- This paper consists of six questions.
- Answer any five questions in the spaces provided.
- Each question carries 20 marks

- Outline Micah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah ( Micah 5:2-5) (7mks)
- Describe the annunciation of the birth of Jesus by Angel Gabriel as recorded in Luke 1:26 – 38 (5mks)
- State five lessons Christians learn from the magnificat. (5mks)
- Explain the teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true discipleship. (Luke 6:20- 49) (8mks)
- Describe the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman. (Luke 7:36—8:1-3) (7mks)
- State five lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave a sinful woman. (5mks)
- With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teachings of Jesus on the proper use of wealth Luke (16:19-31) (8mks)
- Outline six signs of the end times as taught by Jesus in (Luke 21:5-38) (6mks)
- Give seven ways in which Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ. (7mks)
- Identify eight characteristics of love as taught by Saint Paul in 1st Corinthians. (8mks)
- Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the concept of the church (Ephesians 5:21-23) (5mks)
- Identify seven factors that hinder effective cooperation among Christians’ in Kenya today (7mks)
- Identify five sources of Christian Ethics. (5mks)
- Give seven reasons why Christians in Kenya condemn homosexuality. (7mks)
- Explain how responsible Parenthood is demonstrated by Christians in Kenya today. (8mks)
- Outline the Christian teachings on marriage. (8mks)
- How should Christians prepare for marriage? (6mks)
- Give reasons why some Christians break the marriage vows. (6mks)

Marking Scheme
- Micah’s prophecy concerning the messiah (Micah 5:2-5)
- The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
- He will rule over Israel
- His origin is from the old
- He would be born of a woman
- He will feed his flock
- He will rule in majesty/ strength of the lord.
- In his time Israel will be secure peaceful
- He shall be great to the ends of the earth/ eternal. (7x1= 7 marks
- The annunciation of the birth of Jesus by angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26 -38 )
- Angel Gabriel was sent appeared to Mary in Nazareth.
- Mary was a young woman who had been engaged to a man named Joseph from the house of David.
- The Angel greeted Mary “Hail I O favored one, the lord is with you’’
- Mary was troubled by the greetings/ wondered what it could be.
- The Angel told her not to be afraid since she has found with God was going to conceive / give birth to a son.
- He would be called Jesus
- The angel told Mary that Jesus would be great would be called the son of the most High God will give him the
- throne of his father David.
- Mary asked the angel how she was going to conceive without a husband.
- The angel told her that she was going to conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The angel told Mary that her Kinswomen Elizabeth had also conceived a son/was six months pregnant.
- Mary accepted the angels message/said “ I am the hand maid of the lord let it be to me as you have said”
- The angel departed from her 8 x 1 = 8 marks
- Lessons that Christians learn from the magnificat
- Christians should always appreciate/ thank/ glorify, God for his favours.
- Christians should have faith in God.
- Christians should be humble.
- Christians should rejoice when they are blessed by God
- Christians should obey / respect the will of God.
- Christian should depend on God for provisions
- Christians learn that God raises those who are humble
- Christians learn that God is holy
- Christians learn that God is merciful 5x1= 5mks
- Micah’s prophecy concerning the messiah (Micah 5:2-5)
- The teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple. (Luke: 20- 49)
- Perseverance in the face of persecution.
A true disciple should endure suffering. - Unwavering faith in Jesus – A true disciple should have a absolute faith in God
- Love for enemies- A true disciple should love even their enemies / pray for them.
- Obedience/ implementers of the teachings of Jesus – A true disciple should accept the lordship
- Forgiving others – A true disciple should love their enemies / pray for them.
- Generosity /kindness – A true disciples should share with others / be generous.
- Not to judge others – A true disciple should exercise self-criticism before judging others.
- Show compassion / mercy to others- A true disciple should be merciful just like God.
8x1 = 8mks
- Perseverance in the face of persecution.
- The incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman. Luke 7:36-50)
- Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to his house to eat with him.
- A woman who was known to be a sinner came to Jesus with an alabaster flask of ointment.
- She started weeping/ wiped the feet of Jesus with hair / kissed/ anointed the feet of Jesus.
- Simon wondered how Jesus could allow such a sinner to touch him.
- Jesus asked Simon who among the two debtors was more grateful.
- Simon answered that the debtors who had more was more grateful.
- Jesus told Simon that the sinful woman had shown a lot of love because her many sins had been forgiven.
- Jesus told the woman to go in peace for her faith had saved her/her sins had been forgiven
7x1 = 7 marks
- State five lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave a sinful woman.
- Christians should show compassion to all regardless of their gender,age,religion
- Christians should have faith
- Christians should be ready to forgive
- Chritians should reach out to all even those who are known to be sinners
- Chrstians should accept their sinful nature and repent
- The teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple. (Luke: 20- 49)
- The teachings of Jesus on the proper use of wealth.
- Jesus taught that wealth should be used to help the needy.
- Wealth should be used to spread good news.
- Wealth should be used to serve others/ glorify God.
- Wealth should not be used to buy unnecessary materials for luxuries when others are suffering.
- Proper use of wealth enables one to be rewarded in heaven.
- Wealth should not be used to oppress the poor.
