- What was the role of ancestors in Traditional African Communities?
- Give the occasions when sacrifices were offered in Traditional African communities.
- State six aspects of traditional religion which have been integrated into the Christian faith
- Mention the roles of diviners in Traditional African Communities.
- Explain how people in the Traditional African Community prevented calamities from befalling them.
- Outline six roles of diviners in Traditional African society.
- Explain four reasons which made traditional African communities to offer sacrifices.
- Give six ways the Traditional Africans used to maintain their relationship with the ancestors
- State seven roles of the Ancestors to the living in Traditional African Communities.
- Write down seven teachings about God from the Traditional African myths of creation .
- Identify six causes of death in the Traditional African Community
- Explain how Africans demonstrated their belief that death was not the end of life
- Describe how God punished people in African Traditional Society.
- Identify seven traditional African practices which demonstrated their belief in God.
- Outline five African understanding of evil.
- Write down seven ways in which Traditional African communities demonstrated their respect towards the Ancestors.
- Outline ways through which Africans venerated their ancestors
- Explain how a Christian can show patriotism during the recent post election chaos

- Provided protection from diseases and calamities
- They blessed the living with livestock, rain and good health
- Solved problems of the living by instructing them through dreams on what to do
- Punished offenders and were the guardians of morality
- They warned the living of impending danger
- Mediators between the living and God
- Helped people to become specialist
- Ancestors provided people with a sense of identity
- Thy are guardians of religious and cultural practices of the community
- They received the souls of dead family members into the spiritual world(Any 7x1=7mks)
- Sacrifices were offered during planting time
- Harvest time
- When an epidemic broke out in the community
- During the birth and naming of children
- When drought and famine occurred
- During initiation
- During marriage
- During funeral or burial /rituals
- When purification ceremonies were conducted
- In time of wars, raids as the community asked for protection and victory (Any 7x1=7mks)
- The use of vernacular have been adopted in worship in Christian churches
- Traditional music instruments are used in Churches as Christians worship God through songs and dance
- Christian churches perform cleansing rituals
- Some churches are built using the Traditional African architectural designs
- African tunes and melodies have been adopted in Christian songs
- Some aspects of African marriage ceremony area accepted Christian church e.g. dowry , traditional marriage songs
- Unveiling hidden information or mysteries
- Explaining difficult situations.
- Foretelling coming occurrences.
- Interpreting dreams.
- Advising medicine men.
- Combating witchcraft and witches.
- Interpreting the language of the spirits and occurrences like droughts and earthquakes.
- They reveal the hidden information.
- They can also play the role of palmists.
- They act as mediators between God, spirits and the people.
- Maintaining good relations with God and the spirit world.
- Strict observance of customs and taboos.
- Educating all children to abide by social norms.
- Punishing wrongdoers.
- Rewarding the morally upright.
- Appeasing God with sacrifices.
- Banishing evil people from the society.
- Reconciling warring groups.
- Compensating the victims of evil.
- Treating each other well.
- Predicted future occurrence
- They warned against calamities
- They advised people on various issues
- They interceded on behalf of the community in time of trouble
- He presided over religious ceremonies in the community
- They interpreted messages from the spirits world
- He comforted the sick, and the depressed in the community (needy)
- He identifies evil spirits causing trouble
- He was consulted in case of bareness or impotence
- To thank God for the good he has done for them e.g. giving rain, children, harvests and health
- To ask for Gods forgiveness and mercy incase they had wronged him
- To ask for help from God during difficult times e.g. during drought, famine, war and floods
- During the making of the covenant e.g. peace covenant, solving clan dispute so that God can be a witness
- For appeasing the spirit of ancestors
- Building shrines for the ancestors
- Pouring libations to them.
- Naming their children after them
- Protection of their culture and ancestral land
- Obeying their wishes and wills revealed to them through dreams
- Appeasing them through sacrifices and offerings
- Inviting them to take part in celebrating of rituals
- Men approaching ancestors for their minor needs
- Approaching shrines with respect
- They are guardians/head of their families as seen when are invited to ceremonies
- Encourage, bless and strengthen people during the rite of passage.
- They welcome those who die in the spiritual world.
- They guard the customs and traditions of families and communities against family and community
- They convey people wishes to god and vise versa
- They protect the community against harmful spirits.
- They advice the living members on both religious and sound matters through dreams, etc.
- They warn members of the impending danger.
- Self existence /self originating self sufficient.
- The sole creator
- All powerful/omnipotent.
- He is good/gives everything good to man.
- Requires obedience from mom.
- He is a protector
- He is eternal/ever living/immortal
- He punishes evil elders/just God.
- God is a spirit /not represented by image /idols.
- He is the provider of everything/meets man’s need
- He is supreme.
- Breaking taboos
- Being cursed by elders
- Breaking an oath
- Disrespecting ancestors and spirits
- Failure to sacrifice to God as required
- Witchcraft
- Old age
- Burying the dead with property
- Pouring libation to the dead
- Ancestral veneration
- Talking to the dead during funeral
- Inheriting the dead man’s wife and bearing children for him
- Belief in rebirth or reincamation of the dead
- Seeking advice from the dead
- Seeking communication from God through the ancestors
- Through famine and drought
- Through floods and earth quakes
- Locust invasion
- Diseases like leprosy
- Defeat in wars
- Animal diseases like rinderpest
- Praying to God
- Offering sacrifices
- Singing and dancing to God
- Building shrines for God
- Pronouncing blessings and curses in the name of God.
- Taking oaths in the name of God
- Teaching morals and taboos.
- Telling stories of creation
- Consulting prophets about Gods will
- Africans believe God did not create evil
- Dead ancestors offended by the living could cause evil
- Some communities attribute evil to evil spirits
- That magicians cause evil
- Lack of respect to the elders
- Breaking of oaths
- Breaking of taboos
- By praying through the ancestors to God
- By pouring of libation
- By respecting the ancestors
- By obeying the will/wishes of the ancestors
- By naming children after the ancestors
- By building shrines for the ancestors
- By teaching children about the ancestors
- By making sacrifices to the ancestors
- By protecting land inherited by the ancestors
- By involving their names
- By thanking them after achievements
- Pouring of liberations
- Consulting them through divines/ medicine men
- By invoking their names in prayers
- By naming the children after them
- Inviting them during family ceremonies & rituals
- Conducting respective burials for them
- By observing the community’s traditions & customs
- Offering sacrifices to them
- Obeying their will
- Preaching unity/ peace
- Praying for peace to prevail
- Giving material supports to the IDP’s
- Offering guidance & counseling services to the affected persons
- By serving as intermediaries in the political conflicts
- By not participating in destruction of life and property
- Condemning those who take part in fuelling chaos
- By reporting those who participate in the chaos
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