Computer Studies Paper 2 Questions - Maranda High School Mock Exams 2023

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Instructions to candidates

  • Write your name and index number at the top right hand corner of each of the papers provided for printing
  • Write your name and index number on the CD/Removable storage medium provided
  • Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the printouts used.
  • Answer ALL questions
  • All questions carry EQUAL marks
  • Passwords should not be used while saving files
  • All files must be transferred to the CD/Removable storage medium
  • Make printouts of your answers on the papers provided for printing
  • Arrange your printouts and tie/staple them together
  • Hand in all the printouts and the CD/Removable storage medium used.
  • Candidates should answer the questions in English
  1. Using a spreadsheet program, enter the data below in sheet 1 and format it exactly as it appears. Save the workbook as End Term 2. (18mks)
    1. Format the Title as follows: (1mk)
      1. Font – Arial Black
      2. Font size - 16
    2. Using appropriate functions, calculate the Total and Average marks for all the students.    (4mks)
    3. Use a function to determine the grade for each student based on the Average score as follows:     (4mks)
       70 and above  A
       60 - 69  B
       50 - 59  C
       below 50  FAIL
    4. Use a function to award position to the students based on the average score (3mks)
    5. Sort the data by average score in descending order (1mk)
    6. Copy the data to sheet 2 (1mk)
    7. Rename Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 to Original and Modified respectively (2mks)
    8. Type “Grade Distribution”, A, B, C and FAIL in cells A16, C15, D15, E15 and F15 respectively. (2mks)
    9. Use a Function to count the number of each grade scored by the students. Display the values in cells C16, D16, E16 and F16 (5mks)
    10. Insert a Bar Chart on its own sheet to display the Average for each student. (3mks)
    11. Format the chart as follows: (3mks)
      • X – Axis – Students Name
      • Y – Axis – Average Scores
    12. Print the following: (3mks)
      1. Original sheet
      2. Modified sheet
      3. Chart sheet
  2. The document below is a brochure of KENYA UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES CENTRAL PLACEMENT SERVICE (KUCCPS). Use a desktop publishing package to design it exactly the way it appears with the following specifications:
    1. Create the brochure below and set the page layout as follows:
      1. Paper size A4
      2. Orientation: Landscape.
      3. Margins guides 0.5inch or 1.3cm on top and bottom, 0.5 inch or 1.3cm inside and outside.
      4. Put 30% tint accent 3 background (7 marks)
    2. Enter the text and objects and format them as they appear. Use Font size 12 for the text and font size 14 for the titles. (40 marks)
    3. Save the publication as KUCCPS (1 mark)
    4. Print the publication (2 marks)
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