- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer all questions in section A, three questions in section B and two questions in section

Answer all questions in this section.
- Define the term pre-history. (1mk)
- Identify two sub-groups among the Ameru. (2mks)
- Identify two natural factors that caused the Abagusii to migrate from mount Elgon region to their present homeland. (2mks)
- What was the main role of the Kallu among the Cushite during the pre-colonial period. (1mk)
- Name two early visitors to the East Africa coast up to 1500AD. (2mks)
- .Mention one contribution made by Ludwig Krapf in the spread of Christianity. (1mk)
- State two ways through which citizenship by birth is attained. (2mks)
- Identify one cause of conflicts in Kenya. (1mk)
- .State two advantages of written constitution. (2mks)
- Identify two ways in which the results of collaboration of the Maasai with the British were similar to that of Wanga. (2mks)
- State two grievances raised by the Asians that were addressed by the Devonshire white paper of 1923. (2mks)
- State one main outcome of second Lancaster conference of 1962. (1mk)
- Mention one role of Daniel Arap Moi in the struggle for independence. (1mk)
- What is the main function of parliament in Kenya. (1mk)
- State two features of African socialism in Kenya (2mks)
- .State one way in which poor leadership affects sporting activities in Kenya. (1mk)
- State one way in which the government of Kenya ensures effective utilization of public funds. (1mk)
Answer any three questions in this section.
- State any three Luo groups which migrated into Kenya. (3mks)
- Describe the political organization of the Luo in the 19th century. (12mks)
- Give three factors which contributed to the development of trade between the Kenyan coast and the outside world by the 16th century. (3mks)
- Explain six factors that led to the decline of the Portuguese rule over the Kenyan coast in the 19th century. (12mks)
- Identify three leaders of the East Africa association. (3mks)
- Explain six grievances of Africans which were advanced by the East Africa association. (12mks)
- State three challenges that hinder government efforts to eradicate illiteracy in Kenya. (3mks)
- Describe six factors that have influenced industrialization in Kenya since independence. (12mks)
Answer any two questions in this section.
- State three reasons why elections are regularly held in Kenya. (3mks)
- Describe the process of law-making in Kenya. (12mks)
- State three objectives of devolved government. (3mks)
- Explain six functions of the county government. (12mks)
- Outline the composition of the judicial service commission. (3mks)
- Explain six challenges facing the judiciary in Kenya. (12mks)

Answer all questions in this section.
- Define the term pre-history.
- It is the study of the past human activities before the invention of writing/study of unrecorded past human activities. 1x1=1mk
- Identify two sub-groups among the Ameru.
- Igembe
- chuka
- Tigania
- Mwimbi
- Tharaka
- Imenti any2x1=2mks
- Identify two natural factors that caused the Abagusii to migrate from mount Elgon region to their present homeland.
- Due to famine.
- Due to disease.
- Due to drought.
Any 2x1=2mks
- What was the main role of the Kallu among the cushites during the pre-colonial period.
- To solve inter-clan conflicts. 1x1=1mk
- Name two early visitors to the East Africa coast up to 1500AD.
- Greeks *Chinese *Phoenicians
- Romans *Persians *Arabs 2x2=2mks
- Mention one contribution made by Ludwig Krapf in the spread of Christianity.
- He converted people to Christianity.
- He built a church at Rabai. 1x1=1mk
- State two ways through which citizenship by birth is attained.
- if the mother /father is a Kenyan citizen at time of birth.
- A child found in Kenya who is gauged to be less than eight year of age and whose nationality and parents are not known.
- A former Kenyan citizen by birth who applies to regain citizenship. Any 2x1=2mks
- .Identify one cause of conflicts in Kenya.
- Unequal allocation of economic resources.
- Disputes over natural resources e.g. Water, land and pastures.
- Differences between employees and employers.
- Differences over trading policies. Any 1x1=1mk
- State two advantages of written constitution.
- It is readily available for reference.
- It is not easily tampered with as the process for its amendment is clearly spelt out.
- It addresses issues clearly and categorically. Any 2x1=2mks
- .Identify two ways in which the results of collaboration of the Maasai with the British were similar to that of Wanga.
- The British recognized their leaders.
- Both communities were lost their independence later.
- The people of both communities were hired as mercenaries.
