- This paper has two sections A and B.
- Answer All questions in section A.
- In section B, Answer question six and any other two questions.

- Apart from oil, name two other non- renewable sources of energy. ( 2 mks)
- State three ways in which Kenya can reduce the use of petroleum as source of energy.
- Give two similarities in function between Nairobi and New-york city. ( 2mks)
- Identify three function zones of an ideal urban center. (3 mks)
- Name three types of fish. ( 3 mks)
- State two problems facing fishing in Japan. (2 mks)
- Give two minerals that occur in form of alluvial deposits. ( 2mks)
- State three ways in which soda ash contributes to the economy of Kenya. (3 mks)
- Name two types of environment. ( 2 mks)
- dentify three sub-branches of Geography in human and economic geography. ( 3 mks)
Answer all question 6 and any other two questions in this section.
- The table below shows total number of livestock in Kenya in 1986 and 1996.
- Using a scale of 1cm represents 5 million livestock, draw a comparative bar graph to represent the above given data. ( 8 mks)
- State three advantages of comparative bar graphs. ( 3 mks)
- Discuss nomadic pastrolism under the following subheadings.
- Types of cattle breed kept. ( 2mks)
- The pattern of movement. ( 2mks)
- The marketing of animals. ( 2mks)
- Give two reasons why nomadic pastrolists keep large heads of animals. ( 2 mks)
- Discuss nomadic pastrolism under the following subheadings.
- Explain three ways in which the government of Kenya assist nomadic pastoralists improve quality of their livestock. ( 6 mks)
- Define the term wildlife. ( 2 mks)
- Name two characteristics of National parks. ( 2 mks)
- State four physical factors that would discourage setting up a game park within the slopes of Mt. Kenya. ( 4 mks)
- Name three main inland attraction sites in Kenya. ( 3mks)
- Compare tourism in Kenya and Switzerland under the following sub heading.
- Climate. ( 2 mks)
- Scenery. ( 2 mks)
- Culture. ( 2 mks)
- Explain four ways in which Kenya is planning to expand her tourism. (8 mks)
- Apart from floods, name two other environmental hazard associated with climatic conditions. ( 2 mks)
- Name two ways that have been used to reclaim land from swamps. ( 2 mks)
- State three factors which have led to frequent flooding in L.Victoria region. ( 3 mks)
- Explain four ways in which land is being rehabilitated in Kenya. ( 8 mks)
- state four benefits of land reclamation in Netherlands. ( 4 mks)
- Give three differences of land reclamation in Kenya and Netherlands. ( 6 mks)
- Give two types of international trade. ( 2 mk)
- Differentiate between visible and invisible exports. ( 2 mks)
- Name three member countries of COMESA. ( 3 mks)
- State four problems facing COMESA. ( 4 MKS)
- Explain four reasons why Kenya earns little foreign exchange from agriculture. ( 8 mks)
- Explain three ways though which the government can improve future trade. ( 6 mks)
- Differentiate between indigenous and exotic forests. ( 2 mks)
- Give three examples of softwood trees in Kenya. ( 3 mks)
- State four characteristics of natural forests in Kenya. ( 4 mks)
- Explain three physical factors that favour growth of natural forests in Kenya. ( 6 mks)
- State four measures which have been taken to manage forests in Kenya. ( 4 mks)
- Give the difference between forestry in Canada and Kenya under the following subheadings.
- Distribution. ( 2 mks)
- Problems. ( 2 mks)
- Marketing. ( 2 mks)

- Apart from oil, name two other non- renewable sources of energy. ( 2 mks)
- Uranium
- Natural gas
- Coal/peat ( ANY FIRST 2x1=2 mks)
- State three ways in which Kenya can reduce the use of petroleum as source of energy.
