- This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C. Answer all questions in sections A and B.
- Answer any two questions from section C
- Answers to all questions must be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.
SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the space provided.
- Name the camel breed with two humps. (1 mark)
- List four disadvantages of animal drawn implements. (2 marks)
- Name the vectors for each of the following livestock diseases. (2 marks)
- East coast fever……………………………………………………………………
- Rift valley fever…………………………………………………………………...
- Trypanosomiasis………………………………………………………………….
- Nairobi sheep disease……………………………………………………………...
- Give four factors considered when selecting a site for fish pond. (2 marks)
- List four implements that can be connected to the power take off shaft (PTO) of a Tractor. (2 marks)
- State two methods of increasing the depth of penetration of a disc harrow. (2 marks)
- Name the tools used in ( 2 marks)
- Cutting curves on thin wood………………………………………
- Measuring the inner diameter of a circular object/surface…………………………..
- Cutting thin sheets of metal………………………………………………………
- Tightening wires during fencing………………………………………………….
- State two care and maintenance practices of masonry tools and equipment. (1 mark)
- Name the tools used in ( 2 marks)
- State four pre-disposing factors of mastitis disease in cattle. (2 marks)
- Outline four factors which would be considered when culling layers. (2 marks)
- Give three reasons for choosing corrugated iron sheets in roofing of farm stores instead of tiles. (3 marks)
- What is the purpose of fixing a ring around nostrils of a bull. (1 mark)
- State one use of each of the following parts found in a tractor.
- Carburetor……………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
- Spark plug ……………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
- Name the mineral whose deficiency symptom is Grass tetany in livestock. (½ mark)
- Give three post-milking activities in dairy cattle. (1½ marks)
- Name two livestock diseases controlled by the same vaccine and name the (1½ marks) Vaccine ……………………………………………………………………..
- …………………………………………………………………………….
- …………………………………………………………………………….
- State the role of the following hormones in livestock production. (2 marks)
Oxytocin …………………………………………………………………………… - Name one parasite of bees. (½ mark)
SECTION B (20 Marks)
Answer all the questions from this section.
- Diagram below show a plunge dip.
- Using a arrow on the diagram show the movement of cattle (½mark)
- State one use of parts A, B and C (3marks)
A……………………………………………………………………………………………B……………………………………………………………………………………………C…………………………………………………………………………………………… - State two precautions a farmer should take on dip to ensure effective dipping (2marks)
- State two uses of the roof of the dip (2marks)
- State three disadvantages of a plunge dip (3marks)
- Identify the tools below (1mark)
Y - X ………………………………………………………………………..
Y ………………………………………………………………………. - State the use of tools x and y (2marks)
- Explain two maintenance practices carried on tool X (2marks)
- Identify the tools below (1mark)
- Name the tools used in conjunction of following tools (2marks)
- Trocar
- Hypodermic needle
- Wood chisel
- Star headed screw
- Diagram below show reproductive system of a female cow
- Name the part marked (1mark)
D ………………………………………………………………………………………………
F ……………………………………………………………………………………………… - State the function of parts marked (1mark)
C ………………………………………………………………………………………………
E ………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Name the part marked (1mark)
- At what stage should a gilt be mated? (½mark)
- Diagram below show reproductive system of a female cow
SECTION C (40 Marks)
Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after each question.
- Describe five pre-disposing factor of livestock diseases. (5marks)
- Describe six mechanical methods of controlling ticks (6 marks)
- Describe the factors that affect milk composition of a cow (9 marks)
- Explain five advantages of animal power. (5marks)
- Describe three operational differences between disc plough and mouldboard plough. (6 marks)
- Describe the use of various materials in construction of a Kenya to hive (4 marks)
- Outline the care and maintenance of a tractor water cooling system. (5marks)
- State four physiological body processes considered when assessing on animal health. (4marks)
- Explain nine factors considered when selecting a breeding stock. (9marks)
- Describe Brucellosis disease in Cattle under the following sub-headings.
