- What is fish farming? (2 marks)
- State three ways in which the government of Kenya is encouraging fish farming. (3 marks)
- Apart from biomass name two renewable sources of energy in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Describe how biomass is used to produce energy. (3 marks)
- Differentiate between bilateral trade and multilateral trade. (2marks)
- Give three reasons why leading supermarkets in Kenya may have closed several branches. (3 marks)
- Differentiate between environmental management and environmental conservation. (2 marks)
- Give three reasons why human diseases are considered environmental hazards. (3 marks)
- State five benefits of mining of soda ash to the Kenyan economy (5 marks)
- Study the photograph below and use it to answer questions a (i)-(iii)
- Identify the type of photograph shown above. (1 mark)
- Name two counties in Kenya where the photograph could have been taken. (2 marks)
- Draw a rectangle measuring 15cm by 10cm. On it sketch and label three features shown on the Photograph. (4 marks)
- State three physical conditions that influence growing of wheat. (3 marks)
- Give two industrial uses of wheat. (2 marks)
- Describe the cultivation of wheat from land clearing to harvesting. (5 marks)
- Compare wheat growing in Kenya and Canada under the following subheadings.
- Marketing (2 marks)
- Research (2 marks)
- State four problems facing wheat farming in Kenya (4 marks)
- The diagram below shows major highways in Africa. Use it to answer the questions below.
- Name the highways marked S and T. (2marks)
- Name the country marked A. (1 mark)
- State three problems facing road transport in Kenya (3 marks)
- Explain three benefits that will accrue to the Kenyan economy from many road construction projects going on in the country. (6 marks)
- Give three reasons why there is limited use of Lake Victoria ports (3marks)
- Name two canals on the St. Lawrence Seaway. (2marks)
- Explain four roles of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway to the economies of USA and Canada. (8marks)
- The diagram below shows major highways in Africa. Use it to answer the questions below.
- Name three types of settlement patterns. (3marks)
- Explain three economic factors that influence the location of settlement (6marks)
- State three factors which encourage the emergence of slums in urban areas in Kenya (3marks)
- Give three examples of gap towns in East Africa. (3 marks)
- Explain how the following factors influenced the growth of New York City.
- United Nations Organisation Headquarters (2 marks)
- Unique Street Designs (2 marks)
- Explain three problems that are arising from rapid growth of Kenyan Cities. (6 marks)
- State four physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea-Teberre irrigation scheme. (4 marks)
- Explain two benefits of Perkerra irrigation scheme to the Kenyan economy (4 marks)
- State five problems experienced in irrigation farming in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Describe the stages in the reclamation of land from the sea in the Netherlands (6 marks)
- State three uses of polders in Netherlands (3 marks)
- Your class carried out a field study on reclaimed land on river Yala
- State one type of hypothesis you formulated (1 mark)
- Give two methods of data recording you may have used (2 marks)
- What is population growth? (2 marks)
- Explain three factors that have contributed to high population growth rate in Kenya. (6 marks)
- State four reasons why it is important for a country to carry out a population census. (4 marks)
- Explain how the following factors have influenced population distribution in East Africa.
- Pests and diseases. (2 marks)
- Government policy (2 marks)
- State four problems of slow population growth in developed economies (4 marks)
- Highlight the differences between population trends in Kenya and those of Sweden (5 marks)

Marking Scheme
- What is fish farming? (2 marks)
✓ Fish farming is the keeping/rearing of fish in ponds for commercial purposes. - State three ways in which the government of Kenya is encouraging fish farming. (3 marks)
Provision of technical and financial assistance to fish farmers by the Ministry of Livestock
✓ Setting up demonstration farms/hatcheries to sensitize on proper management of fish farms through the Lake Basin Development Authority.
✓ Government's food policy encourages communities to set up fish farms as part of millennium development goals/embrace fish eating culture.
