- Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
- This paper consists of three Sections: A, B and C
- Answer all the questions in sections A and B.
- Answer any two questions from section C.
- All answers must be written in English.
Section |
Question |
Maximum |
Score |
A |
1-17 |
40 |
B |
18 |
20 |
C |
19 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
21 |
20 |
Total score |
100 |

Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided
- State two precautions to take when storing gas cylinders in the home. (2 marks)
- Suggest two areas in a garment in which darts are used to dispose fullness. (2 marks)
- Outline two characteristics of well-made gathers. (2 marks)
- State two functions of each of the following ingredients in cake making. (4 marks
- Fat
- Liquid
- Mention three sections of a garment where facings are applied. (3 marks)
- Outline two ways of shortening the cooking time of beef. (2 marks)
- Mention two areas where shell tucks can be used on a child’s garment. (1 mark)
- What is an air conditioner? (2 marks)
- Suggest two patches that can be used to repair a torn table cloth. (1 mark)
- State three benefits of using lampshades. (3 marks)
- Explain the following terms; (2 marks)
- Inflation
- Consumer rights
- Give two changes which occur in the body of an elderly person affecting the diet. (2 marks)
- State two qualities of a well-made zip opening. (2 marks)
- Differentiate between a casing and a hem. (2 marks)
- State one function of the fishbone stitch. (1 mark)
- Give three symptoms of Goitre. (3 marks)
- State two reasons why charcoal must red hot before roasting meat. (2 marks)
- Mention four methods of sterilizing bath towels. (2 marks)
- Differentiate between food spoilage and food poisoning. (2 marks)
This question is compulsory.
Write your answers on the space provided after the question.
- You mother has requested you to assist her with household chores.
- Thorough clean a stained plastic chair. (7 marks)
- Launder a coloured cotton handkerchief. (7 marks)
- A neglected painted dining table. (6 marks)
Answer ANY TWO questions from this section.
Answers should be written on the space provided after the questions.
- State five points to consider when buying fabrics for soft furnishing. (5 marks)
- Discuss three reasons it would not be advisable to buy a refrigerator on hire purchase. (6 marks)
- Explain three principles of food preservation. (6 marks)
- Outline three ways of lengthening a short dress. (3 marks)
- Give five points on how to ensure the purchase of quality goods by consumers. (5 marks)
- Explain five precautions to observe when using an electric iron. (5 marks)
- State five precautions to take when caring for the sick to avoid the spread of infection. (5 marks)
- State five qualities of a well made round bottom patch pocket. (5 marks)
- Explain five factors to consider when reheating left over foods (5 marks)
- Explain five measures that lead to proper maintenance of clothes (5 marks)
- Outline five points to bear in mind when choosing a pair of cutting out shears.(5 marks)
- Discuss five factors that determine the efficiency of a detergent. (5 marks)

- State two precautions to take when storing gas cylinders in the home. 2 marks
- The cylinder should be placed in a lockable chamber
- Cylinder should be stored on the outer wall of the kitchen
- It should be stored in a well ventilated place
- Suggest two areas in a garment in which darts are used to dispose fullness. 2marks
- By giving shape to a garment at the front bustline
- Front or back waist of dresses or skirts
- Back or front shoulders
- Outline two characteristics of well-made gathers 2marks
- Should be evenly distributed in the space provided.
- Should not form gathers
- should not form pleats
- should not be slanting
- State two functions of each of the following ingredients in cake making 2mks
- Fat (margarine) - makes the cake short
- Keeps the cake moist during storage
- gives color
- Liquids e.g eggs and milk
- Binds the ingredients together
- Produces steam and gases which help to raise the cake
- Fat (margarine) - makes the cake short
- Mention three sections of a garment where facings are applied.
