- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C. Answer all questions in section A and B.
- Answer two questions from Section C
- Answer to ALL questions MUST be written in the spaces provided.
Answer all question in the spaces provided
- Name a pig breed with the following features White body colour, erect ears, dished snout, big in body size.(½mk)
- What does the term ‘epistasis’ mean in livestock improvement? (1mks)
- Give four reasons of treating timber before roofing farm buildings. (2mks)
- State four abnormalities of eggs that can be detected during egg candling. (2mks)
- Give two parasites of cattle which are also disease vectors (1mks)
- State four ways of minimizing disowning of lambs by ewes (2mk)
- Name a tool used for tightening barbed wires fencing (½ mk)
- Mention two predisposing factors of foot rot disease in sheep (1mk)
- State four advantages of hedges (2mks)
- Define the term “Zoonotic disease” (1mk)
- Give two examples of Zoonotic diseases (2mk)
- Name the three methods of livestock selection (1 ½ mks)
- Differentiate between the following breed terms. (2mks)
- Bull and Bullock
- Billy and Nanny
- Calculate how much of wheat (35%) D.C.P) would be mixed with sunflower feed cake (10%) D.C.P) to come up with 100kg duck mash 20% D.C.P. (3mks)
- State four good qualities of honey (2mks)
- State four desirable features of a rabbit hutch (2mks)
- State two importance of damp proof material in foundation of farm structures (1 mk)
- Why is it necessary to provide grit to birds (1mk)
- Name three dual purpose breeds of cattle (1 ½ mk)
- State four ways in which vaccines may be administered to animals (2mks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
- The illustration below represents equipment used in poultry production. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the equipment (1 mk)
- Name the parts labeled A, B and C (1 ½ mks)
A. …………………
B. …………………
C. ………………… - What is the function of the parts labeled A, B and C (1 ½ mks)
A. …………………
B. …………………
C. ………………… - Why is it important to turn the eggs around 180° every 6 – 8 hrs? (1 mk)
- Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the parts labeled D, E, F and G. (2 mks)
G..…………………… - State two uses of part labeled F (1 mk)
- Outline two reasons why it is important to have the structure labeled G at the edge of the roofing materials (2mks)
- Identify the parts labeled D, E, F and G. (2 mks)
- Study the diagram of a biogas plant below and answer the questions that follow.
- Name the main component of biogas that is trapped in part L. (1 mk)
- Give the name and use of the materials deposited in the part labeled M (1 mk)
- What is the component K in the biogas digester? (1 mk)
- State two uses of biogas on the farm. (2 mks
- Below are illustrations of farm tools and equipment. Study them carefully and answer the questions that follows.
- Identify the above tools. (2mrks)
R …………………………………………………………………………………………. - State one main use of each tool. (1mrk)
R…………………………………………………………………………………………. - State two maintenance practices carried out on tool P. (2mrks)
- Identify the above tools. (2mrks)
Answer any TWO questions in this section.
- Describe Newcastle disease under the following sub-headings:
- causal organism; (1 mark)
- Signs of infection. (7marks)
- Control measures. (2 marks)
- Describe the advantages of battery system of rearing layers. (10 marks)
- Describe Newcastle disease under the following sub-headings:
- Describe the biotic factors that affect livestock production. (8 marks)
- Explain four advantages of farm mechanization. (8 marks)
- State four factors that influence milk let-down in cows. (4 marks)
- Describe the daily maintenance and servicing of a tractor before use. (10 marks)
- Explain five signs of ill-health in livestock. (10 marks)

Marking Scheme
- Large white
- Epistasis is s combination of genes which on their own could have been inferior on undesirable
- four reasons of treating timber before roofing farm buildings
- Prevent attack from insects
- Prevent attack from fungi (rotting)
- Resist weather condition: -extreme temperature
- Resist water penetration
- To harden wood/make it durable and more strong
- To avoid warping
- four abnormalities of eggs that can be detected during egg
- Absence of yolk
- Double / triple yolk
- Air space in wrong position
- Excessively large air space
- Cracks on egg shell
- Blood / meat spots
- Deformed / broken yolk
- Tsetse flies
- Ticks
- Steaming up of ewes to have milk to be suckled
- Use of lambing pens
- Ewes are made to recognize lambs after lambs
- Blind folding ewes to activate maternal instinct
- Attend/ treat inflamed udders/ painful
- Monkey strainer/wire strainer
- Filthy surroundings g. wet and muddy areas cracking of the hooves
- Sharp objects in pastures
- Overgrown hooves/elongated hooves
- Provide shade to livestock
- Cheap and easy to establish
- Tall varieties act as wind breakers g. kai apple
- Have aesthetic value/beauty
- Roots hold soil firmly controlling soil erosion
- Some can be used as livestock feed
- Are diseases that are transmitted from animal to man or from man to animal
- Anthrax, Brucellosis, Rabies, Tuberculosis, Rift-valley fever, Trichomoniasis, Mad cow disease
- mass selection
- Progeny testing
- Contemporary comparison
- bull – mature male cattle - Bullock -mature castrated male cattle
Billy –mature male goat - Nanny –mature female goat
10 x 100 = 40 kg of wheat
15 x 100 = 60kg of sunflower cake
- Purity – free from wax/wings/smoke/combs
- Colour – brown yellow
- Viscosity – not dilute or too thick
- Smell – right smell not of rotten combs
- Spacious
- High above the ground/well drained site
- Well ventilated
- Well lit
- Leak proof roof
- Draught free wall
- To prevent moisture from raising up
- To prevent/control termites from ascending
- To prevent coldness from ascending
- To aid in griding grains into paste by thick muscle of the gizzard
- Sahiwal
- Red poll
- Simmental
- Brown Swiss
- Injection
- Orally
- By inhalation
- Through the cloaca
- Artificial incubator
- Thermometer
- Water bath/warm water
- Damp cloth
- To check temperature in the incubator
- Distribute the heat from heat source evenly/maintain relative humidity.
