- This paper has two sections: A & B.
- Answer all questions in section A.
- In section B , answer question 6 and any other two questions.

Answer all the questions in this section.
- What is Agroforestry? (2 marks)
- Outline three exotic softwood tree species grown in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Distinguish between Land reclamation and Land rehabilitation. (2 marks)
- Identify three methods of Land reclamation used in Kenya. (3 marks)
- What is Eco-tourism. (2 marks)
- State three benefits of Domestic tourism in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Define the term Trade. (2 marks)
- Name three major imports of Kenya from the Middle East. (3 marks)
- Apart from road transport, give two other forms of Land transport. (2 marks)
- State three advantages of road transport. (3 marks)
Answer question 6 and any other two questions
- The photograph below shows some mining activities. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the type of photograph. (1 mark)
- Give reasons for your answer in (i) above. (3marks)
- Draw a rectangle measuring 10cm by 12cm to represent the photograph. (1 mark)
- On it, mark and label four main features. (4marks) (v) State three negative effects of the mining method shown in the photograph to the physical environment. (3marks)
- Name two gold mining areas in South Africa. (2marks)
- Describe the process of gold processing. (5marks)
- Explain three economic benefits of petroleum to the oil producing countries in the Middle East region. (6 marks)
- The photograph below shows some mining activities. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.
- Define pastoral farming. (2 marks)
- Name three pastoral communities in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Identify two exotic beef cattle breeds kept in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Outline three characteristics of nomadic pastoralism. (3 marks)
- Explain three factors favouring beef farming in Kenya. (6 marks)
- State four similarities between beef farming in Kenya and Argentina. (4 marks)’
- Your class carried a field study on tea processing.
- Outline 3 stages of tea processing that the class may have observed. (3 marks)
- State two methods that the class may have used to present data. (2 marks)
- The diagram below shows a fishing ground in the pacific ocean.
- Identify the fishing ground shown above. (2 marks)
- Name two types of fish species found in the fishing ground above. (2 marks)
- Differentiate between fishing and fisheries. (2 marks)
- Name two inland types of fisheries in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Describe the long lining fishing method. (4 marks)
- Explain three physical factors that have influenced the development of fishing in Japan. (6 marks)
- State four problems that face Marine fishing in Kenya. (4 marks)
- Give three ways of conserving fresh water fisheries in Kenya. (3 marks)
- The diagram below shows a fishing ground in the pacific ocean.
- Define the term energy. (2 marks)
- Name two types of renewable energy. (2 marks)
- Study the diagram of the seven forks dam power project provided below and use it to answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the dams labeled U and V. (2 marks)
- Explain three physical factors that favored the establishment of the seven forks power project. (6 marks)
- State three benefits of the seven forks power scheme. (3 marks)
- What is energy crisis? (2 marks)
- Explain four effects of the energy crisis to the economies. (8 marks)
- Define industrial decentralization. (2 marks)
- State three causes of industrial inertia. (3 marks)
- Name three non-agricultural industries in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Explain four measures the government of Kenya is undertaking to promote Jua kali industry in Kenya. (8 marks)
- Study the map of Ruhr region below and use it to answer question (i).
- Identify
- the river marked A. (1 mark)
- the canal marked H. (1 mark)
- the town marked Y. (1 mark)
- Explain three human factors that led to the growth of Ruhr industrial region. (6 marks)
- Identify

Marking Scheme
- What is Agroforestry? (2 marks)
- This is a practise that involves the cultivation of crops, planting of trees and keeping livestock on the same piece of land. OR
- Aland use system that involves planting of trees, cultivation of crops and
rearing of livestock on the same unit of land.
- Outline three exotic softwood tree species grown in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Cypress
- Pines
- Fir
- Wattle
- Eucalyptus/blue gum
- Spruce
(Any 3x1=3mks)
- What is Agroforestry? (2 marks)
- Distinguish between Land reclamation and Land rehabilitation. (2 marks)
- Land reclamation is the conversion of a wasteland into a productive land /the practice by which less productive/wasteland is converted into a more productive land for growing crops and keeping livestock while Land rehabilitation is the process of restoring misused land to its former productive state.
- Identify three methods of Land reclamation used in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Irrigation of dry land
- Draining of swamps
- Controlling pests
- Introduction of drought resistant crops
- Afforestation and agroforestry/ Planting trees
- Controlling soil erosion
- Use of manure and fertilizers
(Any 3 x1 = 3mks)
- Distinguish between Land reclamation and Land rehabilitation. (2 marks)
- What is Eco-tourism. (2 marks)
- Refers to development and management of tourism while conserving the environment
A form of tourism where a tourist enjoys the environment with an aim of conserving nature.
