Geography Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Achievers Joint Mock Exams 2023

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  • Answer all questions in English


SECTION A (25 Marks)

    1. Name two exotic breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya. (2mks)
    2. State three physical conditions that favour dairy farming in Denmark. (3mks)
    1. State two climatic conditions that favour the growing of oil palm in Nigeria. (2mks)
    2. Give two problems experienced in the marketing of palm oil in Nigeria. (2mks)
  3. The table below shows petroleum production in thousand barrels per day for countries in the Middle East. Use it to answer question (a)

      1. What is the difference in production between the highest and the lowest producer? (1mk)
      2. What is the total amount of petroleum produced in the Middle East region? (2mks)
    2. State three conditions that are necessary for the formation of petroleum. (3mks)
  4. Below is a sketch map showing part of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way. Use it to answer question (a)

    1.  Name
      1. The port marked P. (1mk)
      2. The canal marked Q. (1mk)
      3. The lake marked R. (1mk)
    2. State three ways in which great lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way has contributed to the growth of industries in the region. (3mks)
    1. Apart from HIV and AIDS, give other causes of mortality in East Africa.
    2. State two ways in which the spread of HIV and AIDS in Kenya may slow down economic development.


  1. Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.

      1. Using a vertical scale of 1cm represent 10,000 cattle draw a cumulative bar graph to represent the above data from 1990 to 1993. (8 marks)
      2. State two advantages of using the above method to present data. (2 marks)
      1. Apart from Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme, name two other irrigation schemes in Kenya. (2 marks)
      2. State three physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme. (3 marks)
      1. Give four human problems facing the irrigation schemes in Kenya. (4 marks)
      2. Explain three ways in which irrigation farming is of significance in Kenya. (6 marks)
      1. Name three places in Kenya where Limestone is mined. (3mks)
      2. State two uses of trona? (2mks)
      1. The diagram below shows shaft mining. Name the parts marked E, F and G. (3mks)

      2. State two problems associated with shaft mining. (2mks)
    3. Explain four ways in which gold mining has contributed to the economy of South Africa. (8mks)
    4. Explain three negative effects of mining on the environment. (6mks)
      1. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable source of energy. (2marks)
      2. Name three renewable sources of energy apart from geothermal steam. (3 marks)
      1. State four advantages of using geothermal energy as a source of power in Kenya.(4 marks)
      2. State four main causes of energy crisis in the world. (4 marks)
    3. Explain three ways in which Kenya has benefited from the development of hydroelectric power scheme (6 marks)
    4. Explain three measures taken by the government of Kenya to conserve energy (6mks)
    1. Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiary industries. (2 marks)
      1. Name four agricultural food processing industries in Kenya. (4 marks)
      2. Explain four factors that influenced the location of iron and steel industries in the Ruhr region of Germany. (8 marks)
    3. Give five reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the establishment of Jua Kali industries. (5 marks)
    4. You intend to carry out a field study in a coffee factory near your school.
      1. State three reasons why you would visit the area of study in advance. (3 marks)
      2. You have prepared a work schedule for your study. State three items you would include in your schedule. (3 marks)
  5. The map below shows the location of some urban centres in East Africa. Use it to answer question (a).

      1. Name the town marked P,Q and R. (3mks)
      2. Name the minerals that influenced the growth of the town marked X and Y. (2mks)
    2. Explain four factors that have led to the growth of Eldoret as a major town in Kenya. (8mks)
    3. Compare the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam under the following headings
      1. Site (2mks)
      2. The hinterland. (2mks)
      3. Transport links to the interior. (2mks)
      4. Port facilities. (2mks)
    4. Explain two negative effects of urbanization on the neighboring agricultural areas. (4mks)



    1. Name two exotic breeds of dairy cattle reared in Kenya. (2mks)
      • Fresian
      • Ayrshire
      • Guernsey
      • Jersey
      • Alderney
      • Brown Swiss
      • Sahiwall
    2. State three physical conditions that favour dairy farming in Denmark. (3mks)
      • The landscape is gently sloping which is suitable for grazing.
      • The climate has warm and sunny summers that allow outdoor grazing.
      • There is cool climate suitable for pasture growing.
      • The moderate climate that supports growth of grass/fodder crops.
      • Builder clay soils support high quality pasture.
    1. State two climatic conditions that favour the growing of oil palm in Nigeria. (2mks)
      • High temperatures throughout the year 25oC to 30oC.
      • High rainfall that is evenly distributed throughout the year – 1500 – 2100mm.
      • High (relative) humidity of 80% to 90%.
      • Plenty of sunshine during the ripening season.
    2. Give two problems experienced in the marketing of palm oil in Nigeria. (2mks)
      • Competition from other vegetable oils.
      • Poor road network/impassable roads.
      • Production of low quality oil.
      • Reduced production which has lowered the amount of oil exported.
  3. The table below shows petroleum production in thousand barrels per day for countries in the Middle East. Use it to answer question (a)

