CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Achievers Joint Mock Exams 2023

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Instructions to candidates

  1. This paper consists of six questions.
  2. Answer any five questions.
  3. Each question carries 20 marks
  4. Candidates should answer the questions in English.


    1. Outline the psalmist’s prophecy about the Messiah. (6mks)
    2. Outline Mary’s song (magnificat) . (7mks)
    3. What evidence in St. Luke’s Gospel show that Christ came from a poor family. (7mks)
    1. Identify the instructions given to the 72 disciples of Jesus. (8mks)
    2. State the teachings of Jesus on how a Christian should approach God in prayer. (7mks)
    3. Identify ways in which Christians prepare for the coming of Gods kingdom. (5mks)
    1. Outline the events that took place on Mt. Olives before the arrest of Jesus. (8mks)
    2. Identify reasons why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. (7mks)
    3. Give the evidence from St. Luke’s Gospel that proves Jesus resurrected. (6mks)
    1. Explain what the teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John15:1-10 reveal about the unity of believers . (8mks)
    2. Identify activities of the church which show that the Holy Spirit is at work in the church. (7mks)
    3. State leadership qualities shown by Peter the apostle on the day of Pentecost. (5mks)
    1. State reasons why an employee should be given time to rest. (8mks)
    2. Show how retirement of workers affects their families. (7mks
    3. Identify the factors that have contributed to misuse of leisure. (5mks)
    1. Describe how wealth was acquired in Traditional African Communities. (7mks)
    2. Why do some Christians find it difficult to share their wealth with others? (7mks)
    3. State the rights of a Kenyan citizen. (6mks)


