- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer all questions in section A, three from Section B and two from Section C.
- Answers to all the questions must be written legibly in the answer booklet provided.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English
Section A (25 marks)
Answer all questions in this section
- Give one way in which the study of History and Government instills patriotism. (1 mark)
- Identify one source of Kenyan History. (1 mark)
- Which is the largest linguistic group in Kenya? (1 mark)
- Give two social functions of the Orkoiyot of the Nandi. (2 marks)
- State one group that rivaled the Portuguese for the control of the Kenyan Coast in the 16th century. (1 mark)
- Identify one contribution of Johann Krapf to the spread of Christianity in Kenya. (1 mark)
- Mention two types of direct democracy. (2 mark)
- Give one classification of Human Rights. (1 mark)
- State two factors that facilitated the establishment of British rule in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Identify two mandates of Imperial British East Africa Company in the administration of Kenya. (2 marks)
- Give two ways in which the Maasai benefitted from collaborating with the British. (2 marks)
- Give the main reason why poll tax was introduced by the colonial government. (1 mark)
- State two recommendations of the Lyttelton Constitution of 1954. (2 marks)
- Identify two demands made by African Elected Members Organization (AEMO) in 1957. (2 marks)
- Name one category of elected members of the National Assembly in Kenya. (1 mark)
- State the main role of opposition parties in Kenya. (1 mark)
- State two circumstances in which the office County Governor can fall vacant. (2 marks)
Section B (45 marks)
Answer any three questions from this section
- Give five results of the migration and settlement of the Cushites in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Describe the political organization of the Luo during the pre-colonial period. (10 marks)
- State five reasons for the dominance of the Akamba during the Long Distance trade. (5 marks)
- Explain five factors that favoured the development of plantation agriculture at the coast. (10 marks)
- Identify five methods used by the nationalists to fight for independence in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Explain five roles of women in the Mau Mau struggle for independence. (10 marks)
- Mention five challenges faced by the education sector since independence. (5 marks)
- Explain five roles of Harambee philosophy in the economic development of Kenya. (10 marks)
Section C (30 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section
- State three ways of losing Kenyan Citizenship by registration. (3 marks)
- Explain six effects of conflicts in Kenya today. (12 marks)
- Identify three units of the Kenya Police Service. (3 marks)
- Explain six factors that hinder free and fair elections in Kenya. (12 marks)
- Identify three importance of the National Budget in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Explain six functions of the National Government of Kenya. (12 marks)
Section A (25 marks)
- Give one way in which the study of History and Government instills patriotism. (1 mark)
- It enables one to acquire positive attitude towards their country
- It enables one to be a responsible citizen
- It enables one to be loyal to his/her country
- It enables one to develop positive values
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Identify one source of Kenyan History. (1 mark)
- Archaeology/ Paleontology
- Anthropology
- Linguistics
- Oral tradition
- Written sources
- Geology
- Rock paintings/ art
- Genetics
- Electronic sources
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Which is the largest linguistic group in Kenya? (1 mark)
- Bantu
1 point @ 1 mark (1 mark)
- Bantu
- Give two social functions of the Orkoiyot of the Nandi. (2 marks)
- Foretelling the future
- Presiding over religious functions/ was a religious leader
- Blessing warriors
- Rainmaker
- Medicine man
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- State one group that rivaled the Portuguese for the control of the Kenyan Coast in the 16th century. (1 mark)
- Egyptians
- Turks
- Arabs
- Persians
- The British
- Dutch
- French
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Identify one contribution of Johann Krapf to the spread of Christianity in Kenya. (1 mark)
- Johann Krapf built a church in Rabai
- He converted people to Christianity
- He translated the Bible into Kiswahili
- He trained the first catechist who later spread the gospel
- He encouraged other European / missionaries to come to Kenya
- His exploitation of Kenya led to the opening up of the interior for more missionary activities
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Mention two types of direct democracy. (2 mark)
- Referendum
- Plebiscite/Consensus
- Peoples initiative
- Exercise the right to recall a non performing member of parliament
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Give one classification of Human Rights. (1 mark)
- Solidarity rights
- Social, Economic and Cultural rights
- Civil and Political Rights
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- State two factors that facilitated the establishment of British rule in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Some African leaders collaborated with the Europeans e.g. the Wanga.