- What is fish farming? (2 marks)
- Apart from biomass name two renewable sources of energy in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Sun
- Wind
- ✓ Tides/wave
- ✓ Hydra
- ✓ Geothermal
- ✓ Fuel
- Describe how biomass is used to produce energy. (3 marks)
- ✓ Plant and animal remains are burnt/fermented/decomposed to produce heat
- The heat is then used to produce steam which is then used to turn turbines producing electric energy
- ✓ Alternatively animal manure can be decomposed to produce methane gas and biogas which is then used domestically for cooking
- Apart from biomass name two renewable sources of energy in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Differentiate between bilateral trade and multilateral trade. (2 marks)
- ✓ Bilateral trade is exchange of goods and services between two countries while multilateral involves an agreement between several countries involving exchange of goods and services
- Give three reasons why leading supermarkets in Kenya may have closed several branches. (3 marks)
- ✓ Exorbitant fees/rent charged on businesses by counties/landowners that lowers profit margins
- low purchasing power among citizens as a resuelt-of-powerly reduced-sales
- ✓ Increase in small retail shops/open air market/hawkers/dukas in estates that sell similar goods at cheaper prices/on credit
- ✓ High taxation on large scale retailers making their goods expensive hence low sales
- ✓ Mismanagement and corruption that leads to losses hence closure
- Differentiate between bilateral trade and multilateral trade. (2 marks)
- Differentiate between environmental management and environmental conservation. (2 marks)
- Environmental management is the planning and implementation of a plan to ensure effective and proper utilization of available resources in the environment while environmental conservation is the protection/preservation/proper utilization of available environmental resources for posterity
- Give three reasons why human diseases are considered environmental hazards. (3 marks)
- ✓ Diseases may lead to death of human
- declining productivity
- ✓ Diseases also increase expenditure of countries on medical care reducing resources for environmental issues
- ✓ Diseases increase food insecurity hence famine
- Differentiate between environmental management and environmental conservation. (2 marks)
- State five benefits of mining of soda ash to the Kenyan economy (5 marks)
- ✓ It has contributed to the development of Magadi town and of social amenities such as hospitals and schools that have benefited the local people,
- ✓ It has stimulated the development of roads and rail transport e.g. the Konta- Magadi Railway, Nairobi-Magadi road, thus made movement of people and goods easy.
- It has provided employment to many Kenyans, earning them income thus raising the living standards
- It has promoted industrial growth by providing raw materials in the following industries: oil refining, paper making, glass making
- ✓ Earns foreign exchange-through exports of soda ash the country used in the development of other sectors of the economy
- ✓ Saving of foreign exchange/import expences by being available locally. The savings are then used to finance other developments
- ✓ Earning the government revenues through taxations and tarrifs - the money is used locally for the development of the country.
- Study the photograph below and use it to answer questions a (1) - (iii)
- Identify the type of photograph shown above.
✓ Ground close up - Name two counties in Kenya where the photograph could have been taken.
- ✓ Nakuru
- Narok ✓
- Trans Mara
- ✓ Laikipia
- ✓ Uasin Gishu
- ✓ Nyandarua
- ✓ Meru
- ✓ Rectangle drawn 15cm x 10 cm...... 1 mark
- Combined harvester sketched and named .......... 1 mark
- ✓ Mature wheat plant wheat spikes sheatfield sketched and named ... 1 mark
- Sky named..................l mark
- Identify the type of photograph shown above.
- State three physical conditions that influence growing of wheat. (3 marks)
- ✓ An open rolling topography provides adequate drainage and facilitates the use of machinery.
- ✓ Moderate to high rainfall ranging between 500mm - 1270mm during the growing period
- ✓ Warm temperatures of 150 C-20°C for at least three months-to-enable-maturity of wheat
- ✓ Warm and dry sunny period to enhance ripening and harvesting of wheat - Deep and fertile well drained volcanic soils - High altitude areas ranging between 1500 - 2900m above the sea level to reduce incidences of pests and diseases
- Give two industrial uses of wheat. (2 marks)
- ✓ Wheat is a raw material for confectioneries/bakeries
- ✓ Wheat is used in alcohol based industries for production of starch/malt/
- State three physical conditions that influence growing of wheat. (3 marks)
- Describe the cultivation of wheat from land clearing to harvesting. (5 marks)
- ✓ The land is first cleared and ploughed using tractors
- ✓ The land is then harrowed to allow weeds and stray wheat grains to germinate and be killed during the next harrowing
- ✓ Fertilizers and manure are added to the land after the last harrowing
- ✓ Wheat seeds are then sown using drills pulled by tractors or broadcasting in case of small scale farmers
- ✓ Spraying the crop against weeds and weeding is done at regular intervals till it attains maturity
- ✓ Harvesting of Wheat - This is done manually by cutting the wheat heads using sharp knives/sickles for small scale holdings or using combine harvesters (reaps, threshes the wheat and bales the straw in a single operation) for large scale farmers
- Compare wheat growing in Kenya and Canada under the following subheadings
- Marketing (2 marks)
✓ In Kenya farmers sell wheat to Cereals Board (NCPB) or directly to private millers while in Canada wheat is sold by Canada wheat board
✓ In Kenya wheat is mainly produced for local market while in Canada wheat produced is for both local export market - Research (2 marks)
✓ In Kenya, little wheat research is carried by KARI and KARLO on improved varieties on while in Canada advanced wheat research is done by Canadian Wheat Research Coalition
- Marketing (2 marks)
- State four problems facing wheat farming in Kenya (4 marks)
- ✓ Pests e.g. dusty brown beetle, cereal weevils, quelea birds reduce the quality and quantity of produced wheat
- ✓ Diseases e.g. stem rust, brown leaf rust that reduce the quality and quantity of produced wheat
- ✓ Price fluctuations in the domestic markets due to broking by middlemen; farmers get very low profits
- ✓ Inadequate capital/high costs for buying farm inputs (machinery and fertilizers) leads to marginal profits
- Name the highways marked S and T.
