- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer all questions in section A, three questions in section B and two questions in section C

Answer all questions in this section
- Identify one limitation that hinders use of electronic sources to get historical data. (1mark)
- Give two major cultural developments by man towards the end of new Stone Age. (2marks)
- State two changes that marked Agrarian Revolution in Britain (2marks)
- State one advantage of using steel over iron during the Industrial Revolution in Europe (1mark)
- State two advantages of using airplanes over the ship as a means of transport. (2marks)
- Identify one form of picture writing during the early civilizations. (1mark)
- State two uses of water as an early source of energy in industries. (2marks)
- Identify two factors that led to the decline of Kilwa (2marks)
- State one way through which trade contributed to the rise of Asante Empire during the 19th century. (1mark)
- Identify one way through which Europeans maintained peace among themselves during partition of Africa. (1mark)
- .State two factors that facilitated application of indirect rule in the Northern Nigeria. (2marks)
- Give two resolutions of the Berlin conference of 1884 -1885 (1 mark)
- Identify two ways in which SamoriTouré acquired fire arms during the Mandinka Resistance. (2 marks)
- State one reason why USA did not join the First World War until 1917. (1 mark)
- Name the principal judicial organ of the United Nations Organization. (1 mark)
- Give two principles of Arusha Declaration of 1967 in Tanzania. (2 marks)
- Give one weapon used during the cold war. (1mark)
Answer any three questions in this section
- State five ways in which the development of the upright posture improved the early man’s way of life. (5marks)
- Describe the cultural and Economic practices of the early man during the Middle Stone Age Period. (10marks)
- Give five methods used to acquire slaves from West Africa during the Trans-Atlantic trade. (5marks)
- Explain five factors that led to the decline of the Trans-Saharan trade. (10marks)
- Give 3 causes of army mutiny in Democratic Republic of Congo in 1960. (3marks)
- Explain six reasons why the Lozi collaborated with the British during colonization of Africa (12marks)
- Give five reasons that encouraged nationalist in Mozambique to use armed struggle to attain independence. (5marks)
- Why did the French system of assimilation fail in the area outside the communes of Senegal (10mks)
Answer any two questions in this section
- State three reasons for the failure of Schlieffen plan during First World War. (3marks)
- Explain six reasons for the Allies Victory during Second World War. (12marks)
- State three conditions that gave rise to the Non-Aligned movement. (3 marks)
- Explain six challenges of the Non-Aligned movement. (12marks)
- Name three types of federal courts in USA (3marks)
- What are the duties of the Prime Minister in Britain (12 marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section
- Identify one limitation that hinder use of electronic sources to get historical data.
- Cannot be used in areas without electricity.
- They are expensive to obtain and use
- Some require experts. (1x1 = 1 mk)
- Give two major cultural developments by man towards the end of new Stone Age.
- Religion.
- Government. (2x1 = 2mks)
- State two changes that marked Agrarian Revolution in Britain (2x1 = 2mks)
- mechanization of agriculture
- development of plantation agriculture
- adoption of land enclosure system
- abolition of fallows
- application of scientific principles of farming
- State one advantage of using steel over iron during industrial Revolution in Europe
- Steel was ligher
- Steel was more flexible
- Steel was stronger
- It was harder
- It could not rust (1x1 = 1mk)
- State two advantages of using aeroplanes over the ship as a means of transport.
- Aeroplane is a faster means of transport.
- Aeroplane can access remote regions of the world. (2x1= 2mks)
- Identify one form of picture writing during the early civilization.
- Hieroglyphics.
- Cuneiform (1x1=1mk)
- State two uses of water as an early source of energy in industries.
- Cooling machines.
- Mixing chemicals.
- to turn spinning machines in texture industries.
- Grinding grains into flour (2x1=2mks)
- Identify two factors that led to the decline of Kilwa
- Disruption of the gold trade due to civil wars
- Dynastic rivalries caused by the competition for power by some royal families.
- Constant rebellion by vassal states weakened the city states.
- Attack, conquest and eventual occupation by the Portuguese. (2x1=2mks)
- State one way through which trade contributed to the rise of Asante Empire during the 19th century.
- Were able to acquire weapons. (1x1=1mk)
- Identify one way through which Europeans maintained peace among themselves during partition of African.
- Calling Berlin conference
- Signing treaties among themselves (1x1=1mk)
- State two factors that facilitated application of indirect rule in the Northern Nigeria.
- linguistic unity
- Existence of centralized administration.
