Grade 5 Home Science Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 3 2023

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Assessment methods





Deep frying - Procedures used to deep dry food

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify local foods which can be deep fried found within their community.
  2. Describe the procedure used to deep fry food
  3. Appreciate food cooked using deep frying method.
  1. What local foods can you deep fry at home? 
  2. How do you deep fry food at home?
  • Using pictures, realia, video clips and charts, learner will identify local foods which can be deep fried and are found within their locality.
  • In groups pairs, learners discuss procedures used in deep frying food (meat, fish, green bananas, potatoes, cassava)
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 86-87

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 98

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Deep frying- Deep frying food

appropriatel y at home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Describe the procedure used to deep fry food
  2. Deep fry food appropriately at home
  3. Appreciate food cooked using deep frying method.
  1. What local foods can you deep fry at home? 
  2. How do you deep fry food at home?
  • In groups pairs, learners discuss procedures used in deep frying food (meat, fish, green bananas, potatoes, cassava)
  • In groups, learners cook a given food using deep frying method
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 88

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 98-99

Checklist test









Deep frying – improvising cooking equipment for deep frying

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Improvise cooking equipment for deep frying
  2. Deep fry food appropriately at home
  3. Appreciate food cooked using deep frying method.
  1. What local foods can you deep fry at home? 
  2. How do you deep fry food at home?
  • Learners improvise a cooking equipment where necessary (using a clay cooking pot)
  • In groups, learners cook a given food using deep frying method
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 89

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 99

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment






Deep frying-

Serving deep fried food at home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Deep fry food appropriately at home
  2. Serve deep fried food at home
  3. Appreciate food cooked using deep frying method.
  1. What local foods can you deep fry at home? 
  2. How do you deep fry food at home?
  • Watch a demonstration or video clip on safety to be observed when cooking
  • Learners serve the cooked food appropriately.
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 89-90

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 99-100

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Deep frying

– storing deep fried foods at home to avoid spoilage

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Serve deep fried food at home
  2. Store deep fried foods at home to avoid spoilage of food
  3. Appreciate food cooked using deep frying method.
  1. What local foods can you deep fry at home? 
  2. How do you deep fry food at home?
  • Learners improvise a cooking equipment where necessary (using a clay cooking pot)
  • Watch a demonstration or video clip on safety to be observed when cooking
  • Learners serve the cooked food appropriately.
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 91-92

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 100-101

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Stitches Permanent stitches used in sewing

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain meaning of permanent stitches in sewing
  2. State the factors considered when making permanent stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • In groups pairs, learners brainstorm on the meaning of permanent stitches
  • Using pictures, realia, video clips and charts, learner identifies different permanent stitches used in sewing: joining stitches- backstitches and over sewing
  • Embroidery stitches-stem stitch, chain stitch and satin stitch.
  • Neatening stitches-hemming and loop stitches
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 93

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 106

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment








Stitches Different permanent stitches used in sewing

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain meaning of permanent stitches in sewing
  2. Identify different permanent stitches used in sewing.
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?


  • In groups pairs, learners brainstorm on the meaning of permanent stitches
  • Using pictures, realia, video clips and charts, learner identifies different permanent stitches used in sewing: joining stitches- backstitches and over sewing Embroidery stitches-stem stitch, chain stitch and satin stitch.
  • Neatening stitches-hemming and loop stitches
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 95-96

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 107

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment






Stitches Permanent stitches – practicing how to use a needle correctly during sewing

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Practice how to use a needle correctly during sewing
  2. State the factors considered when making permanent stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners practice how to use a needle during sewing
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 96-97

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 107-108

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Stitches Permanent stitches – making samples of permanent stitches (joining)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Practice how to use a needle correctly during sewing
  2. Make samples of permanent stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners practice how to use a needle during sewing
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 97- 101

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 108-109

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment








Stitches Permanent stitches - making samples of permanent stitches (joining)


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Practice how to use a needle correctly during sewing
  2. Make samples of permanent stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?