- Neck line
- Hem
- Waist
- Openings
- Outline two ways of shortening the cooking time of beef. 2marks
- By tenderizing using a mallet or any physical method
- By using meat tenderizer eg. Pawpaw juice, lemon juice, tomatoes
- Mention two areas where shell tucks can be used on a child’s garment. 1mk
- Neckline
- Armhole
- Cuff edge of a sleeve
- Hem of a dress
- What is an air conditioner? 2marks
- This is a device that absorb stale air from the inside of room and replaces it with fresh cooled air from the outside of a room.
- Suggest two patches that can be used to repair a torn table cloth. 1mark
- Calco patch
- Decorative patch
- State three benefits of using lampshades 3marks
- They reduce glare
- They add beauty to the room
- They can be used to create different ambiance
- Explain the following terms; 2marks
- Inflation
- Consumer rights
- Changes which occur in the body of an elderly person affecting the diet.
- Loss of teeth.
- Low rate of metabolism.
- Reduced sense of taste and smell.
- Reduced physical activity.
- Decreased rate of absorption.
- Decreased level of acidity of gastric juice.
- Qualities of a well-made zip opening:
- It is neatened at the base.
- It is strengthened at the base.
- It is long enough to allow for removal and putting on.
- Both sides of the seam are equal in length.
- The zip lies flat onto the garment when closed.
- Differentiate between a casing and a hem. (2 marks)
- Casing has two roles of stitching while a hem has one.
- A casing has an opening for inserting elastic/cord while a hem is a method finishing an edge.
- State one function of the fishbone stitch.
- It is a temporary stitch used to hold a tear before darning.
- Symptoms of Goitre:
- irritability
- tiredness/fatigue
- weight loss/wasted
- change of eating habits.
- swelling of the neck/thyroid gland
- hoarse voice
- difficult in swallowing
- State two reasons why charcoal must red hot before roasting meat. (2 marks)
- To quickly dry/harden the surface to seal in juices.
- To ensure even cooking.
- To ensure food is free from smoke.
- To cook faster.
- Mention four methods of sterilizing bath towels. (2 marks)
- Boiling
- Fumigation
- Use of chemical disinfectants
- Use of steam.
- Drying in the sun
- Pressing with a hot iron
- Differentiate between food spoilage and food poisoning. (2 marks)
- You mother has requested you to assist her with household chores.
- Thorough clean a stained plastic chair. (7 marks)
Collect equipment and materials(½)- dust the chairs with a dry cloth(½) remove mud with a blunt stick or wet cloth (½)
- clean with warm soapy water(½) using a soft cloth/sisal fibres/sponge(½) from top to bottom/underneath/back(½)
- rinse(½) using warm(½) water
- final(½) rinse with cold(½) water
- remove excessive water(½) using a clean cloth/tum/tilt chair upside down so that water can drain off(½)
- buff with a clean(½) dry(½) non fluffy (½) cloth
- clean equipment,dry and store(½)
- Launder a coloured cotton handkerchief. (7 marks)
- Collect equipment and material.
- Soak in salty water for a short time.
- wash(½) in warm soapy(½) water using gentle friction method(½)
- rinse(½) in clean warm water(½)
- finally rinse in cold(½) water, add vinegar and salt(½)
- dry in the shade (½)
- iron while slightly damp(½) using a hot iron(½) Air(½) and fold appropriately(½)
- A neglected painted dining table. (6 marks)
- Collect equipment and material.
- Dust with a dry cloth
- Wipe with a cloth
- Wrung from warm soapy water pay attention to stained areas.
- Clean small sections at time, overlapping , circular motion.
- Rinse thoroughly with a cloth.
- Wrung out of warm water then cold water.
- Dry with a lintless cloth.
- Leave in a warm airy place under a shade.
- Clean equipment and materials.
- Thorough clean a stained plastic chair. (7 marks)
- State five points to consider when buying fabrics for soft furnishing. (5 marks)
- Easy to launder
- Crease resistance
- Shrink resistance
- Colour fast
- Drape well
- Attractive in colour and design
- Blend well with existing décor
- Durable so that it does not require frequent replacement.
