express self confidently

Appreciate the use of transition words to sequence events.

What does a good presenter do?

Learners are guided to brainstorm on activities for each day of the week, individually, in pairs and groups.

Learners attempt to respond to questions related to sequencing of activities for each day of the week (before, after, then)

Learners sing songs, rhymes and recite poems related to routine activities

Story maps (graphic organizers), list of transition (signal words), Fairy tales and fables, charts, calendar about events

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.219-220

Narration (check use of signal words), question/answer





Reading comprehension

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read simple texts fluently and with understanding

Read aloud short texts and stories accurately

Why is it important to understand what you read?

Learners are exposed to a variety of texts for reading

Learners are guided to read sentences aloud for meaning

Learners ask and answer simple questions related to materials read

Reading materials, flashcards, library, readers

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.221

Listening, Question/Answer





Reading comprehension

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read at an appropriate speed for enjoyment.

Develop an interest in reading short stories with comprehension.

Why is it important to understand what you read?

Learners are prompted to predict meaning from pictures

Learners use learned vocabulary to construct simple sentences

Learners identify and name characters from pictures

Reading materials, flashcards, library, readers

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.221

Listening, Question/Answer





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Apply knowledge of writing organizer to write a coherent story

Apply knowledge of writing conventions to aid meaning and presentation.

What do we write?

Learners are guided to write key words in the story

Learners are guided to develop a

storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences (on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Learners are guided to construct simple sentences for fluency and meaning

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.222

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Plan and organize ideas.

Learn from oral and reading activities to enrich their written words.

Apply knowledge of writing organizer to write a coherent story.

Why do we write?

Learners are guided to write key words in the story

Learners are guided to develop a storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences (on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Learners are guided to construct simple sentences for fluency and meaning.

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.222

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons





Creative Writing

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Plan and organize ideas.

Learn from oral and reading activities to enrich their written words.

Apply knowledge of writing organizer to write a coherent story.

Why do we write?

Learners are guided to write key words in the story

Learners are guided to develop a storyline by filling in blanks or sequencing jumbled sentences

(on the themes myself, my family or my home) in pairs and groups

Learners are guided to construct simple sentences for fluency and meaning.

Learners organize pictures in sequence to tell a story and write words to caption the pictures

KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.222

Pencils, organizers, reading cards, pictures, newspaper cuttings, story books, stencil, crayons





Reading phrases and sentences

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short phrases and sentences accurately.

Read unfamiliar words based on phonic knowledge

Develop an interest in reading new words, phrases and sentences.

Why is it important to read?

Learners should be exposed to a variety of reading materials to practice reading for fluency

Learners participate in reading games (lucky dip, fishing game), in pairs and groups

Learners mimic words and phrases to produce right intonation.


KLB Visionary English Literacy Activities Grade 1 pg.212

Read short words and phrases





Read 311 times Last modified on Friday, 03 February 2023 08:39

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