- This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C
- Answer ALL questions in sections A and B and Any TWO questions in section C
- Answer to ALL questions MUST be written in the spaces provided.
SECTION A (30marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section in the spaces provided
- Give four aspects of rainfall that affect agricultural production. (2mks)
- State four factors considered when choosing water pipes for use in the farm. (2mks)
- List down four types of water erosion. (2mks)
- Give three classes of weeds on the basis of growth cycle. (1½mks)
- Define the term pest. (1mk)
- State four reasons why burning of bushes is discouraged as a method of land clearing. (2mks)
- Outline four factors considered when grading tomatoes. (2mks)
- State four problems associated with marketing agricultural produce (2mks)
- Give three maintenance practices carried out on water tanks. (1 ½ mks)
- Give four characteristics of agroforestry trees (2mks)
- Define the following terms. (2 mks)
- Nursery bed
- Seed bed
- Pricking out
- Hardening off
- List four financial documents used in the farm (2mks)
- List down four factors of production. (2mks)
- Name the parts harvested for each of the following crops. (1 ½ mks)
- Onions
- Carrots
- Coffee
- Name four main methods of controlling pests in the farm. (2mks)
- Mention three ways of applying water to crops (1 ½ mks)
- Differentiate between pomoculture and olericulture (1mk)
SECTION B (20 MKS) Answer ALL questions in this section
- A farmer in Kabondo was advised to apply 80 kg of nitrogen to his maize plantation during top dressing. The fertilizer available was calcium ammonium nitrate (20% N) .Calculate the amount of this fertilizer in kilograms the farmer should purchase (2mks)
- At what stage should the farmer top dress his maize crop (1mk)
- State three methods of fertilizer application (3mks)
- The diagram below illustration an investigation on property of soil using samples labeled J,K and L
- If the level of water drained into the test tubes were observed after two hours, name the property of soil being investigated (1mk)
- What is the relationship between this property of soil and the size of soil particles (1mk)
- Which soil sample will be suitable for growing paddy rice ? (1mk)
- Name the type of soil labeled (2mks)
J. …………………
L. …………………
- Study the illustration below of making compost manure and answer the questions that follow.
- Name the method of making compost manure illustrated above. (1mk)
- Name the other method of making compost manure. (1mk)
- State three qualities of well decomposed compost manure. (3mks)
- The following diagrams illustrate two methods of soil sampling.Study them and answer questions that follow .
- What do diagrams A and B represent? (2 marks)
B…………………… - Describe the procedure of soil sampling. (3 marks)
- What do diagrams A and B represent? (2 marks)
SECTION C (40mks) Answer only two questions in this section
- Describe seven cultural or biological methods of soil and water conservation. (7 marks)
- Describe the importances of keeping farm records . (7 marks)
- Explain six objectives of the million acre scheme of land settlements. (6 marks)
- Describe the growing of dry bean seeds under the following sub headings.
- Selection and preparation of planting materials. (3marks)
- Planting. (4marks)
- Weeding. (3marks)
- Describe the environmental conditions that may lead to low crop yields (10 marks)
- Describe the growing of dry bean seeds under the following sub headings.
- Explain seven factors that influence seed rate in crop production. (7mks)
- Outline seven safety precautions observed when using herbicide in the farm. (7mks)
- Explain briefly any six factors that affect the quality of hay a farmer may produce in the farm. (6mks)

- four aspects of rainfall that affect agricultural production. (2mks)
- Rainfall amount
- Rainfall distribution/ pattern
- Rainfall intensity
- Rainfall reliability (4x ½ =2)
- four factors considered when choosing water pipes for use in the farm. (2mks)
- Durability.
- Strength/ability to withstand pressure/thickness of the wall of the pipe.
- Diameter/size of the pipe.Workability/skill available.
- Colour of the pipe.
- Cost (4x ½ =2)
- four types of water erosion. (2mks)
- Splash erosion/rain drop erosion
- Sheet erosion
- Rill erosion
- Gulley erosion (4x ½ =2)
- three classes of weeds on the basis of growth cycle. (1½mks)
- Annual weeds
- Biennial weeds
- Perennial weeds (3x ½ =1 ½ )
- the term pest. (1mk)
- A pest is any living organism that destroys crops directly by causing physical damage or indirectly by introducing pathogens into the plant. (1x1=1)
- four reasons why burning of bushes is discouraged as a method of land clearing. (2mks)
- It destroys soil structure.
