- The paper consists of three sections A, B and C
- Answer all question in section A
- Choose any THREE questions in section B and any TWO questions in section C

SECTION A (25mks)
Answer all questions in this section
- Name two types of written materials used by historians as a source of history and government. (2mks)
- List two economic activities of early man during the stone age period. (2mks)
- Name the person who invented seed drill. (1mk)
- State two ways trough which slaves were obtained in West Africa during the Trans-Atlantic trade. (2mks)
- Give two features of the Roman roads by 300AD. (2mks)
- Identify the MAIN use of steam power during the industrial revolution in Europe. (1mk)
- Outline the MAIN factor that led to the growth of ancient town in Kilwa. (1mk)
- Name two officials who assisted the ruler of Shona to administer the kingdom. (2mks)
- State the social factors which caused the maji maji rebellion. (1mk)
- Outline the role of emirs of Northern Nigeria during the colonial period. (1mk)
- Give two roles played Ex-World war soldiers in the growth of African nationalism after 1945. (2mks)
- Identify one way in which the cold war was fought. (1mk)
- Give two economic benefits enjoyed by members of common wealth. (2mks)
- Identify two principles of Arusha declaration of 1967. (2mks)
- Define the term Non-Alignment movement (NAM). (1mk)
- Identify one house of congress in USA. (1mk)
- State one function of the International Court of Justice in the United Nations Organisation.(1mk)
Answer any three questions in this section
- Give five reasons why hunting of wild animals was mainly a group activity during the stone age period. (5mks)
- Discuss the factors that led to the Agrarian revolution in America. (10mks)
- State three factors that led to the development of Trans-Atlantic trade. (3mks)
- Explain the factors for the decline of Trans-Saharan trade. (12mks)
- Give five factors that led to the growth of the Asante empire by the 19th century. (5mks)
- Explain 5 reasons why the Africans were defeated during the Maji Maji rebellion. (10mks)
- Give 3 social developments which have taken place in Tanzania since independence. 3mks
- Explain six political challenges in DRC. (12mks)
Answer any two questions in this section
- Give three reasons why United States of America did not join the First World War until 1917. (3mks)
- Explain six effects of the Second World War. (12mks)
- State three reasons why the British used indirect rule in Northern Nigeria. (3mks)
- Explain six problems experienced by French administration in Senegal. (12mks)
- Outline the five roles of the prime minister in India. (5mks)
- Explain the functions of House of Lords in Britain. (10mks)

- Name two types of written materials used by historians as a source of history and government. (2mks)
- Books
- Charts
- Map
- Scrolls
- painting
- stone tablet
- Newspapers /Magazines
- Diaries/biographies
- Journals/Periodicals
- Government records.
- List two economic activities of early man during the stone age period. (2mks)
- Hunting wild animals
- Gathering wild fruits, roots and vegetables
- Making stone implements
- Crop growing and animal keeping
- Fishing in the late stone age
- Name the person who invented seed drill. (1mk)
- Jethro Tull
- State two ways through which slaves were obtained in West Africa during the Trans-Atlantic trade. (2mks)
- Criminals or social misfits were sold by Chiefs
- Captives of war were sold out
- Panyarring ie selling people who were unable to repay debts
- Kidnapping lone walkers
- Raiding villages to capture slave
- Enticing children with gifts
- The weak in society e.g widows, orphans
- Give two features of the Roman roads by 300AD. (2mks)
- They were straight
- They were drained
- They were durable
- They had bridges/tunnels
- Identify the MAIN use of steam power during the industrial revolution in Europe. (1mk)
- Driving engines /machines in industries
- Outline the MAIN factor that led to the growth of ancient town in Kilwa. (1mk)
- It's control of sofala gold trade/ trade in gold.
- Name two officials who assisted the ruler of Shona to administer the kingdom. (2mks)
- The head cook
- Head gate keeper
- The court steward
- The queen mother
- The Emperor’s sister
- The head drummer
- The head of the army
- The nine principal wives of the king
- State one social factors which caused the maji maji rebellion. (1mk)
- The Germans anti-social behavior like raping, adultery, fornication.
- Germans disrespect towards African traditional practices and beliefs.
- Kinjeketile's magic water instilled confidence in people.
- The ruthlessness or brutality of Germans to Africans through flogging.
- Outline the role of emirs of Northern Nigeria during the colonial period. (1mk)
- The collected taxes
- They settled disputes
- They maintained law and order
- They recruited labour for public projects
- They eliminated practices that were not acceptable to the British
- Give two roles played Ex-World war soldiers in the growth of African nationalism after 1945. (2mks)
- They applied military skills/tactics for fighting.
- They trained African nationalist in military skills.
- They joined/formed nationalist movements.
- They organized or mobilized Africa nationalist.
- They made or serviced the weapon used by nationalists.
