- Outline Micah’s prophecies about the Messiah. (Micah 5: 1-5) (7 marks)
- With reference to Luke 1: 13-17, outline the message of angel Gabriel about John to Zechariah. (7 marks)
- Give three lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated. (6 marks)
- Describe the incident when Jesus was baptized in river Jordan by John the Baptist. (Luke 3: 21-22) (5 marks)
- Outline seven reasons why Christians undergo baptism. (7 marks)
- Explain the importance of transfiguration of Jesus to Christians today. (8 marks)
- Describe the incident of the healing of the ten leapers. (7 marks)
- Explain the teaching of Jesus on the power of faith. (Luke 17: 1-37)
- What lessons do Christians learn from the parable of the ten pounds? (Luke 19: 11- 27) (5 marks)
- Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the body of Christ. (8 marks)
- State six reasons why the uses of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth. (6 marks)
- In what ways do the Christians in Kenya demonstrate the New Testament teaching on unity? (6 marks)
- Identify five sources of Christian ethics. (5 marks)
- Give seven reasons why Christians in Kenya condemn homosexuality. (7 marks)
- Explain how responsible parenthood is demonstrated by Christians in Kenya today. (8 marks)
- Outline the traditional African concept of wealth. (6 marks)
- Give eight reasons why corruption is widespread in Kenya today. (8 marks)
- Explain six ways the church is using to eradicate poverty in Kenya today. (6 marks)

- Micahs prophecies about Messiah.
- The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem
- He will rule over Israel
- His origin is from the old/ancient days.
- He will be born of a woman.
- He will feed his flock.
- He will rule in the majesty/power of God.
- In his time, Israel will be secure.
- He shall be great to the ends of the earth
- Israel will have victory over her enemy/ there will be peace in Israel.
- The message of Angel Gabriel about John the Baptist;
- John the baptist was to be a son
- His name was to be John
- He would bring joy/ gladness to his parents/ many will rejoice at his birth.
- He will be great before God.
- He was to drink no wine/strong drink
- He was to be filled with the Holy spirit from his mother’s womb
- He would turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God
- He was to go before the Lord in the spirit/power of Elijah.
- He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children/ the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.
- He was to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.
- Lessons Christians learn from Jesus when was dedicated.
- Christians should be righteous before God in order to experience Him in their lives.
- Christians should thank God for blessing them.
- They should trust/have faith in God.
- Christians should reach out to all people/preach salvation to them.
- Christians should show compassion to the needy in society.
- Christians should be devoted in their worship of God regardless of the challenges they face.
- Christians should dedicate their children to God/fulfil the church obligations.
(3x2 = 6marks)
- Micahs prophecies about Messiah.
- The incident when Jesus was baptised in river Jordan by John the Baptist.
- John the Baptist baptised all the people
- Jesus was also baptised
- Jesus was praying
- The heavens opened.
- The Holy spirit descended upon Jesus.
- A voice came from heaven.
- Jesus was described as the beloved son of God with whom He was pleased.
- Reasons why Christians undergo baptism today.
- Baptism enables them to become children of God.
- It enables one to become a member of a Christian community/Christian denomination.
- It enables them to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
- It enables them to identify themselves with Christ/ all that he stands for.
- It symbolises that one has died and resurrected with Christ, leaving the old sinful nature/ acquisition of a new life in Jesus
- Through baptism, one receives complete forgiveness of sins.
- It prepares Christians for the kingdom of God.
- It unites Christains as members of the body of Christ which is the Church.
- It symbolises obedience to Jesus’ teaching.
- It acts as an outward sign of their inner faith as it is done publicly.
- It is a sign of a new covenant with God.
- Importance of the transfiguration of Jesus to Christian today;
- It took place when Jesus and three of his disciples were praying. Christians should therefore take time off their duties to pray.
- Jesus and his disciples had retreated to a private place/ mountain to pray Christians therefore should have retreats/ go to a private place for prayer.
- Resurrection is a reality since Moses who died appeared in the transfiguration. Christians therefore should have hope for life after death.
- Moses and Elijah appeared to encourage Jesus about the suffering he was about to face.
- Christians therefore learn that they should accept/endure suffering as a way to salvation.
- Jesus came to do the will of his Father/fulfill the law/prophecies. Christians are assured of salvation/should believe in the word of God.
- The disciples heard the voice of God which commanded them to listen to Jesus. Christians learn that God speaks to them/they should listen to Gods voice/Jesus the word of God.
- The cloud symbolized God’s presence with Jesus. Christians therefore learn that God is always with them/ they should call upon Him for help/desire to be in the presence of God.
(4x2 = 8marks)
- The incident when Jesus was baptised in river Jordan by John the Baptist.
- The healing of the ten lepers.
- Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem
- He met ten lepers/men who were suffering from leprosy.
- The men stood at a distance/shouted at Jesus to have mercy on them.
- Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests.
- As they went, they were healed/cleansed.
- One of them, a Samaritan came one’s praising God/thanked Jesus
- Jesus asked where the other nine were.
- Jesus wondered at the fact that only a foreigner returned to give praise to God.
- Jesus asked him to rise/go his way for his faith had made him well.
- Jesus teaching on the power of faith;
- Faith gives believers strength to overcome temptations/sin.
- It enables them to forgive each other constantly
- It makes even the weakest strong.
- Enables believers to perform their duties without expecting material rewards.
