Agriculture Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Achievers Joint Mock Exams 2023

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  • Candidates should answer all the questions in English.



  1. What is a notifiable disease ( ½ mk)
  2. List four routes through which disease causing organism enter the animals body (2mks)
  3. Outline two ways through which proper feeding contributes to disease control (1mk)
  4. State four characteristics of an effective acaricide (2mks)
  5. Give the adaptive features of gizzard which enables it to digest easily ( 1 ½ mks)
  6. State two reasons which make teeth clipping an important management practice in pig production (1mk)
    1. List three types of lubrication systems in a tractor ( 1 ½ mks)
    2. Give four functions of lubrication system (2mks)
  7. State three pre-desposing factors to coccidiosis disease in livestock farms ( 1 ½ mks)
  8. Indicate the functions of each of the following parts of cooling system of an engine
    Temperature gauge ( ½ mk)
    Water jackets ( ½ mk)
    Radiator ( ½ mk)
  9. State three qualities of a good livestock ration ( 1 ½ mks)
    1. Give two causes of soft shells in eggs. (1 mark)
    2. How should the feeding of bees be supplemented during a dry season? (½ mark)
  10. State four reasons for keeping livestock healthy. (2 marks)
  11. State four disadvantages of inbreeding in livestock. (2 marks)
  12. Outline four benefits of steaming-up in livestock. (2 marks)
  13. Name four reasons for castrating male calves. (2 marks)
  14. Outline four uses of solar energy in a farm. (2 marks)
  15. State two reasons why calves should be housed in individual pens (1mk)
  16. Give four conditions that reduce the quality of eggs for incubation (2Marks)
  17. Mention four symptoms of milk fever in dairy cows. (2Marks)
  18. State four causes of infertility in dairy cattle (2Marks)
  19. Outline three reasons why farm structures should be maintained (1 ½ Marks)


  1. Study the biogas digester plant illustrated below and answer the questions that follow

    1. Give the name and use of the material in the part marked X (2mks)
    2. State the major function of part marked K above (1mk)
    3. Give the major component in the place marked Y on the diagram ( 1mk)
    4. Outline the disadvantages of using the power source in the set up above ( 1 mk)
  2. Study the farm structure below and answer the questions that follow

    1. Name the parts marked Z,Y and X on the structure ( 1 ½ mks)
    2. Give the ratio of the materials for making labeled 3 above (1mk)
    3. State two functions of material placed in part marked O above (1mk)
    4. Name one example of the tools that can be used on the part labeled Y above ( ½ mk)
  3. Study the method of livestock production preparation below and answer the questions that follow

    1. Identify the method of extraction illustrated ( ½ mk)
    2. Name two alternative methods of obtaining the product other than the one illustrated above (1mk)
    3. Give two factors that determine the quality of the product (1mk)
  4. A farmer wants to prepare a ration for layers containing 18% DCP using maize germ 20% DCP and wheat bran 10% DCP.
    1. Calculate using pearson’s square method the amount of each feed-stuff needed in order to prepare 100kg of feed (4mks)
    2. Name one other method the farmer can use to compute the ratio (1mk)


    1. State and explain ten materials and equipment used during milking. (10Marks)
    2. Explain four advantages of rearing birds through a battery cage system. (10mks)
  1. Discuss foot and mouth disease under the following sub-headings.
      1. Animal affected.(2mks)
      2. Methods of transmission. (2mks)
      3. Symptoms of attack. (4mks)
      4. Control measures. (2mks)
    1. Outline general control measures of livestock parasites. (10mks)
    1. Give the differences between a petrol and a diesel engine (10mks)
    2. Describe the daily maintenance of a tractor (10mks)


