- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer all questions in section A, three from Section B and two from Section C.
- Answers to all the questions must be written legibly in the answer booklet provided.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English
Section A (25 marks)
Answer all questions in this section
- State one disadvantage of linguistics as a source of information on history and government. (1 mark)
- Give two ways in which archaeologists locate a pre-historic site. (2 marks)
- Name any two archaeological sites in Ethiopia. (2 marks)
- State one negative effect of land enclosure system in Britain during the 19th century. (1 mark)
- Give the main reason why camel was preferred as the means of transport during the Trans-Saharan trade. (1 mark)
- Name the person who discovered the telescope. (1 mark)
- Identify the system of writing which was used in Mesopotamia. (1 mark)
- State two advantages of wind energy. (2 marks)
- Name any two early urban centers in Africa. (2 marks)
- Give the main reason why the golden stool was important in the Asante Empire. (1 mark)
- Give one reason on how European Nationalism influenced the scramble for Africa. (1 mark)
- Outline two roles of the Emirs in Northern Nigeria during the colonial period. (2 marks)
- Name the Chartered Company that administered Zimbabwe during the process of colonization. (1 mark)
- Outline two roles played by ex-world war soldiers in the growth of Nationalism in Africa after 1945. (2 marks)
- Give two reasons why the United States of America (USA) did not join the First World War until 1917. (2 marks)
- What was the main aim for the formation of League of Nations? (1 mark)
- State any two countries which belonged to the Axis Powers during the Second World War. (2 marks)
Section B (45 marks)
Answer any three questions from this section
- Identify five unwritten sources of information in History. (5 marks)
- Explain five importance of studying History. (10 marks)
- Give five uses of Copper in Africa during the pre-colonial period. (5 marks)
- Discuss five challenges facing industrialization in South Africa (10 marks)
- State five reforms introduced by Germans in Tanganyika after the Maji Maji rebellion (1905-1907). (5 marks)
- Explain five effects of the Lozi collaboration with the British in the late 19th century. (10 marks)
- Give five benefits enjoyed by Assimilated Africans in French West Africa. (5 marks)
- Discuss five reasons why the indirect system succeeded in Northern Nigeria (10 marks)
Section C (30 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section
- Identify three functions of Kabaka in the Buganda Kingdom. (3 marks)
- Describe the political organization of the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (12 marks)
- State three roles played by Kwame Nkrumah during the struggle for independence in Ghana. (3 marks)
- Explain six challenges encountered by Nationalists in Mozambique in the struggle for independence (12 marks)
- State three reasons for the failure of the Von-Schlieffen plan (3 marks)
- Discuss six social effects of the Second World War (1939-1945). (12 marks)
Section A (25 marks)
- State one disadvantage of linguistics as a source of information on history and government. (1 mark)
- Learning a language takes a long period of time.
- Some words can be omitted when translating a language.
- Inaccurate information can be passed when translating a language
- Some words are difficult to understand.
- Some words have become old and irrelevant hence difficult to translate.
- Some languages have similar words for different meanings.
- Borrowing of words into a language has corrupted the present language.
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Give two ways in which archaeologists locate a pre-historic site. (2 marks)
- They look for areas where tectonic forces/ faulting/erosion has taken place exposing surfaces which may give some clues
- They look for areas with unique physical features /using their vision/eyes
- Through historical research and documentation especially when an area is mentioned in oral narrative
- Long experience and skills which enables them to understand what it takes
- During human activities like cultivation and building/ constructions, ancient objects can be accidentally exposed.
