Geography Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Mokasa II Joint Mock Exams 2023

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  • Answer all the questions in section A.
  • In section B answer question 6 and any other two questions.
  • Candidates should answer all the questions in English.


Answer all the questions in this section.

    1. Define Agroforestry.         (2 marks)
    2. Give three importance of forest products in Kenya.      (3 marks)
    1. Name two exotic breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya.    (2 marks)
    2. State three challenges facing nomadic pastoralism in Kenya.     (3marks)
    1. Define land rehabilitation.      (2 marks)
    2. State three physical factors that influenced the location of the Perkerra irrigation Scheme.       (3 marks)
  4. Study the map below of the Ruhr Industrial Region of Germany and use it to answer the questions that follow.
    1. Name the industrial centre marked A and river labelled B.      (2 marks)
    2. State three factors favouring the growth of Ruhr industries.   (3 marks)
    1. Define game cropping.                 (2 marks)
    2. Give three reasons why the Kenya government is encouraging domestic tourism.      (3 marks)


Answer question 6 and any other two questions in this section

  1. The table below shows items exported from Nigeria in 2015. Use it to answer the questions that follow
     Maize  13,600
     Coffee  11,000
     Oil palm  1,600
     Spices  850
     Total  27,050
      1. Draw a divided rectangle of length 15 cm to represent the data above.      (8 marks)
      2. State three advantages of using the above method to represent statistical data.  (3 marks)
      1. Differentiate between balance of trade and balance of payment.     (2 marks)
      2. State three reasons why Kenya imports goods that she produces.         (3 marks)
    3. State three problems facing SADC.      (3 marks)
    4. Explain the benefits of international trade to the economy of Kenya?     (6 marks)
      1. Define the term mining.      (2 marks)
      2. State three factors that influence the exploitation of minerals in East Africa.     (3 marks)
    2. Study the map of East Africa below, and use it to answer the question b (i) below.
      1. Identify the minerals in the parts marked Q, Rand S.    (3 marks)
      2. Give two uses of soda ash.     (2 marks)
    3. Name two oil producing countries in the Middle East.    (2 marks)
    4. Describe the deep shaft mining method.     (5 marks)
    5. Explain four significance of mining to the economy of Kenya.      (8 marks)
      1. Name three counties to the west of the Rift valley that produce tea in large scale.        (3 marks)
      2. State four physical conditions that favour tea growing in Kenya.     (4 marks)
      1. Describe how tea is processed at the factory.   (6 marks)
      2. Explain four ways in which the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) assist tea famers in Kenya.    (8 marks)
    3. State four problems facing small scale tea farming in Kenya.      (4 marks)
      1. What is population density?      (2 marks)
      2. Identify any three reasons for carrying out population census in Kenya         (3 marks)
    2. The pyramid below shows population structure of a country. Use it to answer questions (b) (i) and (ii)

      1. Identify any two countries that have population structure similar to the one     (2 marks)
      2. Give four characteristics of the population structure of Sweden.      (4 marks)
    3. Explain three problems of high population growth rate to a country.        (6 marks)
      1. Identify two types settlement patterns.       (2 marks)
      2. Explain two factors that have influenced the rapid growth of Eldoret town.      (4 marks)
      3. State two problems facing the city of Kisumu.    (2 marks)
      1. State four effects of drought.       (4 marks)
      2. A part from drought and pollution, list three other environmental hazards.       (3 marks)
      1. Explain three causes of water pollution.           (6 marks)
      2. State four measures that can be taken to control lightning. (4 marks)
    3. You intend to carry out a field study on pollution in a nearby local open air market.
      1. State four follow up activities you would carry out after the study. (4 marks)
      2. State four ways in which the study will be of importance to the local community.       (4 marks)



Answer all the questions in this section.