  1. A notifiable disease
    Is a disease whose outbreak must be reported to government authorities for quick action since they are fatal and spreads fast e.g. rinder pest, anthrax, new castle, foot and mouth , rabies ( ½ for explanation)
  2. Routes through which disease enters the animal’s body
    Anus, mouth, ear, nose, umbilical cord, mammary glands, eye, reproductive organs, skin pores (2mks) 
    ( ½ mk@ for any 4 pnts )
  3. Ways through which proper feeding contributes to disease control in livestock
    • Proper feeding improves the animal’s disease resistance
    • Proper feeding prevents deficiency diseases ½ mk @ =1mk
  4. Characteristics of an effective acaricide
    • Should remain effective after fouling by i.e dung mud or hair
    • Should be stable
    • Should have the ability to kill ticks and mites
    • Should be harmless to both human and livestock
    • Should be easy to contribute and apply ( ½ mk @ for any 4 pnts =2mks)
  5. Adaptive features of a gizzard
    • Contains grit
    • Has high muscular wall
    • Has tough inner lining
    • The inner lining is highly folded ( ½ mk@ fro any 3 pnts= 1 ½ mks)
  6. Importance of teeth clipping
    • To avoid injury on teats when suckling
    • To avoid injury to the farmer during handling
    • To avoid injury on the piglets when fighting (1/2 mk @ for any 2 pnts=1mk)
    1. Types of lubrication system in a tractor
      • Force feed
      • Oil mist
      • Splash feed ( ½ mk @ 1 ½ mks)
    2. Functions of lubrication
      • Prevents metal parts from rusting
      • Traps foreign materials e.g. dust, dirt etc
      • Cools the engine temperature by conducting excess heat
      • Reduces friction within engine hence easy movement ( ½ mk @ for the 4 pnts=2mks)
  7. Predisposing factors of cocichiosis
    • Dampness
    • Overcrowding
    • Dirty conditions ( ½ mk @ for the 3 pnts 1 ½ mks)
  8. Functions of temperature gauge
    • To indicate on the dash board for the driver the engine temperature ( ½ mk)
      Functions of water jackets
    • Allows water to circulate around the engine conducting heat and cooling ( ½ mk)
      Function of radiator
    • Cools water from the engine
  9. Qualities of a good livestock ration
    • Should be highly digestible
    • Should be highly nutrition/well balanced nutrients
    • Should be palatable
    • Should have no contaminations i.e. poisons, moulds etc ( ½ mks for any 3 pnts) (1 ½)
  10. Two causes of soft shells in eggs. (1 mark)
    • Deficiency of calcium
    • An infection by new castle disease
  11. Four reasons for keeping livestock healthy. (2 marks)
    • Fast growth and maturity is achieved.
    • A long economic and productive life is achieved.
    • Maximum production and performance is achieve.
    • Good quality products are achieved.
    • Spreaed of diseases is curbed to other animals and human beings
    • It is economical to keep healthy animals.
  12. Four disadvantages of inbreeding in livestock. (2 marks)
    • Brings less of hybrid vigour
    • Leads to a decline in fertility leading to species extinction
    • Reduces performance of livestock
    • Leads to a high rate of pre-natal mortality
  13. Four benefits of steaming-up in livestock. (2 marks)
    • Provides nutrients for good foetal growth
    • Builds up energy for parturition
    • Ensures birth of healthy animals
    • Ascertains good health of the mother
    • Increases and maintains high milk yield after birth
  14. Four reasons for castrating male calves. (2 marks)
    • Makes them docile
    • They fatten faster into steers
    • Breeding is controlled
    • Inbreeding is also controlled
    • Breeding diseases like brucellosis and vaginitis are controlled.
  15. Four uses of solar energy in a farm. (2 marks)
    • Used for drying farm produce
    • Used for heating water
    • Used for distillation of clear drinking water
    • Used for cooking with special equipment
    • Used for generating electricity
    1. To avoid cross sucking / licking which may lead to formation of hairball in the rumen
    2. To prevent spread of diseases and parasites (2 x ½ = 1mk)
    1. Small size/ undersize/ overweight / low weight
    2. Abnormal shape
    3. Rough / irregular/ cracked / rugged/ soft / broken shell.
    4. Presence of internal abnormalities like double yolk, meat spots and other poor candling qualities
    5. Long storage/ over 10 days old / poor storage
      (Any 4 x ½ = 2mks)
    1. Muscular twitching (do not accept shivering)
    2. Stiffening of the whole body
    3. Unconsciousness / coma
    4. Head turned back / Neck assumes an S shape
    5. Walking in a staggering manner
    6. Animal lies on its side/ lateral recumbency / paralysis/ inability to move or rise.
      (4 x ½ = 2mks)
    1. Damaged uterus due to injuries / infections
    2. Blocked fallopian tubes
    3. Lack of essential nutrients e.g vitamin E, selenium and manganese
    4. Venereal diseases e.g Brucellosis
    5. Freemartin (heifer born with a bull characteristics)
    6. Retained placenta
    7. Hormonal failure / hormonal imbalance
    1. To make them more durable/long lasting
    2. To make them safe during use/ to avoid injury to the users and animals
    3. To make them efficient
    4. To reduce cost of constructing new ones
    5. To avoid damage to the structures
      (Any 3 x ½ = 1 ½ mks)