- They look for evidence of art paintings
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Name any two archaeological sites in Ethiopia. (2 marks)
- Hadar
- Omo river Valley
- Bodo
- Afar
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- State one negative effect of land enclosure system in Britain during the 19th century. (1 mark)
- It displaced the poor people/landlessness
- It forced people to migrate to urban centres
- It increased pauperism/poverty in Europe
- It made some people to migrate to other countries
- Land became expensive
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Give the main reason why camel was preferred as the means of transport during the Trans-Saharan trade. (1 mark)
- It would withstand harsh climatic conditions
1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- It would withstand harsh climatic conditions
- Name the person who discovered the telescope. (1 mark)
- Galileo Galilei
1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Galileo Galilei
- Identify the system of writing which was used in Mesopotamia. (1 mark)
- Cuneiform
1 point @ 1 mark (1 mark)
- Cuneiform
- State two advantages of wind energy. (2 marks)
- It is cheap
- It is readily available to many places/reliable
- It does not pollute the environment
- It is renewable/cannot be exhausted
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Name any two early urban centers in Africa. (2 marks)
- Kilwa
- Meroe
- Cairo
- Aksum
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Give the main reason why the golden stool was important in the Asante Empire. (1 mark)
- It was a symbol of unity
1 point @ 1 mark (1 mark)
- It was a symbol of unity
- Give one reason on how European Nationalism influenced the scramble for Africa. (1 mark)
- Countries competed to acquire many colonies to prove that they were powerful/jingoism/prestige
- France wanted to restore her past glory after defeat in Franco- Prussian War
- New nations such as Italy and Germany wanted to be equated with the rest of Europe.
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Outline two roles of the Emirs in Northern Nigeria during the colonial period. (2 marks)
- They collected taxes
- They tried cases/settled disputes
- They maintained law and order.
- They recruited labour for public works
- They eliminated practices which were not acceptable to the British.
- Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Name the Chartered Company that administered Zimbabwe during the process of colonization. (1 mark)
- The British South Africa Company
- 1 point @ 1 mark (1 mark)
- Outline two roles played by ex-world war soldiers in the growth of Nationalism in Africa after 1945. (2 marks)
- They applied military skills/tactics acquired to fight the colonialists
- They trained African nationalists in military/fighting skills
- They joined/formed military movements
- They organized/mobilized African nationalists
- They made/serviced the weapons used by the nationalists
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Give two reasons why the United States of America (USA) did not join the First World War until 1917. (2 marks)
- The desire to abide by the Monroe doctrine of 1823 which forbade her from interfering in European affairs.
- She feared a revolt by her citizens of German origin.
- She feared an outbreak of a civil war between Americans of German descent and those of other European nationalities.
- The war had not interfered with USA’s interests until 1917.
- USA was gaining economically from trade with both sides.
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- What was the main aim for the formation of League of Nations? (1 mark)
- To promote/sustain world peace/security
1 point @ 1 mark (1 mark)
- To promote/sustain world peace/security
- State any two countries which belonged to the Axis Powers during the Second World War. (2 marks)
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- Hungary
- Romania
- Bulgaria
- Slovakia
- Croatia
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
Section B (45 marks)
- Identify five unwritten sources of information in History. (5 marks)
- Archaeology / paleontology
- Oral traditions
- Linguistics
- Anthropology
- Genetics / Botany / Zoology / Biology
- Geology
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Explain five importance of studying History. (10 marks)
- To understand our culture as well as others people’s culture.
- Enables us to solve the present problems and in certain cases even predict future.
- It enable us to be critical thinkers
- To know the origin of mankind his development and the progress attained to now
- To appreciate the achievements and failures of mankind in the past and are able to understand the present.
- It provides good and interesting material for reading so we read for pleasure and intellectual fulfillment.
- It enables us in attaining a professional career.
- It instills a sense of patriotism and national pride/ nationalism in an individual/ to develop a sense of belonging.
- The records or data found in history are useful for future reference.
- We learn it to develop a sense of time.
- To understand how man relates and depends on others
- To understand the social economic and political developments of man
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- Identify five unwritten sources of information in History. (5 marks)
- Give five uses of Copper in Africa during the pre-colonial period. (5 marks)
- In making tools like chisels and axes as in Egypt.
- Making utensils and containers like pots and pans.
- Making weapons like daggers and swords.
- As currency/ medium of exchange in the form of copper bars.
- Making ornaments like rings and bangles.
- Making alloys like bronze and brass.