  • Learners practice how to use a needle during sewing
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work


  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 97-101

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 108-109

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment






Stitches Neatening stitches

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Practice how to use a needle correctly during sewing in reinforcing start and end of sewing
  2. Practice making neatening stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners practice reinforcing the start and end of stitching appropriately during sewing
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 101- 104

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 109-110

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Stitches Neatening stitches

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Practice how to use a needle correctly during sewing in reinforcing start and end of sewing
  2. Practice making neatening stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners practice reinforcing the start and end of stitching appropriately during sewing
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 101- 104

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 109-110

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Stitches Decorative stitches

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Practice how to use a needle correctly during sewing in reinforcing start and end of sewing
  2. Explain the importance of decorative stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners practice reinforcing the start and end of stitching appropriately during sewing
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 105- 109

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 111- 112

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment






Stitches Decorative stitches

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Make samples of permanent stitches in sewing
  2. Explain the importance of decorative stitches
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learner makes samples of backstitches, hemming and over sewing stitches and mounts on a portfolio.
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 105- 109

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 111-112

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Stitches Making a pincushion for safe storage of pins

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Make a pincushion for safe storage of pins
  2. Explaining the meaning of the term pincushion
  3. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners make a pin cushion for safe storage of pins
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 110- 112

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 112-113

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Stitches Permanent stitches – Making an embroidere d stool cloth

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  2. Watch a video clip on making an embroidered cloth
  3. Make a small embroidered cloth for use in the home
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners make a pin cushion for safe storage of pins
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 113- 115

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 113-114

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Stitches Permanent stitches – safety precautions to observe during needlework

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Observe safety precautions during needle work to avoid causing accidents
  2. Appreciate the use of permanent stitches for sewing
  3. Make a small embroidered cloth for use in the home
  1. What factors would you consider when making permanent stitches?
  • Learners make a pin cushion for safe storage of pins
  • Learner observes safety precautions during needle work
  • Picture
  • Video clips
  • Realia
  • Portfolio
  • Charts

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 115- 116

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 114-115

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Repair and maintenanc e of clothes - Gaping seam and hanging hem

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify a gaping seam and hanging hem in a garment
  2. Mention factors to consider when repairing a gaping seam and a hanging hem on a school uniform
  3. Appreciate the importance of repairing and maintenance of clothes.
  1. How do you repair a gaping seam? 
  2. How do you repair a hanging hem?
  • In groups or pairs, learners discuss a gaping seam and a hanging hem
  • In groups/pairs, learners brainstorm on factors to consider when choosing the type of stitch to use when repairing a gaping seam and a hanging hem on a school uniform

NOTE: each repair (gaping seam and hanging hem) to be handled and assessed separately.

  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Realia

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 117

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 119

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Repair and maintenanc e of clothes – repairing a gaping seam

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Mention factors to consider when repairing a gaping seam and a hanging hem on a school uniform
  2. Practice Repairing a gaping seam
  3. Appreciate the importance of repairing and maintenance of clothes.
  1. How do you repair a gaping seam? 
  2. How do you repair a hanging hem?
  • In groups or pairs, learners discuss a gaping seam and a hanging hem
  • In groups/pairs, learners brainstorm on factors to consider when choosing the type of stitch to use when repairing a gaping seam and a hanging hem on a school uniform

NOTE: each repair (gaping seam and hanging hem) to be handled and assessed separately.

  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Realia

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 117- 119

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 119-120

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Repair and maintenanc e of clothes repairing a gaping seam

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Mention factors to consider when repairing a gaping seam and a hanging hem on a school uniform
  2. Practice Repairing a gaping seam
  3. Appreciate the importance of repairing and maintenance of clothes.
  1. How do you repair a gaping seam?
  2. How do you repair a hanging hem?
  • Using pictures, Realia and charts, learner chooses the right stitch to use when repairing a gaping
  • seam or hem on a school uniform.
  • In groups/pairs, learners brainstorm on the safety precautions to observe when repairing gaping seams or hanging hems on their uniforms.
  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Realia

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 117- 119

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 119-120

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Repair and maintenanc e of clothes –repairing a hanging hem

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Watch a video clip or observe pictures of a hanging hem
  2. Practice repairing a hanging hem
  3. Appreciate the importance of repairing and maintenance of clothes.
  1. How do you repair a gaping seam? 
  2. How do you repair a hanging hem?
  • Using pictures, realia and charts, learner chooses the right stitch to use when repairing a gaping seam or hem on a school uniform.
  • In groups/pairs, learners brainstorm on the safety precautions to observe when repairing gaping seams or hanging hems on their uniforms.
  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Realia

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 119- 120

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 120

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Repair and maintenanc e of clothes - repairing a hanging hem

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Practice repairing a hanging hem
  2. Watch a video clip or observe pictures of a hanging hem
  3. Appreciate the importance of repairing and maintenance of clothes.
  1. How do you repair a gaping seam? 
  2. How do you repair a hanging hem?
  • Learner correctly repairs a gaping seam or hanging hem.
  • Learner practices safety measures to observe while repairing a gaping seam or hanging hem on a garment

NOTE: each repair (gaping seam and hanging hem) to be handled and assessed separately.

