Instructions to candidates:
- This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
- Answer ALL questions in section A, three questions in section B and two questions from section C.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.
For Examiner’s Use Only
MAX. |
A |
1 – 17 |
25 |
B |
18 19 20 21 |
15 15 15 15 |
C |
22 23 24 |
15 15 15 |
100 |

- Identify the branch of history that deals with control systems in the society. (1mk)
- Identify one community in Kenya which belongs to the Southern Cushitic group. (1mk)
- State one political function of the Oloibon among the Maasai during the 19th century. (1mk)
- Apart from Fort Jesus, name the other monument built by the Portuguese at the Kenyan coast. (1mk)
- State two ways in which Christianity undermined African culture. (2mks)
- Identify the main reason for the formation of the inter-party parliamentary group (I.P.P.G) of 1997. (1mk)
- Identify two education commissions established in Kenya before independence. (1mk)
- Mention the treaty that brought to an end the scramble for and partition of East Africa. (1mk)
- State one way in which national integration has promoted economic development in Kenya. (1mk)
- State two ways in which the rule of law is maintained in Kenya. (2mks)
- Highlight two reforms that resulted from the Lyttleton constitution of 1954. (2mks)
- Identify two pillars of Nyayo philosophy. (2mks)
- Identify two situations when the office of the president may become vacant in Kenya. (2mks)
- Identify two types of land ownership in Kenya. (2mks)
- State the composition of the County Executive Committee. (2mks)
- State one function of the supreme court of Kenya. (1mk)
- Give two functions of the commission on revenue allocation in Kenya. (2mks)
- Give five reasons for the migration of the Luo from their original homeland into Kenya. (5 marks)
- Describe the political organization of the Somali in Kenya during the pre-colonial period. (10 marks)
- Give three reasons why the early visitors came to the Kenyan coast before 1500A.D. (3mks)
- Explain six factors that contributed to the development of trade between the Kenyan coast and outside world by 1900. (12mks)
- Give five grievances of the Kikuyu Central Association which were presented by Jomo Kenyatta to the colonial secretary in 1929. (5mks)
- Explain five reasons why the MAUMAU movement was able to last for a long time. (10mks)
- State five features that characterized African socialism in Kenya. (5marks)
- Explain five ways in which the Harambee philosophy has promoted the development of education in Kenya. (10 marks)
- State five characteristics of the human rights. (5marks)
- Discuss the five methods used by the international community to solve conflicts. (10marks)
- State five reforms which have been introduced to improve the conditions of Correctional Services. (5 marks)
- Explain five factors which undermine free and fair elections in Kenya. (10 marks)
- Name three types of constitutionally established funds in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Discuss six challenges facing devolved governments in Kenya. (12marks)

- Identify the branch of history that deals with control systems in the society. (1mk)
- Political history
- Identify one community in Kenya which belongs to the Southern Cushitic group. (1mk)
- Dahalo/ Sanye
- State one political function of the Oloibonamong the Maasai during the 19th century. (1mk)
- Advised the council of elders
- Blessed warriors before going to war.
- Presided over major ceremonies
- Apart from Fort Jesus, name the other monument built by the Portuguese at the Kenyan coast. (1mk)
- Vasco da Gama pillar (in Malindi)
- State two ways in which Christianity undermined African culture. (2mks)
- Preached against African customs e.g. polygamy, FGM.
- Undermined African religious beliefs
- Identify the main reason for the formation of the inter-party parliamentary group (I.P.P.G) of 1997. (1mk)
- To ensure a level playing ground for all political parties/ promote free and fair elections.
- Identify two education commissions established in Kenya before independence. (1mk)
- Phelp Stokes commission
- Beecher commission
- Fraizer commission
- Mention the treaty that brought to an end the scramble for and partition of East Africa. (1mk)
- Heligoland treaty/ Anglo German treaty of 1898.
- State one way in which national integration has promoted economic development in Kenya. (1mk)
- It has enabled citizens to work/ employed in any part of Kenya.
- Enabled free movement of goods/ services within the country.
- Has enabled citizens to invest in any part of the country.
- Has enabled people to buy property anywhere to the country
- State two ways in which the rule of law is maintained in Kenya. (2mks)
- All citizens/ people are treated equally before the law.
