Listening Comprehension (15 marks)
Passage 1
Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the following questions..
- Wo spielt die Szene? (1 mark)
- Was möchte die Frau kaufen? (1 mark)
Passage 2
Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the following questions.
- Wohin möchte die Frau? (1 mark)
- Wie lange soll sie laufen? (1 mark)
Passage 3
Listen to the passage carefully and answer the following questions by indicating whether the statements are true (R) or false (F).
- Es gibt zahlreiche Schulen in Kenia, die Deutsch anbieten.
- Deutschlernen hat keine Vorteile.
- Es gibt nur wenige deutsche Firmen in Kenia.
- Es ist möglich, für Ausländer in Deutschland zu studieren.
- Internationale Studenten können für ein ganzes Jahr in Deutschland arbeiten.
Internationale Studenten brauchen nichts zu bezahlen, um in Deutschland (6 marks)
Passage 4
Listen carefully to the passage and answer the following questions.
- Wie viele Gäste brauchen Unterkunft? (1 mark)
- Was für ein Zimmer möchten die Gäste? (1 mark)
- Wie viel kostet ein Zimmer ohne Frühstück? (1 mark)
- Wie lange bleiben sie im Hotel? (1 mark)
- Was bezahlt jeder Gast insgesamt? (1 mark)
SECTION II (20 marks)
Write a letter or an essay of 220-250 words on any one of the following topics in the space provid after Question 4.
- Dein/e Freund/in aus Deutschland möchte in deinem Land freiwillig arbeiten. Schreib ihm/ und erzähle:
- Was für Arbeit er/sie machen kann.
- Wo er/sie die Arbeit am besten machen kann.
- Wann er/sie mit der Arbeit anfangen kann.
- Was er/sie mitbringen soll.
- Welche Probleme er/sie in deinem Land erleben könnte.
- Dein/e Freund/in aus Deutschland möchte über Einkaufen in deiner Stadt wissen. Schreib i ihr einen Brief zu den folgenden Punkten:
- Welche Einkaufsmöglichkeiten es in deiner Stadt gibt.
- Wann und mit wem man normlerweise einkaufen geht.
- Welche Einkaufsmöglichkeiten beliebt sind und warum.
- Was am häufigsten verkauft wird und warum.
- Wie man beim Einkaufen den Umweltschutz beachtet.
- Du hast ein Stipendium bekommen und vor kurzer Zeit einen dreimonatigen Sprachkurs in Deutschland gemacht. Du bist jetzt wieder in deinem Heimatland. Schreib deiner Deutschlehrerin/deinem Deutschlehrer einen Brief und behandle dabei die folgenden fünf
Punkte:- Dank ihr/ihm für den Deutschunterricht.
- Was dir im Sprachkurs wichtig war.
- Was dir außerhalb des Sprachkurzes am besten gefallen hat und warum.
- Wie du den Kursort und die Leute gefunden hast.
- Wie du den anderen Dutschlernern in deiner Schule beim Deutschlernen helfen kannst.
- An diesem Tag faulenzte ich auf dem Sofa. Dann hörte ich im Fernseher:
,,Und der Gewinner ist....
Schreib die Geschichte zu Endel
SECTION I Listening Comprehension
Passage 1
- Auf dem Markt (1 mark)
- (Die Frau möchte) zwei Kilo Tomaten und ein halbes Kilo Gurken. (1mark
Passage 2
- Sie möchte zum Nairobi Nationalpark (1mark)
- Sie soll fünf Minuten/ 300 Meter laufen. (1 mark)
Passage 3
- Richtig
- Falsch
- Richtig/Falsch
- Richtig
- Falsch
- Falsch (1 mark each)
Passage 4
- Zwei (2) Gäste brauchen Unterkunft. (1 mark)
- Sie möchten Einzelzimmer. (1 mark)
- Es kostet 2000 Schilling. (1 mark)
- Sie bleiben drei (3) Nächte. (1 mark)
- Jeder Gast bezahlt 7500 Schilling. (1 mark)
SECTION II Functional Writing
Contents | Marks | |
a) Realization of the communicative aim | 5 correct aspects | 4.0 |
4 or 4.5 correct aspects | 3.0 - 3.5 | |
3 or 3.5 correct aspects | 2.0 - 2.5 | |
2 or 2.5 correct aspects | 1.0 - 1.5 | |
Less than 2 aspects | 0 - 0.5 | |
b) Adequacy and thoroughness of the contents (form, style,coherency, text structure, "Register") | ||
Very good | 2.0 | |
Good | 1.5 | |
Fair | 1.0 | |
Inadequate | 0 - 0.5 | |
c) Creativity, ideas for the realization of the contents, rangeof vocabulary and expression, variety and originality | ||
Very good | 2.0 | |
Good | 1.5 | |
Fair | 1.0 | |
Inadequate | 0-0.5 | |
Total maximum score | 8.0 | |
Linguistic correctness | ||
Number of mistakes | Effects of mistakes on understanding and fluent reading | Marks |
Almost no mistakes (slips) | The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively; the candidate has complete command of the language |
10.5 - 12.0 |
Only a few mistakes (mainly slips) | The candidate communicates his/her ideas without strain; tenses' conjugation and declension are good | 8.5-10.0 |
Some mistakes (errors and slips) |
Sentences are varied but not always well constructed; there are errors and slips; reading process slowed down slightly, but easy understanding | 6.5 - 8.0 |
Quite a few mistakes (errors and gross errors) | Sentences are varied but rather simple; gross errors are found occasionally; reading process slowed down considerably, but everything can be understood | 4.5 - 6.0 |
Many mistakes (errors and gross errors) |
The candidate's linguistic abilities are very limited, gross errors (e.g. misuse of tenses and verb agreement); slow errors) some statements cannot be understood even after repeated reading |
