Biology Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Maranda High School Mock Exams 2023

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  • Answer ALL the questions.
  • Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
  • All working MUST be clearly shown where necessary.
    1. Define respiration. (1 mark)
    2. State three activities in human digestive system that depend on respiration. (3 marks)
  2. Name two types of skeleton in animals. (2 marks)
  3. Explain why camel has a longer nephron than a whale. (3 marks)
  4. Desert kangaroo rats spend more time in underground burrows.
    1. Name this type of behavioral activity (1 mark)
    2. Explain the significance of this behavior to the organism. (2 marks)
  5. State one functional difference between a tendon and ligament (1 mark)
  6. Explain why there in no grass in most dense forest (2 marks)
  7. The diagram below represents two types of bacteria species that cause human diseases.
    Identify each bacterium and state the disease it causes. (4 marks)
     Bacterium  Identity  Disease caused
  8. Which sets of teeth would be used in the chewing of sugarcane for maximum extraction of sap? (2 marks)
  9. State two factors that affect the rate of diffusion. (2marks)
    1. Name the type of respiration that is most efficient. (1 mark)
    2. Give reason for your answer in (a) above (1 mark)
  11. List three symptoms of diabetes mellitus (3 marks)
  12. Explain the relationship between photosynthesis and aerobic respiration within the leaf.     (2 marks)
  13. The diagram below illustrates a specialized cell obtained from a certain tissue.
    1. Name the cell (1 mark)
    2. State two ways in which the cell structurally adapted to its function (2 marks)
  14. Explain the survival value of the following tropic responses in plants.
    1. Geotropism (1 mark)
    2. Phototropism (1 mark)
  15. The following are text messages on a cell phone that represent gene mutation.
       Intended message  Actual message 
     I  I hate meat  I ate meat
     II  This is my team  This is my mate
    Identify the type of gene mutation represented in each case (2 marks)
  16. State two economic importance of anaerobic respiration (2 marks)
  17. Name three mechanisms that ensure cross pollination takes place in flowering plants.      (3 marks)
  18. Name the bone that allows the head to:
    1. Node (1 mark)
    2. Turn sideways. (1 mark)
    1. Distinguish between community and population (2 marks)
    2. What type of competition exists within members of a community? (1 mark)
    3. Giraffes and zebras can coexist in the same habitat. Explain. (2 marks)
  20. To estimate population size of mosquitoes in Mishoroni village, researchers caught 600 mosquitoes which they marked and released. After 24 hours, 300 mosquitoes were caught out of which 120 had marks.
    1. Suggest the suitable instrument used to capture and mark the insects. (2 marks)
    2. Estimate the population size of the mosquitoes in the village. (2 marks)
  21. Name two disorders that result from non-disjunction. (2 marks)
    1. What is meant by the term reflex action. (1 mark)
    2. In an accident a victim had a brain injury and consequently suffered loss of memory. Which part of the brain was damaged? (1 mark)
  23. Explain why pregnant woman excretes less urea compared to a woman who is not pregnant.     (3 marks)
  24. State the functions of the following parts of the mammalian ear. (2 marks)
    1. Ear Ossicles.
    2. Eustachian tube
  25. What is the function of the following cells in the retina of the human eye. (2 marks)
    1. Cones
    2. Rods
  26. Name the type of response exhibited by the following:
    1. Leaves of Mimosa pudica folding when touched. (1 mark)
    2. Roots growing towards the source of water. (1 mark)
  27. The diagram below shows the arrangements of bones and muscles in human arm
    1. Name the parts labeled K and L. (2 marks)
    2. Give the differences between muscle M and muscles found in the oviduct. (2 marks)
    1. Why is powerful insecticide that we use today unlikely to be effective in ten years’ time?       (2marks)
    2. State two functions of DNA (2 marks)
  29. Part of a DNA strand has a base sequence of G-C-C-T-A-G-A-C-A-C. What is the sequence of:
    1. The complimentary DNA strand. (1 mark)
    2. m-RNA strand copied from this strand. (1 mark)
  30. The diagram below shows the plan of a pentadactyl limb. 
    Name the bones labeled L and K. (2 marks)
  31. What two characteristics do the external gills of tadpoles and tracheoles of grasshopper have in common. (2 marks)


  • One medium sized irish potato- specimen R
  • 18cm3 dilute hydrogen peroxide
  • 6cm3 dilute Sodium hydroxide
  • 3cm3 dilute hydrochloric acid
  • 2cm3 Iodine Solution
  • Scalpel
  • 3 labels
  • 3 clean test tubes on a test Tube rack
  • 1 dropper
  • 10ml measuring cylinder


