- Narrate the visit of the Angel to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born.(7marks)
- Outline the differences between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ. (8 marks)
- What five lessons do Christians learn about family relationships from the occasion when Jesus accompanied His parents for the Passover festival? (5marks)
- Narrate Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan in Luke 3: 21-22. (5 marks)
- Identify four teachings by John the Baptist. (8 marks)
- Give reasons why Christians find it difficult to apply the teachings of John the Baptist in their lives. (7 marks)
- Explain the healing of the ten Lepers. (7 marks)
- Discuss Jesus’ teaching on the power of faith. (8 marks)
- What five lessons can Christians learn from the parable of the ten pounds (5marks)
- Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the body of Christ. (8marks)
- Give six reasons why the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth. (6 marks)
- State ways in which Christians in Kenya demonstrate the New Testament teaching on unity. (6 marks)
- Discuss four causes of unemployment in Kenya today. (8 marks)
- Outline eight causes of disagreements between the employer and employees in Kenya today. (8 marks)
- Identify four roles a Christian should play during a strike. (4 marks)
- Outline the rights of a Kenyan citizen. (7 marks)
- Explain the importance of paying taxes as a Christian to the Government of Kenya.(5 marks)
- Discuss four ways in which the church could help to eradicate crime in Kenya.(8 marks)
- Narrate the visit of the Angel to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. (7 marks)
- The shepherds were looking after their flocks in the field at night.
- The angel appeared to them
- The glory of the lord shone around them
- They were filled with fear
- The angel reassured them/ told them not to fear
- He told them of the Good News of the birth of Jesus
- They were told where to find baby Jesus
- The angel gave them a sign on how they would find Jesus
- There appeared a host of angels singing/ praising God
- The angel left them/ went back to heaven
- The shepherds went to Bethlehem/ found baby Jesus
- Outline the differences between the work ot John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ. (8 marks)
- John the Baptist preached mainly in the wilderness/ the desert of Judah, while Jesus preached in the synagogues/ homes cities/ towns/ temple
- John the Baptist called people to repentance, while Jesus forgave/ died for their sins
- John the Baptist was Baptist with water, but Jesus was baptized with the Holy spirit/ fire
- John the Baptist lived the life of a Nazarite, while Jesus mixed freely with all people
- The emphasis of John the Baptist preaching was in the promised Messiah, while that of Jesus was about the kingdom of God
- John the Baptist’s message was direct whereas Jesus preached in parables
- While John the Baptist disciples fasted, the disciples of Jesus ate and drank
- John the Baptist did not perform miracles, but Jesus ministry was full of signs/ wonders
- John the Baptist was the fore runner / prepared the way while Jesus fulfilled/ was the messiah
- What five lessons do Christians learn about family relationships from the occasion when Jesus accompanied His parents for the Passover festival? (5 marks)
- Christians should obey their parents
- Parents should teach their children about God
- Parents should provide opportunities for their children to mix with others
- Parents should love/ be concerned about their children
- Family ties should not be broken/ families should live in unity
- God’s work takes priority over the family
- Parents should recognize their children’s talents/ abilities
- There should be open communication among family members
- Narrate the visit of the Angel to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. (7 marks)
- Narrate Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan in Luke 3: 21-22.(5 marks)
- All the people had been baptised by John.
- Jesus was also baptized.
- Jesus then started praying.
- The heavens opened.
- The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in a bodily form as a dove.
- Then a voice came from heaven.
- Then it said, ‘thou art my beloved son with thee am well pleased.
- Identify tour teachings by John the Baptist. (8 marks)
- He told the people to repent and be baptised for forgiveness of their sins/he
- asked people to prepare the way for the Lord.
- He told them to be faithful/obedient to God and not to pride in Abraham as their ancestor.
- He warned them of God’s punishment on sin.
- He encouraged the rich to share with the needy.
- He told the tax collectors not to steal/be honest.
- He told the soldiers to be contented with their wages/stop greed.
- He told the soldiers to stop robbing/accusing people falsely/should be truthful.
- He told them that the messiah who was to come after him was mightier/He was unworthy to untie his sandals.
- The Messiah would baptize the people with fire and the Holy Spirit.
- The Messiah would separate the good from the evil/the evil would be punished.
- He condemned Herod for his adulterous life/marrying his brother’s wife.
- Give reasons why Christians find it difficult to apply the teachings of John the Baptist in their lives. (7 marks)
- They lack faith in God’s word.
- Divisions along tribal/racial/denominational lines affect unity among Christians.
- Clinging to the past/inability to abandon the old/previous life style.
- Negative attitude by the rich towards the needy/poor.
- The influence of the mass media/moral decadence in society.
- Some Christians lack what to share with others/poverty.
- There is rampant corruption in the society.
- The emergence of cult leaders/false prophets in the society/lack of role models.
- Some Christians lead hypocritical lives.
- Peer pressure.
- Narrate Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan in Luke 3: 21-22.(5 marks)
- Explain the healing of the ten Lepers. (7 marks)
- Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem
- He met ten lepers/men who were suffering from leprosy.
- The men stood at a distance/shouted at Jesus to have mercy on them.
- Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priest.
- As they went, they were healed/cleansed.
- One of them, a Samaritan came back praising God/thanked Jesus
- Jesus asked where the other nine were.
- Jesus wondered at the fact that only a foreigner returned to give praise to God.
- Jesus asked him to rise/go his way for his faith had made him well.
- Discuss Jesus' teaching on the power of faith. (8 mks)
- Faith gives believers strength to overcome temptations/sin.
- It enables them to forgive each other constantly
- It makes even the weakest strong.
- Enables believers to perform their duties without expecting material rewards.
- Faith enables believers to work tirelessly because there is a lot of work to be done.
- Faith leads to physical healing.
