- Answer all questions in English

SECTION A (25 Marks)
- Name two exotic breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya. (2mks)
- State three physical conditions that favour dairy farming in Denmark. (3mks)
- State two climatic conditions that favour the growing of oil palm in Nigeria. (2mks)
- Give two problems experienced in the marketing of palm oil in Nigeria. (2mks)
- The table below shows petroleum production in thousand barrels per day for countries in the Middle East. Use it to answer question (a)
- What is the difference in production between the highest and the lowest producer? (1mk)
- What is the total amount of petroleum produced in the Middle East region? (2mks)
- State three conditions that are necessary for the formation of petroleum. (3mks)
- Below is a sketch map showing part of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way. Use it to answer question (a)
- Name
- The port marked P. (1mk)
- The canal marked Q. (1mk)
- The lake marked R. (1mk)
- State three ways in which great lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way has contributed to the growth of industries in the region. (3mks)
- Name
- Apart from HIV and AIDS, give other causes of mortality in East Africa.
- State two ways in which the spread of HIV and AIDS in Kenya may slow down economic development.
- Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.
- Using a vertical scale of 1cm represent 10,000 cattle draw a cumulative bar graph to represent the above data from 1990 to 1993. (8 marks)
- State two advantages of using the above method to present data. (2 marks)
- Apart from Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme, name two other irrigation schemes in Kenya. (2 marks)
- State three physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme. (3 marks)
- Give four human problems facing the irrigation schemes in Kenya. (4 marks)
- Explain three ways in which irrigation farming is of significance in Kenya. (6 marks)
- Name three places in Kenya where Limestone is mined. (3mks)
- State two uses of trona? (2mks)
- The diagram below shows shaft mining. Name the parts marked E, F and G. (3mks)
- State two problems associated with shaft mining. (2mks)
- The diagram below shows shaft mining. Name the parts marked E, F and G. (3mks)
- Explain four ways in which gold mining has contributed to the economy of South Africa. (8mks)
- Explain three negative effects of mining on the environment. (6mks)
- Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable source of energy. (2marks)
- Name three renewable sources of energy apart from geothermal steam. (3 marks)
- State four advantages of using geothermal energy as a source of power in Kenya.(4 marks)
- State four main causes of energy crisis in the world. (4 marks)
- Explain three ways in which Kenya has benefited from the development of hydroelectric power scheme (6 marks)
- Explain three measures taken by the government of Kenya to conserve energy (6mks)
- Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiary industries. (2 marks)
- Name four agricultural food processing industries in Kenya. (4 marks)
- Explain four factors that influenced the location of iron and steel industries in the Ruhr region of Germany. (8 marks)
- Give five reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the establishment of Jua Kali industries. (5 marks)
- You intend to carry out a field study in a coffee factory near your school.
- State three reasons why you would visit the area of study in advance. (3 marks)
- You have prepared a work schedule for your study. State three items you would include in your schedule. (3 marks)
- The map below shows the location of some urban centres in East Africa. Use it to answer question (a).
- Name the town marked P,Q and R. (3mks)
- Name the minerals that influenced the growth of the town marked X and Y. (2mks)
- Explain four factors that have led to the growth of Eldoret as a major town in Kenya. (8mks)
- Compare the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam under the following headings
- Site (2mks)
- The hinterland. (2mks)
- Transport links to the interior. (2mks)
- Port facilities. (2mks)
- Explain two negative effects of urbanization on the neighboring agricultural areas. (4mks)

- Name two exotic breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya. (2mks)
- Fresian
- Ayrshire
- Guernsey
- Jersey
- Alderney
- Brown Swiss
- Sahiwall
- State three physical conditions that favour dairy farming in Denmark. (3mks)
- The landscape is gently sloping which is suitable for grazing.
- The climate has warm and sunny summers that allow outdoor grazing.
- There is cool climate suitable for pasture growing.
- The moderate climate that supports growth of grass/fodder crops.
- Builder clay soils support high quality pasture.
- Name two exotic breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya. (2mks)
- State two climatic conditions that favour the growing of oil palm in Nigeria. (2mks)
- High temperatures throughout the year 25oC to 30oC.
- High rainfall that is evenly distributed throughout the year – 1500 – 2100mm.
- High (relative) humidity of 80% to 90%.
- Plenty of sunshine during the ripening season.
- Give two problems experienced in the marketing of palm oil in Nigeria. (2mks)
- Competition from other vegetable oils.