- It kills useful soil organisms.
- It destroys organic matter.
- Fire can spread to unintended areas.
- It can lead to volatilization of nutrients i.e. changing of nutrients into gaseous form and escaping to the atmosphere.
- It can lead to soil erosion.
- It can lead to loss of soil moisture. (4x ½ =2)
- four factors considered when grading tomatoes. (2mks)
- Size
- quality
- degree of ripening
- Cleanliness
- Pest and disease damage (4x ½ =2)
- problems associated with marketing agricultural produce (2mks)
- Bulkiness
- High perishability
- Inadequate storage facilities
- Poor infrastructure
- Seasonality
- Inadequate market information (2x1=2mks)
- Give three maintenance practices carried out on water tanks. (1 ½ mks)
- Removing silt settled down
- Fencing around
- Removing trash on the gutters and on the sieve on the lid
- Regular checks on leaks or cracks and repair them (3x ½ =1 ½ )
- State four characteristics of agroforestry trees. (2marks)
- Fast growing
- Good in by product production
- Nitrogen fixing/ leguminous
- Hardy
- Deep rooted (2x1=2mks)
- Definitions (2 mks)
- Nursery bed
- This is any piece of land of any size prepared to raise seedlings until they are ready for transplanting. ½
- Seed bed
- This is a piece of land (large or small) which has prepared to receive the planting materials that are allowed to grow until harvesting ½
- Pricking out
- Removal of overcrowded seedlings from the nursery bed to the seedling bed to avoid competition. ½
- Hardening off
- This is a practice of preparing seedlings to adapt to the ecological conditions prevailing in the seed bed. ½
- Nursery bed
- Financial documents
- Invoice
- Purchase order
- Delivery note
- Receipt
- Statement (2x 1=2)
- Four factors of production. (2mks)
- Land
- Labour
- Capital
- Management (4x ½ =2)
- Parts harvested for each of the following crops. (1 ½ mks)
- Onions – leaves/ bulbs ½
- Carrots - Roots ½
- Coffee – Berries/cherries ½
- Name four main methods of controlling pests in the farm. (2mks)
- cultural methods
- seed quarantine/ legislation
- mechanical/physical methods
- biological method
- chemical method (4x ½ =2)
- Three ways of applying water to crops (1 ½ mks)
- Overhead/ sprinkler irrigation
- Drip/ trickle irrigation
- Surface irrigation
- Sub- surface irrigation (3x ½ =1 ½ )
- Differentiate between pomoculture and olericulture (1mk)
- Pomoculture is the growing of fruits while olericulture is growing of vegetables (1x1=1)
SECTION B (20 MKS) Answer ALL questions in this section
- A farmer in Kabondo was advised to apply 80 kg of nitrogen to his maize plantation during top dressing. The fertilizer available was calcium ammonium nitrate (20% N) .Calculate the amount of this fertilizer in kilograms the farmer should purchase (2mks)
20kg N---- 100kg
80kg N-----? ½
½ 80kgN x 100kg =800 kg ½
20kgN 20- 40kg ½
- At what stage should the farmer top dress his maize crop (1mk)
- When they are knee-high /45cm high (1x1=1)
- Three methods of applying fertilizer (3mks)
- Broadcasting
- Foliar spraying
- Side dressing
- Placement method
- Drip method
- Injection (3x1=3)
- A farmer in Kabondo was advised to apply 80 kg of nitrogen to his maize plantation during top dressing. The fertilizer available was calcium ammonium nitrate (20% N) .Calculate the amount of this fertilizer in kilograms the farmer should purchase (2mks)
- The diagram below illustration an investigation on property of soil using samples labeled J,K and L
- If the level of water drained into the test tubes were observed after two hours, name the property of soil being investigated (1mk)
- Soil Water holding capacity/ Drainage/ Porosity (1x1=1)
- What is the relationship between this property of soil and the size of soil particles (1mk)
- The larger the soil particles, the higher the water holding capacity and vice versa (1x1=1)
- Which soil sample will be suitable for growing paddy rice ? (1mk)
L (1x1=1) - Name the type of soil labeled (2mks)
J. Sandy soil
L. Loam soil (2x1=2)
- If the level of water drained into the test tubes were observed after two hours, name the property of soil being investigated (1mk)
- Study the illustration below of making compost manure and answer the questions that follow.
