SECTION A (25 marks)
- Give two limitations of using anthropology as a source of information in History and Government. (2 marks)
- Identify one community in Kenya that belonged to the Southern Cushitic group. (1 mark)
- Name two Bantu groups in Kenya which settled in Mount Elgon area before migrating to their present homeland. (2 marks)
- State two religious functions performed by Oloibon of the Maasai during the pre-colonial period. (2 marks)
- Give two factors that enabled the early visitors to come to the Kenyan coast by 1500 A.D. (2 marks)
- Name one Arab family which ruled the Kenyan coast on behalf of Oman. (1 mark)
- Name the African community that organized the long distance trade in Kenya during the colonial period. (1mark)
- Give the main reason why the Kenyan citizen should obey the law. (1 mark)
- Give two ways in which education has promoted national unity in Kenya. (2 marks)
- State two advantages of representative democracy. (2 marks)
- Give the main reason why the colonial government created the African reserves in Kenya. (1 mark)
- What was the main reason for the formation of the Kenya African Democratic Union in 1960? (1 mark)
- Name the administrative head of Kenyan Parliament. (1 mark)
- Give the main function of Prison department in Kenya. (1 mark)
- Give the main reason why the Government of Kenya introduced Free Primary Education in 2003. (1 mark)
- Give the main reason why the Government of Kenya ensures effective utilization of public funds. (2 marks)
- Give two disadvantages of Kenya’s reliance on foreign aid as a source of revenue. (2 marks)
SECTION B (45 marks)
- State five causes of the Nandi resistance against the British invasion. (5 marks)
- Explain five effects of the Maasai collaboration with the British in the early 20th Century. (10 marks)
- State five ways in which the Kenya-Uganda railway promoted economic development in Kenya during the colonial period. (5 marks)
- Explain five problems encountered during the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway. (10 marks)
- Give five grievances of the Kikuyu Central Association which were presented by Jomo Kenyatta to the Colonial Secretary in 1929. (5 marks)
- Describe five roles played by Thomas Joseph Mboya in the development of trade union movement in Kenya. (10 marks)
- State five ways in which the government of Kenya has improved the health of its citizens since independence. (5 marks)
- Explain five factors which have undermined the provision of Health services by the Government of Kenya. (10 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer any TWO questions from this section.
- Give three circumstances in which one’s right to life may be taken away. (3 marks)
- Explain six reasons why it is important to respect Human Rights. (12 marks)
- Give the composition of the Judicial Service Commission in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Describe five ways through which the independence of the Judiciary is guaranteed in Kenya.
(10 marks)
- Name the three categories of the Kenya Defence Forces. (3 marks)
- Explain six challenges faced by the Kenya Police Service in the course of discharging their duties. (12 marks)

- Give two limitations of using anthropology as a source of information on History and Government.
(2 marks)- It is time consuming
- It is an expensive method
- Information collected may be inaccurate/distorted
- Information collected may be biased.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Identify one community in Kenya which belongs to the southern cushitic group. (1 mark)
- Dehallo/Sanye
Any 1x 1 = 1 mark
- Dehallo/Sanye
- Name two Bantu groups in Kenya which settled in Mount Elgon area before migrating to their present homeland. (2 marks)
- Abaluhya
- Abagusii
- Abakuria
Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- State two religious functions performed by the Oloiboni of the Maasai during the pre-colonial period.
(2 marks)- He foretold the future/consulted God.
- He presided over religious ceremonies/activities
- He offered prayers on behalf of the community
- He blessed warriors before going to war.
Any 2 x 1=2 marks
- Give two factors that enabled the early visitors to come to the Kenyan coast by 1500 A.D (2 marks)
- Existence of natural harbours
- Accessibility of the East African Coast
- Existence of monsoon/trade winds
- Knowledge of boat making/sailing ship/dhows/marine technology
Any 2 x 1= 2 marks
- Name one Arab family which ruled the Kenyan coast on behalf of Oman.
- Mazrui
- Nabahan
- Busaidi
Any 1 x 1= 1 mark
- Name the African Community that organized the long distance trade in Kenya during the pre-colonial period.
- The Akamba
1x1=1 mark
- The Akamba
- Give the main reason why a Kenyan citizen should obey the law.
- To keep peace.
1x1 = 1 mark
- To keep peace.
- Give two ways in which education has promoted national unity in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Common curriculum/syllabus is used
- Learners from different schools interact through co-curricular activities
- Learners from different community/background attend the same schools
- Learners in all public schools sit for a common national examination.
- Common medium of communication/English/Kiswahili is used in schools.
Any 2 x 1= 2 marks
- State two advantages of representative democracy.
- People elect leaders of their own choice
- Supreme power is vested in the people
- It is easy to make decision
- Elected leaders are accountable to the people
- People are able to air their grievances
Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Give the main reason why the colonial government created African reserves in Kenya. (1 mark)
- To create room for European farming/settlement.
(1 x 1) = 1 mark
- To create room for European farming/settlement.