- Some African rulers were ignorant of the true implication of the protectorate treaties which they signed with the Europeans.
- The British had superior military weapons compared to African communities.
- European missionaries who were already operating in Kenya persuaded some African rulers to accept European rule.
- There was disunity among the Africans.
- Some Kenyan communities had been weakened by internal wars, diseases and slave trade.
- There was financial support from home government
- The discovery of quinine reduced European mortality.
- European traders persuaded their government to acquire African territories which they considered as their commercial spheres.
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Identify two mandates of Imperial British East Africa Company in the administration of Kenya. (2 marks)
- To trade with the local communities/ promoted legitimate trade
- To established administrative posts/ maintained law of order
- To discouraged slave trading
- To provide information about the interior of East Africa
- To build the Uganda Railway
- To secure the British sphere of influence/ promote the spread of Western civilization
- To suppress African resistance against the British
- To pioneer the construction of roads/ improve infrastructure
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Give two ways in which the Maasai benefitted from collaborating with the British. (2 marks)
- The British supported Lenana against Sendeyo in the 1894 succession dispute.
- The Maasai were protected against raids by their neighbours
- Maasai leader/Lenana was made a paramount chief.
- Maasai were rewarded with cattle acquired from un co-operative
- They were employed as mercenaries
- They were given food donations during drought and famine
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Give the main reason why poll tax was introduced by the colonial government. (1 mark)
- To force Africans to work on European settler farms.
1 point @ 1 mark (1 mark)
- To force Africans to work on European settler farms.
- State two recommendations of the Lyttelton Constitution of 1954. (2 marks)
- Creation of a multi-racial council of ministers.
- Elections to be in 1956 -57 in 8 African constituencies.
- Establishment of an advisory council
- Africans be allowed to form district wide political parties
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Identify two demands made by African Elected Members Organization (AEMO) in 1957. (2 marks)
- They demanded for more election of members of the Legislative Council
- They demanded universal suffrage/ franchise
- They demanded for an end to the state of emergency
- They demanded that Kenya highlands to open to all races
- The demanded for the release of political prisoners
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Name one category of elected members of the National Assembly in Kenya. (1 mark)
- Constituency Representatives/Members of Parliament.
- Women Representatives
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- State the main role of opposition parties in Kenya. (1 mark)
- To provide a system of checks and balances to the government of the day in order to guard against excess / to act a check on the actions of the government/put the government on its toes.
1 point @ 1 mark (1 mark)
- To provide a system of checks and balances to the government of the day in order to guard against excess / to act a check on the actions of the government/put the government on its toes.
- State two circumstances in which the office County Governor can fall vacant. (2 marks)
- If the governor dies
- If the governor is impeached
- If the governor resigns
- If the governor is mentally incapacitated /becomes insane
- If the county government is dissolved by the president
- If he/she is convicted of an offence which attracts an imprisonment of at least 12 months
- Due to gross violation of the constitution
- If he/she ceases to be eligible to be elected a County Governor
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
Section B (45 marks)
- Give five results of the migration and settlement of the Cushites in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Their settlement led to increased rivalry and conflict over control of resources
- The Cushites who had been converted to Islam spread the religion into areas where they settled.
- They displaced some communities in areas where they settled like the Pokomo and the Mijikenda from Shungwaya.
- They introduced livestock farming into areas where they settled.
- They intermarried with communities whom they came in contact with
- There was increase in population in areas where they settled.
- There was development of trading activities between them and their neighbours.
- Bantu borrowed some practice like circumcision and age set system.
- Some communities borrowed the art of iron working from them.
- They acquired mixed farming from the Bantu.
- They caused population redistribution in areas they settled
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Describe the political organization of the Luo during the pre-colonial period. (10 marks)
- The family was the lowest political unit and its head was the father referred to as Jaduong
- Several related families formed the clan
- The Luo was a decentralized community as they did not have an overall leader
- There were lineage councils/Buch Dhoot which settled domestic issues
- A council of elders existed in the clan called Doho which was responsible for settling inter family disputes
- Clans were grouped together to form Oganda headed by a chief elder (Ruoth)
- There existed a council of elders/Buch Piny which comprised representatives from each clan and mainly settled inter clan disputes
- There was a class of warriors/Thuondi headed by a leader/Osumba Murwayi and its main responsibility was to defend the community
- Religious leaders e.g. diviners, medicine men, healers and rainmakers influenced their politics
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- Give five results of the migration and settlement of the Cushites in Kenya. (5 marks)
- State five reasons for the dominance of the Akamba during the Long Distance trade. (5 marks)
- The harsh environmental conditions forced them to take part in trading activities.