(3mks)- Encouraging people to use bicycles over short distances
- Developing alternative source of energy such as biomass, wind, solar
- Encouraging people to use public transport rather than private means
- Importing cars with low engine capacity
- Improving traffic flows to reduce usage of fuel
- Improving roads to avoid delay that increase consumption of petrol
- Proper maintenance of vehicles to avoid high consumption of oil
(ANY FIRST 3x1=3mks)
- Apart from oil, name two other non- renewable sources of energy. ( 2 mks)
- Give two similarities in function between Nairobi and New-york city. ( 2mks)
- Both are financial centres
- Both are industrial centres
- Both are international centres
- Both are educational centers
- Both are residential centers ( ANY FIRST 2x1= 2 mks)
- Identify three function zones of an ideal urban center. (3 mks)
- Central business district
- Transitional zone
- Industrial zone
- Residential zone
- Commuter zone. ( ANY FIRST 3x1=3 mks)
- Give two similarities in function between Nairobi and New-york city. ( 2mks)
- Name three types of fish. ( 3 mks)
- Dermasal fish
- Pelagic fish
- Anadromous fish
- Salty water fish/marine fish
- Fresh water fish ( ANY FIRST 3x1=3mks)
- State two problems facing fishing in Japan. (2 mks)
- High pollution of Japanese waters by industrial effluents and oil spillage
- Overfishing /overexploitation
- Restriction of Japanese fleet from other nation territories ( ANY FIRST 2x1= 2 mks)
- Name three types of fish. ( 3 mks)
- Give two mineral that occur in form of alluvial deposits . ( 2mks)
- Diamond
- Gold (2X1=2MKS)
- State three ways in which soda ash contributes to the economy of Kenya. (3 mks)
- when exported earns country foreign exchange
- create employment opportunities improving the standard of living
- has led to the development of social amenities
- has led to growth of Magadi town
- is raw materials of some industries promoting growth of industries
- provide the government with revenue through the payment of taxes
(ANY FIRST 3x1-3 mks)
- Give two mineral that occur in form of alluvial deposits . ( 2mks)
- Name two types of environment. ( 2 mks)
- Human environment
- Physical environment (2X1=2MKS)
- Identify three sub-branches of Geography in human and economic geography. ( 3 mks)
- Demography
- Economics
- Forestry
- Political science ( ANY FIRST 3x1=3 mks)
- Name two types of environment. ( 2 mks)
Answer all question 6 and any other two questions.
- The table below shows total number of livestock in Kenya in 1986 and 1996.
- Using a scale of 1cm represents 5 million livestock, draw a comparative bar graph to represent the above given data. ( 8 mks)
- State three advantages of comparative bar graphs. ( 3 mks)
- They are easy to compare
- They are easy to read and interpret
- They are easy to draw
- They easily show the trend of the given data. (ANY FIRST 3x1= 3mks)
- Using a scale of 1cm represents 5 million livestock, draw a comparative bar graph to represent the above given data. ( 8 mks)
- Discuss nomadic pastoralism under the following subheadings.
- Types of cattle breed kept. ( 2mks)
- Indigenous : zebu and boran
- The pattern of movement. ( 2mks)
- Movement is seasonal
- During the dry season pastoralist migrate with their animals to highlands where there is pasture and water
- Wet season move to the plains since pasture is available ( 1x2=mks)
- The marketing of animals. ( 2mks)
- Sold to slaughter houses/individual
- Sold through community groups
- Sold to the livestock marketing department
- Sold to the Kenya meat commission ( 1x2=2mks)
- Types of cattle breed kept. ( 2mks)
- Give two reasons why nomadic pastoralists keep large heads of animals. ( 2 mks)
- Forms insurance against calamities
- Sign of wealth/prestige
- To pay dowry
- Source of income
- Source of food/milk/meat/blood ( ANY FIRST 2x1=2mks)
- Discuss nomadic pastoralism under the following subheadings.
- Explain three ways in which the government of Kenya assist nomadic pastoralists improve quality of their livestock. ( 6 mks)
- Encouraging pastoralists to start ranching in order to improve the quality of their animals
- Encouraging cross breeding of traditional breeds with exotic breeds so as to improve the quality
- Strengthen community education to teach/train farmers on better livestock management
- Construct roads to make services accessible/marketing easier
- Replacing coarse grass with nutrious pasture to improve quality of the animal
- Sinking boreholes/ constructing dams to provide water
- Reviving Kenya meat commission so as to buy animals directly from farmer for slaughter
- Providing extension services to pastoralists to advise them and offer drug treatment. ( ANY FIRST 3x2=6 mks)
- Define the term wildlife. ( 2 mks)
- the plant and animals in their natural habitat√√
- Name two characteristics of National parks. ( 2 mks)
- established by an act of parliament
- managed by the national government
- no other form of human activities is allowed
- fenced to keep off people and prevent animal from going out. ( ANY FIRST2x1=2mks)
- Define the term wildlife. ( 2 mks)
- State four physical factors that would discourage setting up a game park within the slopes of Mt. Kenya. ( 4 mks)
- Insufficient vegetation that would provide food for wildlife/habitats for wild animals
- The area is high above sea level where atmospheric pressure may be too low for the survival of wildlife
- Presence of snow/low temperature unsuitable for survival of wildlife
- Steep slope/rugged terrain discourage the movement of animals in the game park ( ANY FIRST 4x1= 4mks)
- Name three main inland attraction sites in Kenya. ( 3mks)
- wildlife in national parks and game reserves
- famous wild beast migrations
- snowcaps of Mt Kenya
- great rift valleys lakes and hotsprings
- diverse culture of the maasai people
- historical attraction sites of Kariandusi,orgessaile
- national museums of Kenya in Nairobi ( ANY FIRST 3x1=3 mks)
- Compare tourism in Kenya and Switzerland under the following sub heading.
