Computer Studies Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Asumbi Girls High School KCSE Mock 2021

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Instructions to candidates

  • Type your Name and Index No at the top right hand corner of each printout.
  • Write your Name and Index No on the CD
  • Write the Name and version of software used in each question on the answer sheet
  • Passwords should not be used
  • Answer ALL the questions
  • All answers must be saved in a CD
  • Make printouts of the answers

Tip Top consultants has shortlisted candidates for an interview for various positions in their organization. The following is a standard letter for each of the candidates to be interviewed.
The information enclosed in << >> represents details about recipients, position, date and time of the interview.

  1. Using a word processor, type the documents as it appears and save it as letterMain (16 marks)

    Tip Top consultants
    Top Human Resources Consultants
    P.O. Box 456, Tel: 03221345
    Nairobi. Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Monday, 11 April 2015.
    << First Name >> << Second Name >>,
    P.O. Box << Adress>>,
    << Town >>.
    Dear<<Title>> << Second Name>>,
    Following your application for the position of << Position >>, I am glad to inform you that you have been shortlisted. You will be required to report for an interview on <<Date>> at <<Time>>. You are required to bring the following documents with you.
     Identity card
     Original certificates
     Two passport size photographs
     A reference letter
    We are looking forward to seeing you.
    Yours faithfully,
    Pascal Sasha
    Consulting partner

  2. Insert the following as a footer:
    Vision: “To be a leader in the provision of quality Human Resource for development” (2 marks)
  3. Create the logo in Figure 1 and position it below the statement ‘Top Human Resources Consultants’. ( 6 marks)
  4. Table 1 shows details about shortlisted candidates. Create a data source to store information in the table and save it as ListFile. ( 11 marks)
    Title First Name Second Name Address Town Position date Time
    Miss  Anyango  Patricia  3656  Kisumu  ICT assistant 6th Dec 11:30 am
    Ms Caroline Kandai  3456  Kajiado  Accountant 6th Dec  12:30 pm
    Mr Zachary Esokon 123 Lodwar ICT assistant  7th Dec  1:30 pm
    Mrs Susan  Chemutai  721  Kericho Accountant  7th Dec  2:30 pm
    Mr Jilo  Buya  222  Mombasa Accountant  8th Dec  12:00 pm
    Mr  Sospeter  Kamau  912  Kiambu Accountant  9th Dec  12:30 pm
  5. Using mail merge feature, merge the files letterMain and ListFile and save the document as Merged Document. (5 marks)
  6. Insert page numbers at the top right hand sight in the merged document saved in (e) above (2 marks)
  7. Using listfile as a data source, create a list of addresses to be printed on envelops as shown in figure 2 and save it as envelopes. (4marks)

    << Title>> << First Name>> << Second Name>> ,
    P.O. Box <<Address>>,

    Figure 2
  8. Print the following: (4marks)
    1. Lettermain
    2. Listfile
    3. Page 5 of the merged document
    4. Addresses to be printed on the first envelope.

Company XYZ sells products P, Q and R. figure 3 shows an extract of a spreadsheet for the company’s salespersons and their respective sales in shillings for each product.

  A B C D E F G H
2 Clifford 4 000.00 6 230.00 7500.00        
3  Kamau 4 500.00  6 700.00 8 000.00        
4  Shantel  5 678.00  10 000.00 7 800.00        
5  Melinda 3 200.00  4 000.00  9 600.00        
6  Kipkoech  8 000.00  7005.00  8900.00        
7 Wekesa 9 800.00 9 670.00 10 000.00        
8 Anyango 2 700.00 3 400.00 2 300.00        
9 TOTAL              

Figure 3

    1. Using a spreadsheet package, enter the above information and save it as SALES-TABLE (9 marks)
    2. Format the worksheet to appear as it is. (4 marks)
    1. type a formula:
      1. at cell B9 to compute the total sales for product P; (1 mark)
      2. at cell E2 to compute total sales for Clifford. (1 mark)
    2. Apply the formulae to the appropriate cells. (2 marks)
  3. A salesperson earns points for the sale of each product based on the following criteria;
    • 1 point for every shs 50 for product P,
    • 2 points for every shs 65 for product Q
    • 3 points for every shs 40 for product R,
      1. Type a formula in cell F2 to compute the total points earned by Clifford; (3 marks)
      2. Apply the formula in(c) (i) to the rest of the persons. (1 mark)
  4. A salesperson is categorized based on points earned as follows.
     Over 1300 Gold
    1101 - 1300  Silver
     Up to 1100  Bronze

