- Describe four activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:22-40) (8marks)
- Outline seven lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was left behind by his parents in the temple(Luke 2:41-52). (7marks)
- State five ways in which Christians show respect to places of Worship in Kenya today. (5marks)
- With reference to the sermon on the plain,state five teachings of Jesus on how human beings should relate to one another. (5marks)
- Describe the incident in which Jesus calmed the storm (Luke 8:22-25) (10marks)
- Identify five virtues that Christians learn from the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand. (5marks)
- State four accusations that were made against Jesus during his trial(Luke 22:6623:1-23) (4marks)
- Give five reasons why Jesus appeared to His disciples after resurrection. (10marks)
- Why should Christians be discouraged from taking part in mob justice? (6marks)
- Explain the teaching of Peter concerning the people of God.(1 peter 2:9-10). (10marks)
- Give six ways through which Christians can promote unity among themselves in Kenya today. (6 marks)
- State how kindness as a fruit of the Holy Spirit is abused in the church in Kenya today. (4 marks)
- State four similarities between the Christian and traditional African view on marriage. (5 marks)
- Give six reasons why some young people are choosing to remain unmarried in Kenya today. (6 marks)
- Identify six ways in which the church is helping to solve the problem of domestic violence in Kenya today. (6 marks)
- Explain the Christian view on plastic surgery in Kenya today. (10marks)
- Describe four ways through which science and technology has negatively affected the environment created by God. (4marks)
- How can the youth in the church carry out environmental restoration in Kenya today? (6marks)

Marking Scheme
- Activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:22-40)
- Jesus was taken to Jerusalem to be represented to the Lord by his parents
- Simeon took Jesus up in arms/blessed the Lord.
- Simeon said that he was ready to die he had seen God's salvation/a light for revelation to the gentles/the glory to the Israelites.
- Simeon blessed the parents of Jesus.
- Simeon told Mary Jesus' Mother that the child was set for the fall and rising of many in Israel.
- Anna gave thanks/prayed/spoke of Jesus to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.
- The parents of Jesus performed everything according to the law of the Lord/offered a pair of turtle doves/pigeons.
- Parents of Jesus returned home. (4 x 2 = 8 marks)
- Lessons for Christians from the incident when Jesus was left behind by his parents in the temple (Luke 2:41-52)
- Christians should involve their children in prayer/worship of God.
- Christians should involve their children in day to day affairs,
- Parents should be concerned of where their children.
- Children should be taught the world of God the Bible.
- There should be communication among family members/they should inform one another of their whereabouts.
- Children should obey their parents.
- Parents should love their children.
- Christian should accommodate the view of the youth.
- Christians learn that Jesus is the son of God/he was in his Father's house.
- Christian should exercise tolerance/forgiveness
- Christians should give God first priority as Jesus did. (7 x 1 = 7 marks)
- Ways in which Christian show respect to places of worship in Kenya today.
- Christians maintain cleanliness in places of worship
- Christians observe silence in the places of worship.
- Places of worship are treated with relevance (eg. in some cases shoes are removed etc.)
- Christian dress in decent clothing as they go to place of worship
- Order is maintained in places of worship/only authorized people are allowed to talk/make announcement.
- Posters/notices/decorations/flowers are put to remind people that they are in sacred places.
- Constructing special places for worshipping God/dedicating them. (5x1 = 5marks)
- Activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:22-40)
- Jesus' teachings on how human beings should relate to one another from the Sermon on the plain (Lk 6:27-38)
- Human beings should love enemies
- They should do good to those who hate them.
- They should bless those who curse them
- They should pray for those who mistreat them
- They should help those in need
- They should lend without expecting anything in return.
- They should show mercy to others
- They should not judge/condemn others
- Human being should forgive one another/not revenge.
- They should be generous
- They should do unto others what they expect done to them. (5x1=5mks)
- Incident in which Jesus calmed the storm (Luke 8:22-25)
- Jesus got into a boat with his disciples.
- He told them that they should go to the other side of the lake so they sent off
- As they sailed Jesus fell a sleep.
- A storm of wind came down of the lake.
- The boat was filled with water/they were in danger.
- The disciples went and woke Jesus saying "master we are perishing"
- Jesus got up, rebuked the wind/the raging water/waves
- The storm subsided/ceased there was calm
- Jesus asked the disciples where their faith was
- The disciples were afraid they marveled,
- The disciples wondered who Jesus was even the wind and water could obey him. (5x 2 = 10mks)
- Virtues that Christian learn from the miracles of the feeding of the five thousand (Lk 9:12-17)
- Service
- Carefulness
- Obedience
- Responsibility
- Faith/trust
- Kindness/generosity/sharing
- Humility
- Concern/compassion/mercy
- Cooperation
- Respect
- Thankfulness
- Jesus' teachings on how human beings should relate to one another from the Sermon on the plain (Lk 6:27-38)
- Accusations made against Jesus during his trial (Luke 22:66-23:1-23)
- Jesus called himself the Christ/Messiah.
- He claimed to be the son of God.
- He was inciting people with his teaching
- He was opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar.
- He had made himself the King of the Jews against the Roman authority
- Jesus had stirring up the people to revolt.
- He was equating himself to God/blasphemy. (4 x1 = 4mks)
- Reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection
- He wanted to strengthen their faith.
- So as to comfort them
- In order to empower them to serve
- He wanted to reassure them that he was the messiah.
- So as to commission them to be his witness.
- He wanted to tell them about the coming of the Holy Spirit/wait for the Holy Spirit.
- So as to bless them
- In order to confirm to them the Old Testament prophesies had been fulfilled.
- He wanted to confirm to them that he alive/had power over death.
- He wanted to represent to them the correct interpretation of the suffering messiah/scriptures.