    1. Define Agroforestry.      (2mks)
      • Practice of planting trees growing of crops and rearing of animals on the same piece of land.
    2. Give three importance of forest products in Kenya.     (3mks)
      • Forest provides wood fuel like firewood and charcoal.
      • Forest provide timber used in building and construction
      • Wood from forests is used in manufacture of paper, plywood
      • Some plants in forests have medical value obtained from their barks, roots and leaves.
    1. Name two exotic breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya.    (2mks)
      • Freshian/Holstein
      • Ayshire
      • Guernsey
      • Jersey
      • Aiderney
      • Brown Swiss /Swiss brown
      • Sahiwal
    2. State three challenges facing nomadic pastoralism in Kenya.        (3mks)
      • Low and unreliable rainfall that is unable sustain good pasture
      • Diseases and pests out break reduces quality of animals and at times cause death.
      • Insufficient veterinary services such as vaccination making animals unhealthy.
      • Inadequate transport network hinders accessibility to markets.
      • Inadequate water supply due to low rainfall.
    1. Define land rehabilitation.    (2mks)
      • This is the restoration of land which has been destroyed through human activities to its formers productive state.
    2. Give three physical factors which influence the establishment of Perkerra irrigation  scheme.    (3mks)
      • The presence of Perkerra river which ensures constant supply of water for irrigation.
      • Gentle sloping land which allows easy flow of water to the field by gravity.
      • Availability of deep soil rich in minerals nutrients supporting a variety of crops.
      • Extensive land which encourages large scale farming.
      • The area is dry with high temperatures hence need for irrigation.
  4. Study the map below and answer the following questions.
    1. Name the industrial centre marked A and river labelled B                    (2mks)
      • A - Duisburg
      • B - River Ruhr
    2. State three factors favouring the growth of Ruhr industries.(3mks)
      • Availability of coal/iron ore /limestone which are raw materials for industries.
      • Availability of water from river rhine/ Ruhr for industrial use.
      • Availability of capital from the rich merchants /Krup farming invested in the industries.
      • Availability of ready market internally and externally in central and western Europe.
      • Well established road and railway networks for easly transportation.
    1. Define game cropping.     (2mks)
      • Licensed killing of wild animals in game parks in order to eliminate sick one/reduce their population.
    2. Give three reasons why the Kenya government is encouraging domestic tourism. (3mks)
      • Makes people aware of environment and their country hence appreciate cultural heritage.
      • Enable people to use facilities within their country like hotels and lodges.
      • Leads to better understanding of communities because of interactionxs.
      • Leads to increased consumption of local products.
      • Increases employment opportunities in banks and hotels.
      • Generates income to the government through entrance charges.


Answer question 6 and any other two questions in this section

      1. Draw a divided rectangle of length 15 cm to represent the data above. (8mks)
        Maize 13600 x 15 = 7.54 cm      ½
        Coffee 11000 x 15 = 6.10 cm    ½
        Oil Palm   1600    x 15 = 0.89 cm ½
        Spice   850    x 15 = 0.47 cm    ½

