Instructions to Candidates
- Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
- Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
- Answer all questions in this paper
- In question 4 choose any two of the questions numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d)
- DO NOT remove any pages.
- Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.

- Starting with the given opening, compose a melody of 16 bars for voice, modulating to the relative minor before returning to the tonic. Incorporate a duplet. (9marks)
- Using staff notations compose a tune to suite the following lyrics. Add phrase marks. (6 marks)
Utu ni kitu adimu
Kipawa chake manani
- Starting with the given opening, compose a melody of 16 bars for voice, modulating to the relative minor before returning to the tonic. Incorporate a duplet. (9marks)
- Harmonize the following Soprano melody by adding Alto, Tenor and Bass. Use the following chords: I, ii, IV, V and vi. Incorporate passing 6 . (15 marks)
- Identify any two African ostinato chordophone (2 marks)
- State one method of playing ostinato chordophone (1 mark)
- Mwomboko is a dance from Kenyan community
- Name the community that performs the dance. ( 1 mark)
- Name the composition of the performers.( 1 mark)
- Name the occasion in which the dance is performed.( 1 mark)
- Identify two accompanying instruments.( 2 marks)
- Mention any three function of lullabies in African societies.(3 marks)
- Explain three qualities of good soloist. ( 3 marks)
Answer any two of the questions (a), (b), (c) and (d).
- William Byrd
- Name any two of Byrd contemporaries. (2 mark)
- Outline two aspects that show how Byrd worked together with his teacher. (2marks)
- Give three features that characterized byrd sacred music ( 3 mark)
- franz joseph haydn
- Hydn is one of the musicians who are known as the Vienna 4 name the other three (3 marks)
- Outline two ways in which Haydn developed as a composer, as a result of working for prince Esterhazy in the country side. (2marks)
- Identify the following works ( 2 marks)
- London……………………………………………………………………….
- Symphony…………………………………………………………………….
- franz liszt
- Outline any three distinctive features that characterized liszt symphonic poems (3 marks)
- In which period of music history was Liszt a composer? (1 marks)
- Mention any three sources that influenced Liszt to be a reknown music composer (3marks)
- Bella Bartok
- Name any two composition by Bartok during the outbreak of world war one (2 marks)
- Outline any three characteristics of Bella Bartok music (3 marks)
- In which period did Bella Bartok live? ( 1 mark)
- Identify the virtuosity of Bella Bartok ( 1 mark)
5. Prescribed Traditional African Music
Chiviti by diwani nzaro.
- Briefly describe the ending section of this recording. (2 marks)
- Outline three various musical elements which describe the main section. (3 marks)
- Name the members of the media in this performance. ( 3 marks)
- State any two common musical ideas that all the instrument share ( 2 marks)
6. Prescribed Western Music
Too much I once lamented
- Analyze this music in terms of the following: (3 marks)
- Harmony. …………………………………………………………………….
- Dynamics.…………………………………………………………………..
- Tonality……………………………………………………………………..
- Identify three features of madrigals music used in this score. (3 marks)
- State three compositional devices used in lyricism of the melodic passages in this score. (3 marks)
- Describe the tempo of the music. (1 mark)
7. Unprepared Analysis
- Study the music extract below and answer the questions that follow.
In which form is the melody written? (1 mark) - Identify two devices used to create rhythmic variety in the melody. (2 marks)
- State the tonality of the melody. (1 mark)
- In which key does the melody modulate before returning to the tonic? (1 mark)
- State the texture of this melody. (1 mark)
- The following melody is written for clarinet in B flat .Write it in its concert pitch. (5 marks)
- Differentiate between African harp and western harp ( 4 marks)
- State three possible related keys when modulating from key of D major (3 marks)
- Outline three differences between modulation and transposition. (3 marks)
- State the role of a metronome ( 1mark)

Question 1
- 16 bars (1 mark)
- Cadences (any 2 final inclusive) (2 marks)
- Modulation (2 marks)
- Lyricism (1 marks)
- Duplet (1 mark)
- Melodic Shape and curve (0.5 mark)
- Rhythm (0.5 mark)
- Phrase Marks (1 mark)
Total 9 marks
- Syllabic division (1 marks)
- Text setting to music (1 marks)
- Rhythm (0.5 marks)
- Melodic shape and curve (1 marks)
