Instructions to candidates:
- Answer any five questions.
- Each question carries 20 marks.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.

- Identify the languages in which the Bible was written before the coming of missionaries. (5mks)
- Outline 8 reasons why christians read the bible. (8mks)
- Identify seven versions of the bible used by the church in Kenya today. (7mks)
- Describe the background to the call of Abraham. (7mks)
- What are the values expressed in the call of Abraham. (7mks)
- State 6 factors that hinder christians from practising their faith in God. (6mks)
- Outline 6 ways in which Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life. (6mks)
- Explain the importance of the temple of Israel. (7mks)
- Identify 7 lessons that modern political leaders in Kenya can learn from king Solomon. (7mks)
- Outline the importance of prophets in Israel. (7mks)
- Identify the social injustices condemned by prophet Amos. (7mks)
- How does the church in Kenya punish errant members (6mks)
- Describe Jeremiah's vision of Almond tree. (6mks)
- What lessons do christians learn about God from the call of Jeremiah. (7mks)
- Outline problems encountered by christians in their commitment to Christ. (7mks)
- State six requirements that one had to fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African society. (6mks)
- Highlight factors that have brought changes in African traditional community. (8mks)
- What changes are there in the traditional African community worship today? (6mks)

- Identify the languages in which the Bible was written before the coming of missionaries (5mks)
- Hebrew
- Latin
- Greek
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Outline 8 reasons why christians read the bible (8mks)
- Provides Christians with moral values
- It is a source of spiritual guidance
- It is used in christian worship
- It gives them inspiration/hope
- It is a source of christian beliefs and practices
- It reveals God to them/make them understand will of God
- It is a source of Knowledge
- It is the word of God
- For spiritual nourishment/growth
- They are able to speak to God through reading the bible
- Identify seven versions of the bible used by the church in Kenya today(7mks)
- Revised standard version
- Living bible
- New king version
- King James version
- English Bible
- Common Bible
- The Gideons international
- New international Version
- The African Bible
- Good news bible
- Jerusalem Bible
- Authorised Bible
- Identify the languages in which the Bible was written before the coming of missionaries (5mks)
- Describe the background to the call of Abraham(7mks)
- He lived in the city of Ur near River Euphrates
- His father was a semite
- They were semi-nomadic people
- His father was a moon. worshipper
- He married a wife called Sarai
- His wife Sarai remained barren till her old age
- They settled at a place called Haran
- what are the values expressed in the call of Abraham (7mks)
- Obedience
- Faith
- Loyalty
- Love
- Respect
- Honesty
- Trust
- Reverence
- State 6 factors that hinder christians from practising their faith in God(6mks)
- Lack of role models/mentors
- Job commitment
- False teachings/Different interpretations of the bible
- Greed for power
- Permissiveness in the society/moral decadence
- Science and technology
- Influence from mass media
- Cultural influence
- Natural calamities /disaster
- Generation gap
- Describe the background to the call of Abraham(7mks)
- Outline 6 ways in which Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life(6mks)
- He marries foreign wives
- He allowed the worship of foreign idols
- He murdered half brother Adonijah
- He taxed the Israelites heavily
- He disobedied instructions given to him by his father David to rely on God
- He built places of worship for idols
- He subjected Israelites to forced labour/Slavery during the construction of the temple
- He signed treaties with his neighbours
- He sold Israelites land
- Explain the importance of the temple of Israel (7mks)
- It symbolized God's presence through the Ark of covenant
- It is dwelling place of God
- It was a house of worship and prayer
- Major festivals were held in the temple eg Passover
- It was used as treasury/foreighn currency was exchanged there
- It was source of unity among the people/geve them sense of security
- Religious leaders were trained there
- Religious ceremonies/rites were perfomed here eg circumcission
- Place of pilgrimage for Jews
- The teaching of law was conducted here
- Children were dedicated to God in the Temple
- Identify 7 lessons that modern political leaders in Kenya can learn from king Solomon(7mks)
- Religious leaders should ask for forgiveness from God
- They should trust in God/have faith
- They should obey God.
- They should promote worship of God/support christian projects
- They should rule with justice/fairness/not oppress their subjects
- They should excercise self control/be leaders of integrity
- Should have good diplomatic relations with other countries
- Should make good use of their nation's resources
- Should protect their nations Territory./land
- Outline 6 ways in which Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life(6mks)
- Outline the importance of prophets in Israel(7mks)
- They acted as mediators between God and people
- They guided and counseled people
- They foretold future events
- They condemned evils in the society
- They gave assuarance of hope to the people
- They acted as conscience of the kings and people
- Some acted as priests
- They interceded for the people
- Some like Samuel anointed kings
- Taught people the covenant way of life
- Identify the social injustices condemned by prophet Amos(7mks)
- Oppression of the poor
- Corruption and bribery in law courts
- Sexual. Immorality
- Drunkenness
- Pride in material possession
- Greed and excessive luxury
- Cheating in business
- False sense of security
- How does the church in Kenya punish errant members (6mks)
- The church suspends them
- It denies them participation in the church activities
- They are denied leadership positions or demoted
- They are publicly condemned
- They are warned
- Some are transferred to hardship areas
- They are sacked from the job
- They are excommunicated from the church
- Outline the importance of prophets in Israel(7mks)
- Describe Jeremiah's vision of Almond tree(6mks)
- God told Jeremiah to look up
- God asked him what he saw
- Jeremiah saw a bare almond tree
- He knew that the tree will bear the leaves later
- The tree was waiting for the time to bring forth its buds and leaves
- God was also watching to see the fulfillment of his prophetic message
- What lessons do christians learn about God from the call of Jeremiah (7mks)
- God has a purpose for each person
- God can call anybody to his work
- God prepares us for his work
- God protects his servants
- God requires us to obey him
- A person who is called by God should be ready to meet opposition
- Christians should not let their human weaknesses hinder them from serving God
- Outline problems encountered by christians in their commitment to Christ(7mks)
- Temptations from the devil
- Weakening faith in God in times of hardships
- False teachings
- Quarrels and division within church
- Power struggle in church
- Challenges from science and technology
- Bad examples set by church leaders
- The wicked seem to prosper
- Materialism
- Opposition
- Natural calamities
- Escatological issues which have no exact answers
- Describe Jeremiah's vision of Almond tree(6mks)
- State six requirements that one had to fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African society (6mks)
- Being initiated
- Must be married
- Must have children
- Be of specific age
- Be og good conduct/achievements/respected in the society
- Must be wealthy/ability to provide for others
- Have support from leaders of the society
- Be of sound mind/Good health
- Be a bonafide member of the community
- Highlight factors that have brought changes in African traditional community.(8mks)
- Westernisation
- Permisiveness in the society
- Formal education/science and technology
- Christianity and other world religious
- Erosion of traditional values
- Urbanization
- Human rights movements
- Mass media influence
- what changes are there in the traditional African community worship today.(6mk)
- Worship is not a must as there are atheists
- Animal sacrifices are not offered in christian churches
- There are readings from holy scriptures
- There are many breakaway and religious churches
- Offering is mostly monetary rather than food/agricultural produce
- People have different beliefs about God, who he is his name and when to observe Sabbath
Any 3 points × 2= 6mks
- State six requirements that one had to fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African society (6mks)
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