- This paper consist of six questions.
- Candidates should answer all questions in English.

- Explain how the learning of Christian Religious Education in secondary school Promotes the goal of national development (6marks)
- With reference to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3, state seven effects of Sin. (7marks)
- Outline seven ways on how the church can help bring back members who have fallen from their faith. (7 marks)
- Describe the incident in which Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac at Mt.Moriah. (8 marks)
- Describe how God prepared the Israelites for the making of Mt. Sinai covenant. (7 marks)
- Identify challenges that Christians face while practicing their faith. (5 marks)
- Identify six ways in which Jeroboam contributed to religious schism between Judah and Israel. (7 marks)
- state the conditions that made it difficult for Prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel.(6 marks)
- state lessons that Christians learn from prophet Elijah prophetic mission. (7marks.)
- Give four differences between prophets in the Old Testament and Traditional African communities. (8 marks)
- Outline six ways in which God will punish Israel during the time of Amos. (6 marks)
- Identify ways in which Christians in Kenya can avoid Gods punishment. (6 marks)
- Describe the meaning of the symbolic act of buying land by prophet Jeremiah. (6 marks)
- Outline the stages for the renewal of covenant during the time of Nehemiah. (7 marks)
- Identify seven ways in which the Government of Kenya support church leaders in their work. (7 marks)
- Give six reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African communities. (6 marks)
- Explain the meaning of life and its wholeness according to Traditional African Community. (7 marks)
- State 7 reasons why female circumcision is being discouraged in Kenya today. (7 marks)

- Explain how the learning of Christian Religious Education in secondary schools
- Promotes the goal of national development
- Christian religious education encourages the learner to have a positive attitude towards work/hard work is encouraged/laziness is discouraged
- Learning religious education helps the Learner to acquire virtues/ moral values which promotes economic development
- Christian religious education discourages vices which hinder national development
- Learners are equipped with knowledge and skills which lead to career development/employment
- Learners are taught their duties/responsibilities as human beings/the need to develop the environment/nation
- Learners are taught the need to use their talents for the development of self/others/nation
- Christian religious education stress the importance of peace/love/unity which contributes to a favourable working environment
- Learners are taught to appreciate their culture and that of others to promote national cohesion
(1X 6 MARKS)
- With reference to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3, state seven effects of Sin.
- Human beings were separated/alienated from God/ chased out of the Garden of Eden
- Childbirth became painful experience/ women to experience pain during labour/delivery
- Human beings became afraid of God/they hid when he called them
- They lost their authority over the other creation
- Death came into the world/human beings started dying
- It led to distorted relationship among human beings/mistrust/misunderstanding
- The woman became subject to man /inferior/inequality between man and woman set in/woman’s desires shall be for the husband.
- Enmity between human beings and serpent developed
- There developed mistrust between man and woman
- Human beings were to toil/ sweat to meet their needs
- Human beings became embarrassed because of their nakedness
(1x 7 marks)
- Outline seven ways on how the church can help bring back members who have fallen back from their faith
- By praying for/with the member
- Through providing guidance and counseling/advice
- Visiting the member/doing a follow up after preaching to him/her
- By inviting them in church
- Forgiving/accepting them in church
- Teaching/ preaching the word of God to him/her
- By showing them love/ by providing material/financial support
- By encouraging them to confess/repent/seek for forgiveness
(1x 7 marks)
- Explain how the learning of Christian Religious Education in secondary schools
- Describe the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac at Mt. Moriah.
- God told Abraham to take his only son to the land of Moriah/ to offer him as a sacrifice.
- Abraham took his son, two servants and wood for burnt offering.
- They arrived at the place after a three day’s journey.
- Abraham commanded his servants to remain behind as he and Isaac went up to worship.
- He took Isaac, the firewood and the knife, and went up.
- Isaac asked his father where the lamb for the offering would come from.
- Abraham told Isaac that God would provide the lamb for a burnt offering.
- When they arrived at the place God had commanded, Abraham built an altar.
- He bound Isaac/laid him on the altar upon the wood.
- Abraham took the knife to slay his son but the angel of the Lord stopped him.
- Abraham saw a ram, which he offered instead of his son.
- He called the name of the place; The Lord will provide.
- The angle appeared to Abraham a second time and gave him promises because of his obedience.
- Abraham returned with his men to Beersheba.