- Ukambani is centrally located between the coast the interior/proximity to the coast.
- They had much experience in both local and inter-community trade.
- They were skilled hunters and iron workers/availability of trade goods.
- Their leaders e.g. Chief Kivoi encouraged trading activities among his people.
- There was high demand of their commodities.
- Existence of well -established trade or caravan routes
- There existed market for trade goods
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Explain five factors that favoured the development of plantation agriculture at the coast. (10 marks)
- Presence of good climate/plenty of rainfall in the region
- Availability of slave labour
- Availability of unoccupied tracts of land in the mainland/Zanzibar
- Presence of fertile soils that enabled the growth of many crops.
- Availability of export market/high demand of products from East Africa
- Seyyid said encouraged settler farmers from Oman and Zanzibar
- Availability of water transport.
- Seyyid Said’s interest in development of the overall economy of East African possession
- Good deep natural harbours.
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- State five reasons for the dominance of the Akamba during the Long Distance trade. (5 marks)
- Identify five methods used by the nationalists to fight for independence in Kenya. (5 marks)
- They used armed struggle against colonial administration
- They organized strikes and boycotts as means of challenging the colonial power
- They used trade unions to articulate the course of their struggle among the workers
- They used their representations in the Legislative Council who pressurized Britain to grant independence to Kenya
- They formed social organizations and political parties to press for change
- They used mass media to mobilize the people and articulate their grievances
- They used independent churches and schools to sensitize African about their political rights.
- Africans sent petitions and delegations to the governor and the colonial office in Landon/ international
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Explain five roles of women in the Mau Mau struggle for independence. (10 marks)
- They acted as spies/provided intelligence/information to Mau Mau fighters by befriending the home guards/passed information to fighters.
- Some women took up arms/fought alongside men.
- They coordinated supplies/food/weapons/medicines for Mau Mau fighters.
- They encouraged people to join/continue with the struggle.
- They composed/sang songs to mobilize/support/motivate fighters/ridicule collaborators.
- They participated in the administration of oaths which bound the fighters to stay on course.
- They cared/managed the families as men went into the forest to fight.
- They raised funds for supporting political activities.
- They endured pain and suffering inflicted by the colonial government for the sake of liberation.
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- Identify five methods used by the nationalists to fight for independence in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Mention five challenges faced by the education sector since independence. (5 marks)
- Inadequate learning facilities like classrooms and laboratories.
- Lack of enough qualified teachers in some subjects.
- Insufficient funds to adequately remunerate teachers and develop learning facilities.
- High dropout rates in secondary schools due to lack of school fees and early pregnancy for girls.
- Lack of discipline in learning institutions resulting from drug abuse, immorality and other vices.
- High population has led to increased demand for education which the government is unable to tackle.
- HIV/Aids/corona pandemic has claimed many lives of teachers and students.
- Cultural inhibitions as some communities do not see the need of education their children especially the girl child.
- Corruption and mismanagement of learning institutions and embezzlement of funds.
- Political interference in learning institutions
- Frequent changes and revision of the curriculum has affected the continuity in the education system.
- Too many unemployed people with higher education and technical skills discourage the youth from pursuing higher education.
- Examination irregularities
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Explain five roles of Harambee philosophy in the economic development of Kenya. (10 marks) \
- It has promoted a sense of mutual social responsibility, the spirit of working together
- It promoted self-reliance and this has reduced overdependence on foreign aid.
- Has helped in the re-distribution of wealth between the rich and the poor.
- It has supplemented government efforts in funding development projects.
- Expansion of education in the country has been realized
- Development of agriculture has been realized.
- Development of infrastructure like bridges.
- Harambee functions have been used to educate the people on development plans.
- Soil conservation measures were under taken like tree planting and construction of gabions.