        M x 2
      2. State three advantages of using the above method to represent statistical data. (3mks)
        • They allow easy comparison to be made.
        • It is easy to construct/draw.
        • They are easy to read / interpret.
        • They give clear visual impression.
      1. Differentiate between balance of trade and balanced of payment.       (2mks)
        • Balance of trade is the difference between value of visible imports and exports while
        • Balance of payments is the difference between visible & invisible imports and exports.
      2. State three reasons why Kenya imports some goods she produces.     (3mks)
        • Mismanagement of some industries leading to their collapse/closure.
        • High cost of production leading to low production.
        • Low production to meet the local demand
        • Crop failure due to drought leading to low produce.
        • Liberalisation of trade has led to easy importation of goods.
        • Poor government policy/corruption has led to importation of goods without regard for local producers.          (3 x 1 = 3 mks)
    3. State three problems facing SADC.        (3mks)
      • Poor transport and communication network in some countries hinder movement of goods.
      • Production of similar / duplication of goods for trade.
      • Difficulty in the harmonization of tariffs due to multiple memberships by many.
      • Political instability in some countries hinders the flow of goods.
    4. What are the benefits of international trade to the economy of Kenya?      (6mks)
      • It has encouraged specialization which has contributed to production of high quality goods.
      • It has enabled Kenya too get market for surplus produce leading to increased earnings.
      • Encouraged cooperation between Kenya and her trading partners.
      • Created employment opportunities to many people leading to improved standards of living.
      • Promoted development of transport and communication leading easy movement of goods and services.      (3 x 2 = 6 mks)
      1. Define the term mining.      (2 Marks)
        • This is the process of extracting valuable minerals, either solid, liquid or gas from the earth's crust.
      2. State Three factors influencing exploitation of minerals in East Africa. (3 Marks)
        • The value of the mineral
        • The size of the mineral deposit
        • The method of mining
        • The level of the country's technology
        • Quality of the ore
        • Availability of capital
        • Availability of market
        • Transport cost
        • Availability of labor
        • Political influences within the country.
    2. Study the map of East Africa below, and use it to answer the question b (i) below.
      1. Identify the minerals in the parts marked B, C and D.     (3 Marks)
        1. B..............Soda Ash
        2. C............ Gold
        3. D......... Phosphate
      2. Identify any two uses of soda ash.
        • Manufacture of soap and detergent.
        • Paper making industry.
        • Manufacture of glass.
        • Petroleum refining industry.
        • Textile industry.
        • Manufacture of caustic soda.
    3. Name two oil producing countries in the Middle East
      • Saudia Arabia
      • Iraq
      • Kuwait
      • United Arab Emirates
    4. Describe the deep shaft mining method.
      • Vertical shafts are sunk underground.
      • From the shafts, horizontal tunnels or galleries are dug to reach the mineral bearing rock. Constructing props to support roof of tunnel.
      • The mineral bearing rock is then blasted loose by explosives to prevent it from collapsing then transported to the base of the shaft by a light railway.
      • The ore is then hauled to the surface in a type of a lift called a cage.
      • The minerals are loaded into Lorries and transported to processing factories.
    5. Explain four significance of mining to the economy of Kenya.         (8 Marks)
      • Development of industries – minerals provide raw materials for manufacturing industries. They therefore, stimulate the establishment of industries. For example, limestone mining has led to the development of cement and lime factories in Athi River, Bamburi and Likoni.
      • Development of transport and communication network - mining stimulates the development of transport links like roads and railway lines to places which were previously inaccessible. Several mines are also served with telephone lines.
      • Development of settlement-settlement areas and urban centres have developed wherever there are mining activities. People are attracted to mining areas as they search for employment. For example, Magadi town in Kajiado.
      • Creation of employment opportunities - mining and related industries provide employment for many Kenyans. This has raised the living standard of those employed.
      • Development of social amenities – mining has led to development of social amenities such as schools, electricity, water and hospitals due to the increase of population as people settle around such areas.
      • Earning foreign exchange - the export of minerals e.g. soda ash earns the country foreign exchange. The funds are used to improve the development of other industries e.g. agriculture.
      1. Name three counties west of Rift valley producing tea in large scale. (3mks)
        • Kericho
        • Nandi
        • Kakamega
        • Trans nzoia
        • Kisii
        • Nyamira
      2. Give four physical conditions favouring growing of tea in Kenya.
        • Undulating/gentle topography
        • Deep well drained soils/red volcanic soils.
        • High altitude 1500 to 2400m above the sea level
        • Slightly acidic soils/volcanic soils
        • High rainfall/1000-2000mm p.a
        • Moderate to high temperatures/warm to climate.
      1. Describe processing of tea at the factory.     (6mks)
        • At the factory, tea leaves are weighed and spread on troughs through which hot air is blown to make then wither.
        • The leaves are left in a withering lofts for about 20hrs with hot air about 20°C to remove moisture
        • Dry leaves are then passed through a set of rollers to chop and cut them into small pieces.
        • Leaves are then placed in containers to ferment and reduce tannic acid changing them to grey-brown.