- the cause of the disease (1mark)
- Symptoms of the disease (4marks)
- Control measures (2marks)

- Bactrian
1 x 1 = ( 1 mk) -
- Provide shallow cultivation
- Requires more than one person to guide implement and animal
- Slow than tractors
- Less durable
- Animal fall sick reducing work output
- More tedious
- Animal require extra grazing land increasing cost of production
2 x 1 = (2 marks)
- Brown ear tick ( Rhipicephalus appendiculatus)
- Culex mosquito/Aedes mosquito
- Tsetse fly
- Brown ear tick ( Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
4 x ½ = (2 marks)
- Near source of water
- Topography/Drainage
- Type of soil
- Accessibility to the pond
- Security of fish
4 x ½ = (2 marks)
- Rotavator
- mowerplanters
- sprayers
- fertilizer spreaders
2 x ½ (1 mk)
- Add weight/mass on harrow/exert more hydraulic force
- Sharpened disc blade
- Use fewer discs/increase space between discs
- Lessen area of disc contact with soil/increase cutting angle of disc
2 x 1 = (2 marks)
- Coping saw (½ Each )
- Inside calipers
- Tinsnips
- Wire strainer
- Tools should be cleaned after use (Any 4 x ½ )
- Part like hack-saw blades should be replaced regularly
- Handles should be replaced when broken
- All moving parts like nuts and wheels should be lubricated regularly to reduce friction
- When cutting metal, a coolant oil should be used to increase grip
- Clean after use or dust
1 x 1 (1 mk)
- Age
- Incomplete milking
- Stage of lactation
- Mechanical injury on teats/udder
- Poor milking technique
- Poor sanitation
Any 4 x ½ =(2 marks)
- Poor layers/producers
- cannibals
- Old chicken
- Combs, wattles & vents become shriveled
- Having dull feathers
- Egg eaters
- Breast bones become hard
- Body and vent changes colour from white to yellow
- Width between pelvic bones becomes narrow 2-3 fingers can’t fit in between
Any 4 x ½ = (2 marks)
- Iron sheets are light
- Iron sheets are cheaper
- Iron sheets are easily serviced
- Iron sheets are easy to work with/ Do not require a lot of skilled man power like tiles
- Iron sheets are easily available.
Any 4 x 1 = (4 marks)
- Used to restrain the bull
- Used to lead the bull
1 x 1 = (1 mk)
- Carburettor
- Atomises fuel
- introduces air and fuel to the engine
- regulates mixing of air and fuel into suitable proportions. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)
- Spark plug
- introduces spark to ignite fuel air mixture in the cylinder
- Carburettor
- Magnesium 1 x ½ = (1/2 mk)
- Weighing
- Recording milk
- Straining
- Cooling
- Storing
- Cleaning utensils 3 x ½ (1 ½ mrks)
- Cleaning milking parlouR
3 x ½ = (1 ½ marks)
- Anthrax Mark as a whole
- Black quarter/leg 2 x ½ = (1 mk)
- Vaccine – Blanthrax 1 x ½ = (1/2 mks)
- Prolactin – lactogenesis/milk synthesis
- Oxytocin – cause milk let down
2 x 1 = (2 marks)
- Ants, wax moth, Bee louse, Honey Badger 1 x ½ = (1/2 mk)
- Direction of movemenT
A → B →C (1 x ½=½mk) - Uses of parts;
- A – Hold animals before dipping
- waiting area - B – Clean cattle hooves
- Prevent dip contaminatioN - C – Hold livestock to wait for dip wash to drip
- Draining race
(3 x 1=3mks)
- A – Hold animals before dipping
- Precautions farmer should take for effective dipping
- Proper mixing of dip wash
- Check concentration of dip wash
- Top up dip was at correct level
( 2 x 1=2mks)
- Uses of roof
- Reduce evaporation of dip wash
- Prevent dilution of dip was by rain water (2 x 1=2mks)
- High initial construction cost (high capital);
- Dangerous for young and pregnant animals and die sick:
- Requires a lot of water;
- Poisoning by swallowed dip wash: ( 3 x 1=3mks)
- Direction of movemenT
- X – Pruning knife
Y – Metal float (2 x ½=1mk) - Uses of tools
X – Pruning hard woods such as tea
Y – For spreading screed over the floors or walls (2 x 1=2mks) - Maintenance of tool X
- Clean to remove dirt
- Sharpen to improve efficiency
- Apply old engine oil/paint to prevent rusting
- Fix handle tightly to reduce accidents ( 2 x 1=2mks)
- X – Pruning knife
- Tools used in conjuction with
- cannula
- Syringe
- Mallet
- Star headed screw driver rej screw driver alone (4 x ½=2mks)
- D – Fallopian tube
F – Cervix - Function of;
- C – Produce ova /female gamete
- Produce oestrogen /progesterone hormones - E – Foetus implants and grow ( 2 x 1=2mks)
- C – Produce ova /female gamete
- D – Fallopian tube
- Stage gilt should be mated
- 8 – 12 months (½mk)
- The species of the animal.Certain species of animals are affected by specific diseases like swine fever for pigs and new castle for poultry.
- The breed of the animal. Certain breeds of animals are affected by particular diseases like cancer of the eye for Hereford and solar erythema for large whites.
