Computer Studies Paper 1 Questions - Maranda High School Mock Exams 2023

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Instruction to candidates

  • This paper consists of Two sections A and B
  • Answer ALL questions in section A
  • Answer question16 and any other THREE questions from section B


Answer ALL the questions in section

  1. Explain the term procedural language as used in computer programming (2 marks)
  2. A company allows employees to telework work at home and communicate with the office using internet
    1. State three ways that a report could be sent to the office using the internet (3 marks)
    2. Give two benefits to the company of using video conferencing (2 marks)
  3. List two types of job opportunities that are available in the field of computer software     (2 marks)
  4. Describe three ways of deleting a line of text in a Microsoft Word document (3 marks)
  5. Explain the concept of Holistic thinking with respect to system development (2 marks)
  6. Give three features of a good algorithm (3 marks)
  7. List three human features used by Biometric systems installed in a computer to authenticate users (3 marks)
  8. Mention three ways in which human beings issue commands to the computer (3 marks)
  9. Give four file management tasks that would be carried out by an operating system (4 marks)
  10. What is input validation with regard to spreadsheet application (2 marks)
  11. Explain three health challenges that workers may experience as a result of using ICT gadgets in an organization (3 marks)
  12. Identify two circumstances under which a system analyst may prefer to use automated methods to collect data instead of Questionnaire , Observation , interviews and book review (2 marks)
  13. Explain the following measures against unauthorized access (2 marks)
    1. Security policy
    2. Security monitor
  14. Briefly describe two types of logical topologies (2 marks)
  15. What does the term gutter mean in relation to column setting in DTP (2 marks)


Answer any THREE questions from this section 

    1. Give two reasons to justify why HTML is not considered as a true programming language (2 marks)
    2. Define the following terms
      1. Hardware oriented (2 marks)
      2. Translator (2 marks)
    3. A formula for calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI) is Weight in Kilograms / ((Height in Meters) x (Height in Meters)). Using a flowchart write an algorithm that will input the ID, Weight and height of 10 students. Calculate their BMI and output their ID, BMI and comment as follows BMI greater than 25 will be Over Weight, a BMI between 25 and 19 inclusive is Normal and BMI less than 19 is under weight (9 marks)
    1. Study the table below and answer the questions that follow
         A  B   C  D   E   F   G
       1  Product ID  Product Name  Received Quantity  Sold Quantity  Balance Stock  Unit Price  Total
       2  KW00012  KDF  1000  300  700  60  
       3  KW00023  Juice Kola  200  150  50  50  
       4  KW00045  Gaddafi  130  130  0  10  
       5  KW00029  Bread  400  200  200  50  
       6  Trade Discount  10%          
       7  VAT  16%          
      1. Write down the formula that
        1. Calculate the balance stock (2 marks)
        2. Calculate the Total cost (2 marks)
      2. Given that customers who purchased Juice Kola were allowed 10% trade discount write a formula that would be used to get the Total cost
        (2 mark)
      3. Value Added Tax of 16% was imposed on Gaddafi write a formula for the new price     (2 marks)
    2. Describe three hardware related factors that one need to consider before installing an operating system (3 marks)
    3. List three things that may cause malfunction in Microsoft Window Operating system environment (3 marks)
    1. List two types of domain names given to institutions of learning (2 marks)
    2. Explain the function of each button on the navigation toolbar of a web browser (3marks)
      1. History
      2. Home
      3. Download
    3. Peter Kenneth bought a PC for his personal use at home. He wanted to do online writing at home to earn a living but there was no internet connectivity at home. Mention three internet connectivity requirement Peter Kenneth need to consider to get full internet connectivity (3 marks)
    4. Give three reasons to justify why companies like Alibaba, Kilimall, Jumia, Copia and Masoko prefer selling their products on e-commerce platform (3 marks)
    5. Describe three factors to consider when choosing a file organization method (2 marks)
    6. State two challenges facing electronic data processing modes in the current society      (2 marks)
    1. Enumerate four breakthrough in health care instigated by ICT (4 marks)
    2. Name four application areas of Artificial Intelligence (3 marks)
    3. List three scanning devices available at Electronic Point Sale Terminal (3 marks)
    4. Describe two ways of preventing eavesdropping (2 marks)
    5. System failure is considered as threat to data security. Describe three measures an organization should put in place to guard against system failure (3 marks)
    1. List two types of field in a database used to create relationships between multiple tables (2 marks)
    2. Describe three types of relationships used in a databases to link multiple tables (3 marks)
    3. Describe the following field data types as used in Databases
      1. Calculated (2 marks)
      2. Attachment (2 marks)
    4. Name two power related problem usually affects the running of a computer in the lab     (2 marks)
      1. What is a toggle key (1 mark)
      2. Give three examples of toggle keys (3 marks)
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