Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
- State four light breeds in poultry (2 marks)
- Give two effects of lice infestation in sheep production ( 1 mark)
- State four advantages of contemporary comparison in selection of livestock. ( 2 marks)
- State two reasons for docking in sheep management (1 mark)
- State two functions of differential in a tractor transmission system. (1 mark)
- Give four effects of protein deficiency in livestock production. (2 marks)
- State four predisposing factors of pneumonia in livestock production. (2 marks)
- Give four factors influencing milk let down in dairy cattle production. (2 marks)
- Name four instances where animal power is advantageous over other form of powers. (2 marks)
- State four reasons for handling dairy cattle in livestock production. (2 marks)
- Give factors considered in choice of rearing systems in poultry production. (2 marks)
- State four factors that affect the choice of feedstuff in livestock. (2marks)
- Give four practices carried out on fish before preservation. (2 mark)
- State four disadvantages of live fence in livestock production. (2 marks)
- a) Give four prophylactic measures used in controlling diseases in livestock. (2 marks)
- State four practices that ensure maximum harvest of fish. (2mks)
- State two functions of caecum in poultry production. (1 mark)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
- Below is an illustration of a farm implement. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the farm implement. (1mk)
- Name the parts labeled L, M, O and P. (2mks)
- Give one function of the parts M, N and P. (3mks)
- Below are illustrations of farm tools and equipment.
- Identify the tool labelled J and K
- State one use of tool M and N. (2mks)
- Explain one maintenance practice carried on tool J. (1mk)
- The diagram below illustrates a calf rearing practice.
- Identify the practice illustrated above. (1mk)
- Describe the procedure followed in the feeding practice named in (a) above. (3mks)
- Give two precautions taken while using the rearing practice stated in (a) above. (1mk)
- The diagram below is an illustration of an egg. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
- Name the parts labelled I, J, K and M. (2 Marks)
- Give two qualities of the part labelled H that would be considered when selecting eggs for incubation.
- What is the function of the part labelled L (1 Mark)
SECTION C (40 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section.
- State five reasons for feeding livestock (5 marks)
- Describe the factors a farmer should consider when selecting a gilt for breeding. (8 marks)
- Outline seven management practices that a farmer should carry out to maintain good health in a herd of cattle. (7 marks)
- Outline routine maintenance practices that should be carried out in deep litter system. (5 marks)
- State eight practices that would ensure clean milk production. (8 marks)
- Compare the use of an ox-drawn mouldboard plough with that of a tractor drawn plough (7 marks)
- Give FIVE general characteristics of dairy cattle breeds (5marks)
- Outline the procedure one would follow when castrating a male piglet. (5mks)
- Outline five causes of stress in poultry. (5 marks)
- Describe the life cycle of two host tick (5 marks)

- sykes
- ancorna
- minorca
- leghorns
(4x½ =2mks)
- Lose vitality
- Lose weight
- Have retarded growth
- Cause irritation hence loss of feeding time
- Cause emaciation
- Cause anaemia
- Possible to compare animals of different age groups since heifer locations are known
- Possible to make direct comparison of bulls at different AI centres.
- It’s accurate
- Eliminates differences brought out by the environment since average performance of herd is used.
- Facilitate tupping/mating
- Prevents blowfly infestation
- Gives good fat distribution throughout the body/ marbling (Any 2x½ =1mk)
- Speed reduction mechanism
- Enables one of the wheels to move faster than the other when negotiating corners. (2x½ =1mk)
- Retarded growth
- Lowered productivity
- Lowered reproductivity due to reduced animal vigour/low fertility
- Lowered resistance to diseases or infections.
- Cause wearing out of body tissues
(any 4x ½ =2mks)
- Poor ventilation
- Overcrowding
- Age-young animals
- Effects of diarrhoea/other illnesses
(4x ½ =2mks)
- Taking the cow into the milking shade
- Rattling sound of buckets
- Sight of a milk man/milk woman
- Sight or smell of food in the feed trough
- Massaging or washing of the udder with warm water.