    1. Name and use of the material in the part marked X
      Name: Slurry
      Use: Used as manure on the crop farms
    2. Major function of part marked K
      Separates the raw materials from used materials (slurry) by flowing over it (the wall) (1mk)
    3. Major component of place marked Y
      Methane gas
    4. Disadvantages of using this power source in the farm
      • Requires high skill in installation
      • Applicable only where animals are reared in stalls
      • Requires large quantities of raw materials
      • It is labour intensive
      • It limited to few operations in the farm i.e. lighting and heating /cooking
      • It has high installation costs (relatively) ( ½ mk @ for any 3 pnts = 1 ½ mks)
    1. Names of the parts marked Z,Y and X
      X-wall plate ( 1 ½ mks)
    2. The ratio of materials for making the part labeled 3
    3. Two functions of material placed in part marked O
      • To prevent moisture from going up the wall
      • To prevent termite attack on the roof ( 2mks)
    4. An example of a tool used on part Y
      • hammer
      • try square
      • cross cut saw ( ½ mk)
    1. The method of extraction illustrated
      • Crushing and straining ( 1 mk)
    2. Alternative methods other than one above
      • heat method
      • centrifugal extractor ( 2mks)
    3. Factors that determine the quality of the product
      • Maturity stage of honey during harvesting
      • Method of harvesting used
      • Method of processing honey
      • Types of plants from which the nectar was obtained ( 2mks)
    1. Calculation

    2. Other methods
      • Trial and error (1mk)
      • Milking pails/bucket-This is for collecting milk during milking.
      • Strip cup- for testing for mastitis
      • Milking stool-used by the milkman to sit on in a comfortable position.
      • Warm water- to clean the udder before milking
      • It is also stimulates the milk let-down
      • Towel- to clean and dry the udder before milking.
      • Weighing scale- used to take the weight of milk for record keeping
      • Filtering pad-this is used for straining milk to remove dirt and hair
      • Milk cans/churns- used to hold milk during storage and transportation.
      • Cooking equipment- it is used to cool milk at a temperature of 4oC or below to reduce the bacterial multiplication.
      • Teat dip-used to disinfect the teat after milking
      • Stating ½ mk         (Any10x1=10mks)
      • Explaining ½ mk
      • birds use less energy in movement resulting in high egg production
      • minimal vice behaviours
      • eggs are clean as hens do not step on them
      • easy to keep accurate egg promotion records for each bird
      • easy to handle birds as they are confirmed in layers
      • easy to mechanise the system
      • Many birds can be kept in a small area.
      • birds do not contaminate food and water
      • discourages broodiness
      • easy to detect and remove sick ones
        (10 x 1= 10mks)
        • Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs (2 x 1 = 2mks)
        • Ingestion of contaminated water / feed with saliva blood.
        • Machinery and animals / human from one form to another. (2 x 1 = 2mks)
        • Rapid rise in temperature
        • Painful blisters in muzzle, udder and mouth
        • Lack of appetite – difficult eating
        • Excessive salivation
        • Lameness and peeling hooves
        • Grinding teeth
        • Dullness and shivering 4 x 1 = 4mks
        • Quarantine
        • Report to government authorities
        • Compulsory vaccination
        • Treat the wounds (2 x 1 = 2mks)
      • Rotational grazing / paddocking
      • Regular deworming
      • Spraying / dipping in acaricide
      • Maintaining hygiene / proper sanitation
      • Double fencing
      • Proper meat inspection
      • Proper cooking of meat
      • Proper disposal of human waste / proper use of latrines.
      • Draining of marshy areas / fencing off marshy areas
      • Burning infested pastures during dry season
      • Ploughing infested pastures
      • Hand picking / physical killing
    1. agri pp2ms 28a
    2. 10 x 1 = 10 mks
      • Daily maintenance of a tractor
      • Engine oil
      • Check the level with a dip stick and add if low
      • Battery
      • Check the level of electrolyte and distilled water to cover the plates
      • Fuel
      • Check and add if low
      • Greasing
      • Is done using the nipples on all greasing points
      • Fan belt
      • Tighten if loose
      • Radiator
      • Add water if level of water is low and remove vegetation
      • Air cleanses
      • Blow off any excessive dust
      • Oil baths (air cleaner)
      • Change oil if dirty
      • Nuts, Bolts ,pins
      • Tighten these if loose
      • Sediment bowl
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