KCSE 2015 Home Science Paper 1 with Marking Scheme

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SECTION A: (40 marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

  1. Define the following terms as used in meal planning:
    1. blanch;
    2. essence.
  2. State two reasons for basting foods while cooking. (2 marks)
  3. Give two uses of carbohydrates in the body (2 marks)
  4. State two ways of conserving vitamin C in green leafy vegetables during preparation. (2 marks)
  5. Highlight two disadvantages of réchauffé dishes. (2 marks)
  6. Name two waterborne diseases caused by poor sanitation. (1 mark)
  7. State two ways of enhancing personal appearance. (2 marks)
  8. Identify two ways of meeting the emotional needs of a patient recuperating at home. (2 marks)
  9. Distinguish between a cesspool and a soak pit. (2 marks)
  10. Name four locally available materials that can be used to improvise cleaning abrasives. (2 marks)
  11. State two advantages of regular cleaning of household items. (2 marks)
  12. State two factors to consider when caring for a pit latrine. (2 marks)
  13. Differentiate between a need and a want. (1 mark)
  14. Highlight two advantages of having labels on consumer products. (2 marks)
  15. Name two examples of builders added to soaps and soapless detergents during manufacture. (1 mark)
  16. Give the main reason for repairing clothes before laundering. (1 mark)
  17. State two advantages of using soft water in laundry work. (2 marks)
  18. Give three points to consider when selecting the fabric to use when practising stitching for beginners. (3 marks)
  19. Outline two reasons for blending fibres. (2 marks)
  20. State two factors to consider when fixing a zip on a garment.
  21. Identify three ways of attaching a collar to the neckline. (2 marks) 

SECTION B: (20 marks)
COMPULSORY Answer Question 22 in the spaces provided.

  1. You are at home over the weekend. Outline the procedure you would use for each of the following:
    1. laundering a woollen sweater; (11 marks)
    2. cleaning a stainless steel sink;(5 marks)
    3. cleaning an enamel cup.(4 marks)

SECTION C: (40 marks)
Answer any TWO questions from this section in the space provided after question 25 (c).

    1. Explain three general rules to observe when making batters. (6 marks)
    2. Outline six reasons for including fruit salad in a meal. (6 marks)
    3. Explain how the following factors influence consumer buying:
      1. inflation;
      2. family set up;
      3. time and energy;
      4. self image.
    1. Outline four qualities of a well made cuff. (8 marks)
    2. Classify laundry equipment and in each case give two examples. (8 marks)
    3. Explain four factors to consider when choosing a seam in garment construction. (8 marks)
    1. Highlight four pieces of information found on a receipt of goods sold. (4 marks)
    2. Explain four ways of ventilating a room using windows. (8 marks)
    3. Explain four factors that may affect normal foetal development. (8 marks)