- Poor road network/impassable roads.
- Production of low quality oil.
- Reduced production which has lowered the amount of oil exported.
- State two climatic conditions that favour the growing of oil palm in Nigeria. (2mks)
- The table below shows petroleum production in thousand barrels per day for countries in the Middle East. Use it to answer question (a)
- What is the difference in production between the highest and the lowest producer? (1mk)
- 8,800,000 barrels.
- What is the total amount of petroleum produced in the Middle East region? (2mks)
- 3,800+2,550+800+9,600+2,000+1,900=20,650*1000=20,650,000 barrels
- What is the difference in production between the highest and the lowest producer? (1mk)
- State three conditions that are necessary for the formation of petroleum. (3mks)
- Deposition of remains of flora and fauna over a long period of time.
- Presence of porous rocks.
- Presence of non porous rocks underneath the deposit of flora and fauna.
- Deposition of other layers of rocks/non porous over the remains of flora and fauna.
- Compression of the remains of flora and fauna due to folding of the layers of rocks.
- Below is a sketch map showing part of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way. Use it to answer question (a).
- Name
- The port marked P. (1mk)
- Quebec
- The canal marked Q. (1mk)
- New York State Barge Canal / Erie Canal.
- The lake marked R. (1mk)
- Lake Ontario
- The port marked P. (1mk)
- State three ways in which great lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way has contributed to the growth of industries in the region. (3mks)
- It has increased internal and external trade.
- It has facilitated transportation of raw materials and finished products.
- It has reduced the cost of transportation of bulky products
- The water form dams across the sea provide HEP for industrial use.
- It has led to the development of lake ports and towns which provide market/ labour/ housing facilities.
- The reservoir provides water for industrial use.
- Name
- Apart from HIV and AIDS, give other causes of mortality in East Africa. (2mks)
- Natural calamities./flood /fire
- Low nutritional standards/famine/lack of food.
- Other epidemics/diseases.
- Inadequate medical facilities.
- Road carnage.
- Attack by bandits
- State two ways in which the spread of HIV and AIDS in Kenya may slow down economic development. (2mks)
- The sickness leads to absenteeism from work/reduced production.
- More money used in treating the sick hence reduced purchasing power.
- Money spent in treating the sick can be used for other economic activities.
- Deaths resulting from the disease lead to loss of economically productive population.
- Caretakers at family levels use more time caring for the sick/orphansinstead of engaging in economic activities.
- Apart from HIV and AIDS, give other causes of mortality in East Africa. (2mks)
- State two advantages of using the above method to present data (2 marks)
- The bar graph provides a clear visual impression of the total values.
- It's easy to read the highest and the lowest totals at a glance.
- The increase or decrease in the grand total values is easy to see since the length of each bar corresponds to the final cumulative total.
- Apart from Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme, name two other irrigation schemes in Kenya (2 mks)
- Ahero
- Hola
- Perkerra
- Bunyala
- West Kano
- State two advantages of using the above method to present data (2 marks)
- State three physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme (3 marks)
- The presence of black cotton clay soil which retain water for a long period.
- The land is gently sloping hence allow water to flow by gravity.
- Presence of two permanent rivers i.e. Nyamindi and Thiba which provide water throughout the year.
- Availability of extensive land which provided room for expansion in future.
- The area experiences warm weather which is suitable for growing rice.
- Give four human problems facing the irrigation scheme in Kenya (4 marks)
- Outbreak of waterborne diseases e.g. Malaria and Bilharzia which weaken the farmers.
- Soil exhaustion due to continuous use of the soil thus reducing production
- Mismanagement of the irrigation bodies leading to losses for the farmers.
- Price fluctuation in the world market kill the moral of the farmers since they are paid very low prices.
- Explain three ways in which irrigation farming is of significance in Kenya (6 marks)
- Creation of employment to many Kenyans.
- The farmers earn an income thus improving their standards of living.
- Irrigation schemes have created settlement for many people.
- Some crops are exported hence earning the country foreign exchange.
- Irrigation has led to the development of industries e.g. food processing factories
- Has led to the improvement of transport network e.g. roads
- Give four human problems facing the irrigation scheme in Kenya (4 marks)
- Name three places in Kenya where Limestone is mined. (3mks)
- Homa Hills
- Athi River
- Kisumu
- State two uses of Trona. (2mks)
- Making soap/detergents.
- Making fertilizers.
- Making glass.
- Raw materials in chemical industries.