- Suckling by the calf
- Sight of the calf for cows inclined to suckling calves
(any 4x½ =2mks)
- land is not accessible by tractors
- Where the land is steep/very steep slopes
- Small pieces of land
- Lands that are irregularly shaped
- Cost of hiring tractors is high
- Other sources of power unavailable.
(any 4x½ =2mks)
- During confinement in sick yard/confined grazing units.
- Stall feeding/watering
- When transporting animals to markets/agricultural shows/slaughter houses.
- During service of the animal e.g. AI
- During land spraying against external parasites.
- During removal or harvesting of livestock products e.g. honey/milk
- When carrying out routine management operations e.g. deworming/castration/dehorning/hoof trimming/debeaking/injection of drugs. (any 4x½ =2mks)
- Availability of capital
- Security
- Market availability
- Labour availability
- Knowledge of the farmer
- Availability of land for rearing
- Topography of the land.
- Availability of appropriate equipment.
(any 4x ½ =2mks)
- Cost of feedstuff
- Availability
- Nutritional composition
- Physical/processing nature of feedstuff.
(4x½ =2mks)
- Cleaning the fish to remove mud/any worms
- Cleaning abdominal cavity thoroughly
- Keep fish in open containers
- Removing scales and slime
- Opening the fish on the side to remove gut and the intestines/ gutting. (any 4x½ =2mks)
- Take many years to grow and make an effective fence.
- Cannot be used for paddocking because they occupy a wide space
- Hedges can be used as hiding places for rodents and thieves.
- Thorny species cause injuries to livestock
- Their growth may be irregular thus allowing gaps for animals and thieves to pass through.
(any 4x½ =2mks)
- Use of prophylactic drugs
- Carrying out regular vaccinations
- Control of vectors
- Treatment of sick animals. (4x½ =2mks)
- Control of water pollution.
- Supply of food / nutrients for aquatic use.
- Aerating water / flowing water.
- Maintaining appropriate depth of water in the pond.
- Control of stocking rate.
(4x½ = 2mks
- Have microorganisms to digest cellulose
- Absorb water and the byproducts of microbial digestion. (2x½ =1mk)
- Ox plough / Ox-drawn mouldboard plough.
(1 x 1 = 1mk) - L – Beam
M – Landwheel
O – Landside
P – Mouldboard
(4x1 = 4mks) - M – Regulates the depth of ploughing.
N – cuts the furrow slice horizontally.
P – Inverts the cut soil/ furrow slices
(3 x 1 = 3mks)
- Ox plough / Ox-drawn mouldboard plough.
- Identify
bit brace (½ x 1 =½mk)
K; Bit (½ x 1 =½mk) - Use of tool
Expand rubber ring (1 x 1 =1mk)
Measure and hold drug to be administered. (1 x 1 =1mk) - Maintenance practices of tool J.
- Oiling /lubricating moving parts to reduce friction. (1 x 1 =1mk)
- Clean after use to remove dirt (rej washing for cleaning). (1 x 1 =1mk)
- Identify
- feeding practice
Artificial rearing/bucket feeding (1 x 1 = 1mk) -
- Procedure of rearing practice
- Put clean milk in a clean bucket
- Place clean index finger into the calf’s mouth through the diastema
- Allow the calf to start suckling the finger
- Lower the finger slowly until it is submerged in milk as the calf sucks
- Slowly withdraw the finger
- Repeat steps until the calf learns. (6 x ½=3mks)
- Precautions in rearing practice
- Right amount of milk
- Interval feeding
- give milk at the right temperature
- Clean equipment
- Observe personal hygiene. (2 x ½ = 1mk)
- Procedure of rearing practice
- feeding practice
- I-Inner shell membrane = ½ mk
J-Outer shell membrane = ½ mk
K-Albumen = ½ mk
M-Challazae = ½ mk -
- Smoothness of the shell
- Cleanliness
- Oval in shape
- Absence of cracks on the shell (4x½ =2mks)
- Provide nutrients for the developing chick (1x1=1)
- I-Inner shell membrane = ½ mk
- Provide energy/ maintenance of body temperature
- For growth and repair of body tissues
- For maintenance of good health
- Production of various products
- Enhance reproduction. (5x1=5mks)
- Should be of age/mature 5-7 months old/90-100kg live weight
- Good mothering ability
- Able to grow fast
- Good conformation
- With no physical defects
- Healthy
- Has 12-14 evenly spaced teats
- Highly prolific
- Able to withstand heat strsess during mating.