- S-Trans Africa Highway
- T-Great North Road
- Name the country marked A. (1mark)
- A - zambia
- Name the highways marked S and T.
- State three problems facing road transport in Kenya (3 marks)
- ✓ Roads are expensive to maintain Kenya has inadequate capital for the same
- ✓ Many road accidents that lead to loss of life and property
- ✓ Traffic jams in urban areas
- ✓ Potholed roads due to substandard works
- ✓ Impassable roads especially murram roads during rainy seasons
- ✓ Reckless drivers/poorly trained drivers who do not obey traffic rules
- Unroadworhty vehicles that ply on the roads
- Explain three benefits that will accrue to the Kenyan economy from many road construction projects going on in the country (6 marks)
- ✓ Creation of employment e.g. construction workers thus improving their living standard
- ✓ Enhanced movement of goods and services thus promoting trade
- ✓ Increased accessibility of healthcare/education improving living standards
- Promotes growth of new housing units thus growth of urban centres
- ✓ Promotion of national image as good roads improve the standing of the country e.g thika superhighway
- ✓ Reduced traffic jams will lead to reduced usage of fuel saving on foreign exchange
- ✓ Reduced road accidents due to poor roads will save lives and property
- State three problems facing road transport in Kenya (3 marks)
- Give three reasons why there is limited use of Lake Victoria ports (3marks)
- ✓ Presence of water hyacinth that limits movement of water vessels
- ✓ Underdeveloped/ dilapidated port infrastructure
- ✓ Collapse of the east Africa community reduced trade between the EAfrican ccountries thus reduced demand of the waterway
- Production of similar goods among the east African countries limiting use of the ports
- Lack of proper linkages with railwas or roads that feed the ports
- Low/lack of industrial output
- Mistrust between east African countries limiting full tapping of the waterway potential
- Name two canals on the St. Lawrence Seaway. (2 marks)
- ✓ Welland canal
- Soo canal
- Sault st. marie canal
- ✓ Rudeau canal
- Explain four roles of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway to the economies of USA and Canada. (8marks)
- ✓ Ease of movement of goods and services has boosted trade between the two countries
- ✓ Creation of employment opportunities has improved living standards
- ✓ The seaway has many waterfalls eg niagara is a tourist attraction thus promoting tourism
- Towns such as montreal have developed leading to more urbanization
- ✓ Industries like pulp/grain. have developed promoting industrialisation
- ✓ Improved accessibility has boosted trade
- ✓ Water from the reservoirs along the seaway is used for irrigation
- ✓ The waterfalls have been tapped to produce HEP that provides energy to industries
- Name two canals on the St. Lawrence Seaway. (2 marks)
- Name three types of settlement patterns (3marks)
- ✓ nucleated settlement pattern
- dispersed settlement pattern
- linear settlement pattern
- Explain three economic factors that influence the location of settlement (6 marks)
- ✓ Settlement of nomadic pastoralists are temporary, scattered and at times moveable
- Permanent settlements are found in areas where people are engaged in arable farming and form specific pattern
- ✓Concentrated settlements are found in mining and fishing areas as people settle around to provide labour
- Establishment of manufacturing processing industries lead to growth of settlement to provide labour to the industries
- Name three types of settlement patterns (3marks)
- State three factors which encourage the emergence of slums in urban areas in Kenya (3marks)
- Increased Rural-urban migration leading inadequate housing
- Poor house planning in many urban centers in Kenya
- ✓ Colonialism and segregation that led to some sections of urban centers not having basic amenities
- ✓ Poor infrastructure, social exclusion and economic stagnation.