- What was the main reason for the formation of Kenya African Democratic Union in 1960, (1 mark)
- To protect the rights/interests of the minority groups.
1x1= 1 mark
- To protect the rights/interests of the minority groups.
- Name the administrative head of the Kenya Parliament.
- The clerk.
(1x1 = 1 mark)
- The clerk.
- State the main function of the prisons department in Kenya.
- It reforms/rehabilitates convicts.
1x1 = 1 mark
- It reforms/rehabilitates convicts.
- Give the main reason why the government of Kenya introduced Free Primary Education in 2003.
- To enable more people access education.
(1x1 = 1 mark)
- To enable more people access education.
- State two ways in which the Government of Kenya ensures effective utilization of public funds. (2 marks)
- It budgets for the funds/finance.
- It undertakes regular auditing of funds.
- It investigates /prosecutes corrupt officers through ethics and anti-corruption It investiga commission.
- It procures goods/services through open tendering system.
- Parliament approves/monitors public funds.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Give two disadvantages of Kenya's reliance on foreign aid as a source of revenue. (2 marks)
- It is given with conditions.
- It attracts high interest rates.
- It creates donor dependency syndrome/debt crisis
- It limits the choice of trading partners.
- It delays the implementation of projects.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
SECTION B (45 marks)
- State five causes of the Nandi resistance against the British invasion. (5 marks)
- They wanted to safeguard their independence.
- They were proud people who disliked interference by strangers.
- Had successfully raided /fought their neighbours/intruders in the past.
- They disliked the whiteman's/European skin colour/dressing.
- They did not want to lose their land.
- They fought to avert the fulfillment of Kimnyole's/Orkoiyot's prophecy.
- They had an able leader who inspired them to fight/resist.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks
- Explain five effects of the Maasai collaboration with the British in the early 20th Century (10 marks)
- Lenana was made a paramount chief of the Maasai because of his cooperation.
- They lost land which was taken up by the British for farming/settlement.
- They were rewarded with material wealth/granted favoured status due to their cooperation
- They lost their independence/were manipulated as their land became a British protectorate.
- It led to the division/separation between those for/against collaboration thereby weakening them further.
- They were hired as mercenaries to assist the British in subduing/suppressing communities that were resisting establishment of colonial rule.
- It led to the eviction/displacement of the Maasai thereby causing untold suffering /loss of livelihood.
- It led to the disruption of their economic structure thereby causing loss of wealth.
Any 5x 2 = 10 marks
- State five causes of the Nandi resistance against the British invasion. (5 marks)
- State five ways in which the construction of the Kenya Uganda Railway promoted economic development in Kenya during the colonial period. (5 marks)
- It hastened It hastened transportation of goods/services.
- It promoted the growth of trade/commercial activities.
- It opened the interior for better farming/agriculture.
- It led to the growth of industries/mining.
- It led to the growth/development of urban centres.
- It generated revenue to the colonial government.
- It created employment.
- Development of other forms of transport
Any 5 x 1= 5 marks
- Explain five problems encountered during the construction of the Kenya Uganda Railway. (10 marks)
- The harsh climate created difficult working environment thus slowing down the work
- There was inadequate labour which led to importation of workers from India.
- The workers were attacked by tropical diseases/pests leading to their ineffectiveness/ death
- The terrain was poor/difficulty thus slowing down the constructions work.
- Some communities attacked the workers/stole equipments thereby delaying the construction.
- They were attacked by wild-animals/man-eaters of Tsavo thus leading to deaths of some workers.
- The transportation of some constructions materials was difficult due to their bulkiness.
- There was irregular/delays in the supply of construction materials/equipments which slowed down the work.
- There was inadequate supply of essential/basic commodities which made life unbearable.
Any 5 x 2=10 marks
- State five ways in which the construction of the Kenya Uganda Railway promoted economic development in Kenya during the colonial period. (5 marks)
- Give five grievances of the Kikuyu Central Association which were presented by Jomo Kenyatta to the Colonial Secretary in 1929. (5 marks)
- Land alienation.
- Taxation of Africans.
- Lack of African representation of LegCo
- Lack of quality/poor education for Africans.
- Release of Harry Thuku.
- Abolition of forced labour.
- Abolition of Kipande system.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks
- Describe five roles played by Thomas Joseph Mboya in the development of trade union movement in Kenya. (10 marks)
- He was instrumental in the formation of trade union movement.
- He served as a leader in trade union organizations both locally and internationally.
- He organized protests/ demonstrations against the arrest and harassment of trade union members/workers.
- He liaised with international trade union organizations where he gained knowledge/ experience of running trade unions.
- He solicited for funds to finance the activities of trade union movement in Kenya,
- He organized trade union courses/ seminars in various parts of the country to educate the workers/leaders.
- He agitated for better terms/conditions for workers.
- He attended courses on industrial relations abroad where he gained knowledge on labour relations.
Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Give five grievances of the Kikuyu Central Association which were presented by Jomo Kenyatta to the Colonial Secretary in 1929. (5 marks)
- State five ways in which the government of Kenya has improved the health of its citizens since independence. (5 marks)
- It has established/created the Ministry of Health.
- It has established hospitals/clinics/dispensaries.
- It has encouraged NGOs/religious organizations/individuals to provide health services.
- It has established medical training institutions.
- It has recognized the use of herbal medicine.
- It has established National Health Insurance Fund.
- It has established Medical Research Institutes.
- It has employed health workers.
- It has subsidized the cost of healthcare/ free medical services.
- It educates people on health matters.
Any 5x 1 = 5 marks
- Explain five factors which have undermined the provision of health services by the government of Kenya. (10 marks)
- High population growth rate has limited government ability to finance health services.
- High poverty levels among the people has hampered access to medical services due to the cost involved.
- Lack of enough medical personnel has compromised the quality of the services provided.
- Lack of adequate funds to provide enough medical facilities has lowered the quality of services provided.
- The continued pollution of the environment has led to increased ailments thereby jeopardising the government's efforts.
- Malnutrition/poor diet has made it difficult for the government to maintain good health among the people.
- The increased number of terminal diseases has led to the diversion of resources from the core health services.
- Unforeseen high rate of accidents/injuries has strained the scarce resources.
- Traditional/cultural practices have frustrated the government's effort to provide health care.
- Corruption in the health sector has compromised delivery of services.
- Illegal abortions and early pregnancies endanger lives of mothers.
- Poor transport and communication in some areas undermine the provision of services.
Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- State five ways in which the government of Kenya has improved the health of its citizens since independence. (5 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
- Give three circumstances in which one's right to life may be taken away. (3 marks)
- When sentenced to death by a court of law.
- In self-defence - somebody might kill another in the process.
- When the life of a law enforcing officer is endangered.
- When the health/ life of a mother pregnant woman is in danger.
- During the war.
- When preventing escape of a lawfully detained person.
- When preventing a person from committing a crime/felony.
- When suppressing a riot/rebellion/mutiny.
Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
- Explain six reasons why it is important to respect human rights. (12 marks)
- It promotes human dignity as the rights of the people are observed.
- It promotes unity among the people by encouraging harmonious co-existence.
- It promotes the rule of law by enhancing justice/good governance in society.
- It promotes respect for other people's cultures by appreciating cultural diversity.
- It promotes tolerance by accommodating other people's views/ideas.
- It promotes democracy as other people's opinions/views are respected.
- It promotes international relations by observing conventions/ treaties on human rights.
- It promotes development by creating an enabling/conducive environment.
- It justifies special treatment of minority/disadvantaged groups/communities.
- Provides guidance to state organs regarding the exercise of state powers.
Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- Give three circumstances in which one's right to life may be taken away. (3 marks)
- Give the composition of the Judicial Service Commission in Kenya. (5 marks)
- The Chief Justice.
- One supreme court judge.
- One court of appeal judge.
- One high court judge and one magistrate.
- The Attorney General
- Two advocates, one a woman and one a man.
- A nominee of the public service commission.
- One man and one woman to represent the public.
- Chief registrar/secretary to the commission.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks
- Describe five ways through which independence of the judiciary is guaranteed in Kenya. (10 marks)
- It is established by the constitution as an arm of the national government.
- Its authority is guided/controlled by the constitution when carrying out its mandate.
- It draws its expenses directly from the Judges Consolidated Fund in order to ensure independence.
- Judges of the superior courts have security of tenure of office can only be dismissed in accordance with the constitution.
- Members of the judiciary are not held accountable to their actions/decision if they are taken in the best interest of dispensing justice.
- The judges/ magistrates swear the oath of allegiance to the constitution.
- Remuneration/ benefits given to judges cannot be varied in such a way as to disadvantage them.
- The appointment of magistrates is done by the Judicial Service Commission in order to guarantee its independence.
Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Give the composition of the Judicial Service Commission in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Name the three categories of the Kenya Defence forces. (3 marks)
- The Kenya Army
- The Kenya Airforce
- The Kenya Navy
Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
- Explain six challenges faced by the Kenya Police Service in the course of discharging their duties.
- Lack of support/negative attitude from the members of the public who refuse/withhold useful information.
- Corruption among some officers renders them ineffective in discharging their duties.
- Inadequate transport facilities hampers their movement thereby making it difficult for them to respond to emergencies.
- Sophisticated weapons used by criminals threatens/ endangers police officers' lives.
- Inadequate modern communication equipment makes it difficult for them to relay/ pass confidential information.
- Interference by politicians/ members of the public demoralises/ frustrates their efforts.
- Betrayal by some officers who collude with the criminals to break the law/ subvert justice
- Inadequate training of the officers renders them incompetent in discharging their duties.
- Terrorism/increased acts of crime.
- poor working and living conditions eg. poor housing/low salaries.
Any 6x2 = 12 marks
- Name the three categories of the Kenya Defence forces. (3 marks)
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