(any 8x1=8mks)
- Management practices for good health
- provide balanced ration to increase disease resistance
- select healthy breeding stock
- cull animals susceptible to certain diseases
- use appropriate breeding methods to avoid disease transmission
- provide proper housing e.g calf pens to avoid diseases.
- maintain high level of hygiene
- isolate or confine sick animals from healthy ones
- Treat sick animals
- impose quarantine incase of out breaks of notifiable diseases
- use prophylactic drugs e.g dewormers
- carry out regular vaccination
- control vectors such as ticks
- slaughter & dispose properly affected animal if cannot be cured. 1x8=8mks
- Repair/replace broken parts
- Regular cleaning to remove dirt
- Dust/fumigate/spray to control parasites and diseases
- Apply old engine oil on timber parts.
- Ensure good drainage around the house
- Maintain a footbath at the entrance.
- Regular changing of litter (5x1=5mks)
- The milkman should be clean
- Test for mastitis before milking
- Milk person should be healthy
- Ensure utensils/equipment are clean
- Ensure milking parlour is clean
- Ensure milking herd is free from zoonotic diseases e.g. TB
- Cows with mastitis should be milked last
- Clean the udder before milking
- Cover the milk after milking
- Avoid feeds/weeds that would taint milk just before milking.
- Proper storage of milk/cool dry place. (any 8x1=8mks)
- Ox-draw plough mould board is lighter hence does not compact the soil as much as the tractor drawn mouldboard plough.
- Ox-plough can be used for more farm operations e.g. weeding, ploughing, harvesting root crop than tractor mouldboard.
- Oxplough requires less skills to operate compared to the tractor plough.
- Tractor plough is faster than oxplough hence can plough a large area within a short time.
- Source of power for oxplough is not as reliable as the source of power for tractor plough.
- Ox plough relatively shallow compared to tractor drawn plough that plough deeper.
- Oxplough can be used in steeper slopes where tractor plough cannot plough.
- Ox plough requires more people to operate than tractor plough.
- Ox plough is cheaper to buy than tractor plough.
- Ox plough is cheaper to maintain than tractor plough. ACCEPT TABLE FORM (7x1=7mks)
- Give five general characteristics of dairy cattle breeds (5 mks
- Have straight top line
- Well set hind quarters
- Large well developed udder
- prominent milk vein
- Lean bodies with little flesh
- Have large stomach capacity
- Are docile with mild temperament
- Procedure followed when castrating a male piglet
- Restrain the animal properly
- Use one hand to pull the testicles slightly and hold with the help of the other hand, make a cut or slit at the base of the scrotum.
- Squeeze out the testicles until the spermatic cords are extended and exposed then cut.
- Remove the testicles
- Stitch and disinfect the scrotum using antiseptic e.g healing oil and release the animal. (add any other point) (5 x 1 = 5mrks)
- Sudden change in routine
- Diseases and pest infestation.
- Lack of food and waterStrangers and predators in the house.
- Sudden noise such as that of tractor, plane
- Poor handling of birds
- Overcrowding
- Climate weather change
- Poor lighting in the house
- Introduction of new birds
- Unbalanced diet. (any 5x1=5mks)
- Eggs on the ground hatch to larvae
- the larvae climbs on the first host ;
- suck blood become engorged and moults to a nymph;
- the nymph suck blood from the same host, become engorged and fall down;
- where it moults to an adult.
- The adult looks for a second host where it sucks blood mates and fall down to lay eggs
(5 x 1 = 5mrks)
- Give five general characteristics of dairy cattle breeds (5 mks
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