- ✓ Informal economy in low income areas
- ✓ Poverty among the residents
- Political reasons especially politicians fight to maintain status quo
- Short sighted economic rent seekers
- Give three examples of gap towns in East Africa. (3 marks)
- ✓ Voi in Kenya
- ✓ Moshi/Tabora in Tanzania
- ✓ Hoima in Uganda
- Explain how the following factors influenced the growth of New York City
- United Nations Organisation Headquarters (2 marks)
✓ The headquarters hosts hundreds of thousands of UN staff who work and live in the city and whose numbers continue to increase every year thus supporting its growth - Unique Street Designs (2 marks)
It has many, well numbered and organised streets/ right angled avenues/manhattan distance that makes movement in and out of the city very easy thus making it attractive and thus its growth.
- United Nations Organisation Headquarters (2 marks)
- Give three examples of gap towns in East Africa. (3 marks)
- Explain three problems that are arising from rapid growth of Kenyan Cities. (6 marks)
- Traffic congestion leading to traffic jam during rush hours leading to loss of time/delays
- Unemployment due to rapid rural urban migration
- Inadequate housing due to rapid population growth results to increased rents/development of slums.
- Uncontrolled disposal of liquid/solid wastes lead to water and land pollution
- Inadequate public utilities/social amenities... acute water shortage power rationing their prouision doesn't match population increase
- Criminal activities eg. mugging prostitution, drug trafficking, etc. due to high rates of unemployment and slow economic growth
- State four physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea-Teberre irrigation scheme. (4 marks)
- ✓ Presence of perennial riwers; Thiba, Nyamindi and Murubara that provided adeguate water for irrigation
- The Mwea plains have black cotton soils, with high water retention capacity, that are suitable for rice farming/ growing
- The area around Mwea experiences low, unreliable and poorly distributed rainfall hence not suitable for rain fed agriculture thus the need for irrigation
- Presence of loamy soils ensured cultivation of other crops to support families settled
- Presence of gently sloping land which made it possible for irrigation farming,
- Explain two benefits of Perkerra irrigation scheme to the Kenyan economy. (4 marks)
- ✓ Offers employment opportunities to many people in the farms/mills earning them income hence improving their living standards.
- ✓ Increased food production: The scheme contributes to the bulk of Kenya's rice thus saving some foreign exchange that would have otherwise-been used to import rice
- ✓ Settlement: the scheme has provided land for settling the landless who lacked farms before
- ✓ Successful control of floods that were a menace before through construction of dams/reservoirs
- ✓ Led to effective use of land that was initially barren hence enhancing food security and eradicating poverty
- ✓ Creation of social amenities such as schools, churches, hospitals that have been provided thus improving the living standards
- ✓ Infrastructural improvement: as roads have been built linking the farms to the markets which have in turn opened up the otherwise remote areas for development.
- State five problems experienced in irrigation farming in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Stagnant waters in the plots and canals encourage the breeding of snails and mosquitoes that spread diseases (bilharzia and malaria) that weaken the farmers hence causing low output
- Some irrigation schemes are located in sparsely populated areas/far from urban centres where there is ready market e.g. Perkerra, Hola, Katilu, etc.
- Mismanagement that has led to the collapse of some irrigation schemes e.g. Hola, Bura, Ahero, West Kano
- Some irrigation schemes eg. Hola/Bunyala are affected by floods during the rainy season that destroy the crops grown and infrastructure
- Crops planted in the schemes are often attacked by pests and diseases e.g. Quelea birds, root rot, etc. destroy the crops in the fields thus lowering their quality
- Inadequate capital to hire labour for planting, weeding and harvesting/purchase equipment/meet operational costs
- Siltaion of the canals requiring frequent dredging: expensive thus reducing the price margins and reduces the capacities of the dams
- Describe the stages in the reclamation of land from the sea in the Netherlands (6 marks)
- ✓ Protective dykes were constructed to enclose the part of the sea to be reclaimed. The dykes were to protect the land from getting flooded during high tide.
- Ring canals were constructed to carry water from the areas to be reclaimed.
- Pumping stations were installed sea water was pumped out of the area enclosed by the dykes.
- Reeds were sown to prevent weeds from growing and to utilize excess water in the area so that the soil could dry.
- ✓ The area was divided into rectangular portions using inner dykes and ring canals.
- ✓ The soils were treated with chemicals to lower their salinity.
- ✓ The drained land was flushed with chemicals to remove salts from the soil.