- Name the method of making compost manure illustrated above. (1mk)
- Indore method /Pit method (1x1=1)
- Name the other method of making compost manure. (1mk)
- Four heap/ stack method. (1x1=1)
- State three qualities of well decomposed compost manure. (3mks)
- Volume of the heap goes down.
- There is no bad smell.
- There is growth of fungi.
- Manure is dark in color.
- Temperature goes down.
- It is moist but not wet. (3x1=3)
- Name the method of making compost manure illustrated above. (1mk)
- The following diagrams illustrate two methods of soil sampling .Study them and answer questions that follow
- What do diagrams A and B represent? (2 marks)
A Traverse method
B Zigzag method (2x1=2) - Describe the procedure of soil sampling. (3 marks)
- Vegetation from the sampling spot is cleared and a vertical cut is made to a depth of 15-25cm for cropland and 5cm for pasture land.
- A slice is taken from the vertical cut using a soil auger or a spade.
- Soil is put in a clean container.
- The steps above are repeated in different spots 15-20 spots. Soil from all the spots is thoroughly mixed dried and crushed.
- A sub-sample (composite) from the mixture is taken for analysis. (3x1=3)
- What do diagrams A and B represent? (2 marks)
SECTION C (40mks) Answer only two questions in this section
- Describe Seven cultural or biological methods of soil and water conservation. (7 marks)
- Grass cover/strips/filter strips- They are uncultivated areas with grass left across the slope/ along the contour
- Cover cropping- This is the practice of growing crops that provide good cover to the soil surface.
- Contour farming- This is where all farming practices e.g. weeding, planting e.t.c. are done along the contours.
- Strip cropping. -This is the practice where crops with poor soil cover are grown in alternate strips with crops with good ground cover along the contour.
- Mulching.- It refers to covering of the soil surface with either organic mulches (e.g. dry grass) or inorganic mulches (e.g. polythene sheets).
- Planting of trees / Agroforestry- It involves: i. Afforestation- planting of trees in an area where they never existed. ii. Reafforestation- planting trees where the previous ones have already been harvested.
- Grassed or vegetated water ways. Grass/vegetation is planted or allowed to grow in water ways.
- Crop rotation- it maintains soil cover for protection against erosion.
- Rotational grazing- allows grass to recover providing a ground cover preventing the soil from soil erosion agents.
- Intercropping- providing a ground cover protecting the soil from soil erosion agents.
- Use of manure/fertilizer promotes vegetative growth which covers the soil against evaporation and erosion.
- Correct spacing- ensures adequate ground cover hence protecting it against soil erosion agents. (7 x 1=7)
- Describe the importance’s of keeping farm records . (7 marks)
- They show the history of the farm.
- They help to determine the value of the farm or to determine assets and liabilities of the farm.
- They are used in income tax assessment to avoid over taxation or under taxation.
- They guide the farmer in planning and budgeting of farm operations.
- They show whether the farm business is making loss or profit. This information may help in getting/ obtaining loan or agricultural credit.
- They make it easy to share profits and losses in partnerships.
- They help to settle disputes among heirs/inheritors when a farmer dies without leaving a will
- They help to detect losses or theft in the farm
- They help to support insurance claims on death, theft and fire of farm assets.
- They provide labor information like terminal benefits e.g. NSSF dues.
- They are used to compare the performance of different enterprises within the farm or other farms
- Explain six objectives of the million acre scheme of land settlements. (6 marks)
- To transfer land from white settlers/ Europeans to Africans to enable the Africans own land.
- To settle the landless by transferring the landless/ squatters to new land allocation.
- To reduce population pressure in the African reserves/ land by transferring people from overpopulated areas to sparsely populated areas.
- To create employment by working on the farm given to produce crops and keep livestock.
- To make use of the underutilized/ idle land thus increasing production.
- To increase agricultural production through better methods of land utilization.
- To maintain production levels achieved by former white settlers and also earn foreign exchange from the sale of cash crops. (6x1=6)
- Describe Seven cultural or biological methods of soil and water conservation. (7 marks)
- Describe the growing of dry bean seeds under the following sub headings.
- Selection and preparation of planting materials. (3marks)
- Select varieties suitable to the ecological conditions of the area.
- Obtain certified seeds.