- Taxation system. (2x1=2mks)
- Give two resolutions of the berlin conference of 1884-85
- Congo river was declared free for navigation by ships of all the represented nations
- Congo basin was declared neutral area in case of war
- Religion toleration was to be observed in the Congo basin,
- Doctrine of effective occupation was draw, which required maintenance of occupation army in the claimed area and the occupier power to inform other signatories of the Berlin Act. Any 2x1 = 2 marks
- Identify two ways in which Samori Toure acquired fire arms during the Mandinka Resistance. (2marks)
- By manufacturing locally
- From organized raids on enemies
- By trading with the British. Any 2 x 1 = 2mks
- State one reason why USA did not join the First World War until 1917.
- The war had not interfered with her interests until then.
- She was a trading partner with majority of the European countries.
- There were people of German origin in USA. She was therefore afraid that the war could be fought on her soil.
- The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 of non-involvement with European affairs. (1x1=1mk)
- Name the principal judicial organ of the United Nations Organization.
- International court of justice. (1x1=1mks)
- State two provisions contained in the Arusha declaration document adopted by Tanzania in 1967.
- Emphasized self-reliance
- Creation of ujamaa (socialism)
- Avoidance of discrimination of all forms based on class, wealth status, sex and religion.
- Nationalization putting the control of production in the hands of the indigenous people. (2 x 1 = 2 mks)
- Give one weapons used during the cold war.
- Economic sanction
- Propaganda
- Boycotts
- Policy on non-cooperation
- Economic and military alliance
- state five ways in which the development of the upright posture improved the early man’s way of life.
- The early man was able to move/walk/run faster with long strides;
- Man could use the hands to carry out farming activities;
- Man could use the hands to grasp items conveniently;
- Man could spot/sight the animals/wild fruits which he used to hunt/gather from fardistances;
- Man could see the impending danger from a distance and take appropriate measures;
- Man used hands to make tools/ weapons which were used for different purposes.
- Man used the hands to defend himself/attack the enemies.
- Man used the hands to perform/carry out domestic chores/young ones.Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- Describe the cultural and Economic practices of the early man during the Middle Stone Age Period
- His occupation was hunting, gathering and fishing.
- He improved his tools.
- Lived settled life in rocks and caves.
- wore animal skins as clothes.
- made shells and necklaces and painted his body with red ochre and oil.
- Developed simple language for communication and religious beliefs . (5x2=10mks)
- state five ways in which the development of the upright posture improved the early man’s way of life.
- Give five methods used to acquire slaves from West Africa during the Trans-Atlantic trade.
- Slaves were exchanged for European manufactured goods.
- Prisoners of war who had been captured during local wars were sold to slave dealers.
- Slave traders kidnapped lonely travelers.
- Some local rulers sold their own subjects to the slave dealers.
- Slaves were obtained through raids.
- Some people were enticed and eventually sold into slavery.
- Debtors were sold to slave traders / panyering. (5 x 1 = 5mks)
- Explain five factors that led to the decline of the Trans-Saharan trade.
- Competition from Trans-Atlantic trade.
- The tuaregs changed their roles to offer security to being robbers
- Penetration of the Europeans into the interior of west Africa killing the middlemen
- Increased insecurity in western Sudan in 1590ADdue to invasion of morocco.
- Exhaustion of trade items like gold and salt.
- Decline of some kingdoms like Mali and Songhai.
- Anti-slave campaigns led to abolition of the trade.
- Invasion of morocco by Iberian countries (Spain and Portugal) who blocked goods from the ports led to the decline. (5x2=10mks)
- Give five methods used to acquire slaves from West Africa during the Trans-Atlantic trade.
- Give 3 causes of army mutiny in Democratic Republic of Congo in 1960.
- An end to the domination of the army and government by senior Belgian officers at the expense of this Congolese.
- Replacement of the Belgium officers with the Congolese.
- An end to discrimination in job allocation out grading, especially in the army. (3x1=3mks)
- Explain reasons why Lozi collaborated with the British during colonization of Africa
- Lewanika collaborated with the British in order to protect his kingdom against the Germans and Portuguese invasion/Europeans enemies
- Lewanika desired western education and civilization and wanted the British to introduce it in his country wanted his son to be educated.
- In order to preserve the economy structure of his people.
- Desire for the promotion of trade between Britain and his people.
- He was influenced by European missionaries.
- Lewanika wanted protection against his internal enemies e.g 1884 lewanika faced an internal rebellion/safeguard his position.
