- The paper consists of three sections A, B and C
- Answer all question in section A
- Choose any THREE questions in section B and any TWO questions in section C

Answer all questions in this section
- Name two pre historic sites in Kenya 2mks
- Identify the dispersal point of river lake Nilotes in Uganda 1mk
- Identify two duties of Orkoiyot among the Nandi during pre-colonial period 2mks
- Give the political significance of circumcision among Kenyan societies in pre-colonial period 1mk
- What was the main reason for rulers of Malindi to welcome the Portuguese in the 16thC? 1mk
- State two reasons why the government may limit the freedom of speech in Kenya today 2mks
- Give two types of democracy used in Kenya 2mks
- State two terms of Anglo- German agreement of 1886 2mks
- Name one leader of the Asian delegation to London during the Devonshire White paper of 1923 1mk
- Identify the main incident that prompted the declaration of the state of emergency in Kenya on 20TH October 1952 1mk
- Give two objectives of Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) 2mks
- Name the body responsible for coordination of elections in Kenya 1mk
- Name the Chief accounting officer of the Judicial Service Commission 1mk
- Name the education commission established in 1982 to review the system of education 1mk
- What was the political consequence of 1966 Limuru conference 1mk
- Identify two ex-official members of Kenyan parliament 1mk
- Give two examples of external sources of revenue for national government 2mk
Answer any three questions
- Name five communities which belong to Highland Nilotes 5mks
- Describe the social organization of the Somali during the pre-colonial period 10mks
- Give five reasons why Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British 5mks
- Explain five effects of missionary activities in Kenya 10mks
- State ways in which the colonial land policies negatively affected the African in the colonial period 5mks
- Explain the role of political parties in the struggle for independence in Kenya in the 19th C 10mks
- Identify five roles of National philosophies in Kenya’s development 5mks
- Explain five challenges facing health sector in Kenya today 10mks
Answer any two questions
- Identify three ways that could be used to amend the constitution 3mks
- Outline the stages through which a bill passes before it becomes law in Kenya 12mks
- Give three reasons why general elections are conducted every five years 3mks
- Explain six functions of the public service in Kenya 12mks
- Give the composition of the county assembly 5mks
- Explain five reasons why the Kenyan government prepares an annual budget 10mks

Answer all questions in this section
- Name two pre historic sites in Kenya 2mks
- Rusnga island
- olorgesailie
- Nariokotome
- Fort Ternan
- kobi Fora
- Kariandusi
- Hyrax Hill
- Gambles cave
- Njoro river cave
- Identify the dispersal point of river lake Nilotes in Uganda 1mk
- Pubungu Pakwach
- dentify two duties of Orkoiyot among the Nandi during pre-colonial period 2mks
- Blessed warriors
- Led in religious ceremonies
- Advised council of elders
- Solved inter-clan disputes
- Foretold the future
- Sometimes acted as rain maker and medicineman
- Give political significance of circumcision among Kenyan societies in pre-colonial period 1mk
- To provide an age set for warriors to defend the community
- What was the main reason for rulers of Malindi to welcome the Portuguese in the 16thC? 1mk
- They wanted support against Mombasa
- State two reasons why the government may limit the freedom of speech in Kenya today 2mks
- If it Intends to spread propaganda for war
- If it Intends for Incitement to violence
- If it advocates hate speech
- If the speech is advocacy to hatred
- Give two types of democracy used in Kenya 2mks
- Direct democracy/ pure democracy
- Representative democracy / indirect democracy
- State two terms of Anglo- German agreement of 1886 2mks
- The sultan to maintain a 16km coastal strip
- Germany got the territory between R. Umba in the North and Ruvuma in the south and coastline of Witu
- Britain got territory north of R. Umba stretching up to R. Juba in the north
- The western boundary was not defined
- Name one leader of the Asian delegation to London during the Devonshire White paper of 1923 1mk
- Alibhai Mullah Jevanjee
- Identify the main incident that prompted the declaration of the state of emergency in Kenya on 20TH October 1952 1mk
- The murder of Chief Waruhiu wa Kungu on 1st October 1952
- Give two objectives of Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) 2mks
- Demand for release of political detainees
- Safeguard interests of minority tribes
- Push for federal constitution
- Demand for constitutional reforms
- To formulate domestic and international policies
- To organize and maintain a political democratic union in Legco.