- Lyricism (1 marks)
- Cadences (1 marks)
- Musicianship (0.5 marks)
Total 6 marks
Question 2
- 1marks for each correct chord (7.5 marks)
- 0.5 mark for each cadence (1 marks)
- 1.5 mark Voice leading (0.5 mark for each voice (ATB) 1.5 marks)
- Range (mark as a whole) (1.5 mark)
- Progression (4.5 marks)
Total 15 marks
Deduct marks (maximum 4.5 marks) for the following faults
- Consecutive 5ths and parallel 8ves (0.5 mark each)
- Overlapping of parts (0.5 mark each)
- Crossing of parts (0.5 mark each)
- Spacing in inner parts (0.5 mark each)
- Exposed 5ths or 8ves (0.5 mark each)
- Doubled 3rds in primary triads (0.5 mark each)
- Wrong use of 2nd inversion chords (0.5 mark each)
- Wrong note values (0.5 mark each)
- Stems (mark as a whole) (0.5 mark each)
Question 3
- (2 marks)
- Obokano Nyatiti
- Plucking (1 marks)
- Kikuyu (1 marks)
- Old men and women (1 marks)
- Entertainment (1 marks)
- Drum (3 marks
A chordion
- Functions of lullaby (3 marks)
- To lull a baby
- To soothe a baby
- To express mothers love to the baby
- To assure the baby of emotional security
- For entertainment
- (4 marks)
- Audible
- Courageous
- Have a strong voice
- Has strong language commands
- Leadership ability
Answer any two of the following questions (a), (b), (c) and (d)
- William Byrd 1543 – 1623
- Name any two of Byrd’s contemporaries ( 2 marks )
- Orlando Di Lassus Weelkes
- Thomas Tallis Wilbye
- Thomas Morley Gibbons
- Palestrina Dowland
- Outline two aspects that show how Byrd worked together with his teacher ( 2 marks)
- Joint organist at chapel royal
- Granted monopoly to print and import foreign publications by Queen Elizabeth
- Jointly composed a set of motets “cantiounessacrae”
- Give three features that characterize Byrd’s sacred music ( 2 marks )
- Contrapuntal
- Flexible rhythm/free rhythm
- Rich complex imitative style
- Used Cantus firmus
- Polyphonic texture
- Based on modes
- Was melismati
- Name any two of Byrd’s contemporaries ( 2 marks )
- Franz Joseph Haydn ( 1732 – 1809 )
- Haydn is one of the musicians who are known as “The Vienna Four”. Name the other three (3 marks)
- Amedeus Morzart
- Ludwig Van Beethoven
- Franz Schubert
- Outline two ways in which Haydn developed as a composer; as a result of working for Prince Esterhazy in the country side (2 marks)
- Inculcation of originality in Haydns Compositions
- Readily Available instruments for which he experimented for symphonic Orchestration
- The high demand by the prince for new music motivated Haydn as a composer to compose more
- Identify the following works (2 marks)
- The London -Symphony
- The Emperor -String Quartet
- Haydn is one of the musicians who are known as “The Vienna Four”. Name the other three (3 marks)
- Franz Lists
- (3 marks)
- Used idee fixe( Leite motive
- Personalise ( no traditional Hungarian hero)
- Linked with some mood
- Make the piano the equal of the orchestra
- (1 marks)
- Romantic
- (3 marks)
- The father was a piano violin cello and guitar player
- The symphony and song of Beethoven and Schurbert
- Influenced by Nicola Paganini
- (3 marks)
- Bella Bertok
- 2 marks
- Ballet
- String quartet
- Opera
Iii 20th Centuary 1 mark
- 3 marks
- All his music coloured with Hungarian folksong
- Composed music using elements of Romantic period
- His voice works had programmatic styles
- Piano Virtuoso
- 2 marks
- Glissando (2 marks
- Abrupt ending
- Polyrhythmic (3 marks
- Highly pitched
- Monophonic
- (3 marks)
- Chivoti Aerophone
- Shaken idiophone
- Struck idiophone
- They share tempo (2 marks
- Community
- Mark different sections
Too much I once Lamented
- (3 marks)
- Harmony Five voice part
- Dynamics p to f
- Tonality Modal tonality
- (3 marks)
- Word devices
- Melisma
- Canonic imitations
- Word painting (3 marks
- Melisma
- Canonic imitation
(1 marks)
Slow tempo
- Ternary form *1 mark
- (2 marks)
- Triplet
- Dotted quaver and semiquaver
- (1 marks)
- F major
- C major
- Monophonic texture (1marks)
- Concert pitch for a clarinet in B flat is F major ( 5 marks)
- Western has metallic strings while African has synthetic strings 4 marks
- Western has two arms while African has one
- Western has a crossbar while African has one
- Western has no resonator while African has it
- G major
F major
B minor -
- modulation for a section while transposition for the whole piece 3 marks
- modulation returns the tonic while transposition does not
- modulation is for related keys alone while transposition can be done to any key
- To count the number of beats in a performance 1 mark
- G major
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