History Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Achievers Joint Mock Exams 2023

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  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
  2. Answer all the questions in section A.
  3. Answer any three questions in section B.
  4.  Answer any two questions in section C.

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  1. Identify two sources of information which can complement oral traditions in studying history and government (2mks)
  2. Give the makers of Oldowan tools. (1mk)
  3. State the main reason that made the early man to set up permanent settlement (1mk)
  4. State two ways in which agrarian revolution in Britain affected the lives of small farmers. (2mks)
  5. State two ways through which political instability has contributed to food shortage in Africa. (2mks)
  6. Name two parts in Africa that developed as a result of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (2mks)
  7. What was the invention of the Wright brothers. (1mk)
  8. State the symbol of unity of the provincial Asante in the 19th century (1mk)
  9. Name two African leaders in the maji maji rebellion. (2mks)
  10. Name one administrative method used by French to administer her colonies. (1mk)
  11. Name one nationalist party that fought for independence of Mozambique. (1mk)
  12. Name two systems of alliances formed during the First World War. (2mks)
  13. Give the main cause of the cold war. (1mk)
  14. Give two founders members of Non-Aligned movement. (2mks)
  15. Give the main political challenge faced by Congo after independence. (1mk)
  16. Name two past presidents of Tanzania. (2mks)
  17. Name the body that determines the election of the president of the united state of America. (1mk)


    1. State three reasons why early man moved from forests to settle in grass land in the pre- colonial era. (3mks)
    2. Describe the way of life of early man during the Old Stone Age period. (12mks)
    1. Give three reasons why African slaves were preferred during the Trans-Atlantic trade. . (3mks)
    2. Explain six challenges encountered by Trans-Saharan traders. (12mks)
    1. Name three chartered companies that ruled European territories in Africa during the 19th century. (3mks)
    2. Explain six economic impacts of the partition of Africa among the European powers. (12mks)
    1. State five methods used by South Africa nationalists in the struggle for independence. (5mks)
    2. Explain five factors that favoured the success of FRELIMO nationalists during the struggle for independence in Mozambique. (10mks)


    1. State five functions of the Lakiiko of the Buganda kingdom during the pre-colonial period. (5mks)
    2. Describe the political organization of the Buganda during the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
    1. State five features of commonwealth. (5mks)
    2. Explain five causes of cold war. (10mks)
    1. Give three conditions that one should fulfill in order to be elected president of India. . (3mks)
    2. Explain six functions of the British parliament. (12mks)


