- Write your name and index number on the diskette.
- Write the name and the version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet.
- Answer ALL the questions.
- All questions carry equal marks.
- Passwords should NOT be used while saving in the diskette.
- All answers MUST BE saved in your diskette.
- Make a print out of the answers on the answer sheets provided.
- Arrange your printouts and tie/staple them together and use the best fit i.e. landscape or portrait for your printouts.
- Using a Word Processing package, type the congratulatory note below as it appears and save it as CONGRATS. (15mks)
MAGS Software Co. Ltd
P.O. Box 5678
(Insert today’s date)
<<First Name>><<Last Name>>
Dear<<First Name>>
Due to your hard work and sacrifices you made this year, the company wishes to congratulate you for emerging the best in our internal interview that you applied for. Your new position will be <<Position>> and your new salary scale will be<<Amount>>.
Yours faithfully,
Gregory Bruce
PERSONNEL - Create a data source with the following details and use it with the note you have just typed to generate personal notes to the company’s named personnel.
Save it as Details. (15mks)
George Kinoti
P. O. BOX 5678
Software Developer
Henry Odongo
P. O. BOX 5678
ICT Officer
Wilberforce Kenya
P. O. BOX 5678
Database Admin
Grace Akinyi
P.O. BOX 5678
System Admin
Beth Mugo
P.O. BOX 5678
P.O. BOX 5678
Shs.45000 - Insert data fields in main document and generate the notes for the employees.(14mks)
- Print the notes. (6mks)
- Using a Word Processing package, type the congratulatory note below as it appears and save it as CONGRATS. (15mks)
- Create a database called SCHOOL. (2 Marks)
- Create three tables EXAMINATION, DOS and BOARDINGwith the fields as shown below. (10Marks)
- Create a relationship between the three tables and enforce integrity. (6Marks)
- Enter the data items in the given tables three tables. (15Marks)
Admission Number Mathematics English Kiswahili Biology 1 45 67 90 23 10 45 89 90 20 2 45 70 80 3 89 90 9 4 78 9 89 5 67 89 90 6 67 90 78 7 34 78 50 8 23 50 9 23 15
Admission Number S/Name Other Names KCPE Mark Year of KCPE 1 PETER BARASA 327 2007 10 JOHNSON SUK 250 2001 2 ALEX OJWANG 340 1998 3 BELINDA ESTHER 250 2008 4 BRAMWEL RAYMOND 450 2007 5 ALEX WAMWANA 410 2003 6 JANET KILONZO 400 2000 7 MATHEW KARIUKI 450 1999 8 NASIMIYU CATHEEN 290 2003 9 KIMATHI JOHN 300 2001
Admission Number UNIFORM TOOLS TOOL NAME 1 No 12 JEMBE 10 Yes 20 JEMBE 2 No 11 PANGA 3 Yes 1 SLASHER 4 Yes 111 JEMBE 5 No 15 RAKE 6 Yes 22 BASIN 7 Yes 11 BROOMS 8 Yes 90 RAKE 9 Yes 23 BUCKET - Design a query that would display the following fields as shown below and write down the formulae for getting the total score and criteria for extracting the records below (10 Marks)
Admission Number UNIFORM S/Name KCPE Mark Mathematics English Kiswahili TOTAL SCORE 1 Yes BELINDA 250 89 90 90 269 10 Yes BRAMWEL 450 78 9 90 177 2 Yes JANET 400 67 90 7 164 - Design a report that would sort the following in ascending order in the order of the following fields, Total score, KCPE Score, S/Name the Admission Number and the report should display all the fields. Save the report as administration (5Marks)
- Print, administration and admin (2Marks)

- Correct creation of a database. (10mks)
- Using appropriate foreign primary key. (2mks)
- Using appropriate foreign key. (2mks)
- Proper validation. (4mks)
- Each form with proper data entry. (4mks)
- Proper date entry. (5mks)
- Query well created. (4mks)
- Proper report with all details. (4mks)
- Correct query. (4mks)
- Appropriate pie chart report. (5mks)
- Each correct print out 1 mark each.
- Creating a database called SCHOOL. (2mrks)
- Create three tables Examination, DOS and BOARDING with the fields as show below.
Every table one mark and each field a half a mark each (10mrks)
Admission Number Mathematics English Kiswahili Biology
Admission Number S/Name Other Names KCPE Mark Year of KCPE
Admission Number Uniform Tool Tool Name Biology - Creating a relationship between the three tables 4 marks and enforcing integrity.2 marks
- Entering the data items in the given tables three tables as shown below a half a mark for each well filled row. To a maximum of 15 marks.
Criteria yes 2 marks, mathematics > 50 2 marks and formulae TOTAL SCORE
[Mathematics]+[English]+[Kiswahili] 5 marks , 2 marks for saving.
Admission Number UNIFORM S/Name KCPE Mark Mathematics English Kiswahili TOTAL SCORE 1 Yes BELINDA 250 89 90 90 269 10 Yes BRAMWEL 450 78 9 90 177 2 Yes JANET 400 67 90 7 164 - Designing a report that would sort the following in ascending order in the order of the following fields.
Total score, KCPE Score, S/Name the Admission Number and the report should displaying all the fields 3 marks . Saving 2 marks - Printing 1 mark for each document.
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