(Any 1 x2 = 2mks)
- Refers to development and management of tourism while conserving the environment
- State three benefits of Domestic tourism in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Offers opportunities for recreation.
- Creates employment to many citizens.
- Fosters utilisation of underutilized hotels/facilities during low season.
- Promotes circulation of money within the country.
- Enables many Kenyans to learn about their country hence promote patriotism
- Facilitates interaction between various communities thus enhancing national integration.
- Increases consumption of local products hence promoting more production leading to economic growth.
- Enables people to understand and appreciate the need to conserve wildlife.
- Enables students to learn more about wildlife.
(Any 3x1=3mks)
- What is Eco-tourism. (2 marks)
- Define the term Trade. (2 marks)
- Trade is the activity of buying and selling of goods and services.
OR - The buying and selling/exchange of goods and services between people or countries.
- Trade is the activity of buying and selling of goods and services.
- Name three major imports of Kenya from the Middle East. (3 marks)
- Crude oil/refined petroleum
- Cars/vehicles/automobiles/car spares
- Medicines
- Wheat
- Iron
- Fruits
- Glass textiles
- Shoes
(Any 3x1=3mks)
- Define the term Trade. (2 marks)
- Apart from road transport, give two other forms of Land transport. (2 marks)
- Railway
- Pipeline
- Human
- Animal poterage
(Any 2x1=2mks)
- State three advantages of road transport. (3 marks)
- Is very flexible
- Cheapest means of transport
- Easy and relatively cheap to construct
- Is faster compared to water and railway transport
- Have variety of grades and sizes
- Can be used by various agents e.g. cars, bicycles, motorcycles. Pedestrians etc.
- Complements other means of transport
- Highly convenient since one can use at own convenient time.
(Any 3x1=3mks)
- Apart from road transport, give two other forms of Land transport. (2 marks)
- The photograph below shows some mining activities. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the type of photograph. (1 mark)
- Ground general view.
- Give reasons for your answer in (i) above. (3 marks)
- The camera was held horizontally to the ground.
- The size of the objects diminishes towards the background.
- It captures many objects.
- Draw a rectangle measuring 10cm by 12cm to represent the photograph. (1 marks)
- On it, mark and label four main features. (4 marks)
- Tractor.
- Forest.
- Sky.
- Heaps of mineral ore.
- State three negative effects of the mining method shown in the photograph to the physical environment. (3 marks)
- It leaves the land with many open pits and heaps of overburden which makes the site to look ugly thus interfering with the environmental beauty.
- The overburden hinders agriculture and other land uses thus creating barren land which is expensive to rehabilitate.
- It leads to heaping of overburden and destruction of vegetation leading to loss of biodiversity in the environment.
- Loose rock materials produced are easily eroded into the water bodies leading to water pollution and siltation of the water sources.
- It leads to downshifting of the water table leading to shortage of water which adversely affects life for both animals and plants.
- Identify the type of photograph. (1 mark)
- Name two gold mining areas in South Africa. (2 marks)
- Johannesburg, Lydenberg, Odendaalrus, Welkon, Virginia, Allan ridge, Brackpan, Klerkdrop, Krugerdrop.
- Describe the process of gold processing. (6 marks)
- It is mined using the deep shaft mining method and then lifted to the surface for processing.
- The gold ore is crushed into powder.
- The powder is dissolved in a solution of sodium cyanide.
- Gold particles dissolve to form Gold-Cyanide solution with uranium impurities.
- The solution is mixed with zinc dust which precipitates gold.
- The solution containing uranium and other impurities is fed to tanks of sulfuric acid where uranium dissolves and then purified.
- Gold is then smelted and made into bars in Gemstone town.
- Some gold is sold locally and some exported.
- Explain three economic benefits of petroleum to the oil producing countries in the Middle East region. (6 marks)
- The country’s export petroleum which earns foreign exchange to develop other sectors of the economy.
- Petroleum is used as a raw material leading to the growth of petroleum related industries.
- Though exporting crude oil, the government earns revenue that enables the Middle East countries to invest heavily in the over sea countries.
- It has led to creation of employment opportunities for the local population raising their living standards.
- Income from petroleum is used to develop social amenities, transport and communication infrastructure.
- Income from petroleum has led to the growth of towns.
- Name two gold mining areas in South Africa. (2 marks)
- The photograph below shows some mining activities. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.