- Both communities got material gains. Any 2x1=2mks
- State two grievances raised by the Asians that were addressed by the Devonshire white paper of 1923.
- They demanded a greater share in the colonial government affairs.
- Equal rights with the whites.
- Inclusion in the Kenyan highlands.
- Ban on their restrictions on immigration.
- An end to racial segregation and political injustices. Any 2x1=2mks
- State the main reason why the second Lancaster conference was held in1962.
- To come up with a constitution for independent Kenya. Any1x1=1mk
- .Mention one role of Daniel Arap Moi in the struggle for independence.
- He was a member of the legCo representing the Rift valley.
- He helped to form politicial party independence.
- He participated in the Lancaster house conference.
- He joined others African elected members and formed the AEMO.
Any 1x1=1mk
- What is the main function of parliament in Kenya.
- To make and amend laws. Any 1x1=1mk
- State two features of African socialism in Kenya.
- Political democracy.
- Mutual social responsibility.
- Various forms of ownership.
- Progressive taxation.
- Diffusion of ownership. Any2x1=2mks
- State one way in which poor leadership affects sporting activities in Kenya.
- Constant wrangling in leadership leads to negligence of duty.
- Mismanagement of funds.
- Demoralisation of sportsmen and women.
- Discrimination of teams. Any 1x1 =1mk
- State one way in which the government of Kenya ensures effective utilization of public funds.
- It budgets for funds.
- It undertakes regular audits.
- It investigates corrupt officers.
- It procures goods through open tendering.
- It approves public funds. 1x1=1mk
Answer any three questions in this section.
- State any three Luo groups which migrated into Kenya.
- Joka –jok. *joka-omolo
- joka-owiny *Luo-abasuba. Any 1x3mks
- Describe the political organization of the Luo in the 19th century.
- The Luo were a decentralized community as they did not have an overall leader.
- The family was the lowest unit and its head was the father who was referred to as jaduong.
- Several related families formed a clan.
- A council of elders existed in the clan which was responsible for settling interfamily disputes called doho.
- Clans were grouped together to form Ogando headed by a chief elder (Routh/Gweng).
- There existed a class of warriors(Thuondi) headed by a war leader (Osumba mrwayi) and its main responsibility was to defend the community.
- Religious leaders e.g diviners, medicine men, healers, rainmakers influenced their politics.
- There existed a council of elders (Buch piny) which comprised of representatives from each clan and mainly settled inter-clan disputes. 6x2=12mks
- State any three Luo groups which migrated into Kenya.
- Give three factors which contributed to the development of trade between the Kenyan coast and outside world by the 16th century.
- The availability of trade items.
- The demand for trade goods.
- The existence of enterprising merchants.
- The accessibility of the coast by sea.
- there was political stability.
- the existence of natural harbours
- occurrence of monsoon winds. Any 3x1= 3mks
- Explain six factors that led to the decline of the Portuguese rule over the Kenyan coast in the 19th century.
- The decline of the Indian ocean trade denied them revenue.
- Portuguese officials were corrupt and pocketed funds which would be used to manage the empire.
- Constant rebellions against the Portuguese weakened their control.
- The Portuguese faced stiff competition from the British and Dutch which reduced their profits.
- The Portuguese had inadequate personnel to effectively manage the extensive coast.
- Portugal lacked enough capital to pay administrators at the coast and this demoralized them.
- The Portuguese at the coast were attacked by Wazimba and tis reduced their population.
- Portugal was forcefully united with Spain and this reduced their autonomy. Any 2x6=12mks
- Give three factors which contributed to the development of trade between the Kenyan coast and outside world by the 16th century.
- Identify three leaders of the East Africa association.
- Harry Thuku *Abdallah Tairara.
- Jesse kariuki. *James njoroge.
- Job muchuchu. Any 3x1=3mks
- Explain six grievances of Africans which were advanced by the East Africa association.
- They demanded the return of their alienated land.
- They demanded for the abolition of the kipande system.
- They demanded abolishment of hut tax.
- They demanded for the abolition of forced labour.
- They demanded for more education for Africans.
- They demanded for the revocation of colonial status.
- They demanded that elections to the legislative council be on common roll.
- They demanded for better working and living conditions. 6x2=12mks
- Identify three leaders of the East Africa association.
- State three challenges that hinder government efforts to eradicate illiteracy in Kenya.