  1. Definition of terms as used in meal planning
    1. Blanch - to dip in hot water. (1 mark)
    2. Essence - Is a flavouring made of extracts. (1 mark)
  2. Reasons for basting foods while cooking:
    • moisten foods when cooking
    • prevent the food from drying up
    • improve or enhance appearance
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  3. Uses of carbohydrates in the body
    • Provides energy and heat in the body
    • Excess carbohydrates are converted into glycogen and stored in the body to be used up later.
    • Helps in bowel movement and prevention of constipation.
    • Assists the body in regulation of proteins and fat metabolism.
      Any well written point 1 mark (2 x 1 = 2 marks)
  4. Ways of conserving vitamin C in green leafy vegetables during preparation
    • wash vegetables before cutting
    • prepare just before serving
    • keep covered after cutting to prevent oxidation
    • do not soak vegetables in water
    • wash using cold water
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  5. Disadvantages of récháuffe dishes
    • can easily get contaminated and may cause food poisoning
    • usually loses its original flavour therefore requiring strong flavouring which may have side effects
    • Reheating may render some of the foods indigestible for example proteins toughens
    • Loss of colour of the food.
    • Loss of nutrients especially the vitamins.
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  6. Waterborne diseases caused by poor sanitation
    • typhoid
    • cholera
    • dysentery
    • bilhazia
    • amoebiasis
    • hepatitis A
      = 1 mark
  7. Ways of enhancing personal appearance
    • proper care of the body by maintaining cleanliness
    • wearing clean well maintained clothes
    • keeping the hair neat
    • correct use of cosmetics, jewellery and accessories
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  8. Ways of meeting the emotional needs of a patient recuperating at home
    • Reassure the patient that all will be well
    • Encourage activities to lessen boredom for example reading, watching TV, knitting etc
    • Avoid discussing worrying issues either with the patient or in his/her presence
    • Counselling the patient so that she/he can develop a positive attitude towards the illness.
    • Appearing happy and enthusiastic when assisting the patient.
    • Make the room appealing to cheer up the patient e.g. put flowers.
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  9. Distinguishing between a cesspool and a soak pit.
    A cesspool is a concrete tank built underground to cater for drainage of one or a few homes and emptied regularly while a soak pit is dug into the ground and then filled with layers of large and small stones and covered with soil. Waste water drains into the pit and soaks gradually into the surrounding soil.
    Clear distinction 2 marks
  10. Locally available materials that can be used to improvise cleaning abrasives.
    • Charcoal
    • Ash
    • Sand
    • Rough leaves
    • Sisal Seeds
      = 2 marks
  11. Advantages of regular cleaning of household items
    • increases lifespan of items
    • less energy is used when cleaning
    • economical on cleaning materials
    • improves appearance
    • psychological satisfaction
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  12. Factors to consider when caring for a pit latrine.
    • clean the floor according to the type
    • sprinkle ashes in and around the hole
    • cover the hole
    • close the latrine door
    • use disinfectants
    • smoking
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  13. Difference between a need and a want
    A need is what we require to live while a want includes everything else we might like to have but we do not necessarily require to survive.
    Correct differentiation - 1 mark
  14. Advantages of having labels on consumer products. To know:
    • the content of the product
    • how to use or take the product/instructions for use
    • the brand name of the product
    • the manufacturer
    • the expiry date of the product
    • the quantity packaged/size/weight
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  15. Examples of builders added to soaps and soapless detergents during manufacture
    • sodium carbonate
    • borax
    • sodium sulphate
    • sodium silicate
      Any 2 x 1 = 1 mark
  16. Main reason for repairing clothes before laundering is:
    to avoid further damage to the clothes
    1x1 = 1 mark
  17. Advantages of using soft water in laundry work
    • less detergent is used
    • lathers easily with soap/saves time/saves energy
    • does not form scum
    • gentle on the hands
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  18. Points to consider when selecting fabric for use by beginners in stitching:
    • easy to press;
    • not slippery
    • non fraying
    • strong
    • cheap
    • readily available
    • lightweight fabric/not heavy
      Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
  19. Reasons for blending fibres. To
    • improve quality of fibres
    • make fabrics affordable
    • provide variety
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  20. Factors to consider when fixing a zip on a garment
    • consider weight of the fabric
    • sew on after opening has been made and pressed
    • fix on double layer of fabric
    • align zip to the opening
      Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
  21. Ways of attaching a collar to the neckline
    • using a crossway strip/binding
    • sandwiching the collar between the facing and the garment
    • self neatening
    • using a band
      3 x 1 = 3 marks

SECTION B (20 marks)

    1. Laundering a woolen sweater
      • Collect equipment and materials:
      • Shake take measurements and record measurement draw the outline
      • Wash in warm soapy water by kneading and squeezing and maintain under water throughout
      • Rinse several times in warm water
      • Squeeze out water and roll on a clean towel
      • Lay on a flat surface under shade to dry
      • Confirm the size and shape

      • Press on the wrong side using a pressing cloth using a warm iron. Avoid pressing the ribbing
      • Air fold and store in a clean dry place
        = 11 marks
    2. Cleaning a stainless steel sink
      • Collect equipment and materials 
      • Remove food particles or solid waste from the sink before washing
      • Clean in hot soapy water using soft cloth
      • Rinse thoroughly with clean hot water
      • Allow water to run down the pipe to settle in the U-bend
      • Clean tap with a dry cloth
      • Dry the sink with a dry clean kitchen cloth
      • Clear up
         = 5 marks
    3. Procedure for cleaning an enamel cup
      • Collect cleaning equipment and materials
      • Clean in warm soapy water and fine scouring powder using a sponge / sisal / coconut fibre.
      • Rinse thoroughly in clean water
      • Dry completely on a rack / dish cloth
      • Store appropriately
        = 4 marks

SECTION C (40 marks)