- Making king’s plaques and art work.
- It was a commodity of trade.
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Discuss five challenges facing industrialization in South Africa. (10 marks)
- Imposition of economic sanctions which prevented her from trading with other countries
- The long period of apartheid created un conducive environment for industrialization
- Competition from other developed countries such as western European countries where manufactured goods of better quality than those from South Africa.
- Industrial strikes/demonstrations/boycotts which were organized by trade unions led to closure of some industries
- High levels of poverty which created inadequate market for manufactured goods due to low purchasing power
- Violence/xenophobia/aggression against foreigners has discouraged foreign investors/chased away would be foreign investors
- HIV/AIDS has affected the workforce in industries thereby undermining industrial production
- High incidence of insecurity /criminal activities in South Africa has been caused by unemployment
- Inadequate infrastructure e.g. transport, insurance, communication, and banking
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- Give five uses of Copper in Africa during the pre-colonial period. (5 marks)
- State five reforms introduced by Germans in Tanganyika after the Maji Maji rebellion (1905-1907). (5 marks)
- Communal cotton growing was stopped and Africans were encouraged to plant their own cotton and get profit from it.
- Forced labour for settler farms was abolished.
- Corporal punishment was forbidden and those settlers who mistreated their workers were punished.
- Better educational and medical services for Africans were introduced.
- Africans were involved in administration of the regions as Akidas and Jumbes.
- The new governor censured newspapers that supported settlers against Africans.
- Anew governor who was sympathetic to the cause of the Africans
- A colonial department of German government was formed in 1907 to closely investigate the affairs to German East Africa.
- Extra taxation of Africans was rejected by the new governors.
- Kiswahili was accepted as the official language.
- Colonial administration in Tanganyika was tailored to suit the Africans.
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Explain five effects of the Lozi collaboration with the British in the late 19th century. (10 marks)
- Lewanika received payment of £2000 yearly
- The Lozi lost their independence as the administration was taken over by the British South Africa Company
- The British South Africa Company took over the control of the minerals
- The Lozi land was alienated and given to British settlers
- The Lozi were forced to pay taxes in order to maintain the administration
- The Lozi were forced to work as labourers on settler’s farms
- The Lozi were employed in the civil service
- The British South Africa Company developed infrastructure, education and c in Barotseland Christianity
- The British established their rule peacefully in Northern Rhodesia
- Lewanika was honoured with the title paramount chief until his death
- The British used Barotseland as a base to conquer the neighbouring communities/ they were used to pacify other communities
- The Lozi were protected by the British from external attacks.
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- State five reforms introduced by Germans in Tanganyika after the Maji Maji rebellion (1905-1907). (5 marks)
- Give five benefits enjoyed by Assimilated Africans in French West Africa. (5 marks)
- They were allowed to send representatives to the French Chamber of Deputies.
- They were enfranchised/right to vote like the French people in France.
- They were provided with the same education rights like the French people.
- They enjoyed the rights of the French Judicial System
- They were exempted from forced labour
- They were exempted from arbitrary arrests
- They were exempted from paying taxes
- They were allowed trading rights like the French people in France
- They were allowed to operate Local Authority structures like those in France.
- They were allowed to serve in the French civil service
- The Muslims were allowed to maintain their Islamic law
- They were accorded French citizenship
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
- Discuss five reasons why the indirect system succeeded in Northern Nigeria (10 marks)
- The region had a centralized administration headed by Emirs
- There existed good taxation system based on sharia law
- There existed good judicial system based on sharia law
- There existed an established local army for defence
- An educational system based on Islamic culture
- There existed unity due to Islam
- Use of Hausa as a common language
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- Give five benefits enjoyed by Assimilated Africans in French West Africa. (5 marks)
Section C (30 marks)
- Identify three functions of Kabaka in the Buganda Kingdom. (3 marks)
- He was the head of the government.
- He was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
- He appointed senior officials in the government and dismissed them when need arose.
- He was the supreme judge.
