- Outline Micah's prophecy concerning the Messiah (Micah 5:2-5).(7 marks)
- Describe the annunciation of the birth of Jesus by angel Gabriel as recorded in Luke 1:26-38.(8 marks)
- State five lessons Christians leam from the Magnificat.(5 marks)
- Explain the teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple (Luke 6: 20-49).(8 marks)
- Describe the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman (Luke 7:36-50).(7 marks)
- State five lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman.(5 marks)
- With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teaching of Jesus on the proper use of wealth (Luke 16: 19-31).(7 marks)
- Outline six signs of the end times as taught by Jesus in Luke 21: 5-38.(6 marks)
- Give seven ways in which Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ.(7 marks)
- Identify eight characteristics of love as taught by Saint Paul in 1st Corinthians 13.(8 marks)
- Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the concept of the church (Ephesians 5:21-32).(5 marks)
- Identify seven factors that hinder effective cooperation among Christians in Kenya today.(7 marks)
- Outline the importance of professional Codes of Ethics.(6 marks)
- Identify seven factors that have led to an increased rate of child labour in Kenya today,(7 marks)
- State seven ways through which Christians in Kenya are helping to reduce child labour in the society.(7 marks)
- Give seven reasons why Christians are opposed to plastic surgery(7 marks)
- State seven effects of pollution on the environment in Kenya today.(7 marks)
- Identify six ways through which Christians in Kenya can control desertification(6 marks)
- Micah's prophecy concerning the Messiah. (Micah 5:2-5)
- The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
- He will rule over Israel.
- His origin is from the old/ancient days.
- He would be born of a woman.
- He will feed His flock.
- He will rule in majesty/strength of God.
- In His time Israel will be secure/peaceful.
- He shall be great to the ends of the earth/eternal.
(7 x 1)=7 marks
- The annunciation of the birth of Jesus by angel Gabriel.(Luke 1:26-38)
- Angel Gabriel was sent/appeared to Mary in Nazareth.
- Mary was a young woman who had been engaged to a man named Joseph from the house of David.
- The angel greeted Mary “Hail, O favoured one, the Lord is with you."
- Mary was troubled by the greeting/wondered what it could be.
- The angel told her not to be afraid since she had found favour with God/was going to conceive/give birth to a son.
- He would be called Jesus.
- The angel told Mary that Jesus will be great/will be called the son of the Most High/God will give him the throne of his father David.
- Mary asked the angel how she was going to conceive without a husband
- The angel told her that she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The angel told Mary that her kinswomen Elizabeth had also conceived a son/was six months pregnant
- Mary accepted the angel's message/said "I am the hand maid of the Lord, let it be to me as you have said."
- The angel departed from her.
(8 x 1) = 8 marks
- Lessons that Christians learn from the magnificat.
- Christians should always appreciate/thank/glorify God for His favours.
- Christians should have faith in God.
- Christians should be humble.
- Christians should rejoice when they are blessed by God.
- Christians should obey/respect the will of God.
- Christians should depend on God for provision.
(5x1) = 5 marks
- Micah's prophecy concerning the Messiah. (Micah 5:2-5)
- The teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple. (Luke 6:20-49)
- Perseverance in the face of persecution - A true disciple should endure suffering.
- Unwavering faith in Jesus - A true disciple should have absolute faith in God.
- Love for enemies -A true disciple should love even their enemies/pray for them.
- Obedience/implementers of the teachings of Jesus - A true disciple should accept the lordship of Christ/implement His teaching.
- Forgiving others - A true disciple should forgive others/not revenge.
- Generosity/kindness - A true disciple should share with others/be generous.
- Not to judge others - A true disciple should exercise self-criticism before judging others.
- Show compassion/mercy to others - A true disciple should be merciful just like God.
(8 x 1 ) = 8 marks
- The incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman. (Luke 7:36-50)
- Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to his house to eat with him
- A woman who was known to be a sinner came to Jesus with an alabaster flask of ointment.
- She started weeping/wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair/kissed/anointed the feet of Jesus.
- Simon wondered how Jesus could allow such a sinner to touch Him.
- Jesus knowing Simon's thoughts decided to tell him the parable of the two debtors who owed their master different amounts of money and the master forgave them.
- Jesus asked Simon who among the two debtors was more grateful.
- Simon answered that the debtor who had more was more grateful.
- Jesus told Simon that the sinful woman had shown a lot of love because her many sins had been forgiven.
- Jesus told the woman to go in peace for her faith had saved her/her sins had been forgiven.
(7x1) = 7 marks
- Lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman.
- Christians should confess/repent their sins.
- The Kingdom of God is open to all/universal.
- Christians should have faith in God.
- Christians should be merciful show compassion to those who are lost in sin.
- Christians should not judge others.
- Christians should be grateful/thankful for the free gift of salvation/forgiveness of sins.
- Christians should be humble.
(5x1) = 5 marks
- The teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple. (Luke 6:20-49)
- The teaching of Jesus on the proper use of wealth. (Luke 16:19-31).
- Jesus taught that wealth should be used to alleviate the suffering of others/help the needy.
- Wealth should be used to spread the good news.
- Wealth should be used to serve others/glorify God.
- Wealth should not be used to buy unnecessary materials for luxuries when others are suffering.
- Proper use of wealth enables one to be rewarded in heaven.
- Wealth should not be used to oppress/humiliate the poor.
- Too much trust in wealth can prevent someone from having eternal life/entering the kingdom of God.
- Wealth is a gift/blessing from God/Christians are custodians of wealth.
- Wealth is temporary/not permanent.
(7x1) = 7 marks
- Signs of the end times as taught by Jesus according to Luke (21:5-38).