- Reasons why Christians should be discouraged from taking part in mob justice.
- It does not give room to reason
- It is impulse/based on emotions,
- It can lead destruction of poverty/life/it is violent physical injuries,
- It is unbiblical/it lacks love against law of the Lord.
- It can be fueled by lies/malice/incitement
- The victim is denied a change of defending himself/herself
- It is a form of retaliation/revenge
- It does not give room for forgiveness/reconciliation/rehabilitation
- It can lead to bitterness/regret/psychological suffering. (6x1=6marks)
- Accusations made against Jesus during his trial (Luke 22:66-23:1-23)
- The teachings of Peter concerning the people of God (1st Peter 2:9-10)
- The believers are chosen people/race/they have been selected.
- They are a royal priesthood/they are to save the greatest King/God.
- They are Holy nation/expected to lead holy/righteousness lives
- They belong to God they form a family of God's own possession
- They are to declare wonderful deeds of God/that is to lead a life of worshiping God/testifying about God.
- They were called from darkness to light/their lives had been transformed and should not be dominated by evil.
- They were once not a people they were outside the covenant way of life,
- They are led by the mercies of God/have received God's grace. (5x 2 = 10 marks)
- Ways through which Christian can promote unity.
- Christian should hold joint/interdenominational prayers.
- Christians take a joint stand against injustice/problems in the society.
- They should work together to promote educational programmes in the country.
- They should speak with one voice on matters of construction/political life of the nation.
- Christians should join together in the training of the clergy/pastors/from different denominations
- They need to provide loans/funds/support to the poor irrespective of denomination affiliations.
- Christian churches/organization should employ Christian from different denominations.
- Christian communities should unite in provision of medical services.
- Christian need to respect one another's doctrinal positions. (6x1 =6mks)
- Ways in which kindness as a fruit of Holy Spirit is abused in Kenya today.
- By church leaders starting many projects in the church, expecting the congregation to provide the finance.
- Some Christian fail to work because they expect assistance from others.
- Some Christian over-depends on other problem's assistance/effort,
- Some members of the church failing to return/refund borrowed money and expect the members of the church to understand.
- When church leaders.demand for payment-for-all-services they tender.
- When church leaders ask their congregations to cater for their personal needs like further studies/buying of vehicles/etc. (4 x 1 = 4mks)
- The teachings of Peter concerning the people of God (1st Peter 2:9-10)
- Similarities between the Christian and Traditional African on marriage.
- In both, marriage is ordained/blessed by God/gift from God.
- In both marriage is for procreation
- In both, marriage is for companionship
- In both marriage should be permanent
- In both, the husband and wife should respect/love each other
- In both, marriage gives a new status to those who enter/qualifies them for leadership, roles.
- Faithfulness in marriage is encouraged.
- In both, re-marriage is encouraged after the death of a spouse.
- In both, the husband and wife should give conjugal to each other.
- In both the husband is the head of the family. (4 x 2 = 8mk)
- Reasons why young people are choosing to remain unmarried in Kenya today.
- They have seen/experienced incidents of broken marriages/unfaithfulness in marriage.
- In order to pursue their career/education.
- They are not ready to take responsibilities of marriage
- Poverty/lack of jobs/inadequate resources to start a family/economic empowerment
- Permissiveness allows many to satisfy their sexual lust without marriage commitment
- Failure to get an expected idea partner
- Marriage is no longer a communal duty/it is an individual decision.
- Religious commitment/superstition hinder one from involving themselves in marriage.
- Low self esteem/lack of confidence, fear of being jilted/failed relationship. (6x1=6mks)
- Ways in which the church is helping to solve domestic violence in Kenya today.
- Offering guidance and counselling to couples who are affected.
- Holding seminars/conferences for marriage couples.
- Developing mass media programmes on family relationship
- Praying for families
- Teaching on the need for love/respect/tolerance in marriage.
- Members in their homes to encourage them.
- Giving material assistance/employment to the needy in order to reduce tension.
- Condemn all forms of violence.
- Settling disputes among couples/children (6 x 1 = 6mks)
- Similarities between the Christian and Traditional African on marriage.
- Christian view on plastic surgery
- Christians approve plastic surgery when used to restore/improve deformities/treatment
- It is not recommended for beauty/cosmetic reasons since that goes against Lord's design
- Plastic surgery is like self-glorification thus it is discouraged.
- God is more interested in one's soul than a beautiful body
- Plastic surgery takes the place of God who is the creator/challenges God the creator.
- The intention of plastic surgery in most cases is to created celebrities who become objects of worship
- Risks involved when performing surgery can lead to deformity/death.
- It shows lack of appreciation of oneself. (5 x 2 = 10mks)
- Ways through which science and technology has negatively affected the environment created by God.
- Use of chemicals has led to the pollution of water/soils
- Emission of smoke from industries/nuclei factories leads to pollution of air.
- Felling trees has led to desertification/drying up of rivers.
- Manufacturing of plastic materials has led to environmental degradation
- Science and Technology has led to the over utilization of natural resources like fish/wildlife,
- quarrying/mining had led to environmental degradation (4 x 1-4mks)
- Ways in which the youth in the Church can carry out environmental restoration in Kenya today.
- The youth should sensitize people on the importance of protecting the environment/theatre performance in environment.
- They should teach/on methods of environmental conservation gabions terracing contour ploughing etc.
- They need to form church organizations/clubs/societies aimed at environment conservations,
- The youth should raise funds to support environmental exploitation/degradation,
- They should raise funds to support environmental conservation programmes.
- They take part in the environmental days for planting of trees/cleaning occasions.
- They should lobby the government to enact laws that are aimed at protecting the environment
- They should act responsible/be role models on issues regarding the environment (6x1=6mks)
- Christian view on plastic surgery
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