- He was the chief priest i.e. in charge of all religious activities
- He controlled trade.
- He bestowed honours on people who gave exceptional services to the kingdom.
Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
- Describe the political organization of the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (12 marks)
- They had a centralized system of administration
- The empire /kingdom was ruled by an emperor/ king who was both the head of state and the government.
- The office of the emperor was hereditary.
- The emperor was assisted in administration of the empire by people like the queen mother and the head drummer among others
- The empire was divided into provinces which were ruled by lesser kings and were directly answerable to the emperor.
- The vassal states were ruled by chiefs who paid tribute to the emperor.
- The empire had a standing army which was used in defending and expanding the kingdom.
- Religion created unity in the kingdom.
- There existed a royal fire that was kept burning in the emperor’s court as long as the emperor was alive. Each vassal chief carried a flame to his chiefdom and kept it burning as a symbol of unity.
- The emperor controlled trade whose revenue was used to sustain the empire and the army.
- Priests acted as a link between the people and the emperor and acted as spies.
- The emperor was a military leader.
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- Identify three functions of Kabaka in the Buganda Kingdom. (3 marks)
- State three roles played by Kwame Nkrumah during the struggle for independence in Ghana. (3 marks)
- He started a newspaper/ Accra Evening News which articulated African grievances/their plight.
- He formed Conventions Peoples Party (CPP) which mobilized the people against the colonial rule.
- He introduced the party salute/slogan which urged people to support the nationalist cause.
- He held political rallies which sensitized the people.
- He made CPP vibrant/popular.
- He produced the country’s flag
- He led Ghana to independence from Britain.
- He used nonviolent methods like strike, go-slows and boycotts
Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
- Explain six challenges encountered by Nationalists in Mozambique in the struggle for independence (12 marks)
- The negative attitude of the church towards FRELIMO/nationalists limited the support by the faithful.
- Rival competition between FRELIMO and COREMO
- The apartheid administration in South Africa/Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) in Southern Rhodesia helped the Portuguese to fight the nationalists.
- FRELIMO experienced internal division as a result of ideological differences among the leaders.
- The Portuguese applied methods of brutal/cruel methods of suppressing nationalists/arrested/detained/imprisoned/captured/tortured/killed
- There was disunity among the nationalists therefore were unable to forge a common front.
- The Portuguese had strict laws which outlawed political movement thereby forcing nationalists to operate from other countries/Banned political parties.
- The assassination of Eduardo Mondlane demoralized the nationalists.
- Acute shortage of basic needs
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- State three roles played by Kwame Nkrumah during the struggle for independence in Ghana. (3 marks)
- State three reasons for the failure of the Von-Schlieffen plan. (3 marks)
- Russia mobilized her forces faster than expected and this meant that German forces had to be deployed to the Eastern front earlier than anticipated.
- The German invasion of Belgium was not as fast as anticipated as they faced resistance.
- The British entry into the war also contributed to the delay.
- Both sides were evenly matched in terms of weapons than the Germans had thought.
Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
- Discuss six social effects of the Second World War (1939-1945). (12 marks)
- Many people both soldiers and civilians lost their lives during the war.
- It led to widespread suffering/misery as many people were displaced when their homes were destroyed.
- Property was destroyed as bombs were used thereby impoverishing the people.
- It charged the status of women as they were now recognized as able decision makers/leaders of families during the absence of their husbands.
- Displacement of people hence became refugees e.g. the Jews. Slavs and the Poles
- The atomic bombs used against Japan released radioactive substances which affected the lives of many people
- There was high inflation rate hence high cost of living leading to anti- social behaviour
- They myth of European military superiority was destroyed due to the defeat of the British and American forces in the Far East by Japan.
- It led to the spread of infectious diseases like STD’s
- Permanent ill health and shortening of life for the people due to malnutrition.
- It caused psychological and emotional trauma to people
- Development of bitter feelings and mistrust among people and nations
- It led to advancement in the field of surgery
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- State three reasons for the failure of the Von-Schlieffen plan. (3 marks)
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