    Those salespersons attaining a Gold category earn a promotion
    1. Type a formula in G4 to determine Shantel’s category. (5 marks)
    2. Apply the formula in (d) (i) to other appropriate cells. (1 mark)
    3. Type a formula in G10 to determine the number of salespersons who will earn a promotion. (4marks)
  5. Each salesperson earns a total pay of shs 20,000 plus 2% commission of their total sales. Using absolute referencing, determine the total pay for each salesperson if value 2 is entered in cell B12. (5 marks)
  6. Create a bar chart showing product P and product R sales for each salesperson. Insert appropriate labels on the chart. (9 marks)
  7. Rename the worksheet containing the data as salesData and the chart sheet as salesChart. (2 marks)
  8. Print the following: (3 marks)
    1. SalesData;
    2. SalesData showing the formula;
    3. SalesChart

Marking Scheme

  Date (Monday, 11 April 2009)
  recipient address block
-reference (typing)
-double underline
-body text (3 sections @ 1 mark each)
-saving (letter main)
2 marks
1 mark
2 marks
1 mark
1 mark
½ mark
1 mark
½ mark
1 mark
1 mark
1 mark
3 marks
1 mark
16 marks
(b) Footer
-position (in the footer area)

1 mark
1 Mark
 2 marks
(c) Logo
- 3 objects x 1
- text
- line weight
- positioning

3 marks
1 mark
1 mark
1 mark
 6 marks
(d) Data source
- creating 8 fields x 1/2
- each record 6 x 1
- saving (list file)

4 marks
6 marks
1 mark
 11 marks
(e) Merging
- positioning 9 fields correctly
- saving (merged document)

4 ½ marks
½ mark
5 marks
(f) Page numbering 2 marks
(g) Producing envelopes
- Fields (@½  mark per field)
- Layout (@½  mark per line)

2½  marks
1½  marks
4 marks
(h) Printing
- main letter
- data source
- merged document page 5
- print the first envelope

1 mark
1 mark
1 mark
1 mark
4 marks


(a) (i) Each row x 1 mark
- All other labels
- savings
7 marks
1 mark
1 mark
  9 marks
(ii) Format currency
- Bolding of labels - header row and total
- Double border/ Text wrap
- All other borders

1 mark
1 mark
1 mark
1 mark
  4 marks
(b) (i) I. Formula at B9
= Sum (B2:B8) OR
= B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B6 + B7 + B8
NB: Accept any other correct formulae from other spreadsheet packages

II. Formula at E2
= Sum (B2:D2) OR
= B2 + C2 + D2
1 mark

1 mark
(ii) Application of fromulae on row and column 2 marks
  4 marks
(c) (i) Formula in cell F2
= B2/50 + C2/65*2 + D2/40*3 or
=int(B2/50) + int(C2/65)* 2 int (d2/40)*3 or
=int(B2/50) + int(C2/65)* 2 + D2/40*3
3 marks
(ii) Formula application/ copying 1 mark
  4 marks
(d) (i) Formula in G4
= IF (F4> = 1300, "Gold", IF (F4>=1100, "Silver", "Bronze"))
5 marks 
(ii) Formula application  1 marks
(iii) Formula at G9
= COUNTIF (G2:G8, "Gold")
Label (those to be promoted)
3 marks

1 mark
  10 marks
(e)   Formula at H2
= 20 000 + $B$12/100*E2
Entering 2 and label (commission)

4 marks
1 mark
5 marks
(f)   Chart (Bar)
- Select the ranges x 1 mark per column 2 marks for porduct R
Invoke correct chart
Label x- axis and y-axis
Title (chart)

4 marks
1 mark
2 marks
1 mark
1 mark
9 marks
(g)   Renaming sheets - Data sheet
                             - Chart sheet
1 mark
1 mark
2 marks
(h)   Printing: (i) Sales data
              (ii) Sales data showing formulae
              (iii) Sales chart
1 mark
1 mark
1 mark
3 marks


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