      1. What is the difference in production between the highest and the lowest producer? (1mk)
        • 8,800,000 barrels.
      2. What is the total amount of petroleum produced in the Middle East region? (2mks)
        • 3,800+2,550+800+9,600+2,000+1,900=20,650*1000=20,650,000 barrels
    2. State three conditions that are necessary for the formation of petroleum. (3mks)
      • Deposition of remains of flora and fauna over a long period of time.
      • Presence of porous rocks.
      • Presence of non porous rocks underneath the deposit of flora and fauna.
      • Deposition of other layers of rocks/non porous over the remains of flora and fauna.
      • Compression of the remains of flora and fauna due to folding of the layers of rocks.
  4. Below is a sketch map showing part of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way. Use it to answer question (a).

    1. Name
      1. The port marked P. (1mk)
        • Quebec
      2. The canal marked Q. (1mk)
        • New York State Barge Canal / Erie Canal.
      3. The lake marked R. (1mk)
        • Lake Ontario
    2. State three ways in which great lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way has contributed to the growth of industries in the region. (3mks)
      • It has increased internal and external trade.
      • It has facilitated transportation of raw materials and finished products.
      • It has reduced the cost of transportation of bulky products
      • The water form dams across the sea provide HEP for industrial use.
      • It has led to the development of lake ports and towns which provide market/ labour/ housing facilities.
      • The reservoir provides water for industrial use.
    1. Apart from HIV and AIDS, give other causes of mortality in East Africa. (2mks)
      • Natural calamities./flood /fire
      • Low nutritional standards/famine/lack of food.
      • Other epidemics/diseases.
      • Inadequate medical facilities.
      • Road carnage.
      • Attack by bandits
    2. State two ways in which the spread of HIV and AIDS in Kenya may slow down economic development. (2mks)
      • The sickness leads to absenteeism from work/reduced production.
      • More money used in treating the sick hence reduced purchasing power.
      • Money spent in treating the sick can be used for other economic activities.
      • Deaths resulting from the disease lead to loss of economically productive population.
      • Caretakers at family levels use more time caring for the sick/orphansinstead of engaging in economic activities.


      1. State two advantages of using the above method to present data (2 marks)
        • The bar graph provides a clear visual impression of the total values.
        • It's easy to read the highest and the lowest totals at a glance.
        • The increase or decrease in the grand total values is easy to see since the length of each bar corresponds to the final cumulative total.
      2. Apart from Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme, name two other irrigation schemes in Kenya (2 mks)
        • Ahero
        • Hola
        • Perkerra
        • Bunyala
        • West Kano
    1. State three physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme (3 marks)
      • The presence of black cotton clay soil which retain water for a long period.
      • The land is gently sloping hence allow water to flow by gravity.
      • Presence of two permanent rivers i.e. Nyamindi and Thiba which provide water throughout the year.
      • Availability of extensive land which provided room for expansion in future.
      • The area experiences warm weather which is suitable for growing rice.
      1. Give four human problems facing the irrigation scheme in Kenya (4 marks)
        • Outbreak of waterborne diseases e.g. Malaria and Bilharzia which weaken the farmers.
        • Soil exhaustion due to continuous use of the soil thus reducing production
        • Mismanagement of the irrigation bodies leading to losses for the farmers.
        • Price fluctuation in the world market kill the moral of the farmers since they are paid very low prices.
      2. Explain three ways in which irrigation farming is of significance in Kenya (6 marks)
        • Creation of employment to many Kenyans.
        • The farmers earn an income thus improving their standards of living.
        • Irrigation schemes have created settlement for many people.
        • Some crops are exported hence earning the country foreign exchange.
        • Irrigation has led to the development of industries e.g. food processing factories
        • Has led to the improvement of transport network e.g. roads
      1. Name three places in Kenya where Limestone is mined. (3mks)
        • Homa Hills
        • Athi River
        • Kisumu

      2. State two uses of Trona. (2mks)
        • Making soap/detergents.
        • Making fertilizers.
        • Making glass.
        • Raw materials in chemical industries.
        • Making common salts/food additives
    2. The diagram below shows shaft mining. Name the parts marked E, F and G. (3mks)