    1. Process by which living organism/cells breakdown/oxidise organic food materials into simple compunds to release energy.
      • Secretion of (digestive) enzymes/hormones/mucus;
      • Peristalsis
      • Absorption of digested food materials; acc. absorption of food
      • Chewing;
    • Exoskeleton;
    • Endoskeleton
    • Hydrostatic; acc, hydroskeleton;
  3. Camel is a desert animal; a longer nephron, increses the surface area for reabsorption of water (to conserve it); a whale is an aquatic animal
    1. Aestivation;
    2. Reduced metabollic activity; ,hence low rate of respiration; minimizing water loss/ desication/ dehydration (to the environment);
  5. Tendon joins muscle to a bone while ligament joint bone to another bone;
  6. Dense forest forms a canopy/ shadows/ shade; which prevent light from reaching grass; grass dies/fails to florish/grow due to inability to photosynthesis;
     Bacterium  Identity  Disease caused
     P  Salmonella typhi;  Typhoid ;
     Q  Vibrio cholerae;  Cholera;
    • Molars;
    • Pre-molar;
    • Temperature;
    • Thickness of the tissue
    • Mass
    • Surface area
    • Size of diffusing molecule;
    • Type of medium;
    • S.A; V; 
    • Diffusion gradient/ Conc. gradient
    1. Aerobic (respiration);
    2. It yields more energy;
    • feeling thirst;
    • Presence of glucose in urine;/ glucosuria
    • Frequent urination; Large amounts of urine
    • Chronic starvation
    • Loss of body weight
    • Photosynthesis yields simple sugars/ glucose/ fatty acids/ amino acids which forms substrates during respiration;
    • During respiration, CO2 is produced which is used as a raw material in photosynthesis;
    • During photosynthesis, water is broken down yielding oxygen which is needed in respiration;
    1. Nerve cell/ (Motor) neurone;

      • Large (axon) to transmit impulse a long way;
      • (Numerous) dendrites for receiving/ delivering/ transmitting impulses;
      • Schwaan cell for secretion of myelin sheath;
      • Myelin sheath for faster transmitting of impulses/ insulating axons;
      • Nodes of ranner for speeding up impulse transmission.
    1.  Enables roots to grow deep into the soil offering anchorage to the plant'
    2. Exposes plant leaves for maximum absoprtion of light facilitating photosynthesis.
    1.  Deletion,
    2. Inversion.
    • Baking Industries.
    • Sewage treatment.
    • Dairy Industries. 
    • Brewing Industries.
    • Silage formations.
    • Production of organic acids.
    • Dichogamy (Protandry and Protogny)
    • Diocious.
    • Heterostyly.
    • Self sterility (Incompatibility)
    1. Atlas vertebra        rej     atlas alone
    2.  Axis vertabra        rej     axis alone
    1. Community; Organisims of different species intceracting in the same habitat at a particular time :Population; Organisims of the same species interacting in the same habitat at a particular time.
    2. Interspecific competition.
    3. Giraffes are browsers while Zebras arae grazers; hence reduced competition for (common) food.
    1. Capture- Sweep net.        Mark- Indian Ink/ Indelible ink
      1.  Population= First mark x Second capture 
                                   Marked Recaptured
                            = 600 X 300
                                 = 1500  Mosquitoes 
    • Klinifelter's syndrome.
    • Tuner's syndrome.
    • Down's syndrome.
    • Polyplody
    1. Its a rapid and automatic response to a stimulus through the nervous system.
    2. Cerebrum.

  23. Some of the amino acids are used in the growth develpoment of the foetus as remaining amino acids are broken down to relase urea while a non pregnant woman has all the amino acids broken down to release urea.

      • Amplifies the sound vibrations;
      • Transmits sound vibrations to the oval window.
    2. Equalizes air pressure between the middle and outer ears.
    1. Distinguishes colours/ perceives light intensity/ colour perception.
    2. Perceives low light intensity / dim light vision.
    1. Haptonasty/ Thigmonasty
    2. Positive hydrotiopism
    1. K- Olecranon process
      L- Humerus   Rej  Humerous               
    2.                          M        Oviduct

      Muscle cells  cylindrical

      Muscle cell spindle shaped
      Multinucleated Monocleated/ unucleated
      Striated  No striations

      Contracts rapidly and fatigues rapidly.

      Contracts slowley and fatigues slowly.

      Contractions are stimulated by voluntary nervous system Contractions are involuntary
    1. Prolonged use makes the organism mutate, making them to develop resistance against the drug.

    2.  Stores genetic information in coded form.
       Transfers genetic information unchanged  to daughters cells through replication.
       Translates genetic infromation into characteristics of organism through protein synthesis.
    1. C-G-G-A-T-C-T-G-T-G.
    • K- Ulna
    • R- 
    • Thin epithelium/ one cell thick;
    • Moist;
    • Highly branched;
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