- It inculcated hard work among the citizens
- Formation of cooperative societies among Kenyans thus development
- It encouraged Kenyans to engage in income generating activities
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- Mention five challenges faced by the education sector since independence. (5 marks)
Section C (30 marks)
- State three ways of losing Kenyan Citizenship by registration. (3 marks)
- If one receives a jail term for a period of three years or more within five years from the period of registration
- If one has been convicted of treason or an offence with a penalty of at least seven years of imprisonment or more, any time after registration
- If citizenship was obtained through fraud or corruption.
- If one associates with a Kenyan enemy or gives out secrets to an enemy or assists the enemy in any way. Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
- Explain six effects of conflicts in Kenya today. (12 marks)
- It leads to deaths/loss of lives
- It leads to destruction of property
- It leads to displacement of people/refugees
- It leads to a state of insecurity
- It leads to violation of people’s rights and freedoms
- It leads to lack of development in the nation
- It leads to suspicion, fear and bad relations among people
- It leads to widespread human suffering and misery
- It leads to impoverishment of people.
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- State three ways of losing Kenyan Citizenship by registration. (3 marks)
- Identify three units of the Kenya Police Service. (3 marks)
- The Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
- The General Service Unit (GSU)
- The Traffic Police
- The Police Air wing
- The Anti-Narcotics Unit
- Diplomatic police unit
- Dog Unit.
- Kenya Airports Police Unit.
- Marine Police Unit
- The Anti-Stock Theft Unit (ASTU)
Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
- Explain six factors that hinder free and fair elections in Kenya. (12 marks)
- Corruption among electoral officials/other players compromises fairness of the electoral process.
- Inadequate funding
- Election violence during the election period may discourage/turn away potential voters from exercising their democratic right of voting.
- Illiteracy of some voters may make them easily misled when voting/exposes them to the danger of being misled.
- Incompetent election officials can mismanage the process thereby undermining its effectiveness.
- Rigging may interfere with elections where the wrong candidate is declared the winner/right candidate is denied victory.
- Lack/inadequate civic education deny the electorate opportunity to learn about the importance of participating in elections.
- Poor physical infrastructure where some polling stations may be inaccessible and hence denying voters in such areas a chance to vote/poor transport and communication.
- Harassment of voters by supporters of different candidates/parties can prevent voters from voting in certain regions/ exclusive strongholds/zones.
- Electoral equipment like BVR Kits can breakdown during elections thereby slowing down the process.
- External interference
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- Identify three units of the Kenya Police Service. (3 marks)
- Identify three importance of the National Budget in Kenya. (3 marks)
- It enables the government to source for revenue to finance its activities / programs
- To enable prudent use of resources/ avoid wastage
- It enables the government to prioritize development according to the needs in the country
- It creates confidence among donors/foreign countries/ World Bank/IMF who bridge budget deficit
- It helps the government to assess its performance based on set development targets/ the previous year’s performance
- It enhances accountability/ transparency of the government in the eyes of the public / through parliamentary watchdog committees
- It enhances balance in the country’s revenue and expenditure hence avoiding budget deficit
- To enable the government explain to the public the tax structure/ set tax levels
- The government is able to set aside some funds to be used in case of emergencies in the course of the financial year
- To ensure equitable share of resources and balanced development
- To complete already started projects
Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
- Explain six functions of the National Government of Kenya. (12 marks)
- Developing and implementing foreign affairs and foreign policy.
- It handles international trade between Kenya and other countries.
- It controls the use of international waters and water sources.
- It handles matters pertaining to immigration and citizenship.
- Defending the country from external aggression through forming the KDF
- Maintaining internal Security through establishing the National Police Service.
- It formulates national economic policy and planning for national development.
- Providing and maintaining higher education policies and institutions through development of curricular and examinations.
- Developing transport and communication infrastructure e.g. roads, railways,
- Providing health care through formulation of policy and construction and maintenance of national referral hospitals.
- Protecting the environment and national resources.
- Protecting the rights of workers by maintaining labour standards and managing industrial relations.
- It administers justice by establishing and maintaining an independent Judiciary.
- Upholding human rights and freedoms
- Fostering national unity by recognizing diversity Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- Identify three importance of the National Budget in Kenya. (3 marks)
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