- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer all questions in section A, three in section B and any TWO in section C.
- Define the term History. (1mk)
- State two methods used by early man to find food during the Stone Age period. (2mks)
- Identify one river responsible for early agriculture in Mesopotamia. (1mk)
- State two modern ways of communication. (2mks)
- Give two sources of information on history and government. (2mks)
- State two early sources of energy. (2mks)
- Identify two early urban centres in Europe. (2mk)
- Identify the person who invented the seed drill. (1mk)
- State two officials who assisted Kabaka of Buganda to administer the Kingdom. (2mks)
- Give the main reason for the development of Kilwa as an early urban centre. (1mk)
- Who was omulamuzi in Buganda kingdom. (1mk)
- State the main advantage of using air transport. (1mk)
- Name the type of constitution used in Britain. (1mk)
- Name the Lozi leader who collaborated with the British in the late 19th Century. (1mk)
- Give two reasons why the Berlin conference was convened. (2mks)
- Name two European countries that formed the Triple Alliance before the outbreak of the First World War. (2mks)
- Identify the immediate cause of the First World War. (1mk)
Answer any THREE questions from this section.
- Identify hunting methods used by the early man. (5mks)
- Describe the culture of man in the middle stone age period. (10mks)
- Give five characteristics of the industrial revolution in Europe. (5mks)
- Explain five reasons why Britain was the first country to industrialize. (10mks)
- List five traditional forms of communication. (5mks)
- Explain five negative impacts of modern means of communication. (10mks)
- Give five economic activities of the Shona Empire during the pre colonial period. (5 mks)
- Discuss the social organization of the Asante Empire in the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
Answer any TWO Questions from this section.
- Give three methods used by African nationalists in south Africa in their struggle for independence. (3 mks)
- Explain six problems encountered by nationalist in Ghana in their struggle for Independence. (12mks)
- Identify five European powers which colonized Africa. (3mks)
- Explain the reasons for the scramble and partition of Africa . (12mks)
- Outline three effects of the First World War. (3mks)
- Explain six causes of the Second World War. (12mks)
Marking Scheme
- Define the term History. (1mk)
- It is the study of man’s past activities/ events.
- It is the study of man’s past activities/ events.
- State two methods used by early man to find food during the Stone Age period. (2mks)
- Hunting & Gathering
- Farming
- Fishing
- Identify one river responsible for early agriculture in Mesopotamia. (1mk)
- River Euphrates
- River Tigris
- State two modern ways of communication. (2mks)
- Telephone
- Mobile phones
- Internet
- Television
- Radio
- Give two sources of information on history and government. (2mks)
- Written sources
- Unwritten sources
- State two early sources of energy. (2mks)
- Water
- Wind
- wood
- Identify two early urban centres in Europe. (2mk)
- Athens
- London
- Identify the person who invented the seed drill. (1mk)
- Jethro Tull
- Jethro Tull
- State two officials who assisted Kabaka of Buganda to administer the Kingdom. (2mks)
- Omulamuzi – chief Justice
- Omwanika – treasurer
- Katikiro – Prime minister
- Give the main reason for the development of Kilwa as an early urban centre. (1mk)
- The control of Sofala gold trade.
- The control of Sofala gold trade.
- Who was omulamuzi in Buganda kingdom. (1mk)
- Chief Justice
- Chief Justice
- State the main advantage of using air transport. (1mk)
- Fastest means for transporting perishable goods.
- Fastest means for transporting perishable goods.
- Name the type of constitution used in Britain. (1mk)
- Unwritten constitution
- Unwritten constitution
- Name the Lozi leader who collaborated with the British in the late 19th Century. (1mk)
- Lewanika
- Lewanika
- Give two reasons why the Berlin conference was convened. (2mks)
- To settle territorial disputes airing from the Congo region and other parts of Africa.
- To avert a war/ conflict between European power in Africa.
- Name two European countries that formed the Triple Alliance before the outbreak of the First World War. (2mks)
- Germany
- Austria- Hungary
- Italy
- Romania
- Identify the immediate cause of the First World War. (1mk)
- Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinard and his wife Sophie
- Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinard and his wife Sophie
- Identify hunting methods used by the early man. (5mks)
- Digging pits for them to fall into them.
- Using traps
- Chasing them and throwing weapons at them.
- Driving animals towards swamp/ muddy water bodies.
- Driving animals over cliffs.
- Chasing animals until they get tired.
- Poisoning.