- Faith enables believers to work tirelessly because there is a lot of work to be done.
- Faith leads to physical healing.
- Faith enables believers to show gratitude to God for his blessings/benefits they have received from Him.
- It enables them to experience the kingdom to God in their hearts.
- It enables believers to enter the kingdom of God/receive eternal life.
- Lessons Christian learn from the parable of the ten pounds.
- Christians should use the abilities that God has given them for the benefit of others.
- Christians will be rewarded according to their performances.
- Christians have been given different gifts/abilities by God.
- Christians will give an account of how they used their abilities.
- Christians need to be obedient/honest.
- God expects Christians to use opportunities provided for His glory.
- Christians will lose their abilities if not put to use/punished.
- The healing of the ten lepers.
- How the unity of believers is expressed in the body of Christ.
- St. Paul describes the believers as the body of Christ
- Christ is the head of the church
- The believers form parts of the body.
- The body has different organs. In the same way the Church has different members
- They all need to work together for the well being of the church.
- Every part of body is needed to make it whole all parts are interdependence/ one part cannot be without the other.
- The different church members are given different spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s work.
- Believers are united through baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- Reasons why the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the Church at Corinth;
- There was competition in speaking in tongues
- There was disorder/confusion in worship as people with different gifts tried to outdo one another
- People did not use their gifts for the benefit of the Church/one another.
- Some gifts such as prophecy/teaching were looked down upon/there was pride/boasting.
- There was no interpretation of tongues when the gift of speaking in tongues was in use, hence messages were not understood.
- People did not show love for one another.
- Those with the gift of speaking in tongues despised those who did not have/some members thought they were too spiritual.
- Ways in which the Christians in Kenya demonstrate the New testament teaching on unity.
- Christians meet for prayers/fellowship together.
- They observe a day of worship to honour God.
- They share the Holy communion/meals.
- They help those who are poor/needy
- They solve problems affecting the Church members
- They hold joint crusades/rallies
- They also cooperate by providing Christian programmes in the mass media/ resource materials.
- They speak in one voice to condemn evil in society
- How the unity of believers is expressed in the body of Christ.
- Sources of Christian ethics.
- Human reason/experience
- The bible
- Traditions from Christian community
- Natural law.
- Situation ethics.
- Reasons why Christian condemn homosexuality;
- Homosexuality is a form of sexual immorality
- It is against God’s/ Biblical teaching it is a sin
- It is an abuse to the sacredness of sex
- It is contrary to the natural order of things.
- Homosexuality does not enable procreation to take place
- It lowers the dignity of human beings who are created in the image of God
- It can lead to diseases like Hiv/AIDs leading to human suffering.
- It leads to rejection/being an outcast.
- How responsible parenthood is demonstrated by Christians in Kenya today.
- Christian parents provide physical /basic needs for the family
- They provides spiritual guidance to their children
- They teach their children to live in harmony with others/moral values
- They provide their children with education in order to acquire necessary knowledge/skills to realize their full potential
- They act as role models for their children
- They discipline/correct the children whenever they deviate from the norms\
- They provide protection/security to their children which enables the children to deal with situations in life.
- They teach their children how to grow physically/socially/psychologicaly so as for them to understand changes in their bodies as they develop.
- Sources of Christian ethics.
- The traditional African concept of wealth.
- Wealth is a blessing from God.
- It is part and parcel of human existence
- It is measured in the amount of property/wives/children one has
- It can be individually/communally owned.
- Wealth is acquired through hardworking/inheritance/gift
- Wealth determines ones social status.
- Wealth should be used to help the needy in society
- There are rules governing how it is distributed.
- Wealth is used to worship God/appease ancestors
- Reasons why corruption is widespread in Kenya today
- Unemployment cases which makes an individual desperate to secure an employment chance by engaging in corrupt activities.
- Desire for instant services/ make some people become corrupt.
- Some people feel that they have not been adequently paid for work done hence engage in corrupt acts to compensate themselves
- Fear of arrest/punishment make law breakers to engage in corrupt deals.
- Some people engage in corrupt deals in order to be served due to ignorance of their rights.
- Lack of moral integrity by some people.
- Greed makes some people to engage in corruption
- Due to tribal/ethnic affiliations.
- There is no efficient machinery to curb corrupt practice.
- The Judiciary is not able to deal with injustice cases take too long to be determined.
- Some government agents abuse the power bestowed upon them.
- The belief of the common person that the government is a master and therefore has to be corrupted before receiving services.
(8 x 1 = 8 marks)
- Ways the Church is using to eradicate poverty in Kenya.
- The Church preaches/teaches/encourages hard work among the citizens which enables them to fight poverty.
- The Church speaks against vices like oppression/exploitation of the poor by the rich in the society which are promoting poverty.
- The Church takes care of the poor by providing them with material possession
- The Church has established projects that offer employment to members of the society this enables them to take care of their needs
- The Church gives out bursaries to the needy children enabling them undertake education and get employment.
- The Church is offering subsidized medical services which enhances the economic output/ productivity of the people.
- The Church is working together with the government to create a peaceful society which promotes economic/social development.
- The Church prays for God’s intervention in the lives of the poor which gives them hope in life.
- It offers guidance and counselling to the poverty stricken thus enabling them to open up to realities of life.
(6x1=6 marks)
- The traditional African concept of wealth.
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