- Indicate you name and index number at the top right hand corner of each printout.
- Write your name and index number on the CD/Removable provided.
- Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet.
- Answer all the questions
- All questions carry equal marks.
- Passwords should not be used while saving in the CD/Removable provided.
- All answers must be saved in your CD/Removable provided.
- Make a printout of the answers on the answer sheet.
- Arrange your printouts and staple them together.
- Hand in all the printouts and the CD/Removable used.
- This paper consists of 5 printed pages.
- Candidates should check the question papers to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.

- The table in Figure 1 below was captured from a Nia Safi Investments spreadsheet.
- In a new Spreadsheet, enter the information exactly as it appears and save your work as NSI-Task1. (11 marks)
- Enter the table in Figure 2 below from cell A23 in the same spreadsheet. (3 marks)
Rates Of Pay
Day of the Week
Rate (Ksh)
Any other Day
Figure 2 - Using the information in Figure 2 and appropriate cell addresses, type a formula in E4 which you will copy downwards to obtain all the rates of pay in respective cells. (6 marks)
- Copy the formula in part (c) above to obtain all rates of pay. (2 marks)
- Using an appropriate Function, work out the Amounts considering that
Amount = Hours Worked × Rate. (4 marks) - Rename the used spreadsheet as ‘Calculations’. (1 mark)
- Save the work done so far as NSI-Task2. (1 mark)
- Create a duplicate copy of Calculations sheet, hence rename the copy as ‘Subtotals’. (2 marks)
- Using the data Subtotaling feature, work out the totals paid to every worker within the period. (3 marks)
- Create another copy of Calculations Sheet as rename it as ‘Attendance’. (2 marks)
- Replace the information in table from A23 to appear as follows: (2 marks)
Attendance Register
Times Attended
Figure 3 - Using an appropriate function count the Times Attended by each of the employees into the table in Figure 3 above. (3 marks)
- Use a 3-D pie chart to represent the data in Figure 3 above. Apply the following settings: (5 marks)
- Title: Times Attended Chart
- Legend: Placed at the bottom
- Labels: Both Percentages & Values
- Location: As a New Sheet named Pie-Chart.
- Save the final work as NSI-Task3. (1 mark)
- In NSI-Task3, ensure that every worksheet has a header bearing your name, admission number and class. (2 marks)
- From NSI-Task3, print the Calculations, Attendance, Subtotals and Pie-Chart (2 marks)
- Use a DTP software to design the following publication as it is with the following settings:
- paper size = A4
- orientation = Landscape
- page margins = 0.25 inches all around
- Guides: Column 1 Width = 5.2”
Space between Columns = 0.75”
Column 2 Width = 5.2” - File name = ExcellenceBook (6 marks)
- Guides: Column 1 Width = 5.2”
- Design the publication as it appears on the following page on the page you have created and fit all the items within the page. (38 marks)
- Insert your name and admission number as header, then your class and page number as footer. (4 marks)
- Print the publication. (2 marks)
- Use a DTP software to design the following publication as it is with the following settings:

The information contained in this document is to enable the headteacher of the school and the teacher in charge of Computer Studies (451/2) to make adequate preparation for this year’s examination.
Each school offering Computer Studies should ensure that:
- Each candidate is provided with a computer which has:
- a new blank CD-RW (i.e. compact disk re-writable)
- a DVD writing drive
The following software installed:- DTP - MS publisher or PageMaker
- Word processor - MS Word
- Spreadsheet - MS Excel
- Database - MS Access
- Enough computers and fast printers. Two shifts of candidates are recommended.
- Provide IBM compatible computers
- Computer teacher should disable the network and computer related examination in the beginning of each session.