- Identify one way in which the cold war was fought. (1mk)
- Through the propaganda
- Through economic sanctions
- Through financial aid to the allies
- Through military support to the allies of the enemy
- Give two economic benefits enjoyed by members of commonwealth. (2mks)
- They enjoy favourable trading opportunities to members.
- The financial assistance is given to the poor nations.
- Technical assistance and research to member countries.
- Support for youth programs or projects for development.
- Identify two principles of Arusha declaration of 1967. (2mks)
- The self-reliance
- Nationalization of the main means of production
- Ujamaa or socialism policy
- Human equality or non-discrimination
- Define the term Non-Alignment movement (NAM). (1mk)
- This is an independent policy adopted by newly independent states in Africa, Middle East and Latin America not join the power bloc rivalry.
- Identify one house of congress in USA. (1mk)
- The Senate
- The house of representatives
- State one function of the international court of justice in the united nation organisation. (1mk)
- It settled disputes like international boarders
- To give advisory opinions on questions referred to it by UN organs
- Give 5 reasons why hunting of wild animals was mainly a group activity during the stone age period. (5mks)
- The wild animals were dangerous to people or could kill people.
- They could easily surround the animals.
- The spotting or locating the animal was easier.
- Less time was taken to catch the animals.
- To give moral encouragement or team spirit.
- They could catch more animals.
- Discuss the factors that led to the Agrarian Revolution in North American. (10mks)
- The introduction of the enclosure system in Britain forced landless to migrate to North America where they introduced new farming methods.
- Availability of land for the farming of different crop varieties such as tobacco, cotton and wheat/reclamation of waste land of irrigation.
- Government recognition of individual land ownership (the Homestead Act 1860) encouraged settlers to farm.
- The granting of financial aid / capital to farmers to buy and develop land /credit facilities.
- The introduction of slave labour ensured adequate supply of labour for farming.
- Determination by the European immigrants to succeed in agriculture as there was no other sources of livelihood.
- The increase in demand for agricultural raw materials by European industrialists encouraged expansion in agriculture/availability of foreign market.
- The mechanization of agriculture stimulated productivity e.g the steel plough and the mechanical reaper, cotton gin
- The development of food preservation methods of canning and refrigeration encouraged farmers to produce more.
- The application of science and research to agricultural (e.g. biotechnology development of new foods from existing crops, use of fertilizers and genetic engineering in livestock production) facilitated the Agrarian Revolution.
- Increase in population created demand for food which led to expansion of agriculture.
- Give 5 reasons why hunting of wild animals was mainly a group activity during the stone age period. (5mks)
- State 3 factors that led to the development of Trans-Atlantic trade. (3mks)
- Availability of trade items.
- Demand for slaves in the New World; due to mines and plantation farming in America.
- Availability of sailing ships with greater capacity to carry goods.
- The discovery of the compass to give directions when sailing to and fro.
- Availability of fire arms in west Africa facilitated slave raiding.
- Existence of trade routes/trade links between European nations and West Africa.
- The trade was lucrative due to profits generated.
- Explain the factors for the decline of Trans-Saharan trade. (12mks)
- The gold and salt fields got exhausted reducing supply.
- Fall of empires like Songhai caused political instability and insecurity in the region.
- External invasion by Morocco cost destruction of some commercial centres like Gao and Timbukutu.
- The rise and growth of trans-Atlantic trade rendered trans-Saharan trade unpopular.
- European trading activities along West African coast undermined the trade.
- Abolition of slave trade from the 1840s denied the traders the main trade’ item’.
- The Tuaregs changed their roles as guides and became robbers of the caravans.
- The desert condition like sand storms and desert insects affected the traders
- State 3 factors that led to the development of Trans-Atlantic trade. (3mks)
- Give 5 factors that led to the growth of the Asante empire by the 19th century. (5mks)
- Tran-Atlantic trade generated a lot of wealth which enabled the empire to prosper
- It had able/skilled/shrewd rulers who were courageous/development conscious
- They had a symbol of unity/golden stool which bonded the people together
- Centralized system of administration ensured stability as there was clear command
- Strong agricultural base ensured regular food supply leading to growth of population
- Presence of large/strong army provided defense/expanded the empire through conquest.
- Availability of gold enabled the kingdom to generate wealth that was used for further development.
- The Odwira Festival brought the leaders/people together thereby making the empire more cohesive.
- The need to free themselves from the oppressive Denkiyra rule.
- The unity of the Akan speaking people around Kumasi Oyoko clan.
- Explain five reasons why the Africans were defeated during the maji maji rebellion. (10mks)
- The use of scorched earth policy by the Germans led to destruction of farms/food thereby weakening their resolve to continue with the war.
- Disunity among the Africans made it easy for the Germans to defeat them.
- Germans were well trained and had a disciplined army.
- Germans had superior weapons/guns compared to the African soldiers/warriors who used mainly bows and arrows.
- The Germans received reinforcement/mercenaries from Germany and other countries like Somali, Sudan and Guinea.