- Faith enables believers to show gratitude to God for his blessings/benefits they have received from Him.
- It enables them to experience the kingdom of God in their hearts.
- It enables believers to enter the kingdom of God/receive eternal life.
- What five lessons can Christians learn from the parable of the ten pounds? (3 marks)
- Christians should use the abilities that God has given them for the benefit of others.
- Christians will be rewarded according to their performance.
- Christians have been given different gifts/abilities by God.
- Christians will give an account of how they used their abilities.
- Christians need to be obedient/ honest.
- God expects Christians to use opportunities provided for His glory.
- Christians will lose their abilities if not put to use/punished.
- Explain the healing of the ten Lepers. (7 marks)
- Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the body of Christ. (8 marks)
- St. Paul describes the believers as the body of Christ
- Christ is the head of the church
- The believers form parts of the body.
- The body has different organs. In the same way the Church has different members
- They all need to work together for the well being of the church.
- Every part of the body is needed to make it whole /all parts are interdependent/ one part cannot be without the other.
- The different church members are given different spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s work.
- Believers are united through baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- Give six reasons why the use of the gifts ot the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth. (6 marks)
- The people who had the gifts of speaking in tongues despised those who did not
- There was competition in speaking in tongues
- There was no interpretation of tongues hence messages were not understood
- People did not show love to one another as they used the gifts of the Holy
- There was disorder/ confusion in worship as people with different gifts tried to outdo one another
- People did not use their gifts for the growth/ development of the church
- Gifts such as prophecy/ teaching/ preaching were looked down upon
- State ways in which Christians in Kenya demonstrate the New Testament teaching on unity. (6 marks)
- Christians meet for prayers/fellowship together.
- They observe a day of worship to honour God.
- They share the Holy communion/meals.
- They help those who are poor/needy
- They solve problems affecting the Church members
- They hold joint crusades/rallies
- They also cooperate by providing Christian programmes in the mass media/ resource materials.
- They speak in one voice to condemn evil in society
- Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the body of Christ. (8 marks)
- Discuss four causes of unemployment in Kenya today.(8 marks)
- High population whereby there are too many people for the available job opportunities.
- Lack of money to start individual businesses/unavailability of finances.
- Some people lack skills which make them not to be absorbed in the job market.
- Rural-urban migration:- many people are congested in towns where job opportunities are limited.
- Foreign aid:- dependence on foreign aid causes the donors to give conditions of employment, that is lean service.
- Selfishness/greed:- some Kenyans have more than two jobs, while others lack.
- Education system:- many Kenyans prefer white collar jobs after school and because of stiff competition for available spaces, many remain unemployed.
- Negative attitude towards work:- some Kenyans lack the initiative to do or participate in economic activities/just idle around.
- Unequal distribution of wealth: Some regions have more resources that create employment than others.
- New technological advances that has led to retrenchment.
- Bribery/corruption is a social evil that denies jobs to those qualified
- Outline eight causes of disagreements between the employer and employees in Kenya today (8 marks)
- Lack of respect to the employer by employees.
- Employees not given time for leisure/leave.
- Poor working conditions/environment/ Poor/low remuneration.
- When the employees do not receive wages/not paid in time.
- When employers fail to consider the welfare of employees/allowances.
- When employees fail to accomplish tasks within the expected time/poor time management.
- When employees are not allowed to join trade unions.
- Unequal chances of promotion/discrimination by the employer/lack of promotion.
- Sexual harassment by the employer.
- Differences in religious affiliation between employer and employees.
- Racial/tribal/ethnic differences may bring conflict.
- Misuse/destruction of property by the employee.
- Divulging of secrets of the employer/organization.
- Identify four roles a Christian should play during a strike. (4 marks)
- Not to take part in strikes.
- Encourage other people to find better means of solving problems.
- To inform the authority of any grievances if they are not aware/mediate.
- To pray for a solution to the problem/seek God’s guidance for a solution to the problem.
- Should not take part in violent demonstrations/encourage peaceful demonstrations.
- To report the matter to the nearest police station.
- Discuss four causes of unemployment in Kenya today.(8 marks)
- Outline the rights of a Kenyan citizen. (7 marks)
- Right to life/ live
- Right to have basic needs/ food/ shelter/ clothing
- Right to receive education
- Right to marry/ raise up a family/ belong to a family
- Right to have freedom of association/ assembly
- Right to freedom of speech/ receive information/ expression
- Right to own property
- Freedom of worship
- Right to liberty/ movement
- Right to work/ earn a living
- Right to medical care/ health
- Right to security/ protection by law
- Freedom of conscience / right to vote
- Explain the importance of paying taxes as a Christian to the Government of Kenya.(5 marks)
- To emulate Jesus who paid tax to the Roman authorities
- To heed Jesus instructions to respect the civil authorities
- Christians pay taxes in order to receive service from the government
- To provide essential services
- Christians pay taxes as a sign of patriotism
- Christians pay taxes as a way of sharing their wealth/ resources with others
- It is their duty to pay taxes to the government
- To enable the government to meet its financial obligations
- Discuss four ways in which the church could help to eradicate crime in Kenya.(8 marks)
- Providing guidance and counselling
- Preaching about love for one another in the society
- Rehabilitating law breakers
- Providing jobs/ offering training opportunities to the people
- Giving loans to people to start/ run business
- Providing recreational facilities/ organizing recreational activities for the youth
- Reporting criminals to the law enforcement authorities
- Disciplining deviant members of the church
- Participating in government programmes established to fight crime ( e.g. community policing)
- Obeying the laws of the country/ being role models
- Praying for peace/ harmony
- Teaching responsible parenthood
- Providing basic needs for the needy
- Condemning evil practices in the society/ teaching against crime.
- Outline the rights of a Kenyan citizen. (7 marks)
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