- Select dry mature seeds.
- Select seeds that are free from physical damage and wrinkles.
- Dress seeds with appropriate chemicals to control soil borne pests and diseases.
- Inoculate the seeds with the correct inoculant. (3x1=3)
- Planting. (4marks)
- Plant at the onset of rains/carry out timely planting/ plant when soil has enough moisture.
- Make shallow furrows/ holes at appropriate spacing and depth using appropriate tool.
- Apply phosphatic fertilizers along the furrows at appropriate rate and mix with soil.
- Drop seeds singly along the furrows and cover with soil.
- Place 2 or 3 seeds per hole and cover up using soil. (4x1=4)
- Weeding. (3marks)
- done using simple hand tools or selective herbicides to reduce competition for moisture, nutrients and space
- Carry out shallow weeding to avoid root damage.
- Avoid weeding during flowering to prevent knocking down the flowers.
- Carry out weeding when it dry to avoid spread of diseases. (3x1=3)
- Selection and preparation of planting materials. (3marks)
- Describe the environmental conditions that may lead to low crop yields (10 marks)
- Poor soil fertility due to lack of manure and fertilizer application.
- Less rainfall/ unreliable rainfall leading to lack of water in crops.
- Too much rainfall leading to water logging/ poor drainage/ poor aeration.
- Poor soil type leading to water logging/ excess leaching.
- Inappropriate topography which may limit crop growth.
- Inappropriate pH/ poor soil pH which affects crop growth, causes fixation of nutrients (change into non-absorbable form).
- Pest attack which lowers the photosynthetic area, destroys crop or creates wounds for secondary infection.
- Poor weed control leading to competition for resources and space.
- Too high/ too low/ inappropriate temperature which lowers the quality of crops and increase incidences of diseases.
- Excess wind which increases the rate of evapotranspiration and lodging of crops.
- Inappropriate humidity which increases the incidences of diseases and pests.
- Extreme light intensity which may lower the rate of photosynthesis.
- Hailstorms which destroy crops. (10x1=10)
- Describe the growing of dry bean seeds under the following sub headings.
- Explain seven factors that influence seed rate in crop production. (6mks)
- Seed purity- when planting pure seeds, less seed rate is required.
- Germination percentage- less seed rate is required when germination percentage is higher.
- Method of planting- broadcasting method require higher seed rate than row planting
- Spacing- Closer spacing requires higher seed rate than wider spacing.
- Number of seeds per hole- Two or more seeds per hole require a higher seed rate than one seed per hole.
- Purpose/intended use of the cropCrops used as fodder are closely spaced hence require higher seed rate. (Stating ½ ,explaining ½ )
- Outline seven safety precautions observed when using herbicide in the farm. (8mks)
- Read the manufacturer’s instructions and follow them.
- The user should wear protective clothing e.g. overall, breathing mask, gloves and boots.
- Avoid inhaling the herbicide (by not spraying against wind, not smoking while spraying and wearing a breathing mask).
- The user must not blow or suck blocked nozzles.
- The user must bath thoroughly after handling chemicals and not to eat before bathing.
- The user should avoid herbicide drift to unintended crops by avoiding spraying on windy days. 7. Avoid drift of chemicals to animal feeds and water.
- The user should avoid spilling herbicides in places which are unintended and where they may cause danger to animals e.g. pastures and fodder crops.
- Any left-overs and empty containers must be disposed off properly by burying them.
- Avoid throwing the empty containers in gardens, bushes or in pastures.
- Spraying equipment must not be washed in water sources which are used by animals and humans.
- All chemicals must be stored in safe places out of reach of children and away from food.
- Explain briefly any six factors that affect the quality of hay a farmer may produce in the farm. (6mks)
- Forage species used- plant species with high nutrient make high quality hay.
- Stage of growth at harvesting time/defoliation- cut when 50% of crop has flowered to ensure high quality hay.
- Length of drying period-rapid drying ensures high quality hay.
- Weather conditions during the drying period- dry hay when weather is sunny and dry to maintain the quality.
- Duration of storage- long storage lowers the quality of hay.
- Pest and disease attack on the crop- avoid using pest and disease infested plants to ensure high quality hay.
- Method of storage- store in dry shed to avoid decomposition by rain water. (6x1=6)
- Explain seven factors that influence seed rate in crop production. (6mks)
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