  1. Identify two sources of information which can complement oral traditions in studying history and government (2mks)
    • Linguistics
    • Anthropology
    • Archaeology
    • Genetics
  2. Give the makers of Oldowan tools. (1mk)
    • Australopithecus
    • Homo habilis
  3. State the main reason that made the early man to set up permanent settlement (1mk)
    • Domestication of crops and animals
  4. State two ways in which agrarian revolution in Britain affected the lives of small farmers. (2mks)
    • They became landless
    • They migrated to towns to look for job
    • Some became poor industrial or farm labourers
    • Some migrated to foreign lands
  5. State two ways through which political instability has contributed to food shortage in Africa. (2mks)
    • Prevent people from concentrating on food production.
    • Government uses more public revenue to purchase administrations at the expense of improving agriculture
    • People move to safer places as refugees thus neglecting food production.
  6. Name two parts in Africa that developed as a result of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (2mks)
    • Whydah
    • Elmina
    • Accra
    • Goree
    • Dakar
    • Badagri
  7. What was the invention of the Wright brothers. (1mk)
    • Invention of aeroplane
  8. State the symbol of unity of the provincial Asante in the 19th century (1mk)
    • The Black stool
  9. Name two African leaders in the maji maji rebellion. (2mks)
    • Kinjeketile Ngwale
    • Ngamea
    • Abdalla mpanda
  10. Name one administrative method used by French to administer her colonies. (1mk)
    • Assimilation
    • Association
  11. Name one nationalist party that fought for independence of Mozambique. (1mk)
    • Front for the liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO)
    • Committee of Mozambique (COREMO)
    • Makonde union (MANU)
  12. Name two systems of alliances formed during the First World War. (2mks)
    • Triple Alliance
    • Triple Entente
  13. Give the main cause of the cold war. (1mk)
    • Ideological differences
  14. Give two founders members of Non-Aligned movement. (2mks)
    • Marshal tito of Yugoslavia
    • Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt
    • Jawaharlal Nehru of India
    • Dr Akmed Surkano of Indonesia
    • Chou-En-Lai of china
  15. Give the main political challenge faced by Congo after independence. (1mk)
    • Military coups – overthrow of governments.
  16. Name two past presidents of Tanzania. (2mks)
    • Julius Nyerere
    • Ali Hassan Mwinyi
    • Benjan Mkapa
    • Jakaya Kikwete
    • John Magufuli
  17. Name the body that determines the election of the president of the united state of America. (1mk)
    • The electoral college
    1. State three reasons why early man moved from forests to settle in grass land in the pre- colonial era. (3mks)
      • Availability of food due to the presence of more animals in the grassland
      • The climate in the grass land was warmer
      • The grassland provided fresh water from many rivers and lakes
      • The grass lands were more secure for settling up settlements than the forests
    2. Describe the way of life of early man during the Old Stone Age period. (12mks)
      • He made simple tools for domestic use from stones known as Oldowan tools
      • They lived in small groups in order to assist each other
      • They obtained food through hunting and gathering
      • They used simple hunting methods such as chasing wild animals and laying traps
      • They ate raw food since fire had not been invented
      • They lived in caves daytime and at night on top of trees due to predators
      • They communicated through gestures and whistling
      • Lived near rivers and lakes
      • Wore no clothes but were kept warm by the hairly bodies.
    1. Give three reasons why African slaves were preferred during the Trans-Atlantic trade. . (3mks)
      • Were thought to be resistant to many diseases.
      • Were readily available in large numbers
      • Were cheaper to use than European or red Indians
      • Were thought to be adoptable to humid tropical climate
      • Could not easily escape due to their coloured (blacks)
      • Were stronger than red Indians.
    2. Explain six challenges encountered by Trans-Saharan traders. (12mks)
      • Journey was long and tiresome
      • Food scarcity in the desert when they finished their stock
      • Hot day temperatures and cold nights
      • Inadequate accommodation for traders
      • Attack by poisonous desert snakes and scorpions
      • Possibility of getting lost due to lack of land marker
      • Frequent change of trade routes
      • Frequent sandstorms
      • Intercommunal wars led to insecurity
      • Lack of common language
      • Rivalry among traders over the control of trade and trade routes.
    1. Name three chartered companies that ruled European territories in Africa during the 19th century. (3mks)
      • Imperial British East Africa company
      • British South Africa company
      • Germany east Africa company
      • Royal Niger Company
    2. Explain six economic impacts of the partition of Africa among the European powers. (12mks)
      • Africa became a source of raw materials and market for European manufactured goods
      • Development of infrastructure in African colonies
      • Disruption of Africans traditional economic activities
      • Recruitment of African labour for European economic gain
      • Speeded up economic growth of European countries
      • Under development of African due to overexploitation of her resources
      • Introduction of large scale agriculture
      • Introduction of waged labour in Africa.
    1. State five methods used by South Africa nationalists in the struggle for independence. (5mks)
      • Use of public rallies
      • Use of trade unions
      • Mobilizing protests and demonstrations
      • Use of publications and various forms of literature
      • Use of international forums
      • Participation in constructional negotiation
    2. Explain five factors that favoured the success of FRELIMO nationalists during the struggle for independence in Mozambique. (10mks)
      • Use of guerrilla tactics to attack the Portuguese from different parts of the country strained colonial resources
      • The local population was recruited in the army thus outnumbering Portuguese forces
      • Mozambique was highly forested thus provided good cover for guerilla fighters
      • FRELIMO nationalist cultivated their own food thus being self sufficient in food supplies.
      • Nationalists were assisted financially and morally by communist countries
      • Nationalists recognized the role of women to mobilize communities support FRELIMO
      • Elimination of Ethnic differences made all the Mozambicans to join the war as united.
      • FRELIMO leaders were well organized thus fighting effectively
      • FRELIMO fighters received constant flow of information about the movement of the Portuguese troops
    1. State five functions of the Lakiiko of the Buganda kingdom during the pre-colonial period. (5mks)
      • Assisted the Kabaka to administer the kingdom
      • Advised the Kabaka
      • Made laws of the kingdom
      • Acted as the court of Appeal/solved disputes
      • Directed collection of taxes and planning good expenditure
      • Represented the interests of the people to Kabaka.
    2. Describe the political organization of the Buganda during the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
      • It had a centralized form of government headed by Kabaka.
      • The position of Kabaka was hereditary
      • His court was the final court of appeal
      • Kabaka was the commander in chief of the army
      • There was a prime minister who assisted Kabaka called Katikiro to rum the government
      • There was a legislative body (Lukiiko) which discussed important matters of ed by saza chiefs
      • Counties were subdivided into sub counties called Gombololas headed by Gombolola chiefs
      • Gombolalas were subdivided into smaller divisions called Milukas headed by Muluka chief
      • The vassal (conquered) states were ruled by Abatongole appointed by Kabaka
      • There was a standing army which protected the land.
    1. State five features of commonwealth. (5mks)
      • Accept the British queen as their head
      • Have the same education system of education
      • Have parliamentary system of government
      • Most members use English as their official language
      • Were former British colonies
      • Members have economic ties
      • Members participate in commonwealth games
    2. Explain five causes of cold war. (10mks)
      • Ideological differences – communism and capitalism ideologies
      • Disagreement over disarmament between USSR and USA
      • The iron curtain policy adopted by the USSR to isolate East Europe
      • Economic rivalry between USA and USSR
      • Formation of military alliances ie Marshall plan and COMECON
      • UN domination by western powers
    1. Give three conditions that one should fulfill in order to be elected president of India. . (3mks)
      • One should be a citizen of India
      • The person be aged 35 years and above
      • Must qualify for election as a member of the house of the people
      • One should not be a government emplee/not hold any office of profit within the government
      • One must be nominated by a political party.
    2. Explain six functions of the British parliament. (12mks)
      • Discuss and makes laws and amends
      • Controls government expenditure since the approval of parliament is mandatory
      • It approves the government budget and ways of raising money
      • It directs government of foreign policy and keeps track on development programmes
      • It checks the power of the executive to ensure that the rule of law is maintained by passing a vote of no confidence
      • House of Lords sits as the final court of appeal mostly in simple cases
      • Discuss/debates on issues of national interests
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