- Traditional/cultural beliefs in some communities discourage people from schooling.
- Lack of enough schools/ inadequate educational facilities has made education inaccessible in some areas.
- High poverty levels in the society has made education unaffordable.
- Misconceptions that one can succeed without education.
- Nomadic way of life in some communities has hampered provision of education.
- Negative attitude towards adults education programs has resulted in low enrolment.
- Insecurity in some regions. Any 1x3=3mks
- Describe six factors that have influenced industrialization in Kenya since independence.
- The availability of modern sources of energy has enabled the establishment of more industries which process different products.
- Availability of both the skilled /unskilled labour from large population provides the work-force needed in industries.
- Good transport and communication have created a viable environment for industrial development.
- The agriculturally rich country provides raw materials required in the processing of various products.
- The existence of minerals resources has given rise to industries which process them inti finished products.
- The existence of both natural and man-made forests has promoted the development for furniture industries in many parts of the country.
- Government initiatives through creation of trade, commerce and industry.
- Availability of water resources rich in fish has given rise to fish processing industries in the country. Any 2x6=12mks
- State three challenges that hinder government efforts to eradicate illiteracy in Kenya.
Answer any two questions in this section.
- State three reasons why elections are regularly held in Kenya.
- It is a constitutional requirement.
- To give Kenyans a chance to exercise their democratic rights.
- To give Kenyans a chance to choose leaders they can trust.
- To keep leaders on their toes as they can be voted out.
- It brings in new blood and ideas in parliament. Any 3x1=3mks
- Describe the process of law-making in Kenya.
- Draft stage-the Attorney General has the duty to draft the details of the proposed legislation.
- First reading-bill is presented to the parliament and no debate takes place.
- Second reading- bill debated upon, amendments can be made on it, can be rejected or its discussions postponed.
- committee stage-bill is studied by a committee and re-written to include any suggestions made during second reading.
- Report stage- reporting of the amended bill to the whole house.
- Third reading- further debate is allowed and new amendments to the bills could be made/voting takes place.
- Presidential assent-the president signs the bill to become an act of parliament.
- It is then published in the Kenya gazette for public knowledge and awareness.
- State three reasons why elections are regularly held in Kenya.
- State three objectives of devolved government.
- To promote democratic and accountable exercise of power.
- To give powers of self- governance to the people and enhance the participation of the people in exercise of powers of the state and in making decisions affecting them.
- To foster national unity by recognizing diversity.
- To protect the rights and interests of minorities and marginalized groups. Any 1x3=3mks
- Explain six functions of the county governments in Kenya.
- Development of agriculture in areas of crop production and animal through plant and animal disease control, provision of livestock sale yards.
- Development of fisheries through regulation of fishing and fishing activities and promotion of fish farming.
- provision of health services through construction of county health facilitieseg.pharmacies ,provision of ambulance services etc.
- Promotion of public health through provision of refuse removal ,refuse dumps and solid waste.
- Environmental management through control of air, water and noise pollution and other nuisances and outdoor advertising.
- Provision of recreational facilities such as; sports stadia ,county parks, beaches ,hall. Libraries and museums.
- provision and management of pre-primary education, vocational education. Polytechnics.
- Regulation and development of trading activities through provision of trade licences, markets and trade fairs. Any 2x6=12mks
- State three objectives of devolved government.
- Outline the composition of the judicial service commission.
- The chief justice.
- One supreme court judge.
- One court of appeal judge.
- One high court judge.
- One magistrate.
- The Attorney General.
- Two advocate –one a woman and one man.
- One person nominated by the public service commission.
- One woman and one man to represent the public.
- The chief registrar of the judiciary is the secretary. Any 5x1=5mks
- Explain six challenges facing the judiciary in Kenya.
- Inadequate personnel, leading to delays in the administration of justice and a backlog of cases.
- External interference in the judicial process by other influential personalities.
- Corruption in the court of law which results into unfair rulings.
- Low level of public awareness on their rights and legal procedures.
- High court fees which limit public access to the courts.
- Poor terms of service and working conditions of some members of the judiciary makes them to administer justice.
- Shortage of equipment and facilities e.g. computers and office space hinder the efficient administration of justice. Any 2x6=12mks
- Outline the composition of the judicial service commission.
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