- Answer all the questions in this paper.
- In question 4 answer any two of the questions numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d). (c)
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.
- Melody writing.
- Copy and continue the following opening to make a melody of 16 bars for voice incorporating a sequence and a duplet. Modulate to the dominant before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 Marks)
- Using staff notation, write a suitable melody and fit in the following text. (6 Marks)
Singing, playing and dancing together,
Keeps the children united and happy.
- Copy and continue the following opening to make a melody of 16 bars for voice incorporating a sequence and a duplet. Modulate to the dominant before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 Marks)
- Harmony
Harmonize the following melody for SATB. Choose appropriate chords from i, ii, iv, v and vi. Indicate the chord used. (15 Marks)
- African Music
- State any three relationships between music and dance in the performance of Africa folk dance. (3 Marks)
- Outline any four roles played by sukuti ensemble in the performance of African folk songs.(4 Marks)
- Name two Kenyan dances named after the body part that execute the main dance movement. (2 Marks)
- What is an idiophone? (1 Marks)
- State two methods of playing Chivoti. (2 Marks)
- Name any two parts of an African drum and state how each contribute to sound production. (2 Marks)
- Western Music
Answer any two of the following questions numbered (a) , (b), (c) and (d)- William Bryd.
- In which period of music history did Byrd live? (1 Mark)
- Outline four contributions of William Byrd towards the development of music of the period he lived. (4 Marks)
- Apart from William Byrd serving as an organist at the Lincoln, Cathedral, state any other two of his appointments. (2 Marks)
- Franz Joseph Haydn
- Name any two composers who influenced Franz Joseph Haydn musically. (2 Marks)
- State any two characteristics features of Haydn’s music with reference to melodic style and harmony. (2 Marks)
- Name titles of Haydn’s most oratorios. (2 Marks)
- What inspired Haydn to write the two oratorios? (1 Mark)
- Franz Liszt
- What is Liszt’s nationality? (1 Mark)
- Apart from list name any 4 composers who wrote symphonic poem. (4 Marks)
- What type of work is each one of the following? (3 Marks)
- Christus ………………………………………………
- Les Preludes……………………………………………
- Totentanz………………… ……………………………
- Bella Bartok
- In which musical period of history did Bella Bartok lived? (1 Mark)
- Outline four characteristics of Bella Bartok’s music. (4 Marks)
- Define an opera. (1 Mark)
- Name any title of Opera by Bella Bartok. (1 Mark)
- William Bryd.
- Analysis of prescribed African music.
Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from YouTube-
- What is the main medium of performance in this recording? (1 Mark)
- State any four roles played by the main medium in this recording. (4 Marks)
- State five characteristics features of African Music in the performance in this recording. (5 Marks)
- Analysis of prescribe Western music.
Too much I once Lamented by Thomas Tomkins.- What type of work is Too Much I once Lamented? (1 Mark)
- Name the composer of this work. (1 Mark)
- Describe the metre used in this music. (1 Mark)
- By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (3 Marks)
- In which key/ tonality is the 2nd soprano at 62 – 63? (1 Mark)
- By use of bar numbers, identify the following compositional devices. (3 Marks)
- Homophonic texture
- Chromaticism
- Scalic motion
- Unprepared Analysis
Study the piece of music below and answer the questions that follow:- By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (2 Marks)
- For what medium is this music? Give a reason for your answer. (1 Mark)
- Write the ornaments in bars 5, 8 and 30 in full. (3 Marks)
- General knowledge questions .
- State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in music.
- Drum major
- Tutti
- Mosso
- Arco
- State four ways through which harmonic effect is achieved during the group performance of a traditional African folk song. (4 Marks)
- Name and explain the three basic textures used in Western Music. (3 Marks)
- Translate the following music from staff to sol-fa notation. Remember to indicate the tonic. (5 Marks)
- State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in music.

Marking Scheme
- Melody writing.
- Copy and continue the following opening to make a melody of 16 bars for voice incorporating a sequence and a duplet. Modulate to the dominant before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 Marks)
- Using staff notation, write a suitable melody and fit in the following text. (6 Marks)
Singing, playing and dancing together,
Keeps the children united and happy.
- Harmony
Harmonize the following melody for SATB. Choose appropriate chords from i, ii, iv, v and vi. Indicate the chord used. (15 Marks)
- African Music
- State any three relationships between music and dance in the performance of Africa folk dance. (3 Marks)
- The music dictates the dance style
- The music enhances the dance
- The dance enhances the music
- Outline any four roles played by sukuti ensemble in the performance of African folk songs. (4 Marks)
- keep the rhythm
- Maintain the rhythm
- Motivate the performers
- Attract the audience
- Mark the start of the performance
- Name two Kenyan dances named after the body part that execute the main dance movement. (2 Marks)
- What is an idiophone? (1 Marks)
- Self sounding instruments
- State two methods of playing Chivoti. (2 Marks)
- Holding- held transversely
- The lower lip placed on the lower part of the blowing hole
- Air is blowen across the blowing hole
- Name any two parts of an African drum and state how each contribute to sound production. (2 Marks)
- membrane- vibrates to produce the sound
- open end-lets out the sound
- What is an idiophone? (1 Marks)
- State any three relationships between music and dance in the performance of Africa folk dance. (3 Marks)
- Western Music
Answer any two of the following questions numbered (a) , (b), (c) and (d)- William Bryd.