- Define pastoral farming (2 marks)
- This is the practice of keeping pasture dependent animals such as cattle, sheep and goats
- Name three pastoral communities in Kenya (3 marks)
- Maasai
- Rendile
- Samburu
- Somali
- Borana
- Turkana
- Pokot
- Define pastoral farming (2 marks)
- Identify two exotic beef cattle breeds kept in Kenya (2 marks)
- Aberdeen Angus
- Hereford
- Red angus
- Charolais
- Shorthorn
- Galloway
- Outline three characteristics of nomadic pastoralism (3 marks)
- Seasonal movement of animals in search for water and pasture
- Many animals are kept
- A wide variety of animals are kept
- Indigenous species are kept e.g Boran and Zebu
- Animals are of poor quality
- There is uncontrolled breeding
- Identify two exotic beef cattle breeds kept in Kenya (2 marks)
- Explain three factors favouring beef farming in Kenya. (6 marks)
- Gently sloping land/extensive flat lands for easy movement of animals
- Adequate water supply from rivers for cattle to drink
- Moderate rainfall/750 mm adequate for the growth of pastures
- Moderate temperatures/28C provide an ideal condition for growth of pastures
- Availability of good transport network to facilitate movement to the market
- Large tracts of land for establishment of large-scale ranches
- State four similarities between beef farming in Kenya and Argentina (6 marks)
- Exotic cattle breeds are reared
- Beef cattle are mainly reared in ranches
- Cross breeding of beef cattle is common
- Beef cattle are mainly reared in areas of natural grazing
- Beef products are meant for both local and foreign consumption
- Explain three factors favouring beef farming in Kenya. (6 marks)
- Your class carried a field study on tea processing.
- Outline any three stages of tea processing that the class may have observed. (3 marks)
- Weighing of the tea leaves
- Drying of the tea leaves by passing hot air over them
- Fermenting the leaves
- Roasting the fermented leaves
- Roasting the fermented leaves
- Sieving the dried leaves
- Grading
- Packaging of tea leaves readily for marketing
- State two methods that the class may have used to present data. (6 marks)
- Drawing charts
- Drawing tables
- Drawing graphs
- Report writing
- Displaying photographs /samples collected
- Publishing data in the internet
- Outline any three stages of tea processing that the class may have observed. (3 marks)
- The diagram below shows a fishing ground in the pacific ocean
- Identify the fishing ground shown above (2mks)
- North west pacific fishing ground
- Name two types of fish species found in the fishing ground above (2mks)
- Salmon
- Mackerel
- Tuna bonito
- Sardine
- Cod
- Alaska Pollack
- Identify the fishing ground shown above (2mks)
- Differentiate between fishing and fisheries (2mks)
- Fishing is the extraction/exploitation of aquatic animals/fish, while fisheries is an area or place where fish are caught in large numbers
- Name two inland types of fisheries in Kenya (2mks)
- Lakes
- Rivers/streams
- Swamps
- Ponds
- Differentiate between fishing and fisheries (2mks)
- Describe the long lining fishing method (4mks)
- This involves long lines with many baited hooks sink to the floor of the ocean
- The line is suspended in water by floats at each end.
- The line is dragged along by a small boat called dory or by steam vessel the line are spread over a wide area.
- After enough fish is caught the hooks are drawn by a number of fishermen who unhook the fish and put them in containers.
- The bait the lines again and cast them back into the water for another catch.
- Explain three physical factors that have influenced the development of fishing in Japan (6mks)
- The meeting of cold Oya-Siwo current and warm Kuro Siwo current result in cool conditions which favour plankton /oxygenated water/ice free water
- The broad shallow continental shelf favours growth of plankton leading to more fish
- The indented coastline with several islands in Japan/numerous bays and sheltered inlets favour fish breeding/provide good sites for development of ports.
- The mountains landscape of Japan hinders development of agriculture making fishing an alternative source of food
- Describe the long lining fishing method (4mks)
- State four problems that face Marine fishing in Kenya (4mks)
- The natively warm waters of the tropics do not favour fish breeding of large number
- Narrow continental shelf limits the area over which plankton can grow
- Inadequate capital hampers the development of the industry for buying the equipment and preservation facilities
- Stiff competition from industrialized countries which have modern fishing equipment for deep sea fishing
- Simple fishing methods guarantees small catch because it hinders deep sea fishing
- South coast practices Agriculture hence sea fishing is minimal
- North Coast has a small pop hence small market yet the price of fish is also prohibitive.
- Give three ways of conserving fresh water fisheries in Kenya (3mks)
- Restocking overfished waters to increase fish
- Special hatcheries have been set up for artificial fertilization of eggs to increase the fingerlings
- Prohibiting disposal of industrial domestic efficient into fisheries to avoid pollution and killing of fish through legislation
- Research is carried out to expand and improve fisheries by knowing their migratory and breeding habits
- Enacting laws against indiscriminate fishing /areas free for fishing
- Institutions have been set up to train personnel to manage fisheries
- State four problems that face Marine fishing in Kenya (4mks)
- The diagram below shows a fishing ground in the pacific ocean
- Define the term energy. (2 marks)
- It is the power required to run machines in order to perform various tasks in the production of goods and services.