    1. Outline the psalmist’s prophecy about the Messiah. (6mks)
      • Be strengthened by God
      • He will be the Lord
      • He will sit in the right hand side of God/honored/external
      • Defeat his enemies
      • He will rule in the midst of his enemies.
      • Betrayed by a close friend
      • He would rule as Gods representative on earth
      • Enjoy Gods protection
    2. Outline Mary’s song (magnificat) (7mks)
      • She said her soul magnifies the lord
      • She also rejoiced in God her savior
      • She said God had remembered her in her lowly state
      • She said that all generations will call her blessed
      • The Almighty God has done great things to her
      • She said that the name of the Lord holy
      • That Gods mercy is on those who fear him.
      • God has scattered the proud and put down the might yet lifted those who are low.
      • God filled the hungry with good things but the rich he has sent away empty.
      • God has fulfilled his promise to Abraham by helping Israel.
    3. What evidence in St. Luke’s Gospel show that Christ came from a poor family. (7mks)
      • His father was a local carpenter
      • He was placed in a manger/cattle shed.
      • The parents presented two turtle doves at the temple
      • His mother was an ordinary village girl.
      • He lived in a town of low status i.e. at Nazareth
      • He was born in a small town of Judah/Bethlehem
      • The first people to visit him were the shepherds who were lowly regarded
      • He was revealed to se
    1. Identify the instructions given to the 72 disciples of Jesus. (8mks)
      • They were not to carry money, food and clothes
      • They were to preach peace where they are welcomed
      • They were to heal the sick
      • To preach the Good News of Gods kingdom
      • To shake off dust from their feet where they are unwelcomed
      • They were to go in pairs
      • To cast out demons
      • To salute no one/not to waste time in elaborate traditional greetings.
      • To stay together and rely upon the gifts and hospitality of those whom they preached.
    2. State the teachings of Jesus on how a Christian should approach God in prayer. (7mks)
      • Prayers should be addressed to God the father.
      • One should go to a secret place to pray
      • A Christian should be specific when praying
      • One should have faith
      • One should be persistent in prayer
      • One should thank God in prayer
      • One should confess his/her sins
      • One should ask for his/her needs
      • One should pray for Gods will to be done
    3. Identify ways in which Christians prepare for the coming of Gods kingdom. (5mks)
      • Repenting their sins
      • Obeying Gods commandments
      • Praying /fasting
      • Preaching the Gospel
      • Having faith in God
      • Praising God for his goodness
      • Helping the poor/needy
      • Being ready to endure suffering
      • Living exemplary lives
      • Participating in the sacramental life of the church.
    1. Outline the events that took place on Mt. Olives before the arrest of Jesus(LK 22:39-46) (8mks)
      • Jesus told his disciples to pray
      • Jesus moved to a distance away from them
      • He knelt down and prayed
      • An angel from heaven strengthened Him
      • The disciples fell asleep
      • Jesus awoke
      • There came a crowd of people led by Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples
      • Judas wanted to kiss Jesus
      • One of the disciples struck off the ear of one of the soldiers
      • Jesus healed the man’s ear
      • Jesus asked the leaders why they had come to arrest him as if he was a criminal
    2.  Identify reasons why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus (7mks)
      • Greedy for money
      • He was overcome by the power of Satan.
      • He lacked the moral courage needed to stand by Jesus during tribulations.
      • He was disappointed by Jesus’ stress on a spiritual rather than a political kingdom.
      • To fulfill the psalmists prophecy
      • Judas could also have an informer of the Jewish religious authorities.
      • He was looking for fame/recognition
      • Human weakness
    3. Give the evidence from St. Lukes Gospel that proves Jesus resurrected. (6mks)
      • The testimony of the holy women
      • Appearance of Jesus to the disciples on their way to Emmaus
      • The disciples went to the tombs and found it empty
      • Jesus showed them the wounds on his feet and hands
      • He ate food with his disciples
      • Jesus ascension as witnessed by the disciples
      • The confirmation by the two angels to the Holy women
    1. Explain what the teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15: 1 – 10 reveal about the unity of believers. (8mks)
      • God is the vine dresser/Jesus is the true vine
      • The followers of Jesus/the Christians are related to God through Jesus.
      • The unfaithful Christians are the unfruitful branches which are cut away/destroyed.
      • The faithful Christians/fruitful branches are pruned so as to produce more fruits.
      • Christians can only bear fruits/do good things if they remain united to Christ
      • Through Christ all Christians are joined to one another.
      • Christians should rely on God for all providence
      • Love is passed onto the Christians from God through Christ
      • Christians should observe/keep Gods’ commandments
    2. Identify activities of the church which show that the Holy Spirit is at work in the church. (7mks)
      • Preaching/teaching
      • Faith healing/praying for the sick
      • Speaking in tongues
      • Some Christians prophesy
      • Caring for the needy/disabled
      • Expansion/growth of the church evangelization
      • Christian unity
      • Giving of tithes/Offerings
      • The church condemning the evil in society
      • Christian rejecting false teachings/prophecies
      • Some Christians perform miracles
      • Church leaders resolving conflict/reconciliation initiatives.
      • Enduring persecutions/showing courage in trials
      • Leading prayerful lives
      • Jesus was killed by sinful/lawless men
      • Jesus was made lord and Christ by God.
    3. State leadership qualities shown by Peter the apostle on the day of Pentecost. (5mks)
      • Courage
      • Wisdom
      • Decision making/advicer/counselor/principled
      • Ability to protect and defend his colleagues
      • He was focused/had a goal/commitment
      • God fearing/his faith in God
      • Eloquent speaker
    1. State reasons why an employee should be given time to rest. (8mks)
      • For social gathering
      • To pursue ones hobbies
      • To be motivated to work better
      • For travelling
      • To gain lost energy
      • A requirement from labour organizations
      • To explore mother nature
      • For improvement of ones talents
      • For family union activities
    2. Show how retirement of workers affects their families. (7mks)
      • May lead to separation
      • Lead to separation
      • Lead to overstretching of family resources.
      • Lead to immorality
      • Lead to irresponsibility
      • Lead to denial of rights
      • Children may lack role models
      • May lead to abuse of alcohol and drugs
      • Some lead to prosperity of funds if well invested
      • Some people may become proud due to handling large sums of money
    3. Identify the factors that have contributed to misuse of leisure. (5mks)
      • Lack of role models
      • Permissiveness
      • Poverty
      • Bad company
      • Idleness
      • Too much money
      • Inability to balance between different activities
      • Lack of proper guidance
      • Inadequate facilities
      • Inability to make right decisions.
    1. Describe how wealth was acquired in Traditional African Communities. (7mks)
      • Through inheritance of property from parents
      • Through payment of bride wealth
      • Through farming and livestock rearing
      • Through exploitation of natural resources
      • Through barter trade
      • Through marrying many wives and having many children
      • Through raids
      • Through use of skills
      • Using talents
      • A gift and donations
    2. Why do some Christians find it difficult to share their wealth with others? (7mks)
      • There is individualism/selfishness
      • The high cost of living has led to economic constraints
      • Some only share with members of their tribes
      • Denominational differences hinder the spirit of sharing
      • It has led to dependence/laziness
      • It is difficult to identify those who may genuinely require help
      • Those receiving the assistance may not show appreciation
      • To have not understand the Biblical concept of sharing
    3. State the rights of a Kenyan citizen. (6mks)
      • Rights to employment
      • Right to own personal property
      • Right to freedom of worship
      • Right to marry
      • Right to a fair trial
      • Freedom/right of assembly
      • Right to life
      • Right to health
      • Right to education
      • Right to association
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