- An accused person is assumed/ treated as innocent until proven guilty/ taking suspects to court of law for trial.
- An accused person is given a fair hearing / a chance to defend themselves / right of appeal.
- By ensuring independence of the judiciary
- By guaranteeing representation of accusers.
- Highlight two reforms that resulted from the Lyttleton constitution of 1954. (2mks)
- Africans were allowed to elect representatives to the legislative council.
- Two Indians and one African acquired executive positions
- It led to the establishment of a multi-racial council of ministers
- The ban of political parties was lifted.
- Identify two pillars of Nyayo philosophy. (2mks)
- Peace
- Love
- Unity
- Identify two situations when the office of the president may become vacant in Kenya. (1mk)
- Death of the president
- Resignation
- Impeachment of the president
- Removal of the president on grounds of incapacitation
- Identify two types of land ownership in Kenya. (2mks)
- Public land
- Community land
- Private land
- State the composition of the County Executive Committee. (2mks)
- The County governor
- Deputy governor
- Members appointed by the governor with the approval of the county assembly.
- State one function of the supreme court of Kenya. (1mk)
- Makes decisions that are binding/ interpreting the constitution
- Handle presidential election petition
- Handles appeals from the court of appeal
- Give two functions of the commission on revenue allocation in Kenya. (2mks)
- Ensure equitable sharing of revenue between national and county government.
- Make recommendations on matters concerning the financing of county governments as required by the constitution
- Determines, publishes and reviews the criteria by which to identify marginalized areas.
- Give five reasons for the migration of the Luo from their original homeland into Kenya. (5 marks)
- Due to drought/famine/natural calamities
- Due to spirit of adventure.
- Due to population pressure.
- Due to internal conflicts/feuds.
- Due to outbreak of diseases/epidemics.
- They were searching for better fishing grounds.
- Due to external attacks
- Need for pasture and water for their livestock
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Describe the political organization of the Somali in Kenya during the pre- colonial period. (10 marks)
- They had a decentralized system of government.
- The family was the lowest political unit and its head was the father
- Related families formed the clan.
- Each clan was autonomous/ independent of each other.
- The council of elders performed political roles like making major decisions, settling disputes and maintaining law and order.
- The age set system existed and they performed specific political duties for a period of time
- They had an overall leader called Sultan whose role was mainly advisory.
- There existed warriors who protected the community and acquired wealth for them.
- Give five reasons for the migration of the Luo from their original homeland into Kenya. (5 marks)
- Give three reasons why the early visitors came to the Kenyan coast before 1500A.D. (3mks)
- To trade
- Some came as religious/political refugees
- Exploration
- Spread their religion
- Establish settlements along the coast.
- Explain six factors that contributed to the development of trade between the Kenyan coast and outside world by 1900. (12mks)
- Availability of trading items
- High demand for goods/trade items from Kenyan coast
- Existence of local trade
- Presence of monsoon winds
- Accessibility of the coast by sea
- Political stability/relative peace
- Availability of credit facilities from Indian Banyans/money lenders
- Existence of enterprising merchants at the coast.
- Availability of deep natural harbours along the coast
- Advancement in ship/boat building led to better sailing vessels
- Give three reasons why the early visitors came to the Kenyan coast before 1500A.D. (3mks)
- Give five grievances of the Kikuyu Central Association which were presented by Jomo Kenyatta to the colonial secretary in 1929.(5mks)
- Land alienation
- Taxation of Africans
- Lack of African representation to the Legco
- Lack of quality education for Africans
- Release of Harry Thuku
- Abolition of forced labour
- Abolition of kipande system
- Explain five reasons why the MAUMAU movement was able to last for a long time.(10mks)
- Oathing united people and this made them to be committed to the cause
- Use of guerrilla warfare made it difficult for British government to contain the rebellion
- Civilian population sustained the rebellion by supplying food,weapons and information
- The movement was led by able leaders
- Some fighters were ex-service men and were therefore able to apply the military experience they had gained in first and second world wars
- The movement received moral and material support from independents African countries
- The Aberdares and Mt.Kenya forests provided good hideouts for the MauMau fighters
- Give five grievances of the Kikuyu Central Association which were presented by Jomo Kenyatta to the colonial secretary in 1929.(5mks)
- State five features that characterized African socialism in Kenya.(5mks)
- Political Democracy where all people are politically free and equal
- Various forms of ownership of wealth. E.g. free enterprise allowing private ownership of property, nationalization policy for key industries, partnership with private sector
- Mutual social responsibility. That the spirit of service and not greed for personal gain motivate Kenyans.