2.5 - 4.0 |
Too many mistakes (mainly gross errors) |
"Broken German", the errors are continuous; understanding almost impossible even after repeated reading | 0.5-2.0 |
Too many mistakes (gross errors) |
The candidate does not communicate; understanding of the letter not possible | 0 |
Total Maximum Score | 12.0 | |
Functional Writing (Official Letter) | ||
1. Contents | Marks | |
a) Appropriateness and conformity to specific official letter structure (Absender, Empfänger, Ort und Datum, Betreff, Anrede, Grußformel, Unterschrift) |
5,0 | |
All 7 aspects | 5,0 | |
5 or 6 aspects | 3,0 | |
3 or 4 aspects | 2,0 | |
Fewer than 3 aspects | 1,0 | |
b) Language (Brieftext) (Coherence, Register, Style) |
3,0 | |
All 3 areas appropriate | 3,0 | |
2 areas appropriate | 2,0 | |
1 areas appropriate | 1,0 | |
None of the areas appropriate | ||
c) Adequate response to the given task | ||
5 Correct aspects | 4,0 | |
4 or 4,5 Correct aspects | 3,0- 3,5 | |
3 or 3,5 Correct aspects | 2,0 - 2,5 | |
2 or 2,5 Correct aspects | 1,0 - 1,5 | |
Less than 2 aspects | 0 - 0,5 | |
Total Maximum Score | 12,0 | |
Linguistic correctness | ||
Number of mistakes | Effect of mistakes on understanding and fluent reading | Marks |
Almost no mistakes (slips) | The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively; the candidate has complete of the language | 8 |
Only a few mistakes (mainly slips) | The candidate communicates his/her ideas without strain; tenses, conjugation and declension are good | 6,5 - 7,5 |
Some mistakes (errors and slips) | Sentences are varied but not always well constructed; there are errors and slips; reading process slowed down slightly, but easy understanding. | 5 - 6 |
Quite a few mistakes (errors and gross errors) | Sentences are varied but rather simple; gross errors are found occasionally; reading process slowed down considerably, but everything can be understood | 3,5 - 4,5 |
Many mistakes (errors and gross errors) | The candidate's linguistic abilities are very limited, gross errors (e.g. misuse of tenses and verb agreement); slow reading, some statements cannot be understood even after repeated reading | 2 - 3 |
Too many mistakes (mainly gross errors) | "Broken German", the errors are continuous; understanding almost impossible even after repeated reading | 0,5 - 1,5 |
Too many mistakes (gross errors) | The candidate does not communicate; understanding of the letter not possible | 0 |
Total Maximum Score | 8,0 |
Official Letter Format
- Absender
- Ort, Dan
- Den/die Geschäftsfüher/in
- Hueber Verlag
- Max - Hueber - Str. 4
- 85737 Ismaning
- Deutschland
- Betr.: Deutsche Bücher für Schulbibliothek o.ä.
- Sehr geehrter Herr Geschäftsführer/Sehr geehrte Frau Geschäftsführerin/ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Brieftext: ,,Sie"- Form
1 bis 3 Sätze zu jedem der angegebenen Leitpunkte - Mit freundlichem Gruß/ Mit freundlichen Grüssen
- Unterschrift
- Anlage (fakultativ)
German Composition
Creative Writing
Contents | Marks | |
a) Adequacy and thoroughness of the contents (form, style, coherency, text structure, "Register") |
Very good | 3.5 - 4 |
Good | 2.0 - 3.0 | |
Fair | 1.0 - 1.5 | |
Inadequate | 0 - 0.5 | |
b) Creativity, ideas for the realization of the contents, range ofvocabulary and expression, variety and originality | ||
Very good | 3.5 - 4 | |
Good | 2.0 - 3.0 | |
Fair | 1.0 - 1.5 | |
Inadequate | 0 - 0.5 | |
Total maximum score | 8.0 | |
Linguistic correctness | ||
Number of mistakes | Effects of mistakes on understanding and fluent reading | Marks |
Almost no mistakes (slips) | The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively; the candidate has complete command of the language | 10.5-12.0 |
Only a few mistakes (mainly slips) | The candidate communicates his/her ideas without strain; tenses' conjugation and declension are good | 8.5 - 10.0 |
Some mistakes (errors and slips) | Sentences are varied but not always well constructed; there are errors and slips; reading process slowed down slightly, but easy understanding | 6.5 - 8.0 |
Quite a few mistakes (errors and gross errors) |
Sentences are varied but rather simple; gross errors are found occasionally; reading process slowed down considerably, but everything can be understood | 4.5 - 6.0 |
Many mistakes (errors and gross errors) |
The candidate's linguistic abilities are very limited, gross errors (e.g. misuse of tenses and verb agreement); slow reading, some statements cannot be understood even after repeated reading | 2.5 - 4.0 |
Too many mistakes (mainly gross errors) | "Broken German", the errors are continuous; understanding almost impossible even after repeated reading | 0.5 - 2.0 |
Too many mistakes (gross errors) | The candidate does not communicate; understanding of the text not possible | 0 |
Total Maximum Score | 12.0 |
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