      E Main shaft/vertical shaft.
      F – Tunnel /horizontal shaft
      G – Mineral ore
      1. State two problems associated with shaft mining. (2mks)
        • Sometimes mines get flooded with subterranean water.
        • There are occasional emissions of poisonous gases in the mines.
        • The dust produced causes respiratory disease.
        • Sometimes tunnels collapse causing deaths of minors.
    3. Explain four ways in which gold mining has contributed to the economy of South Africa. (8mks)
      • Gold is highly priced, thus it earns foreign exchange when exported which is used to improve other sectors of the economy.
      • Gold provide raw materials for industries that make jewellery and other highly valued items promoting industrial expansion.
      • Gold as medium of exchange in the world is used in South Africa as a means of paying international debts.
      • Gold mining industries has generated employment opportunities which raise the living standard of people.
      • Gold mining has led to the development of towns in the Rand and the Orange Free State creating a large demand for agricultural products.
      • Mining of gold has led to the expansion of infrastructure such as transport and communication which have created linkage between the mining towns and other parts of the country.
      • Gold mining has led to development of industrial mining skills that are useful in other sectors of the economy.
    4. Explain three negative effects of mining on the environment.(6mks)
      • The dumping of the rock waste has led to the loss of biodiversity /destruction of natural vegetation.
      • Dereliction of land with dumping of waste materials is eyes sore/destroys the natural beauty of the land.
      • Pollution of the areas with noise, blasts smoke and water pools are all health hazards.
      • Mining disrupts the water table which may lead to shortage of water.
      • Mining takes up land that would have been used for agriculture thus interfering with food production.
      • Mining displaces human settlements thus disrupting people and necessitating expensive resettlement processes.
      1. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
        • renewable sources of energy area those sources that can be regenerated and used over a long period of time
        • whereas non-renewable sources are those sources that are exhaustible if they are not well managed and well extracted 2mks
      2. Name three renewable sources of energy apart from geothermal steam
        • wind
        • Wood
        • Tides
        • Biomass
        • Waves
        • Draught animal
        • Charcoal
        • Sun / solar
        • Water 3 x 1 = 3mks
      1. State four advantages of using geothermal energy as a source of power in Kenya
        • Generation of electricity is continuous as steam is produced naturally
        • The cost of operating a geothermal plant is relatively low/ cheap to produce
        • geothermal steam is a renewable source of energy
        • its a clean source of energy
        • it helps reduce over dependence on exhaustible source of energy / fossil fuels 4 x 1 = 4mks
      2. State four main causes of energy crisis in the world
        • withholding of oil by the oil producing countries /artificial shortages
        • increase in the prices of oil triggered by a sharp rise in demand
        • rapid depletion of oil reserves
        • unequal crude oil distribution by the petroleum producing countries
        • economic / political sanctions that result to decline in the supply of oil in the world market
        • over-reliance on petroleum and its products in industrial, agriculture and transport sector
    3. Explain three ways in which Kenya has benefited from the development of hydroelectric power scheme
      • there is provision of electricity for both industrial and domestic use
      • the HEP has helped Kenya save foreign exchange which would have been used to import power
      • the HEP reservoirs / dams provide fishing grounds for the local communities
      • the reservoirs have modified the local climate and more vegetation is growing around them
      • the construction of dams has lead to control of floods especially in the lower parts of Tana river enabling people to make use of the river valley
      • there has been improvement of infrastructure in the areas where HEP projects are found thus the areas have opened up for development
      • the schemes have created employment opportunities raising the standards of living of the people
      • some of the reservoirs provide water for irrigating the nearby farms
      • the government earns revenue from the sale of electricity locally
      • the projects acts as tourist attractions thus the country earns foreign exchange through tourism
      • the reservoirs provides water for domestic use by people near the scheme 3 x 2 6mks
    4. Explain three measures taken by the government of Kenya to conserve energy
      • people are being encouraged to use energy saving devices such as energy saving stoves / jikos
      • the government is encouraging the use of alternative source of energy like sun / biomass and wind
      • the government is using consumer prices to discourage unnecessary use of oil as fuel
      • people are being encouraged to use public transport instead of private cars to save on fuel
      • people are being encouraged to walk for short distances/ use bicycles to save on oil
      • people are being encouraged to have proper maintenance on motor vehicles to reduce the amount of fuel consumed
      • People are being encouraged to switch off electric gadgets when they are not being used 3 x 2 = 6mks