- ✓ Pumping out water from the polders was a continuous process to prevent the water from accumulation in the reclaimed land.
- State three uses of polders in Netherlands (3 marks)
- ✓ Reclaimed areas have provided land for settlement/towns and establishing social public utilities e.g. schools, hospitals, etc.
- ✓ Reclaimed land fertile and suitable for growing of crops e.g. fruits, vegetable, oats, beetroot, potatoes, barley, wheat, etc.
- Success story of the project attracted tourist thus earned Holland foreign exchange which is used for developing other sector of the economy.
- ✓ The fresh water from lake Yssel/Ijssel seeps underground reducing the salt content in the neighbouringregions, more land has now become available for grazing and farming with better yields
- Describe the stages in the reclamation of land from the sea in the Netherlands (6 marks)
- Your class carried out a field study on reclaimed land on river Yala
- State one type of hypothesis you formulated (1 mark)
- A question form hypothesis e. g is there a relationship between crops grown on reclaimed land and increased food security
- ✓ An alternative hypothesis (Ha)e.g. there is a strong relationship between crops grown on reclaimed land and increased food security
- Null hypothesis (Ho) e.g. there is no relationship between crops grown on reclaimed land and increased food security
(note: accept any relevant formulated hypothesis)
- Give two methods of data recording you may have used
- Filling in questionnaires
- Labelling samples
- Mapping
- Note taking/writing short notes
- Taking photographs/recording videos
- Tallying
- State one type of hypothesis you formulated (1 mark)
- State four physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea-Teberre irrigation scheme. (4 marks)
- What is population growth?(2 marks)
✓ This refers to (a positive or negative) change that occurs in the number of people in a population over a given period. - Explain three factors that have contributed to high population growth rate in Kenya. (6 marks)
- High birth rates among many Kenyan communities as a result of improved nutrition/better medical care/low uptake of family planning has led to increase in the number of people
- ✓ Rapidly declining death rates because of improved medical care/improved nutrition has increased life expectancy leading to increased population
- ✓ Increased migration especially from war torn Somalia who have decided to settle has increased the population of Kenya tremendously
- What is population growth?(2 marks)
- State four reasons why it is important for a country to carry out a population census.(4.marks)
- It gives the characteristic features of a population in terms of age, sex, ethnicity, education and occupation
- ✓ Provides information on trends and levels of fertility and mortality thus helping the government in the provision of basic amenities
- helps the government in division of administrative units e.g. sub counties, wards, constituencies
- Explain how the following factors have influenced population distribution in East Africa.
- Pests and diseases. (2 marks)
- ✓ Lambwe valley in Kenya is sparsely populated due to tsetse fly infestation that cause diseases to humans
- Some coastal areas in Kenya like Lamu/Bagamoyo in Tanzania are sparsely populated due to tsetse fly infestation
- Some areas in central Nyanza near the shores of lake Victoria e.g Bondo are sparsely populated due to high prevalence of malaria and typhoid
- Government policy. (2 marks)
- ✓ Government initiated settlements like Lugari/Mwea/Laikipia that were once sparsely populated now have dense-settlements
- Ujamaa villages in Tanzania set up by the governments are densely settled while other villages have sparse population
- Pests and diseases. (2 marks)
- State four problems of slow population growth in developed economies (4 marks)
- Small labour force may lead to importation of foreigners to provide labour to their economies.
- ✓ Underutilization of existing resources such as schools, hospitals
- Slow growth of industries due to the small market and shortage of labour force.
- Un even distribution of population causes regional imbalance in a country
- ✓ Rural depopulation caused by high influx to urban areas lead to abandonment of same areas of farms.
- Highlight the differences between population trends in Kenya and those of Sweden (5 marks)
- ✓ Kenya has a relatively high population (about 40 million) while Sweden has low population (about 9 million)
- Kenya has a high rate of natural population increase (high population growth rate) while Sweden has a low rate of natural population increase (low population growth rate)
- ✓ Kenya experiences low life expectancy while Sweden experiences high life expectancy
- ✓ In Kenya, the population disregards high use of birth control measures while in Sweden population embraces use of birth control measures
- ✓ In Kenya, most of the population is in the rural areas while in Sweden the majority is in urban.
- ✓ Kenya population has many young people aged below 20yrs while Sweden has an aging population.
- ✓ In Kenya, the dependency ratio is high while in Sweden, the dependency ratio is low.
- State four problems of slow population growth in developed economies (4 marks)
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