- In which period of music history did Byrd live? (1 Mark
- Renaissance
- Outline four contributions of William Byrd towards the development of music of the period he lived. (4 Marks)
- Wrote catholic and Anglican church music
- Composed madrigals
- Published church music
- Wrote jubilate
- Apart from William Byrd serving as an organist at the Lincoln, Cathedral, state any other two of his appointments. (2 Marks)
- composer
- choirmaster
- elected chairman of chapel royal
- In which period of music history did Byrd live? (1 Mark
- Franz Joseph Haydn
- Name any two composers who influenced Franz Joseph Haydn musically. (2 Marks)
- Nicole porpara
- CPE bach
- State any two characteristics features of Haydn’s music with reference to melodic style and harmony. (2 Marks)
- The music is basically homophonic in nature
- Some of his music has surprising modulations
- Name titles of Haydn’s most oratorios. (2 Marks)
- Seasons
- the creations
- What inspired Haydn to write the two oratorios? (1 Mark)
- Handels Oratorios
- Name any two composers who influenced Franz Joseph Haydn musically. (2 Marks)
- Franz Liszt
- What is Liszt’s nationality? (1 Mark)
- Hungarian
- Apart fro list name any four composers who wrote symphonic poem. (4 Marks)
- Smetana
- Borodin
- Sibelious
- Strauss
- What type of work is each one of the following? (3 Marks)
- Christus
- Les Preludes
- Totentans
- What is Liszt’s nationality? (1 Mark)
- Bella Bartok
- In which musical period of history did Bella Bartok lived? (1 Mark)
- 20th century
- Outline four characteristics of Bella Bartok’s music. (4 Marks)
- It had some romantic characteristics elements
- He employed Hangarian folk element
- Rhythmic vitality was an essential feature
- His music employed a wide range of elements
- Define an opera. (1 Mark)
- drama set to music
- Name any title of Opera by Bella Bartok. (1 Mark)
- Define an opera. (1 Mark)
- In which musical period of history did Bella Bartok lived? (1 Mark)
- William Bryd.
- Analysis of prescribed African music.
Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from YouTube-
- What is the main medium of performance in this recording? (1 Mark)
- chivoti
- State any four roles played by the main medium in this recording. (4 Marks)
- Pitch the performance
- Play melodies
- play an ornament to indicate climax
- Play the part of solo and responseCue in the parterns
- What is the main medium of performance in this recording? (1 Mark)
- State five characteristics features of African Music in the performance in this recording. (5 Marks)
- Short and repetitive
- Has ornaments
- Call and respose style
- Poly rhythmic
- Use of pentatonic scale
- Analysis of prescribe Western music.
Too much I once Lamented by Thomas Tomkins.- What type of work is Too Much I once Lamented? (1 Mark)
- Name the composer of this work. (1 Mark)
- Describe the metre used in this music. (1 Mark)
- By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (3 Marks)
- In which key/ tonality is the 2nd soprano at 62 – 63? (1 Mark
- By use of bar numbers, identify the following compositional devices. (3 Marks)
- Homophonic texture
- Chromaticism
- Unprepared Analysis
Study the piece of music below and answer the questions that follow:- By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (2 Marks)
- Binary form- A Bar 1-32
- B 33-64
- For what medium is this music? Give a reason for your answer. (1 Mark)
- instrumental, the use of the lower mordent
- Write the ornaments in bars 5, 8 and 30 in full. (3 Marks)
- By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (2 Marks)
- General knowledge questions .
- State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in music.
- Drum major
- Mosso - moved
- Arco - Pays with the bow
- State four ways through which harmonic effect is achieved during the group performance of a traditional African folk song. (4 Marks)
- When there is instrumental accompaniment of voice
- When there is octave singing between voices
- When parts start at different points
- When there is overlapping of phrases
- Name and explain the three basic textures used in Western Music. (3 Marks)
- HOMOPHONIC- Single melodic line heard with a chordal accompaniment
- POLYPHONIC-Two or more melodic lines performing at the same time with imitations
- MONOPHONIC-Single melodic lines without supporting harmonies
- Translate the following music from staff to sol-fa notation. Remember to indicate the tonic. (5 Marks)
- State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in music.
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