- Describe the culture of man in the middle stone age period. (10mks)
- Man continued hunting and gathering especially big animals.
- Man made tools like hand axes using levallois method.
- Man did fishing on rivers and lakes.
- They lived in groups and comps for protection purposes.
- They made shelters and also lived in caves.
- They used simple hunting methods of chasing animals and throwing stones at them as well as using
- traps.They started wearing animal skins as clothing.
- They painted themselves using red ochre and oil.
- Distinct language developed to enhance communication.
- Rock painting was done on cave walls and rocks.
- They decorated themselves with necklaces made from seeds and animal bones.
- Fire was made during this period and was used for a number of purposes like providing warmth during cold seasons.
- Identify hunting methods used by the early man. (5mks)
- Give five characteristics of the industrial revolution in Europe. (5mks)
- The use of machines to replace human and animal labour.
- The use of steam power as a new source of energy to replace water, wind and animal power.
- Increased exploitation and use of coal, iron and steel.The rise of the factory system in owns instead of the
- cottage industries in homes.
- The development of better forms of transport including the use of railways, roads and water.
- Improved living standards and an increase in the human population who required more manufactured goods.
- The production of goods on large scale. Machines worked faster than human labour.
- The development of science and the application of scientific knowledge in production.There was
- development of trade as manufactured goods were sold locally and abroad.
- The rise of modern capitalism that provided enough wealth which was then invested back into industry.
- The growth of trade Union Movements to carter for the rights of industrial workers.
- Explain five reasons why Britain was the first country to industrialize. (10mks)
- Availability of coal and iron ore which served as a basis for heavy industries.
- The agrarian revolution ensured that important raw materials were available for the industries and also made food more available for the many factory centres
- Existence of a large population which provided steady internal market for the manufactured goods/domestic local markets.
- Existence of cottage industries which acted as a base for industrial take-off in Britain.
- unskilled labour due to the enclosure act.
- Political stability and strong leadership that existed at the time created a condusive environment for investments when compared to other European countries.
- Well developed transport and communication network e.g railway, canals, bridges, harbours and roads which promoted industrialization.
- Existence of good banking and insurance systems which gave financial help and security to the industries.
- Britain had a strong navy that guarded her trade routes thus protecting her merchants from foreign competition.Policy of free trade encouraged industrialization/ existence of the merchant and middle class
- who formed pressure groups that forced the government to adopt measures favoring their industries.
- Availability of wealth/capital that stimulated industrial revolution.
- Availability of industrial raw materials in her vast colonies.
- Give five characteristics of the industrial revolution in Europe. (5mks)
- List five traditional forms of communication. (5mks)
- drum beats
- horn blowing
- messenger
- fire and smoke
- fire and smoke signals
- gesture and signals/ body movements
- flags
- bells
- whistle
- screams and cries.
- Semaphores
- Explain five negative impacts of modern means of communication. (10mks)
- some have promoted immorality through watching of pornographic films.
- They have promoted international crime and drug abuse.
- It has encouraged idleness and addiction to programmes by viewers.
- They have created unemployment.
- Some are expensive to buy and install.
- Some like radios and televisions cause noise pollution.
- Some programmes on televisions promote violence.
- Prolonged exposure to computer screens cause eye problems.
- Mobile phones can cause illness through exposure to radioactive rays.
- List five traditional forms of communication. (5mks)
- Give five economic activities of the Shona Empire during the pre colonial period. (5 mks)
- they grew crops/ agriculture.
- They kept livestock.
- They traded with Arabs and Swahili traders.
- They hunted elephants for ivory.
- They were iron workers/ blacksmiths.
- They made clothes from wild cotton/ bark fibres.
- They mined gold.
- They were fishermen.
- They gathered.
- Discuss the social organization of the Asante Empire in the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
- the kingdom was composed of many communities who spoke Akan or Twi language.
- The Asante were organized in clans.
- Marriage between members of the same clan was prohibited. They practiced exogamy and polygamy.
- Inheritance of property was matrilineal.
- The community was bound together by the golden stool.
- There was an annual cultural festival (Odwira) held at Kumasi to honour the ancestors.
- The society was divided into social classes (social stratification).
- The Asante worshipped many gods and goddesses / polytheists.
- The king, chiefs and Omanhenes were religious leaders (semi-divine)
- The ancestors mediated between god and the people.
- They believed in a supernatural god called Onyame.
- Give five economic activities of the Shona Empire during the pre colonial period. (5 mks)
- Give three methods used by African nationalists in south Africa in their struggle for independence. (3 mks)
- Formation of trade unions to fight for workers’ rights.