- Lewanika was encouraged to collaborate with British by king khama of gwato who had already sought British protection against the Boers.
- He wanted protection from Shona and Ndebele/African enemies.
- Lewanika saw futility of resisting a strong power like Britain so he chose to collaborate.
- Give 3 causes of army mutiny in Democratic Republic of Congo in 1960.
- Give five reasons that encouraged nationalist in Mozambique to use armed struggle to attain independence.
- Portugal refused to listen to the grievances of the Africans.
- Nationalist were trained in fighting skills.
- Nationalist were supported and encouraged by communist countries.
- They were inspired by MauMau freedom fighters.
- The country was forested and conducive for guerrilla warfare.
- They composed songs / poems to attack colonialism.
- The United Nations(UN) denounced colonialism thus boosting the morale of the nationalist.
- The liberation committee of the organization of the African unity /Tanzania and other(O.A.U) Members supported the Nationalist with finance and weapons. (5x1=5mks)
- why the French system of assimilation fail in the area outside the communes of Senegal
- Rigid cultures among west African people
- Traditional African rulers who did not want to lose their authority and influence over assimilated people.
- French people feared to be outnumbered in French chamber of deputies.
- The vastness of the French colonies made it difficult to supervise the implementation of the policy of assimilation /inadequate personnel.
- The people who had been converted Islam resisted the French attempted to convert them to Christianity.
- There was opposition by French traders in west Africa who feared competition from assimilated Africans.
- It was opposed by the imperialist who did not want African to be equal to Frenchmen.
- The French government found it expensive to implement the policy because it required building many school and employing teachers.
- Give five reasons that encouraged nationalist in Mozambique to use armed struggle to attain independence.
- State three reasons for the failure of Schlieffen plan during first world war.
- Russia mobilized her forces faster than expected thus Germany was forced to deploy her forces to Eastern front.
- German invasion of Belgium did not go as fast as anticipated.
- Both sides were more evenly matched than German thought.
- Britain entry into the war also contributed into the delay (3x1 = 3 mks)
- Explain six reasons for the Allies Victory during Second World War.
- They had many supporters hence large army
- Germany's failure to effectively control her expansive conquered territories created division.
- When US recovered from her losses, she reamed herself and attacked Germany.
- The USA entry into the war boosted the Allies.
- Allied forces possessed the most superior weapons.
- Axis powers suffered from a shortage of raw materials that could sustain their military and Economy.
- The Axis powers made serious tactical mistakes i.e. Japan and Germany.
- Allies powers were boosted by Britain involving her empires in the war i.e. in Africa and Asia. ( 2 x 6 = 12mks)
- State three reasons for the failure of Schlieffen plan during first world war.
- State three conditions that gave rise to the Non-Aligned movement.
- The fear and threats of super power interference with the sovereignty of neutral states.
- The necessity to form a united front to resist the U.S.A or Soviet Union dominance.
- The need for independent states to form a United movement to tackle international and regional issues. ( 3 x 1 = 3mks
- Explain six challenges of the Non-Aligned movement.
- The super powers continued to interfere in the affairs of member states.
- Frequent boarder disputes between member states.
- Allegiance to regional bloc organizations e.g. common wealth A.U. e.t.c
- Pronounced civil and millitary unrest, war and coups in several member states.
- Lack of effective secretariat and executive mechanism to co-ordinate its affairs.
- Economic constraints that caused high poverty ratio.
- Personality differences of leaders.
- The end of the cold war following the breakup of communist activities of the movement.(6x 2 = 12mks)
- The super powers continued to interfere in the affairs of member states.
- State three conditions that gave rise to the Non-Aligned movement.
- Name three types of federal courts in USA
- supreme courts
- court of appeal
- federal district courts.
- court of claims
- circuit courts
- court of customs. (3x1=3mks)
- What are the duties of the Prime Minister in Britain
- Appoint/dismisses ministers with the consent of the Monarch.
- Recommends to the monarch the appointment of high ranking officers in governments/awards civil honors
- Chairs cabinets meetings.
- Settles disputes between various government ministers/departments.
- Overseas the implementation of cabinet decisions.
- The prime minister with the support of parliament can change, amend and repeal laws.
- Lead the house of commons.
- Heads the goverments.
- Represents the country in international forums.
- Determines when elections are held
- He/she is the leader of the party that nominated him /her. ( 6x2=12mks)
- Name three types of federal courts in USA
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