- Strange things will happen to the celestial bodies/sun/moon/star
- People will come claiming to be the Messiah.
- There will be wars between nations.
- Natural calamities like earthquakes/roaring of the seas will occur.
- The followers of Christ will be hated/persecuted.
- There will be famine/pestilences
(6x1) = 6 marks
- Ways in Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- Christians pray/fast in readiness for the second coming of Jesus.
- By accepting/confessing Jesus as their personal savior.
- Living holy lives/pursuing righteousness.
- Through preaching the gospel to others/winning souls for Christ.
- Reading practicing the word of God.
- By fellowshipping/encouraging one another.
- By helping the poor/needy.
- Christians confess/repent their sins.
(7x1)= 7 marks
- The teaching of Jesus on the proper use of wealth. (Luke 16:19-31).
- Characteristics of love taught by Saint Paul in 1" Corinthians 13.
- Love is patient.
- It is kind.
- It is not Jealous/boastful.
- Love is not arrogant/rude.
- Love is not self-seeking/does not insist on its own way.
- Love is not irritable/resentful.
- It does not rejoice in wrong/rejoices in the right.
- Love bears all things.
- Love endures/perseveres.
- Love believes/trusts all things.
- Love never ends/it is eternal.
- It is the greatest gift.
(8x1) = 8 marks
- The unity of believers as expressed in the concept of the church. (Ephesians 5:21-32)
- Paul used the symbol of marriage to show the unity of believers.
- Christians are united to Christ just as a husband is united to his wife.
- Christ loves the church just as the husband loves the wife.
- The church has to submit to Christ just as the wife submits to her husband.
- Christ is the head of the church just as the husband is the head of the wife.
- Just as a husband loves his own body/nourishes it, so Christ loves the church/nourishes it.
(5x1= 5 marks
- Factors that hinders effective cooperation among Christians in Kenya today.
- Greed for power/leadership wrangles.
- Competition to win more converts/members.
- Materialism/desire to have more.
- Discrimination based on gender/tribe/education/race 1/social status/disability
- Political interference.
- Different interpretation of the Bible/doctrinal/denominational differences.
- Emergence of cults/idol worship.
- Lack of equity in resources/funds.
- Poor infrastructure/language barrier/poor transport/communication facilities
- Lack of money/inadequate funds
(7x1) = 7 marks
- Characteristics of love taught by Saint Paul in 1" Corinthians 13.
- Importance of professional codes of Ethies.
- Professional code of ethics safeguard professionals against being compromised in their work/upholds their integrity
- They give guidance on the relationship among professionals/those they serve.
- They contain regulations/ terms of employment promotion remuneration/termination of services.
- They promote self-discipline/accountability for the work done.
- They act as a measure of quality services/determine the expected levels of performance.
- They enable the professionals to eam public trust/respect from people they serve/maintain public image of the profession.
(6x1) = 6 marks
- Factors that have led to an increased rate of child labour in Kenya today.
- Poverty in the family has forced children to work.
- They are cheap to contract/quest for cheap labour by employers.
- Children can easily be employed/sacked/fired because they don't have avenues to help them fight for proper terms/conditions.
- Children have no skills/cannot negotiate for better terms of service/experience/knowledge.
- Greed for money by the child's parent/guardian.
- Death of parents/some children has been left to fend for themselves.
- Truaney from home/schools whereby some children abandon homes/schools due to peer pressure.
- Gender discrimination in some communities/boys preferred/given priorities than girls.
- Children are given too much responsibility at an early age/negligence/irresponsible parents.
(7x1) = 7 marks
- Ways through which Christians in Kenya are helping to reduce child labour in the society.
- Christians are helping to reduce child labour in the society by fighting for the rights of children/dignity of children.
- By reporting those who employ children.
- By advocating for stringent measures to curb child labour.
- Teaching sensitizing the society the evils of child labour.
- By condemning child labour/preaching against it.
- Putting up homes for orphans/neglected children.
- Through guidance and counselling of parents on responsible parenthood.
- Providing education to children from poor backgrounds.
- By being role models/not practicing child labour.
(7x1) = 7 marks
- Importance of professional codes of Ethies.
- Reasons why Christians are opposed to plastic surgery.
- Plastic surgery takes the place of God/challenges God as the creator/interferes with God's image.
- It shows lack of appreciation for oneself.
- There are high risks involved/poor health/infections.
- Plastic surgery is equated to idolatry/worship of the body.
- Plastic surgery promotes some vices/pride.
- Plastic surgery can lead to death.
- It can lower one's self-esteem/stress/guilt.
- It can lead to isolation/social stigma/rejection.
(7x1) = 7 marks
- Effects of pollution on the environment in Kenya today.
- Pollution has led to infections/diseases in human beings/animals.
- It has led to global warming/result in climatic change/ozone layer.
- Pollution has contributed to inconsistent rainfall patterns/drought famine.
- It has led to ecological/imbalance/migration/extinction of some animals/birds.
- It has led to death of human beings/animals/plants/birds.
- It has led to human/animal conflicts.
- It has damaged buildings/wastage of resources.
- It has affected marine life/bio-diversity 7 marks
- Ways through which Christians in Kenya can control desertification.
- Christians can control desertification by protecting water catchment areas.
- By exploiting/using alternative sources of energy/fuel.
- Condemning/discouraging the distraction of forests.
- Christians should participate in the planting of trees/afforestation/reforestation.
- By using better methods of farming. (vi) Sensitizing/creating awareness of environmental conservation.
- Christians should report those who destroy forests/environment to relevant authorities.
(6x1) = 6 marks
- Reasons why Christians are opposed to plastic surgery.
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