- Large/ powerful communities which had been defeated by Germans did not join the war e.g. the Hehe, Yao and Nyamwezi.
- The arrest/capture and execution of African leaders by Germans demoralized the fighters resulting to their surrender.
- The failure African traditional religion to use magic water could protect them from the German bullets hence their defeat.
- Poor organization of Africans/leaders compared to the Germans who had a proper structure of command.
- Give 5 factors that led to the growth of the Asante empire by the 19th century. (5mks)
- Highlight three social developments which have taken place in Tanzania since independence. (3mks)
- Establishment of more schools, colleges, universities.
- Introduction of free universal primary education.
- Promotion of education geared towards socialism ideas.
- Improvement of health sector by building more health facilities.
- Kiswahili has been adopted as the national language.
- Promotion of African cultural values to preserve their heritage.
- There has been freedom of worship.
- Women roles in leadership and development has greatly been appreciated.
- Explain six political challenges in Democratic Republican of Congo since independence. (12mks)
- Political upheavals from ideological differences, tribalism and colonial hangover /Ethnicity.
- Secession of Katanga and Kasai regions weakened the country.
- The foreigners in Congo turned to former colonialists for support hence undermining Congo’s independence
- Lumumba’s assassination made the country to almost disintegrate
- Between 1960-1964, the UN and Belgian interfered a lot with the country’s internal affairs
- When Mobutu took over there was a shift from democracy to dictatorship e.g. one party system
- Between 1977 to 1978, there was the rebellion and 200 soldiers died (Shaba rebellion)
- Kabila was assassinated in 2001 his successor found it difficult to bring peace in DRC
- Poor relationship with neighbouring countries due to the rebel groups
- Highlight three social developments which have taken place in Tanzania since independence. (3mks)
- Give 3 reasons why United states of America did not join the first world war until 1917. (3mks)
- Desire to abide by the terms of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823.
- Fear of revolts by her citizens of German origin.
- Fear of an outbreak of civil war between American of German descent and those of other European nationalities.
- The war had not interfered with USA interests until 1916.
- Explain six social effects of the 2nd world war. (12mks)
- Depopulation and great suffering as Millions of people perished either in war or due to famine and diseases.
- People suffered psychologically and emotionally from the loss of loved ones and torture of the war.
- The end of the war witnessed change in the status of women. Women started doing work, which was initially monopolized by men. E.g. military and management.
- There was permanent ill health and shortening of life for millions of peoples because of years of undernourishment or captivity.
- There was massive Destruction of property such as homes, houses.
- A large number of people were displaced as people moved to look for peaceful areas and this led to great suffering. The new refugees included the Jews, Slavs and the poles.
- The war fomented bitter feelings and mistrust among the countries that fought
- The war helped to shade off the myth popularized by Europeans that they were a superior race to Africans as European causalities in the war proved that they were mortals.
- Give 3 reasons why United states of America did not join the first world war until 1917. (3mks)
- State three reasons why the British used indirect rule in Northern Nigeria. (3mks)
- To avoid resistance from the people of Northern Nigeria.
- The British had inadequate personnel for the vast territory.
- There was an established centralized system of administration.
- There communication barrier between the British and the local communities.
- It was difficult to reach all parts of the territory due to inadequate transport and communication systems.
- To reduce the cost of administration.
- The method had successfully been used in some of their colonies.
- Explain six problems experienced by French administration in Senegal. (12mks)
- Communication barrier made it difficult to administer effectively
- Poor transport network hampered the French mobility to various places
- Resistance by African traditional leaders who feared loss of their positions
- The assimilation required patience as Africans were reluctant to forsake the traditional way of life
- The French lacked adequate funds to sustain their operations
- They faced hostility from the Muslims who were opposed to Christianity
- Resistance by the French traders or businessmen due to competition from Africans
- Resistance by the French parliamentarian as they feared to be outnumbered in chamber of deputies.
- State three reasons why the British used indirect rule in Northern Nigeria. (3mks)
- Outline the five roles of the prime minister in India. 5mks
- He/she advises the president on the appointment of the cabinet.
- He/she chairs cabinet meetings.
- He/she is the chief spokesperson of the government.
- He/she advises on the appointment of senior officers in the government.
- He/she recommends persons for the awards of civil honours and distinctions.
- He/she is answerable to the parliament on matters of national concern.
- He/she heads the Council of ministers and the government.
- Explain the functions of House of Lords in Britain. (10mks)
- It sits as court of appeal for civil cases that are presided over by the Speaker.
- It facilitates House of Lords or House of Commons in law making
- It initiates routine and non-controversial bills to which he House of Commons has no time to address.
- It can hold bills from House of Common long enough for public approval.
- It questions ministers on activities of the government.
- Can accept, amend or reject bills in collaboration with the House of Commons.
- It debates on the general issues of national policies, interests.
- It checks on the powers of the executive.
- It provides continuity from one parliament to another.
- Outline the five roles of the prime minister in India. 5mks
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