- Making common salts/food additives
- Name three places in Kenya where Limestone is mined. (3mks)
- The diagram below shows shaft mining. Name the parts marked E, F and G. (3mks)
E Main shaft/vertical shaft.
F – Tunnel /horizontal shaft
G – Mineral ore- State two problems associated with shaft mining. (2mks)
- Sometimes mines get flooded with subterranean water.
- There are occasional emissions of poisonous gases in the mines.
- The dust produced causes respiratory disease.
- Sometimes tunnels collapse causing deaths of minors.
- State two problems associated with shaft mining. (2mks)
- Explain four ways in which gold mining has contributed to the economy of South Africa. (8mks)
- Gold is highly priced, thus it earns foreign exchange when exported which is used to improve other sectors of the economy.
- Gold provide raw materials for industries that make jewellery and other highly valued items promoting industrial expansion.
- Gold as medium of exchange in the world is used in South Africa as a means of paying international debts.
- Gold mining industries has generated employment opportunities which raise the living standard of people.
- Gold mining has led to the development of towns in the Rand and the Orange Free State creating a large demand for agricultural products.
- Mining of gold has led to the expansion of infrastructure such as transport and communication which have created linkage between the mining towns and other parts of the country.
- Gold mining has led to development of industrial mining skills that are useful in other sectors of the economy.
- Explain three negative effects of mining on the environment.(6mks)
- The dumping of the rock waste has led to the loss of biodiversity /destruction of natural vegetation.
- Dereliction of land with dumping of waste materials is eyes sore/destroys the natural beauty of the land.
- Pollution of the areas with noise, blasts smoke and water pools are all health hazards.
- Mining disrupts the water table which may lead to shortage of water.
- Mining takes up land that would have been used for agriculture thus interfering with food production.
- Mining displaces human settlements thus disrupting people and necessitating expensive resettlement processes.
- Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
- renewable sources of energy area those sources that can be regenerated and used over a long period of time
- whereas non-renewable sources are those sources that are exhaustible if they are not well managed and well extracted 2mks
- Name three renewable sources of energy apart from geothermal steam
- wind
- Wood
- Tides
- Biomass
- Waves
- Draught animal
- Charcoal
- Sun / solar
- Water 3 x 1 = 3mks
- Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
- State four advantages of using geothermal energy as a source of power in Kenya
- Generation of electricity is continuous as steam is produced naturally
- The cost of operating a geothermal plant is relatively low/ cheap to produce
- geothermal steam is a renewable source of energy
- its a clean source of energy
- it helps reduce over dependence on exhaustible source of energy / fossil fuels 4 x 1 = 4mks
- State four main causes of energy crisis in the world
- withholding of oil by the oil producing countries /artificial shortages
- increase in the prices of oil triggered by a sharp rise in demand
- rapid depletion of oil reserves
- unequal crude oil distribution by the petroleum producing countries
- economic / political sanctions that result to decline in the supply of oil in the world market
- over-reliance on petroleum and its products in industrial, agriculture and transport sector
- State four advantages of using geothermal energy as a source of power in Kenya
- Explain three ways in which Kenya has benefited from the development of hydroelectric power scheme
- there is provision of electricity for both industrial and domestic use
- the HEP has helped Kenya save foreign exchange which would have been used to import power
- the HEP reservoirs / dams provide fishing grounds for the local communities
- the reservoirs have modified the local climate and more vegetation is growing around them
- the construction of dams has lead to control of floods especially in the lower parts of Tana river enabling people to make use of the river valley
- there has been improvement of infrastructure in the areas where HEP projects are found thus the areas have opened up for development
- the schemes have created employment opportunities raising the standards of living of the people
- some of the reservoirs provide water for irrigating the nearby farms
- the government earns revenue from the sale of electricity locally
- the projects acts as tourist attractions thus the country earns foreign exchange through tourism
- the reservoirs provides water for domestic use by people near the scheme 3 x 2 6mks
- Explain three measures taken by the government of Kenya to conserve energy
- people are being encouraged to use energy saving devices such as energy saving stoves / jikos
- the government is encouraging the use of alternative source of energy like sun / biomass and wind
- the government is using consumer prices to discourage unnecessary use of oil as fuel
- people are being encouraged to use public transport instead of private cars to save on fuel
- people are being encouraged to walk for short distances/ use bicycles to save on oil
- people are being encouraged to have proper maintenance on motor vehicles to reduce the amount of fuel consumed