- Name the body responsible for coordination of elections in Kenya 1mk
- Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission -IEBC
- Name the Chief accounting officer of the Judicial Service Commission 1mk
- The Registrar of the Judiciary
- Name the education commission established in 1982 to review the system of education 1mk
- The presidential working party on the second university 1982 / Mackay commission
- What was the political consequence of 1966 Limuru conference 1mk
- The introduction of 8 vice presidents for KANU- leading to resignation of Oginga Odinga
- Identify two ex-official members of Kenyan parliament 1mk
- The speaker of the national Assembly
- The speaker of the Senate
- Give two examples of external sources of revenue for national government 2mk
- Loans
- Grants
- Technical aid
- Donations
Answer any three questions
- Name five communities which belong to highland nilotes 5mks
- Nandi
- Marakwet
- Kipsigis
- Pokot
- Keiyo
- Sabaot
- Tugen
- Describe the social organization of the Somali during the pre-colonial period 10mks
- The family was the smallest unit
- Related families formed a clan
- They practiced initiation of boys and girls
- They believed in god waq
- They had religious leaders who led in worship
- They believed in ancestral spirits
- They had special places of worship
- They had division of labour
- They practiced polygamy and exogamy
- Later the adopted Islam
- Name five communities which belong to highland nilotes 5mks
- Give five reasons why Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British 5mks
- To consolidate his power in western Kenya
- To secure British protection
- To expand his territory to cover the whole western Kenya
- To get firearms for his warriors
- He saw it futile to resist
- To acquire western education and civilization for his people
- Explain five effects of missionary activities in Kenya 10mks
- Christianity became widespread
- Erosion of African culture e.g polygamy and FGM
Introduction of modern medical services e.g built hospitals and trained medical personnel - Spread western education – built schools
- Creation of jobs for educated Africans
- Advancement of agriculture- introduced modern farming and new crops
- Led to rise of independent churches and schools
- Led to colonization –asked for protection
- Improved transport and communication
- Led to exploration of Kenya
- Led to abolishment of slave trade
- Give five reasons why Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British 5mks
- state ways in which the colonial land policies negatively affected the African in the colonial period 5mks
- Alienated African land making them landless
- Africans were pushed to infertile reserves
- Africans were forced to work on European farms to earn a living
- Africans became squatters in European farms
- Shortage of land in reserves led to overcrowding
- Soil erosion due to overcrowding, over cultivation and overgrazing in reserves
- Led to poverty and misery to Africans
- Disrupted traditional structures
- Loss of land led to resentment and discontent among Africans leading to rise of nationalism
- Led to introduction of taxes to the Africans to ensure constant labour supply
- Led to introduction of kipande system to ensure Africans did not desert duty.
- Explain the role of political parties in the struggle for independence in Kenya in the 19th C 10mks
- Political parties united freedom fighters/ nationalists in their struggle against colonial rule
- They prepared nationalists who took over leadership at independence
- They mobilized mass support for nationalists struggle for independence
- They gave moral and material support to MAU MAU
- They pressurized for constitutional changes from colonial office
- They presented the grievances of Africans in international forums
- They created awareness among Africans on their rights and need to fight for independence
- They participated in drafting the independence constitution
- They pressurized for release of detained nationalists e.g Kenyatta
- state ways in which the colonial land policies negatively affected the African in the colonial period 5mks
- Identify five roles of National philosophies in Kenya’s development 5mks
- Promotion of Education e.g through building of schools, laboratories
- Enhancing unity and understanding among people
- Improvement of medical services i.e hospitals, dispensaries
- Promotion of people’s welfare especially those with special needs
- Improving the living standards of people i.e services and other social needs are catered for
- Encouraging nationalism and patriotism
- Explain five challenges facing health sector in Kenya today 10mks
- High cost of medical equipment and drugs
- Fast growing population that strains the available health facilities
- HIV /AIDS which affects a large segment of the society
- Corruption and other related vices that affect the procurement, distribution and provision of drugs
- Brain drain – many medical doctors immigrate to developed countries for better opportunities
- Ineffective National Hospital Insurance Programme as it emphasizes investment in real estate at expense of proper health
- Identify five roles of National philosophies in Kenya’s development 5mks
Answer any two questions
- Identify three ways that could be used to amend the constitution 3mks
- Parliamentary vote of more than 2/3 majority support
- Referendum – with approval of at least 20% of registered voters in at least 24 counties or a simple majority vote by citizens in a referendum
- By popular initiative – supported by 1million votes
- Outline the stages through which a bill passes before it becomes law in Kenya 12mks
- Drafted in Attorney Generals chamber
- First reading –presented in parliament and no debate
- Second reading- bill debated upon and amendments incorporated
- Committee stage- bill discussed in detail and amendments made
- Report stage- chairperson of committee reports the amended bill
- Third reading- final debate of the bill and voting- if supported by majority passes to next stage
- Presidential assent- by speaker
- The act of parliament is gazette and becomes law
- Identify three ways that could be used to amend the constitution 3mks
- Give three reasons why general elections are conducted every five years 3mks
- It’s a constitutional requirement
- Gives citizens a chance to exercise their democratic rights
- Citizens get a chance to pick their leaders
- To inject new blood in leadership
- To have alternative ways of ruling /leadership
- To form government peacefully
- Explain six functions of the public service in Kenya 12mks
- Implement government policies and programs
- Interprets government policies to the people
- Maintains government records
- Advices CSs on matters of policy
- Collects government revenue through licenses
- Provides services to the people e.g ministry of health and education
- Give three reasons why general elections are conducted every five years 3mks
- Give the composition of the county assembly 5mks
- Members elected by registered voters of wards
- Special seat members to ensure no more than 2/3 are of same gender
- Members representing marginalized groups and those with disability
- The speaker –an ex-officio member
- Explain five reasons why the Kenyan government prepares an annual budget 10mks
- Enables the government to prioritise its needs
- Helps the government to identify sources of revenue
- Enables the parliament to discuss and approve government expenditure in advanceFor balance of development
- Gives necessary information to those who may want to keep track of government expenditure
- Enables the government to access progress in provision of social services
- To enable the parliament to monitor public resource utilization through watchdog committees
- To enable the government to assess its performance in the previous year and improve where necessary.
- Give the composition of the county assembly 5mks
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