- Answer All questions
- All answers must be saved in your diskettes! Removable device
- Insert your name and index number as headers on all your documents
- Make a print out of the answers on the answer sheets provided
- Hand in the print outs and the diskette

Answer question one (compulsory)
- Using a word processing program, type the following table and save as LIST.
Adjust your font type to- Times New Romans, (1mark)
- font size 12. (1mark)
- Use the auto sum feature to get the sum in the fees column. (2marks)
Name Box Number Town Form House Fees Wanjala Naswa 132 Namalala 2W Kilimanjaro 9250 Abdalla Ali 100 Bamburi 1W Simba 11500 Mulwa Norr 50 Matuu 1W Simba 11500 Mwangi Mama 500 Kairuthi 4R Chui 10500 Kiptoo John 100 Tindinyo 2R Ndovu 8575
- Convert the table above to text. (2marks)
- Using a word processing program, type the following table and save as LIST.
- Using mail merge, type the following letter. Use the table above as the data source and merge the details where applicable. Include all the formatting features in the letter. Justify the first paragraph of the letter.
Save as LETTER.
Success High School,
P.O Box 1000,
30th November 2020...........................................
P.O Box...”Box Number”
We are pleased to offer you a place in this school in form “Form”. Your house will be “House”. The
amount of fees required is Ksh “Fees”. The school opens on 5th January, 2021.
You are required to bring the following items:
Beddings Stationery
1. 1 mattress 1. Text books
2. 2 blankets 2. Exercise books
3. 2 bed sheets 3. 1 mathematical set
4. 1 bedcover 4. 1 ruler
5. 2 pillow cases 5. 1 Bible/KoranYours faithfully.
Henry Mkubwa
(PRINCIPAL) - Print both LIST and LETTER. (2marks)
- Using a spreadsheet program type the worksheet below as it appears. (7marks)
- Create a worksheet with the following entries:
- Adjust column width where necessary to display all entries in detail. Validate the cells to accept
ONLY numerals between 0 to100 and return a comment “Please enter a number between 0 and 100” whenever an out of range error occurs. Save the worksheet as MARKS1. (4 Marks)
- Obtain the following:
- total score for each student
- mean score for each student
- highest score per subject
- standard deviation per subject
- rank for each student
- the grade for each student based on the following information.
Mean Grade 75 - 100
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64
55 - 59
50 - 54
45 - 49
40 - 44A
On the paper provided write the formula for each activity above.
Save your worksheet as MARKS 2. (22 Marks)
- Insert a new row for Chege Kisilu between Ayuku Aseka and Irungu Wambua. Enter his scores as 60. 50, 80, and 20. Save your worksheet as MARKS 3. (3 Marks)
- Format the ranges with values for mean score and standard deviation to display results to 3 decimal places. Save your worksheet as MARKS 4. (4 Marks)
- Select a free cell and enter 10%. Use the value entered to increment the mean score of each student. Save as MARKS 5. (8 Marks)
- Print MARKS 2, MARKS 3, MARKS 4 and MARKS 5. (2marks)

Marking Scheme
- Existence of filename called LIST = 1 mks
- Creation of table and data existence (with borders) = 2 mks
- Underline of the header labels = 1 mks
- All correct entries = 10 mks
- Correct usage of fonts and size (times New Roman, Size 12) = 2 mks
- Use of auto sum feature to get the sum in the fees column = 4mks
- Existence of filename LETTER = 1 mks
- Converting table to text = 2mks
- Justification of the 1st paragraph = 4 mks
- Correct typing of whole document = 10 mks
- Formatting as per specification given = 5 mks
- Merging the two documents = 6mks
- Hardcopy printouts of LIST.DOC and LETTER.DUC = 2 mks
- Existence of filename called LIST = 1 mks
- Creation of the worksheet and existence of MARKS1 = 2 mks
- All entries correctly entered = 5 mks
- Validation of cells to display “Please enter number between 0 and 100” = 2 mks
- Formatting of worksheet as per specification and existence of MARKS 2 = 2 mks
- Creation of the worksheet and existence of MARKS1 = 2 mks
- Correct formula for each of the following:
- Total for each student (SUM) = 2 mks
- Mean Score for each student (AVERAGE) =2 mks
- Highest score per subject (MAX) =2 mks
- Standard Deviation (SD) = 2 mks
- Rank for each student (RANK) =2 mks
- Grade computations for each student = 10 mks
- Saving = 2 mks
- Insert a new row for Chege Kisilu and entering data = 3 mks)
- Format the ranges with values for mean score and standard deviation to display results to 3decimal places and existence of MARKS 4. = 4 Mks
- Select a free cell and enter 10%. = 2mks
Use the value entered to increment the mean score of each student. = 4mks
Existence of MARKS 5. (2mks) - Printing.
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