- The age of the animal. Certain ages of animals are easily affected by certain diseases e.g anemia for piglets and lamb dysentery for lambs.
- Sex of the animal. Certain diseases are associated to sex of the animal e.g Orchitis for males and vaginitis for females.
- Color of the animal . Black colored animals suffer from heat stress than white coloured animals
( 5 x 1 = 5marks)
- Burning of the infested pastures in order to kill all the stages of the lifecycle of ticks.
- ploughing the pasture so that the stages of the lifecycle are exposed to sunlight for desiccation or killed by burying deeply.
- Top dressing the pasture with lime or acaridae is also effective in controlling larvae, nymphs and adults
- Fencing the pasture and farm to keep off intruding animals that could be carriers.
- Starving the ticks to death by enhancing rotational grazing. Effective in breaking lifecycles.
- Hand picking the tricks and killing them(deticking).
( 6 x 1 = 6marks)
- Age of the animal. Young animals produce higher butterfat content in milk.
- The middle stage of lactation of a cow has higher butterfat content.
- Condition of the animal. Emaciated sick and pregnant animals produce low butterfat content.
- The last drawn milk during milking has higher butterfat content.
- Time of milking. Evening milk has higher butterfat content than morning milk.
- Breed of the animal. Jerseys, Guernsey the Zebu cows have a higher butterfat content than other breeds like freisian
- Season of the year. Cows produce milk with a lower butterfat content during cold season than warm season.
- Cows that feed on roughage produce milk with higher butterfat content than other feeds.
- Cows suffering from disease like mastitis produce milk with a low butterfat content and poorly contaminated.
- Cows under medication with antibiotics produce milk that is poorly constituted.
( 1 x 9= 9marks)
- Can work in areas inaccessible areas to a tractor
- Irregularly shaped and small piece of land/stony land
- Its cost is cheap than tractor engine power.
- Used when other sources of power are not available.
- Can be used in are very steep slopes
( 5 x 1 = 5marks)
- Operational differences between a disc and a mouldboard
Disc Plough Mouldboard Plough Suitable on field with stones, roots or stumps. Cannot be used on fields with stone, roots and stumps. Does not invert the furrow slices completely Inverts the furrow slices completely. More secondary operations are necessary after it has been used. Fewer secondary operations are needed Cuts at varying points. Operates at uniform depth. Not easily broken by obstacles. Can easily be broken by obstacles. Requires less power to operate. Requires more power to operate.
(2X3 marks) Differences should be on same point at a time
- Timber – Construction box and top bars
- Corrugated iron sheets – form lid to prevent leakage.
- Nails- for joining parts
- Wire – firming wire loop, for hanging
- Posts – for hanging
- Wood preservatives- coating on wood to preserve from attack by pests and weather conditions.
( ½mkfor mentioning the material, ½ mk for explaining- 5marks)
- The water pump should be lubricated regularly
- Clean water should be used in the radiator and trash removed from the fins
- All pipes should be fitted tightly to avoid leakage
- Fan belt tension should be checked regularly and if too tight or too loose should be adjusted
- The radiator should be filled with clean water before starting day’s work.
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
- Body temperature
- pulse rate/heart beat
- Respiratory rate.
- Level of production
- Appetite and feeding
- Urination and urine
- Defeacation and feaces
- Production level of the animal
( 4 x 1 = 4marks)
- Age of animal
- Level of performance/production
- Physical fitness
- Health. Animals selected must be health
- Body conformation- Animals for breeding should be selected according to their body conformation.
- Temperament or behavior- Some animals within a breed might have bad temperament or undesirable behaviors such as cannibalism and egg eating in the case of poultry.
- Quality of products. Select animals that give products of high quality
- Mothering ability. Animals selected should have a good mothering ability, which are animals with good natural instinct towards their young ones.
- Adaptability. Animals selected should be well adapted to the prevailing climatic conditions.
- Prolificacy. Select animals which are highly prolific, that is animals with an ability to give birth to many offsprings at a time.
( 9 x 1 = 9marks)
- Cause
- Brucella abortus ( 1mark)
- symptoms
- Spontanous abortion/Premature birth
- Infertility in cow while bulls have low libido
- Yellowish brown, slimy, odourless discharge from vulva may occur.
- Retained placenta if abortion occur later in pregnancy
( 4 x 1 = 4marks)
- Control measures
- Use artificial insemination.
- Slaughtering affected animals and proper disposal of carcass
- Attendant to animals should avoid contact with aborted foetus
- Blood test should be done for all breeding animals to detect infected animals before being culled
- Fencing grazing land to restrict possible intrusion of infected animals from spreading the disease to healthy herd.
( 2 x 1 = 2marks)
- Cause
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