- Climate. ( 2 mks)
- Kenya’s climate is warm throughout the year while Switzerland experience warm summer and cold winters ( 1x2=2 mks)
- Scenery. ( 2 mks)
- Kenya’s has beautiful scenery such as lakes, mountains, great rift valleys and sandy beaches while Switzerland has many glaciated lakes with winter vegetation. 1x2=2mks)
- Culture. ( 2 mks)
- Kenya there is various/diversity of African cultures while in Switzerland the main culture is European. ( 1x2=2mks)
- Climate. ( 2 mks)
- Name three main inland attraction sites in Kenya. ( 3mks)
- Explain four ways in which Kenya is planning to expand her tourism. (8 mks)
- Improving transport networks in semiarid areas in-order to make the areas accessible.
- Aggressive promotion and marketing of Kenya as a tourist destination in other countries making the country known.
- Intensify domestic marketing to reduce the over reliance on foreign tourists
- Improving security in the country and tourist sites to ensure safety of tourists
- Marketing the country as tourist attraction in the newer areas to reduce the over-reliance on traditional markets
- Diversify tourist attractions sites to reduce competition with other tourist destinations
- Lowering tariffs levied on accommodation and food in hotels to encourage tourist to visit more. ( ANY FIRST 4x2=8mks)
- Apart from floods, name two other environmental hazard associated with climatic conditions. ( 2 mks)
- Lightening
- Windstorms
- Hailstones (ANY FIRST 2x1=2mks)
- Name two ways that have been used to reclaim land from swamps. ( 2 mks)
- Digging ditches for water to ooze into and flow away by gravity
- Planting eucalyptus which takes up a lot of water e.g. at Kakuzi in Makuyu.
- Laying perforated pipes in ditches which water will seep into and flow away by gravity ( ANY FIRST2x1=2mks)
- State three factors which have led to frequent flooding in L.Victoria region. ( 3 mks)
- Most of the land is low lying causing the rain water to spread over a wide area
- The adjacent highlands receive high amounts and torrential rainfall which releases large volumes of water resulting in rivers overflowing in their banks
- Silting has made the river beds shallow spilling their water over the banks
- The rivers in the area are in their old stage thus have wide flood plains which allow water flow and spread over large areas
- The area have black cotton soil which is non porous allowing water to flow and spread on the surface
- The heavy rainfall received in the area is discharged into the lake making it’s water level to rise thus flooding the adjacent lowlands. ( ANY FIRST3x1= 3 mks)
- Apart from floods, name two other environmental hazard associated with climatic conditions. ( 2 mks)
- Explain four ways in which land is being rehabilitated in Kenya. ( 8 mks)
- Filling open pits in order to use the land for farming and agriculture/settlement
- Controlling grazing in order to allow regeneration of pasture/control soil erosion
- Mulching/planting cover crops to add humus to the soil
- Constructing dykes/ dams along the river banks to control flooding
- Constructing drainage ditches to remove excess water from the land
- Applying manure/fertilizers on derelict land in order to restore fertility
- Irrigating the semi-arid areas during dry season in order to provide water required for plant growth
- Practicing bush fallowing in order to allow land to regain fertility
- Constructing terraces reducing the surface run off/ soil erosion
- Planting trees to reduce soil erosion ( ANY FIRST 4x2= 8 mks)
- state four benefits of land reclamation in Netherlands. ( 4 mks)
- Has increased the land for agriculture and settlement
- Has increased agricultural input/more raw materials for industries
- Roads and canal have been constructed thus improving transportation
- Has improved fresh supply of fresh water for domestic and industrial use
- Creation of fresh water lakes such as lake Ijssel has provided water for domestic, industrial and irrigation use
- Has created tourist attraction sites earning the country foreign exchange ( ANY FIRST 4x1= 4mks)
- Give three differences of land reclamation in Kenya and Netherlands. ( 6 mks)
- In Kenya land reclamation is thorough draining of swamps, using ditches and planting of trees while in Netherlands land reclamation is from constructing of dykes and canals
- In Kenya land reclamation is on small scale while in Netherlands land reclamation is large scale
- In Kenya land being reclaimed in mainly inland while in Netherlands land being reclaimed is mainly covered by sea water ( 3x2=6mks)
- state four benefits of land reclamation in Netherlands. ( 4 mks)
- Give two types of international trade. ( 2 mk)
- Regional trade
- Bilateral trade
- Multi-lateral trade (ANY FIRST2x1=2 mks)
- Differentiate between visible and invisible exports. ( 2 mks)
- Visible exports are tangible goods sold outside the country while invisible goods are intangible goods sold outside the country.