- A range of control to ensure that property is used in mutual interests of society and its members.
- Progressive taxation to ensure an equitable distribution of wealth and income.
- Diffusion of ownership to avoid concentration of economic power on a few people in the society
- Explain five ways in which the Harambee philosophy has promoted the development of education in Kenya. (10 mks)
- Many education institutions have been constructed using funds raised through Harambee effort.
- Many students have been assisted to pay school fees/thus it enables the needy to go on learning.
- Physical facilities have been constructed/improved through Harambee. This enables learning in a conducive environment.
- Teaching/learning materials have been purchased/ donated to schools to improve the quality of education.
- Additional staff/workers in schools have been paid through Harambee contributions by the parents to offset inadequacy.
- Through Harambee spirit, well-wishers, thus helping the learners to exploit their talents, have supported co-curricular activities.
- School furniture has been bought through Harambee effort thus making learning/teaching comfortable.
- Parents have contributed funds to supplement the government’s school feeding programmes thus improving enrolment.
- State five features that characterized African socialism in Kenya.(5mks)
- State five characteristics of the human rights. (5 marks)
- They are universal; are applied anyone in all the nations
- Are indivisible/one right cannot apply if the other one does not exist
- They have limitations
- Integral/inborn – applied to all by virtue of being human beings
- Can be suspended /derogation
- Discuss the five methods used by the international community to solve conflicts. (10 marks)
- Use of peace keeping missions
- Use of envoys to mediate
- Use of the international court of justice
- Negotiations/Reconciliation
- Arbitration
- Religious action
- Resort to regional agencies or arrangements
- State five characteristics of the human rights. (5 marks)
- Reforms which have been introduced to improve the conditions of correctional services (5mks)
- Introduction of community service for petty offenders to decongest prisons
- Improving of living conditions of prisoners by providing medical services, clothing and beddings
- Allocation of more funds to correctional services to enable provision of more facilities to the convicts
- Employing and training more personnel e.g counselors
- Improving the living conditions for prison warders by constructing better houses and improving terms of service.
- Factors which undermines free and fair elections. (10mks)
- Corruption among electoral officials/other players, which compromises fairness of the electoral process.
- Election violence during the election period, which may discourage/turn away potential voters from exercising their democratic right of voting.
- Illiteracy of some voters may make them easily misled when voting/exposes them to the danger of being misled.
- Incompetent election officials can mismanage the process thereby undermining its effectiveness.
- Rigging may interfere with elections where the wrong candidate is declared the winner/right candidate is denied victory.
- Lack/inadequate civic education denies the electorate opportunity to learn about the importance of participating in elections.
- Poor physical infrastructure where some polling stations may be inaccessible and hence denying voters in such areas a chance to vote.
- Harassment of voters by supporters of different candidates/parties can prevent voters from voting in certain regions/ strongholds/zones.
- Electoral equipment like BVR Kits can breakdown during elections thereby slowing down the process.
- Reforms which have been introduced to improve the conditions of correctional services (5mks)
- Name three types of constitutionally established funds in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Revenue fund
- Consolidated fund
- Contingencies fund
- Equalization fund
- Discuss six challenges facing devolved governments in Kenya. (12 marks)
- High population stretching available resources
- Natural calamities
- Underdeveloped transport and communication
- Inadequate resources to provide a solid revenue base
- Interference by the national government
- Rivalry and wrangles among the leaders
- Incapacity to man key departments/areas
- Ethnicity/nepotism in employment affecting efficiency in service delivery
- Duplication of roles between the national and county governments
- Embezzlement of funds by corrupt county officials
- Delay in remittance of funds by the national government
- Conflict over common resources such as water, forest land etc
- Name three types of constitutionally established funds in Kenya. (3 marks)
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