- People are being encouraged to switch off electric gadgets when they are not being used 3 x 2 = 6mks
- Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiary industries
- Manufacturing industries change raw materials into semi- processed / finished products while tertiary industries provide services
- Name four agricultural food processing industries in Kenya
- milk processing
- fruit processing
- coffee processing
- tea processing
- sugar processing
- cooking oil
- Grain milling
- Meat processing / canning
- Explain four factors that influenced the location of the iron and steel industries in the Ruhr region of Germany
- availability of iron ore / coal / limestone from the Rhine valley provided raw materials needed in the industries
- availability of water from rivers Rhine / Ruhr / Lippe /Wupper / Emscher for cooling machines / industrial use
- navigable rivers e.g. Rhine / Ruhr / canals e.g. Dortmund - Ems / Rhein - Herne provided cheap transport for bulky raw materials and finished products-coal from the Ruhr region / imported provided power required in the industry
- rich merchants / families e.g. Krupp family and Ruhr Kohle provided capital for the industry- availability of local skilled labour formed foundation of iron and steel industry
- dense population of central Europe / Germany provided ready market for iron and steel any 4 x 2 = 8mks
- Name four agricultural food processing industries in Kenya
- Give five reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the development of Jua Kali industries
- create employment opportunities
- to use locally available raw material / scrap metal
- facilities decentralization of industries
- use locally available simple skills
- they require little capital
- produce relatively cheap products that are affordable to many people
- they require simple machinery to start
- some of the products are exported thus earning foreign exchange
- they save the country foreign exchange any 5 x 1 = 5mks
- You intend to carry out a field study in a coffee factory near your school
- State three reasons why you would visit the area of study in advance
- to be able to formulate appropriate objectives for the study
- to help in identifying methods of data collection
- to help estimate the cost of the study
- to seek permission
- to determine appropriate routes
- to help in preparing a work schedule
- to identify problems likely to be encountered
- to estimate the time required for the study
- to determine the suitability of the area
- to determine appropriate tools for the study
- You have prepared a work schedule for the study. State three items you would include in your schedule
- time for departure
- time to spend in the study
- time for lunch
- time to end the study any 3 x 1 = 3mks
- State three reasons why you would visit the area of study in advance
- Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiary industries
- Name the town marked P,Q and R. (3mks)
- P – Kampala
- Q – Kigoma
- K - Mandera
- Name the minerals that influenced the growth of the town marked X and Y. (2mks)
- Diamond
- Trona/Soda Ash
- Name the town marked P,Q and R. (3mks)
- Explain four factors that have led to the growth of Eldoret as a major town in Kenya.(8mks)
- Eldoret started as a railways station on the Kenya – Uganda railway and thus attracted settlement by the people from around the town.
- Eldoret has a rich agricultural hinterland which has led to its growth as an agricultural collecting and processing centre.
- It is located in an area that experiences cool and wet climate ideal for settlement.
- The terrain of the land is a plateau which allows room for expansion.
- The terrain of the land is a plateau which allows room for expansion.
- The modern infrastructure such as the international airport has encouraged trade.
- Investment by local entrepreneurs/athletes has led to the expansion of the town.
- High population in the surrounding region provides market for agricultural manufactured goods/provide labour for the industries.
- The government policy of decentralization of industries led to settling up of some industries in the town.
- Eldoret a county headquarter for Uasin Gishu County and this has attracted administrative services in the town.
- Compare the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam is at the mouth of River Rhine.
- Site (2mks)
- Mombasa is located on the drowned months of rivers Mwachi and Kombeni while Rotterdam is at the mouth of River Rhine.
- The hinterland. (2mks)
- Both ports have expansive hinterlands/Mombasa hinterlands extend to DRC/Congo while Rotterdam serves the continental Europe.
- Transport links to the interior. (2mks)
- Mombasa relies on road, railway, air and pipeline to the interior while Rotterdam has in addition, River Rhine/canals/Rotterdam is a major trans-shipment centre.
- Port facilities. (2mks)
- Both ports have containerized terminals. Rotterdam has much large warehouse more modernised container serves system/sophisticated port facilities.
- Site (2mks)
- Explain two negative effects of urbanization on the neighbouring agricultural areas. (4mks)
- Dumping – the nearby agricultural lands are sometimes used as dumping grounds for the waste generated in the urban centres thus polluting them.
- There is conflict in land use as urban centres expand into the land that would otherwise have been used for agriculture.
- There is competition for labour as urban centres offer higher wages than agricultural areas.
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