- Give two types of international trade. ( 2 mk)
- Name three member countries of COMESA. ( 3 mks)
- Burundi, Angola, Lesotho,Madagascar,Djibouti,Kenya,Ethiopia,Namibia,Zimbambwe
- Eritrea,Zambia,Swaziland,Uganda,Mauritius,Comoros,Seychelles,Sudan,Egypt,Malawi ( ANY FIRST 3x1=3mks)
- State four problems facing COMESA. ( 4 MKS)
- Production of similar agricultural goods limiting trade between member states
- Unplanned industrial development leading to low quality goods being produced
- Inaccessible roads delaying transportation of goods and people
- Increased population has led to consumption rather than investment
- Civil strife/political instability/wars among member states limiting production
- Low technology among member states producing low quality goods (ANY FIRST 4x1=4 mks)
- Name three member countries of COMESA. ( 3 mks)
- Explain four reasons why Kenya earns little foreign exchange from agriculture. ( 8 mks)
- Fixed quotas reduce foreign exchange
- Agricultural export are mainly raw materials which are semi-finished hence low values in the world market
- Fluctuation of world market prices reducing profitability/earnings
- Weakening of the Kenyan shillings against the other world currencies lowering value of products
- Expensive agricultural machines/farm inputs lowering profits
- Some agricultural products are poor quality reducing earnings
- Stiff competion which reduces market for agricultural exports. ( ANY FIRST4x2=8mks)
- Explain three ways though which the government can improve future trade. ( 6 mks)
- signing of bilateral and multi -lateral trade treaties/agreements which will improve exports by expanding her market
- establishing more manufacturing industries to improve the quality of good being exported
- establishment of east African custom unions so as to increase trade between Kenya and her neighbors
- joining trading blocks to find wider market for her goods
- improving transport and communication networks to have efficient transaction of business
- exploring new markets in far east countries to avoid over reliance in traditional markets
- Kenya to aggressively advertise her products to attract more buyers for her products
- Kenya to undertake partial processing of some agricultural products before export to improve on her quality increasing earning
- Some business men setting up branches in the neighboring countries so as to attract/expand trading activities
- Diversify her export products to attract wider market for her goods. ( ANY FIRST 3x2=6 mks)
- Differentiate between indigenous and exotic forests. ( 2 mks)
- These are trees whose trees are natural/originate from the country while exotic forests are whose trees are alien/new to a country.√√
- Give three examples of softwood trees in Kenya. ( 3 mks)
- African pencil, cedar, juniper podo, pine cypress, bluegum/eucalyptus, kei apple
- Jacaranda, Granville, (any first 3x1=3mks)
- Differentiate between indigenous and exotic forests. ( 2 mks)
- State four characteristics of natural forests in Kenya. ( 4 mks)
- most of the forests occur in mixed stands
- most of the forest the trees grow at different heights
- most of the trees take a long time to mature
- most of the trees form canopies
- most of the forest have few undergrowth
- most of the trees are closely packed ( ANY FIRST4x1=4 mks)
- Explain three physical factors that favour growth of natural forests in Kenya. ( 6 mks)
- moderate temperatures/cool climate favour the growth of a variety of trees
- high well distributed rainfall/1000-2000mm through out the year support the growth of trees
- steep and rugged terrain discourages agriculture and settlement allowing growth of forests
- deep well drained volcanic soils allows the roots to penetrate deeper into the ground to support trees. ( ANY FIRST 3x2=6 mks)
- State four characteristics of natural forests in Kenya. ( 4 mks)
- State four measures which have been taken to manage forests in Kenya. ( 4 mks)
- enacting laws so as to ban/prohibit the cutting down of trees/ protect the indigenous trees
- establishing of the forest research station to conduct research on trees
- encouraging the establishment of NGO’S who encourage the protection of threatened forests
- encouraging the use of alternative source of energy to reduce the overreliance of wood fuel
- gazzetment of forested areas to reduce encroachment by people/protecting endangered forests
- establishment of training institution to train personnel on forestry
- creating awareness through the media on importance of conserving forests
- setting aside tree planting days to encourage people to plant more trees
- employing of forest guards to protect the forests
- encouraging the recycle of wood products to reduce the demand for trees ( ANY FIRST4x1=4mks)
- Give the difference between forestry in Canada and Kenya under the following subheadings.
- Distribution. ( 2 mks)
- in Kenya the softwood forests are found in the highlands while in Canada the forests are found in both highlands and lowlands (1x2=2mks)
- Problems. ( 2 mks)
- in Kenya the main problems are pest and diseases while in canada the main problems are the rugged landscape, inaccessibility during winter (1x 2=2mks)
- Marketing. ( 2 mks)
- in Kenya most of the forest products are sold locally while Canada most of the forest products are sold locally and internationally. ( 1x2=2mks)
- Distribution. ( 2 mks)
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