    1. Rules to observe when making batters
      • Sieve the dry ingredients together in order to mix them well and incorporate air.
      • Add only half the amount of the liquid together with the egg in order to form a thick mixture that can be beaten to incorporate air and avoid lumps.
      • Beat the mixture well for 5 - 10 minutes using a wooden spoon to incorporate as much air as possible.
      • When the surface of the batter is filled with air bubbles, add the remaining of the liquid to obtain the right consistency.
      • Cover the bowl and leave to stand so that the starch grains can absorb the liquids before cooking
        Any 3 x 2 = (6 marks)
    2. Reasons for including fruit salad in a meal
      • improves appetite/makes the meal attractive/appealing
      • provides nutrients in the meal
      • provides variety in the menu
      • provides variety in the colour
      • provides variety in the texture
      • provides variety in the flavour
      • provides roughage / assists in digestion
        Any 6 x 1 = (6 marks)
    3. Influence of the following factors on consumer buying.
      1. Inflation: prices increase but income remains the same, thus reducing the purchasing power of a consumer.
      2. Family set up: the stage at which the family is dictates what is to be bought.
      3. Time and energy: any limitation of time and energy will affect the shopping as one may not have time to do comparative shopping.
      4. Self-image: The desire to portray a certain status may influence one to spend above their means
        Well explained 4 x 2 = (8 marks)
    1. Qualities of a well made cuff
      • The cuff and the undercuff should be of the same size.
      • Even width on both the cuff and the undercuff.
      • Should be flat
      • Good knife edge
      • The right proportion to the rest of the garment
      • Should fit the wearer well
        Any 4 x 1 = (4 marks)
    2. Classification of laundry equipment
      • For washing, for example basins, buckets, laundry brushes, boilers, washing machines
      • For drying, for example clotheslines, pegs, drying racks, dryers, mangles
      • For finishing, for example iron box, ironing board, ironing surfaces
      • For storage, for example drawers, cupboards, trunks
        (Classification 4 x 1 = 4 marks. Examples 8 x = 4 marks; Total 8 marks)
    3. Factors to consider when choosing a seam in garment construction
      • Type of fabric
        Light weight fabrics will require different seams from heavy weight fabrics
      • Type of garment
        Some garments require stronger seams than others depending on their use e.g overalls require stronger seams than inner garments
      • The style of garment
        The seam chosen should emphasis the style feature of the garment eg princess line dress may require top stitching the seams.
      • The effect desired
        If a seam is to be seen on the right side, one could choose a conspicuous seam for a decorative effect eg machine fell seam on denim trousers and skirts.
      • The position of the seam
        Some seams are more suitable on certain positions of garments than others eg a plain and double - stitched seam is more appropriate for armholes.
      • The shape of the area
        Some seams are more suitable on straight edges and others on curved edges.
        (Any 4 factors = 4 marks
        (Each factor correctly explained 4 x 1 = 4 marks
        (Total = 8 marks)
    1. Information found on a receipt of goods sold
      • Name and address of the seller
      • Date of the sale
      • An exact description of goods sold
      • The quantity of goods sold
      • The price charged.
        Any 4 x 1 = 4 marks
    2. Ways of ventilating a room using windows
      • Louvre windows - they open simultaneously and let in fresh air while preventing raindrops from entering.
      • Fanlight windows - they open towards the outside and are supported at the centre base by a latch.
      • Vertically pivoted windows - they open vertically. Half of the window opens towards the inside and the other half towards the outside.
      • The window opens to the outside only.
      • Horizontally pivoted window - these open horizontally.
        Half of the window opens towards the inside and the other half towards the outside.
      • Gliding windows - these open by gliding mainly from side to side.
        Any 4 well explained 4 x 2 = (8 marks)
    3. Factors that may affect normal foetal development
      • Alcohol consumption by the mother May cause the baby to be underweight during birth
      • Smoking by the mother - may cause underweight and respiratory diseases.
      • Trauma
        Any unpleasant experience that causes distress for an expectant mother can cause miscarriage.
      • Drugs
        May cause the baby to be underweight during birth, others may lead to miscarriage.
      • German measles
        May deform the foetus if it occurs during the first three months of pregnancy.
      • Nutrient deficiency
        May cause the baby to be mentally and physically retarded.
      • STIs may cause : still births, damage to nervous system, blindness, eye and ear infections, genital herpes.
      • HIV/AIDS: the child gets infected with HIV.
        Any 4 well explained = 4 x 2 = (8 marks)
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