(1x1 7 marks)
- Describe how God prepared the Israelites for the making of Mt. Sinai covenant. (7 marks)
- God told Moses to remind the people of Israel ho w god had brought them out of Egypt.
- God told Moses told that he wanted to make a special relationship with Israel –to make them a kingdom of priests.
- Moses called all the elders and people and told them what God had said.
- God told Moses that he wanted the Israelites to obey him.
- The Israelites promised to do all that the lord had said
- God promised to come down and meet all the people on the third day
- The people were instructed to consecrate themselves and washed their garments.
- The people were to abstain from sexual relationship
- On the third day, there was a thick cloud upon the mountain, loud trumpet blast and earthquakes.
- Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet god, they were to stand at the foot of the mountain.
- The lord came down to the top of the mountain and asked Moses to go and meet him.
(1x1= 7 marks)
- Identify challenges that Christians face while practicing their faith. (5 marks)
- Emergence of sprinter groups within the church.
- Emergence of cults which are ungodly.
- Emphasis on materialism by churches.
- Lack of role models among the leaders.
- Open conflict among and between the leaders and members/authoritarians.
- Misuse of resources by leaders.
- Rise of state church conflicts, ie. yes/no situations
- Confusion among Christians due to different interpretation of the bible.
- Church leaders not having time for all members /discrimination.
- Negative effects of mass media/technology
- Permissiveness/ moral decadence/ drug abuse.
(1x1= 5 marks)
- Describe the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac at Mt. Moriah.
- Identify six ways in which Jeroboam contributed to religious schism between Judah and Israel.
- Jeroboam stopped the Israelites from going to Jerusalem for worship.
- He made two golden calves and placed them at Bethel and Dan to represent the invisible God.
- He built other places of worship in the hilltops thus copying the practice of foreign nations.
- He made the Israelites offer sacrifices to the two golden bulls representing Yahweh.
- He burnt incense at the altar of idols
- He chose priest from the ordinary families to serve Yahweh.
- He instituted religious festivals or feasts in the months of his choice.
(1x6= 6 marks)
- state the conditions that made it difficult for Prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel. (7 marks)
- The existence of false prophets who gave false promises to the Israelites.
- King Ahab had allowed his Phoenician wife to bring the worship of false gods and goddesses.
- Jezebel brought foreign gods and goddesses to Israel.
- There was persecution of true prophets of Yahweh.
- King Ahab had allowed the building of temple and high places for the worship of Baal
- The king participated in idol worship/ Baalism was the official religion.
- The Canaanites religion had strong influence on the Israelites.
- The idol gods could be seen and touched / appeared real.
(1x7= 7 marks)
- state lessons that Christians learn from prophet Elijah prophetic mission. (7 marks.)
- Christians are called to a life of faith in God and must serve him with total commitment.
- Christians must uphold true worship of God and be prepared to fight any form of idolatry like cults, materialism, and devil worship.
- Christians should courageously condemn all forms of social and economic evils in the society like tribalism, bribery and corruption.
- Christians should not despair in the face of challenges they may meet in evangelism for God will help them overcome hurdles in life.
- Christians should identify themselves with the marginalized in the society and fight for their rights.
- Christians should not bear false witness like Jezebel did to Naboth.
- Christian leaders should learn that true authority comes from God and should be accountable to him for their deeds.
- Christians should be ready to suffer in pursuit for justice but should not give up.
- Christians should seek Gods guidance and protection through prayer.
- Christians should call sinners to repentance and bring them back to God.
- Christian leaders should not misuse their offices.
- Christians should develop life skills to help them make appropriate and informed decisions on individual and community issues.
(1x7= 7 marks)
- Identify six ways in which Jeroboam contributed to religious schism between Judah and Israel.
- Four differences between prophets in the Old Testament and Traditional African communities.(8 marks)
- The Old Testament prophets stressed the worship of one God/Monotheism while in some traditional African communities Prophets recognized many gods/goddesses.
- The Old Testament prophets received their call from God while the traditional African prophets inherited their work from their ancestors.
- The old testament prophets spoke to the nations God sent them to, while the traditional African prophets were confined to their ethnic communities
- The Old Testament prophets faced opposition from their people while the traditional African prophets were respected leaders in their communities.