- Name two types of renewable energy. (2 marks)
- Water
- Wind
- Wood
- Biomass
- Solar
- Geothermal
- Tides/waves
- Draught animals
- Define the term energy. (2 marks)
- Study the diagram of the seven forks dam power project provided below and use it to answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the dams labelled U and V. (2 marks)
- U- masinga dam.
- V- Kindaruma dam.
- Explain three physical factors that favored the establishment of the seven forks power project. (6 marks
- Presence of a large catchment area which provides a continuous water supply to turn turbines.
- Presence of a hard basement rock which provides a firm foundation for construction of a dam.
- Presence of a hard non-porous basement rock to prevent water seepage in the reservoir.
- Presence of rapids to provide a steep gradient for water to run with force to turn turbines to generate power.
- Presence of a deep narrow valley to hold the reservoir and save on the cost of construction of the dam.
- State three benefits of the seven forks power scheme. (3 marks)
- The reservoirs are used for generating electricity which is then used for industrial and domestic uses.
- The reservoirs provide water for domestic and industrial uses thus promoting industrialization and settlement.
- Some reservoirs provide water for irrigation thus improving agricultural production.
- The reservoirs provide fresh water for fishing grounds which supply fish to local people.
- The dams act as bridges across river Tana which has led to improvement of roads thus making the area accessible.
- The dams and reservoirs has led to control of floods in the lower parts of river tana thus reducing loss of life and destruction of properties.
- The reservoirs are tourist attraction sites which generates income for the country.
- The reservoirs modify climate making the surrounding areas suitable for settlements.
- The power generation activities have created employment opportunities for many Kenyans thus improvising their living standards.
- Identify the dams labelled U and V. (2 marks)
- What is energy crisis? (2 marks)
- It is a situation where the prices of fossil fuels rise uncontrollably as a result of short supply and high demand.
- Explain four effects of the energy crisis to the economies. (8 marks)
- Increase in prices of crude oil makes Kenya spend a lot of foreign exchange to import oil leading to unfavorable balance of trade.
- Increase in oil prices lead to increase in prices of farm inputs which leads to reduced agricultural production causing food crises.
- Increase in oil prices cause increase in prices of commodities leading to inflation which results into low living standards.
- The high cost of fuels increases production cost thus slowing down the industrial growth.
- Oil crises case scarcity of oil byproducts leading to shortage of raw materials of certain industries leading to high prices of by-products and reduced industrial growth.
- Increase in fuel prices leads to increased transport costs which cause increase in prices of almost all the sectors of the economy.
- What is energy crisis? (2 marks)
- Define industrial decentralization. (2 marks)
- The setting up of industries in rural areas away from areas of industrial concentration.
- State three causes of industrial inertia. (3 marks)
- Availability of experienced workers hence investors are reluctant to relocate,
- Availability of well-developed transport and communication system which is already in place.
- It is expensive to move to a new site.
- Industrial interdependence.
- Define industrial decentralization. (2 marks)
- Name three non-agricultural industries in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Cement processing,
- Glass making,
- Steel rolling,
- Water processing,
- Oil refining,
- Motor vehicle assembly.
- Explain four measures the government of Kenya is undertaking to promote jua kali industry in Kenya. (8 marks)
- The government provides loans and technical assistance to the artisans through the Kenyan Industrial states used to buy raw materials,
- The government has constructed shades in the main towns so that the artisans can work from.
- The government funds research through the Kenya Industrial Research and
- Development institute to improve quality of the products.
- The Local authorities has set aside land where the artisans work from
- The government promotes marketing of products from the Juakali industries by organizing trade fairs.
- The government encourages juakali artisans to form cooperative societies to provide credit loans and facilities.
- Study the map of Ruhr region below and use it to answer question (d).
- Identify
- the river marked A. - R. Lipe (1 mark)
- the canal marked H. - Rheine-Herne canal (1 mark)
- the town marked Y. - Dusseldof (1 mark)
- Explain three human factors that led to the growth of Ruhr industrial Region. (6 marks)
- The large local population had acquired skills on iron working / availability of local skilled labour formed the foundation of iron and steel industry.
- Presence of rich companies / Krupp families provided capital for the development of the industry.
- The dense / affluent population in central and Western Europe / Germany provided ready market for iron and steel.
- Industrial interdependence that developed that developed in the region provided industrial inertia.
- Identify
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