Question One
Part |
Activity |
Max |
Score |
(a) |
Create a workbook and enter data NSI-Task1. |
11mks |
ü Entering all data accurately into a worksheet ü Application of borders to the table ü Merging Row 1 & Row 2 @ 1 ü Logo via Insert shapes ü Correct alignments used ü Wrap Text ü Correctly saved file as NSI-Task1 |
4mks 1mks 2mks 1mks 1mks 1mks 1mks |
(b) |
Table in Figure 2 |
3mks |
ü Merging and centering A23 & B23 ü Bolding, Italicizing @ ½ ü Typing, Alignment @ ½ |
1mk 1mk 1mk |
(c) |
Apply an appropriate formula in E4 which can be copied downward |
6mks |
ü =IF(D4=$A$25,$B$25,IF(D4=$A$26,$B$26,$B$27)) or ü =IF(D4="Saturday",$B$25,IF(D4="Sunday",$B$26,$B$27)) ü Also accept Named Cell references like =IF(D4="Saturday",RATE1,IF(D4="Sunday", RATE2, RATE3)) where there is evidence of Naming Cells to something like RATE1 etc. NOTE: ü Award 2mks for an attempt to use of IF function though with incorrect results ü Award 3mks for correct use of IF function without using absolute reference or named cells |
6mks |
(d) |
Reproducing the formula in E4 |
2mks |
ü Award only if the results are correct |
2mks |
(e) |
Using a function to find Amount = Hours Worked × Rate. |
4mks |
ü =PRODUCT(C4,E4) Note: ü Incorrect use of PRODUCT e.g.=PRODUCT(C4:E4), give 2mks ü Give 0 for =C4 * E4 |
4mks |
(f) |
Renaming the Worksheet |
1mk |
ü Name Changed @ ½ ü Correct Case @ ½ |
½ mk ½ mk |
(g) |
Saving the work as NSI-Task2 |
1mk |
ü Correct File Name ü Correct case |
½ mk ½ mk |
(h) |
Creating a duplicate of Calculations and renaming as Subtototals |
2mks |
ü Worksheet copied ü Name Changed @ ½ ü Correct Case @ ½ |
1mk ½ mk ½ mk |
(i) |
Use of Subtotal feature to find totals paid to every worker. |
3mks |
ü Sorting of table by Name ü Use of subtotal feature ü Correct use of at each change in Name |
1mk 1mk 1mk |
(j) |
Creating a duplicate of Calculations and renaming as Attendance |
2mks |
ü Worksheet copied ü Name Changed @ ½ ü Correct Case @ ½ |
1mk ½ mk ½ mk |
(k) |
Typing table as it is |
2mks |
ü Table typed ü Formats applied (Italic @ ½, Bolding @ ½ ) |
1mk 1mk |
(l) |
Counting Times Attended |
3mks |
ü Use of =COUNTIF($B$4:$B$20,A25) OR =COUNTIF($B$4:$B$20,"Albert") Note: Award fully even if absolute references are not used |
3mks |
(m) |
3-D Pie Chart |
5mks |
Pie Chart Correct Series Labels Title & Legend Location |
1mk 1mk 1mk 1mk 1mk |
(n) |
Saving NSI-Task3 |
1mk |
· Correctly Saved @ ½ · Correct Case @ ½ |
½ mk ½ mk |
(o) |
Inserting headers in every worksheet |
2mks |
· Award ½ x 4 for every header |
2mks |
(p) |
Printing Calculations, Attendance, Subtotals and Pie-Chart |
2mks |
· Printing each worksheet @ ½ x 4 |
2mks |
Part |
Activity |
Max |
Score |
(a) |
Use a DTP software to design the following publication as it is with the following settings: |
6mks |
ü paper size = A4 ü orientation = Landscape ü page margins = 0.25 inches (or 0.64cm) all around ü Guides = Column 1 Width = 5.2”, Space between Columns = 0.75”, Column 2 Width = 5.2” ü File name = ExcellenceBook |
1mk 1mk 1mk 2mks 1mk |
(b) |
Designing the publication |
38mks |
Front Cover Section ü Book Title: Excellence Computer Studies: Correct Shape @ 1mk, Fill Colour @ 1mk, Text Font 1mk, White Font colour @ 1mk ü Computer drawn using shapes (not clipart/photo) ü Correct Callout @ 1mk + text in callout @ 1mk ü Book One: Must be Wordart @ 1mk, Correct Shape @ 1mk, Format @ 1mk ü Rounded Corners shape: Compound Line @ 1mk, Proportionally positioned to enclose all shapes @ 1mk ü Placement of all objects to fit in the section Spine/Middle section ü Correct Font @ 1mk, Font Size @ 1mk, Text Direction @ 1mk ü 2 Hearts @ ½ x 2mk, Correct direction @ 1mk Back Cover Section ü Upper banner @ 1mk, Text in banner @ 1mk, Font @ 1mk ü Shape around volume one @ 1mk, Fill colour 1mk, Text Direction 1mk ü Text in rectangular textbox: Bolding @ ½ mk, Italics @ ½ mk, Bullets @ 1mk, Line Spacing @ 1mk, Shape Compound border @ 1mk ü Bar codes: White box background @ 1mk, Varied thickness @ 1mk, size/neatness @ 1mk ü Ksh. 250 colour @ 1mk ü Enclosing shape border @ 1mk, Fill colour @ 1mk |
4mks 5mks 2mks 3mks 2mks 1mks 3mks 2mks 3mks 3mks 4mks 3mks 1mk 2mks |
(c) |
Insert your name and admission number as header, then your class and page number as footer. |
4mks |
ü Attempt to insert header ü Correct Header ü Attempt to insert footer ü Correct Footer |
1mk 1mk 1mk 1mk |
(d) |
Print the publication. |
2mks |
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