- The work of the O.T prophets were recorded and preserved while in A.T.R was passed on through oral traditions
(2x4=8 marks)
- Outline six forms of punishment that God would effect on the Israelites if they disobeyed God according to prophet Amos. (6 marks)
- Would be surrounded by an enemy/foreign nation
- Holy places e.g., Bethel would be destroyed
- The people would be taken into exile
- The rich would lose their wealth
- Their land would be occupied by a foreign nation
- People would have a hunger for God’s word
- Darkness and ellipse would appear and cover the land
- There would be earthquakes
- Amaziah the false prophet would die by the sword of king Jeroboam II
- Identify seven ways in which Christians can avoid God’s punishment today (6marks)
- Obey God’s commandments
- Preach the good news of Christ to others to change
- Condemn all evils in society e.g. corruption
- Show love by helping the needy/poor
- Being prayerful to avoid temptations
- Worshipping God with all sincerity
- Asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and protection against evil
- Repenting their sins
- Forgiving others unconditionally
- Preaching peace and reconciliation
- Holding fellowships to encourage each other.
(1x 6=6marks)
- Four differences between prophets in the Old Testament and Traditional African communities.(8 marks)
- Describe the meaning of the symbolic act of buying land by Prophet Jeremiah(6marks)
- It showed the people of Judah still had a future despite the coming crisis! Judah will regain freedom after conquest.
- It was assurances that the people would be restored back to their homeland/reclaim their land.
- It demonstrated that the people would resume their normal lives/construct homes/cultivate land/own property.
- Divine judgment was not an end in itself
- Restoration was to take place at God’s own time/God was to determine when the people would be restored back. (Time).
- The people had to wait patiently for their return from exile.
- It showed that God was loving/faithful/was to keep his promise of restoration/bring them back to their ancestral land.
- It made them feel secure/they were not to lack anything
(1x6=6 marks)
- The stages followed during the renewal of the covenant at the time of Nehemiah are as follows(7marks)
- The people gathered in the public square in Jerusalem.
- The priest Ezra read the law to the people.
- They performed repentance gestures of raising / lowering their hands / moaning/wailing/ weeping / spontaneous reaction.
- The people constructed makeshift tents / shelters to celebrate the feasts of the booths.
- There was national day of confession / fasting as they wore sack clothes.
- Ezra led people in prayer of confession.
- They sealed the covenant by signing an agreement under the leadership of Nehemiah and the priest.
- The people promised not to go against the Mosaic law.
- The re-distribution of the people in Jerusalem and country side.
- Ways in which the government of Kenya supports church leaders in their work.
- The government gives financial/material assistance for development.
- The government supports church-sponsored institutions.
- By setting land aside for construction of church facilities.
- The government allows freedom of worship.
- By availing facilities to host church workshops/seminars/conferences.
- By including CRE in the curriculum.
- By employing some of them as Chaplains in educational institutions and in the armed forces.
- Organizing national prayer days.
- Supporting leaders in conducting their charitable services.
- Through the development of the infrastructure.
- The government has granted permission to the church to operate electronic/media station
- The government recognizes the church calendar.
(1x7= 7 marks)
- Describe the meaning of the symbolic act of buying land by Prophet Jeremiah(6marks)
- Reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African communities (6 marks)
- To worship God/ancestors
- It is a way of seeking for protection
- A way of acknowledging God as a source of life
- To seek God’s help in times of trouble/petition God for help
- To ask for forgiveness/a way of cleansing /appease God and ancestors.
- In recognition of God’s power
- To thank God for victories/success
- To ask for blessings from God.
(1x6=6 marks)
- Explain the meaning of life and its wholeness according to Traditional African Community
- In TAS, God is the source of life.
- Life is a rhythm which recycles itself.
- There are several dimensions of life i.e. Physical dimensions, Social dimension and Spiritual dimension.
- Life is enhanced through observance of rituals, taboos and regulations.
- Life is promoted through transitional stages e.g. birth, initiation, marriage and death.
- It is perpetuated through marriage for the continuation of the community.
- Death transforms an individual from physical life to the spiritual one.
- Reasons why female circumcision is being discouraged in Kenya today (7marks)
- It can lead to infection/STDs/HIV/AIDS due to use of same instruments
- It can lead to injury/mutilation of the reproductive organs of the initiate
- It is against child/human rights
- It can cause psychological torture/traumatizes the initiate
- It can lead to irresponsible sexual behavior
- It can lead to early marriages
- It can lead to school dropouts among the girls
- It can lead to bleeding/death
- It can lead to separation/divorce
- It can lead to disagreement/quarrels in families.
(1x7=7 marks)
- Reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African communities (6 marks)
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