- Formation of political parties to air their grievances e.g A.N.C
- The use of mass Media e.g radios and newspapers.
- Leaders engage in direct negotiation with the government.
- Many detained nationalists went on hunger strike.
- Imposition of economic sanctions by international organizations like U.N.O
- The churches took part in protest demonstrations e.g the Anglican church.
- Through armed resistances e.g the armed wing of A.N.C.
- Use of boycotts and strikes against the regime.
- They also organized protestors and demonstrations.
- Explain six problems encountered by nationalist in Ghana in their struggle for Independence. (12mks)
- the nationalists were arrested/ detained.
- The political parties were banned.
- The government enacted pass laws which restricted movment.They lacked adequate funds to finance the
- struggle thus slowing their operations.
- They lacked press freedom making it difficult for them to spread their
- They lacked advanced weapons thereby making them less effective in armed struggle.
- They had different approaches in their struggle (moderate/ radical wings thus creating a loophole which was exploited by the government.
- Use of divide and rule policy to divide the Africans.
- Rivalry between political parties e.g CPP and NLD.
- Give three methods used by African nationalists in south Africa in their struggle for independence. (3 mks)
- France
- Britain
- Italy
- Belgium
- Portugal
- The industrial revolution in Europe.
- Speculation about the availability of deep pockets of minerals in Africa.
- Unification of Germany after under Otto Von Bismarck after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71.
- The rise of Public opinion in Europe. There was growth of public support towards the acquisition of colonies.
- Militarism. Army officers in Europe favoured colonial expansionist wars to give them greater opportunities for glory or promotion.
- The rise of Nationalism.
- Construction of the Suez Canal. (The Egyptian question).
- French activities in West Africa and the Congo
- The personal activities of King Leopold II of Belgium.
- The work of Christian missionaries
- The growth of European population.
- Anti-slave trade campaigns- Humanitarian factor.
- Existence of Vast natural resources in Africa.
- Well-developed trade/trade routes in the interior.
- Existence of Navigable Rivers. For ex ommunities.
- Frequent wars / inter community wars.
- Outline three effects of the First World War. (3mks)
- Nationalist movements in Asia and Africa grew in strength and number after the war and a sense of patriotism arose.
- USA gained an upper hand in the post war European affairs. She emerged as a leading world power.
- German military capability was reduced on land and sea and heavy indemnity imposed on her. She lost all her colonies, which were made mandated territories of the League of Nations.
- The end of the war marked the beginning of the decline of western imperialism. As early as 1920, there was a possibility of independence for colonial countries. The war encouraged imperial powers to give more freedom to their subjects.
- The end of the war witnessed the creation of new states e.g. Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Finland.
- Germany and Italy fell in the hands of dictators e.g. Mussolini and Hitler.
- The war Created bitter feelings and mistrust among the countries that fought in the war. This continued until the outbreak of the Second World War.
- It led to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia as radicals took over government there.
- It led to a change of government in Britain.
- There was greater use of motor vehicles and aircraft, which facilitated transport.
- The art of surgery improved
- Between 1914 and 1918, European factories were destroyed and business brought down hence heavy losses.
- There was massive destruction of property and infrastructure.
- It led to the great depression 1920 to 1921, which affected economies worldwide.
- It led to increased taxation by he colonial authorities to meet war and post -war demands.
- Explain six causes of the Second World War. (12mks)
- The rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his determination to restore Germany’s lost glory.
- Unfavourable conditions imposed on Germans by the treaty of Versailles humiliated and made her nurse a grudge against the allied powers.
- The growth of nationalism made countries to be inward looking and therefore were reluctant to participate in international issue.
- The Great Depression of the 1930s intensified economic instability and forced some countries to practice economic protectionism.
- The inability of the League of Nations to implement its resolutions and punish those who violated them encouraged the aggressors to pursue their objectives/ ambitions and this intensified tension in the world.
- The policy of appeasement practiced by France and Britain encouraged the dictators to carry on with their acts of aggression.
- Establishment of alliances between major powers encouraged acts of aggression because of the feeling of mutual support.
- The rise of dictators in the 1920s and 1930s destroyed democratic rights.
- Armaments and increased armed forces increased tension contrary to the wishes of the Versailles treaty.
- The Spanish civil war (1936-1939)
- Territorial violations e.g in 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia.
- Outline three effects of the First World War. (3mks)
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