- Discuss THREE reasons it would not be advisable to buy a refrigerator on hire purchase. (6 marks)
- The final cost price is higher than the original cost
- May lead to overspending
- If the item is not durable it may wear out before final payments are made
- No discounts are offered on hire purchase
- Explain three principles of food preservation. (6 marks)
- Outline three ways of lengthening a short dress. (3 marks)
- Undoing the hem and making a small one.
- Working a yoke on the skirt.
- Working a frill at the hem
- Working a false hem.
- State five points to consider when buying fabrics for soft furnishing. (5 marks)
- Give five points on how to ensure the purchase of quality goods by consumers. (5mks)
- Buy from reliable and approved dealers who offer quality items.
- Test and check for good condition and performance of an item before buying
- Ensure high quality standards of goods by insisting on a warranty guarantee of a given time.
- Use locally manufactured goods as they are of good quality and also help to offer employment.
- Check the expiry date.
- Check for any defect.
- Insist for an instructional manual
- Insist for a receipt to show payment.
- Explain five precautions to observe when using an electric iron. (5mks)
- State five precautions to take when caring for the sick to avoid the spread of infection. (5mks)
- Person minding the sick should wear clean protective clothing.
- Personal effects of the sick should be soaked in disinfected water before they are washed.
- Any repairs done should be after laundry.
- Washed clothes should be dried outdoor/ and ironed to kill germs.
- Feeding equipment should be washed separately and disinfected.
- Protective clothing of the person minding the sick should be washed and disinfected separately from the other family washing.
- Person minding the sick should wash hands frequently, with clean disinfected water.
- Tissue papers better than handkerchiefs if they can be afforded.
- Handle any blood or body fluid - stained items cautiously as they may be contaminated with germs.
- Room where the patient is should be well lit and be well ventilated.
- Ensure that the patient is clean all the time.
- Keep children away from this room.
- Keep pets away from this room.
- State five qualities of a well made round bottom patch pocket. (5mks)
- Accurately located and shaped.
- Stitching should be accurate, even, straight and close to the edge.
- Reinforced at the mouth to prevent tearing
- They should be flat and neat.
- Bottom well trimmed and clipped to avoid bulk.
- Of correct size
- The mouth should be wide to allow the hand move in and out freely.
- The pocket should be deep enough to hold the contents.
- Give five points on how to ensure the purchase of quality goods by consumers. (5mks)
- Explain five factors to consider when reheating left over foods (5 marks)
- Observe high standards of food hygiene
- Include fluids to replace what was lost during cooling
- Vary the cooking method
- Re-heat food but do not re-cook
- Garnish the dish well
- Divide the food in small portions
- Serve attractively and avoid monotony
- Cover food with coating to prevent overlooking
- Explain five measures that lead to proper maintenance of clothes (5 marks)
- Wash – use right temperature of water, detergent and agitation
- Drying – Correct method of removal of moisture e.g. loose coloured in shade, white in sun
- Storage – woolens hang, cottons fold & store in dry cool place, use a mothballs
- Stain remove: Remove stain when fresh, immediately, use correct method
- Proper use: Use cloth for correct purpose, white working, to parties etc
- Rising: - Temperature of water, severally or thorough for optimum results
- Repair: - Repair immediately to avoid further damage
- Sort: - Identify and group clothes
- Outline five points to bear in mind when choosing a pair of cutting out shears (5 mks)
- Should be made of rustless metal
- Should be sharp
- Should be firmly hinged
- Should be with one pointed blade
- Should be with blades long at least 15cm
- Discuss five factors that determine the efficiency of a detergent. (5 marks)
- Temperature of the washing water
- Washing time
- Type of water hard or soft
- Mechanical agitation
- Builders added during manufacture
- Degree of soiling.
- Explain five factors to consider when reheating left over foods (5 marks)
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