- Maintain relative humidity
- Ensure even distribution of warmth for even chick development
- D - Rafter
E - Cross tie
F - Purlin
G - Gutter - To support roofing materials
to ensure that the roofing materials are firmly held after nailing on to the iron sheets. - G-
- To collect water to be stored in water
- To prevent rain water from splashing directly on to the
- D - Rafter
- Methane gas
- Slurry – it is used for manuring crops on the farm
- Animal wastes g. cow dung, poultry droppings and pig waste
- it is used for cooking and heating
- in some countries, biogas is used in internal combustion engines
- used for lighting
- Used to power any household electronic device (any electronic mention by name)
- Identify the above tools M-wrecking axe (claw axe)
N-Drenching /dosing gun
P-Hand drill
R-prunning shears - State one main use of each tool M- splitting timber
Removing nails from the timber
R-Trimming hedges and shrubs - State two maintenance practices carried out on tool P
- Cleaning after use to remove dirt
- Greasing/oiling the moving parts to reduce friction
- Apply oil to prevent rusting
- Identify the above tools M-wrecking axe (claw axe)
- Newcastle disease.
- Casual
- virus
- Signs of attack:
- Difficulty in breathing.
- Beaks remain wide open and necks are strained
- Dullness,
- Birds stand with eyes closed all the time
- Loss of appetite
- Nasal discharge which force the birds to shake their heads to clear it
- Birds walk in a staggering motion since the nervous system is affected
- Often the birds have their heads down
- Drooping wings
- Birds produce watery greenish diarrhea
- Eggs laid have soft shells
- Control Measures:
- Vaccination during the first six weeks and then two to three months
- Quarantine
- Kill the infected birds and burn
- Obtain stock from reputable source
- Newcastle disease.
- Records are easily kept therefore culling is easy
- Birds do not become broody
- More eggs are collected to restricted movement of hens and complete control of egg eating.
- Tender meat is obtained from the culls because the muscles have not been toughered much
- Handling is easier than in the other systems and individual attention to hens is given.
- Stocking rate is very high
- Vices are greatly reduced
- Eggs are clean because hens do not step on them
- Birds do not contaminate the food and water
- Sick birds can be detected easily and isolated for treatment
- Wire floors prevent re-infestation of parasitic worms and coccidiosis
- No bullying during feeding
- Low labour requirement
Any 10 x 1 = 10 marks
- Parasites lower field and quality of livestock production.
- Some are vectors of livestock diseases.
- Pests reduce pasture and fodder available for livestock – termites destroy animal structure.
- Pathogens like protozoa, bacteria and viruses cause diseases
- Predators like lions, jackal, hyena and mongoose predate on livestock in the field and their houses. Birds predate on fish
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria convert nitrogen into nitrates which improve proteins content and hence palatability of forage crops
- Weeds choke pastures, others lower quality of pasture grasses and livestock products e.g milk
- Denitrifying bacteria converts nitrites to nitrogen which reduces protein content and palatability of forage crops.
Biotic factor 4mks
Description 4mks
- Parasites lower field and quality of livestock production.
- Makes operations faster
- Makes work easier and enjoyable
- Improves efficiency as more work can be done over a short period of time
- Economize on the use of labour
- Increase production by benefiting from economies of scale
Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks
The point should be explained.
- Presence of calf.
- Presence of milkman
- Rattling of milk equipment
- Site of food / feeding the animal
- Massaging / washing the udder with warm water
- Sight of milk parlour
- Oil bath air cleaner A– Check for oil level add more if low.
- Battery – check for electrolyte level, and top up if low
- Check terminals for tightness and corrosion clean and tighten if dirty. - Fuel – check for fuel in tank and fill if low.
- Radiator – Check for water level and top up with clean water if low.
- Fan belt – check for fan belt tension and tighten if low.
- Engine oil – Check oil level using a dip stick and move if level is W
- Tyres – check tyre pressure and add more if pressure is low.
- Bolts, nuts and pins – check for tightness and tighten if loose.
- Grease all moving parts by applying grease at grease nipples.
- Check sediments bowl and drain it if dirty
- Check for any visible anomalies and rectify them accordingly (10x1) marks
- Posture of the animal appears unusual compared to other animals of the same species.
- Animals appetite is reduced
- The skin coat would be staring or mated
- Animal may isolate itself from others
- It may be producing abnormal sounds, for example coughing or sneezing
- Its appearance may be dull compared to others
- Its faecal matter may be watery or very hard
- It may be producing discharge from external openings, for example eyes and vulva.
Any 5x2 = 10 marks
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