        • Fermented leaves are placed in a conveyor belt which takes them to a tunnel of about 1044°C for roasting and drying making leaves turn black
        • Dry leaves are allowed to cool overnight.
        • They are then passed through strainers with holes of different sizes to grade them.
        • Then winnowing done by machine to remove unwanted particles.
        • Tea is packed read for sale
      2. Explain four ways in which the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) Assist tea famers in Kenya.          (8mks)
        • It establishes tea nurseries from where tea farmers buy seedlings.
        • Organizes tea famers education days and extension services on new ideas about growing tea.
        • Buys farm inputs in bulk and sells to famers at subsidized prize
        • Provide credit facilities to famers to enable them purchase farm input
        • Collect green tea on behalf of farmers and establishes factories where green leaves are processed.
        • Undertake the marketing of tea on behalf of farmers.
        • Conduct research on tea disease and pest for better quality.
    3. State four problems facing small scale tea farming in Kenya.(4mks)
      • Poor feeder roads in tea growing areas leading to delay in transportation of tea which may lower Quality.
      • Delayed payments for tea delivered demoralising farmers.
      • Pests attack such as black tea thrips reducing quality & yield of tea.
      • Inadequate funds to buy seedlings and fertilizers
      • Competition from other crops like wheat, maize and coffee reducing total area of land under tea
      • Fluctuation of price in the world market causes losses to farmers.
      • Soil exhaustion due to inappropring lower yields.
      • Mismanagement by tea officials delays payment.
      1. What is population density?
        • The number of people per unit of area
      2. Identify any three reasons for carrying out population census in Kenya
        • To serve as a basis for planning/policy making.
        • To help in planning for education/training facilities.
        • To reveal population growth rate.
        • To reveal the dependency ration.
        • To reveal the occupational level hence plan for job.
    2. The pyramid below shows population structure of a country. Use it to answer questions
      1. Identify any two countries that have population structure similar to the one shown above.
        • Sweden
        • Canada
        • New Zealand
        • Japan
      2. Give any four characteristics associated with the population of the country.    (4mks)
        • The number of male and female population is almost equal at all levels.
        • From 0-14 years, population is low.
        • From 14-44 population is high
        • Population has high life expectancy
        • The dependency ration is low.
        • The population has low birth rate.
        • The population has low death rate
    3. Explain three problems that are likely to face a country experiencing high population growth rate.   (6mks)
      • There is likely to be high unemployment rate of job creation opportunities would increase at a lower rate than increasing number of job seekers / low standard of living.
      • There may be limited government resources to provide adequate social amenities / inadequate social facilities.
      • It may lead to a high dependency ratio which slow down the economic growth.
      • Strain on natural resources / scarcity of land which would lead to landlessness and land fragmentation
      • There would be inadequate food production/food shortages.
      1. Identify two settlement patterns    (2mks)
        • Dispersed settlement pattern- Linear - Nuclear
      2. Explain two reasons for the rapid growth of Eldoret town.
        • Nucleated settlement pattern
        • Educational Institutions E. Moi University
        • Transport network e.g Air port
      3. State two problems facing the city of Kisumu.
        • Inadequate space for expansion.
        • Insecurity.
        • Inadequate housing to emergence of slums in Nyalenda, Kondele.
        • Inadequate water supply
        • Pollution from industries into Lake Victoria/eater hyacinths / agricultural waste
      1. State four effects of droughts.
        • Loss of livestock
        • Low agricultural production
        • Shortage of water for domestic and industrial use
        • Shortage of food
      2. A part from drought and pollution list down other environmental hazards.    (3 marks)
        • Floods
        • Lightning
        • Windstorm
        • Pest and diseases
        • Soil erosion
      1. Explain three causes of water pollution.    (6 marks)
        • Wind erosion, deposit salt and dust into the water contaminates them.
        • Leakage of sewages/direct in sewage waste into the water bodies.
        • Dumping of wastes in rivers contaminates the water.
        • Release of industrial waste into water bodies pollutes the water or makes the water dirty.
        • Oil spillage end up in water bodies, contaminating them
        • Chemicals from pesticides/herbicides can be washed into water bodies.
      2. Identify four measures that can be taken to control lightning.
        • Installing lightning arrestors in buildings
        • Avoiding sheltering under trees/ verandas
        • Avoiding walking in open fields when it's raining.
        • Educating the people on the dangers of lightning.
    3. You intend to carry out a field study on pollution in the local open air market.
      1. state four follow up activities you would carry out after the study.
        • Writing reports
        • Presenting findings
        • Displaying photographs
        • Displaying samples
        • Discussing the finding.
        • Laboratory testing of samples.
      2. In what ways is the data collected of important to the local market community. (3 marks)
        it will help:
        • To properly maintain their drains
        • To properly dispose the waste
        • To put up proper sewage system and maintain them.
        • To maintain a clean environment.
        • To regularly inspect waste disposal.
        • To come up with rules and laws that govern waste disposal.
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