    1. Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiary industries
      • Manufacturing industries change raw materials into semi- processed / finished products while tertiary industries provide services
      1. Name four agricultural food processing industries in Kenya
        • milk processing
        • fruit processing
        • coffee processing
        • tea processing
        • sugar processing
        • cooking oil
        • Grain milling
        • Meat processing / canning
      2. Explain four factors that influenced the location of the iron and steel industries in the Ruhr region of Germany
        • availability of iron ore / coal / limestone from the Rhine valley provided raw materials needed in the industries
        • availability of water from rivers Rhine / Ruhr / Lippe /Wupper / Emscher for cooling machines / industrial use
        • navigable rivers e.g. Rhine / Ruhr / canals e.g. Dortmund - Ems / Rhein - Herne provided cheap transport for bulky raw materials and finished products-coal from the Ruhr region / imported provided power required in the industry
        • rich merchants / families e.g. Krupp family and Ruhr Kohle provided capital for the industry- availability of local skilled labour formed foundation of iron and steel industry
        • dense population of central Europe / Germany provided ready market for iron and steel any 4 x 2 = 8mks
    3. Give five reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the development of Jua Kali industries
      • create employment opportunities
      • to use locally available raw material / scrap metal
      • facilities decentralization of industries
      • use locally available simple skills
      • they require little capital
      • produce relatively cheap products that are affordable to many people
      • they require simple machinery to start
      • some of the products are exported thus earning foreign exchange
      • they save the country foreign exchange any 5 x 1 = 5mks
    4. You intend to carry out a field study in a coffee factory near your school
      1. State three reasons why you would visit the area of study in advance
        • to be able to formulate appropriate objectives for the study
        • to help in identifying methods of data collection
        • to help estimate the cost of the study
        • to seek permission
        • to determine appropriate routes
        • to help in preparing a work schedule
        • to identify problems likely to be encountered
        • to estimate the time required for the study
        • to determine the suitability of the area
        • to determine appropriate tools for the study
      2. You have prepared a work schedule for the study. State three items you would include in your schedule
        • time for departure
        • time to spend in the study
        • time for lunch
        • time to end the study any 3 x 1 = 3mks
      1. Name the town marked P,Q and R. (3mks)
        • P – Kampala
        • Q – Kigoma
        • K - Mandera
      2. Name the minerals that influenced the growth of the town marked X and Y. (2mks)
        •  Diamond
        • Trona/Soda Ash
    2. Explain four factors that have led to the growth of Eldoret as a major town in Kenya.(8mks)
      • Eldoret started as a railways station on the Kenya – Uganda railway and thus attracted settlement by the people from around the town.
      • Eldoret has a rich agricultural hinterland which has led to its growth as an agricultural collecting and processing centre.
      • It is located in an area that experiences cool and wet climate ideal for settlement.
      • The terrain of the land is a plateau which allows room for expansion.
      • The terrain of the land is a plateau which allows room for expansion.
      • The modern infrastructure such as the international airport has encouraged trade.
      • Investment by local entrepreneurs/athletes has led to the expansion of the town.
      • High population in the surrounding region provides market for agricultural manufactured goods/provide labour for the industries.
      • The government policy of decentralization of industries led to settling up of some industries in the town.
      • Eldoret a county headquarter for Uasin Gishu County and this has attracted administrative services in the town.
    3. Compare the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam is at the mouth of River Rhine.
      1. Site (2mks)
        • Mombasa is located on the drowned months of rivers Mwachi and Kombeni while Rotterdam is at the mouth of River Rhine.
      2. The hinterland. (2mks)
        • Both ports have expansive hinterlands/Mombasa hinterlands extend to DRC/Congo while Rotterdam serves the continental Europe.
      3. Transport links to the interior. (2mks)
        • Mombasa relies on road, railway, air and pipeline to the interior while Rotterdam has in addition, River Rhine/canals/Rotterdam is a major trans-shipment centre.
      4. Port facilities. (2mks)
        • Both ports have containerized terminals. Rotterdam has much large warehouse more modernised container serves system/sophisticated port facilities.
    4. Explain two negative effects of urbanization on the neighbouring agricultural areas. (4mks)
      • Dumping – the nearby agricultural lands are sometimes used as dumping grounds for the waste generated in the urban centres thus polluting them.
      • There is conflict in land use as urban centres expand into the land that would otherwise have been used for agriculture.
      • There is competition for labour as urban centres offer higher wages than agricultural areas.
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