- Too much trust in wealth can prevent someone from having eternal life.
- Wealth is a gift / blessings from God/ Christians are custodians of wealth.
- Wealth is temporary/ not permanent
- Signs of the end times as taught by Jesus according to (Luke:215-38)
- People will come claiming to be the Messiah.
- There will be wars between nations.
- Natural calamities like earthquakes/ roaring of the Sea will occur.
- Followers of Christ will be hated/ persecuted.
- There will be famine/ pestilences.
- Strange things will happen to the celestial bodies/ moon / stars.
- Nations shall rise against each other 6x1 = 6marks
- Ways in which Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- Christians pray / fast
- Confessing Jesus as their personal savior
- Living holly lives.
- Preaching the gospel to others.
- Reading / practicing the word of God.
- Encouraging one another.
- By helping the poor/ needy
- Repenting their sins. 7x1 = 7marks
- The teachings of Jesus on the proper use of wealth.
- Characterizes of love taught by Saint Paul 1st Corinthians 13.
- Love is patient
- It is kind
- It is not jealous boastful
- Love is not arrogant/ rude
- Love is not irritable/ resentful.
- Love bears all things.
- Love endures / perseveres
- Love does not insist on its own way
- Love believers/ trusts all things.
- Love never ends/ it is eternal.
8x1= 8marks
- The Unity of believers as expressed as expressed in the concept of the church.( Ephesians 5:21-32)
- Paul used the symbol of marriage to show the unity of believers.
- Christians are united to Christ just as a husband is united to his wife.
- Christ loves the church just as the husband loves the wife.
- The church has to submit to Christ just as the wife submits to the husband.
- Christ is the head of the church just as the husband is the head of the wife
- Just as the husband loves his own/ nourishes it, so Christ loves the church/nourishes it
5x1 = 5marks
- Factors that hinder effective cooperation among Christians in Kenya today.
- Greed for power/ leadership wrangles.
- Competition to win more converts members.
- Materialism / desire to have more.
- Discrimination based on gender/ tribal/ education/ race/ social status / disabilities.
- Political interference.
- Different interpretation of the bible doctrinal denominational differences.
- Emergency of cults / idol worship
- Lack of equity in resources / funds.
- Poor infrastructure/ language barrier/ poor transport/ communication facilities.
- Lack of money / inadequate funds.
- Characterizes of love taught by Saint Paul 1st Corinthians 13.
- Source of Christian Ethics
- Natural law
- Sacred scriptures (the Bible)
- The Christian community Human.
- Human reason and experience.
- Situation ethics
- Social norms
- The conscience 5x1 = 5 marks
- Reasons why Christians condemn homosexuality
- It can lead to contracting of sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
- It can lead to psychological problems such as stress, depression and suicide.
- Homosexuality is against God’s intention for human sexuality, when he created both male and female in his own image and likeness.
- It cannot lead to birth of children which is the primary purpose of marriage.
- There is no fulfillment of sexual intercourses as this only possible with members of the opposite sex.
- Homosexuality is a taboo in all African communities.
- Stigmazation
- Lowers human dignity
- It leads to maladjusted relations
7x1 = 7marks
- How responsible parenthood is demonstrated.
- Parents provide for physical needs to their children such as food, shelter and clothing.
- Parents educating children in all aspects of life.
- Parents should love their children equally.
- Parents create time to spend with their children.
- Parents should understand and tolerate their children.
- Parents should touch and train children in religious matters.
- There should be open dialogue between parents and their children.
- Helping children to grow physically , psychologically and emotionally
- Parents should teach their children moral and right behavior.
8x1= marks
- Source of Christian Ethics
- Christian teachings on marriage.
- Marriage should be monogamous
- Marriage is a covenant relationship between a husband and a wife and his protected by God.
- Marriage is for love, procreation and mutual companionship.
- Marriage is still complete, with or without children.
- Marriage is meant to be permanent.
- Marriage is based on true love.
- Virtues of tolerance, honesty fidelity, forgiveness and understanding, strengthen a marriage.
- Remarriage is possible for a Christian after the death of a marriage partner.
- A husband and wife must have self-sacrificing love for each other.
- Marriage is not a must for everyone. One can decide not to marry in order to serve God.
8 x 1 = 8 marks
- How Christians prepare for marriage
- Pray to God for guidance in getting a partner.
- Identify the person to marry. Inform the parents/ guardians about the person to marry.
- Propose to the one to marry.
- Inform the church leaders about their marriage plans.
- Attend Seminars/ counseling sessions of marriage
- Visit the parents / family of the spouse you intend to marry and discuss marriage arrangements.
- Make arrangements to give dowry.
- Arrange with the church on when the marriage can take place. / fix a wedding date.
- Identify the marriage witnesses/ best maid best couple.
- Ensure there is availability of finances / resources
6x1 = 6 marks
- Give reasons why some Christians break the marriage vows.
- Due to unfaithfulness
- Lust/ covetousness
- Financial constrain / poverty.
- Lack of faith in God
- Lack of guidance and counseling
- Hypocrisy/ pretence.
- Effects of mass media/ foreign culture.
- Poor role models
- Denial of conjugal / rights
- Pressure from in-laws
6 x1 = 6marks
- Christian teachings on marriage.
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