  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Realia

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 119- 120

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 120

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Repair and maintenanc e of clothes – safety measures to observe while repairing gaping seams and hanging hems

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Repair a gaping seam and a hanging hem on their school uniform using appropriate stitches
  2. Practice safety measures to observe while repairing a gaping seam and a hanging hem on a garment
  3. Appreciate the importance of repairing and maintenance of clothes.
  1. How do you repair a gaping seam? 
  2. How do you repair a hanging hem?
  • Learner correctly repairs a gaping seam or hanging hem.
  • Learner practices safety measures to observe while repairing a gaping seam or hanging hem on a garment

NOTE: each repair (gaping seam and hanging hem) to be handled and assessed separately.

  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Realia

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 122- 123

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 121

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. State the reason for laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  2. Describe the natural and synthetic classification of textile fibers
  3. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • Learners brainstorm on the reasons for laundry work using print materials, digital devices, video clips
  • Using digital devices, charts and pictures, learners classify natural and synthetic textile fibers
  • Animal fibers-wool and silk
  • Plant fibers-cotton and linen
  • Synthetic fiber-polyester and a crylte
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 124

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 126

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work – reasons for laundry work In the maintenance of clothes

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. State the reason for laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  2. Describe the natural and synthetic classification of textile fibers
  3. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • Learners brainstorm on the reasons for laundry work using print materials, digital devices, video clips
  • Using digital devices, charts and pictures, learners classify natural and synthetic textile fibers
  • Animal fibers-wool and silk
  • Plant fibers-cotton and linen
  • Synthetic fiber-polyester and a crylte
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 124- 125

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 126

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work – classificatio n of textile fibres

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Describe the natural and synthetic classification of textile fibers
  2. Explain meaning of different care labels found in clothes
  3. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • Using digital devices, charts, pictures, learner observes different care label symbols found in found in clothes(drying symbol, dry cleaning symbol, bleaching)
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 126- 127

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 127

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work – care labels on clothes

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Describe the natural and synthetic classification of textile fibers
  2. Explain meaning of different care labels found in clothes
  3. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • Using digital devices, charts, pictures, learner observes different care label symbols found in found in clothes(drying symbol, dry cleaning symbol, bleaching)
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 128-129

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 128-129

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work – safety precautions to observe when laundering different clothes at home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Watch a video clip on laundering white cotton shirt/blouse and fast colored cotton shirt/blouse
  2. Interpret the different care label symbols found on clothes
  3. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • Using digital devices, pictures, realia and charts, learner interprets different care label symbols found in clothes
  • Learners watch a video clip or demonstration on laundering white cotton shirt\blouse and fast colored cotton shirt\blouse
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 131- 132

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 128-129

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work – procedure for laundering white and fast coloured cotton shirt or blouse

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Watch a video clip on laundering white cotton shirt/blouse and fast colored cotton shirt/blouse
  2. Interpret the different care label symbols found on clothes
  3. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • Using digital devices, pictures, realia and charts, learner interprets different care label symbols found in clothes
  • Learners watch a video clip or demonstration on laundering white cotton shirt\blouse and fast colored cotton shirt\blouse
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 132- 134

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 130

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work – laundering a fast – coloured cotton shirt or blouse

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the procedures used for laundering a white cotton shirt or blouse and a fast colored cotton shirt or blouse
  2. Discuss safety precautions to observe when laundering different articles at home
  3. Launder a cotton shirt\blouse using the right method for proper care and maintenance of clothes
  4. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • In groups\pairs, learners practice laundering a whit cotton shirt\blouse and a fast colored cotton shit\blouse
  • Learners clear, clean laundry work area and store laundry work equipment and materials using the right procedure
  • Learners observe safety when laundering white cotton shirt\blouse and fast colored cotton shirt\blouse at home
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 135- 136

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 130- 131

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work - coloured cotton shirt or blouse

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the procedures used for laundering a white cotton shirt or blouse and a fast colored cotton shirt or blouse
  2. Discuss safety precautions to observe when laundering different articles at home
  3. Launder a cotton shirt\blouse using the right method for proper care and maintenance of clothes
  4. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • In groups\pairs, learners practice laundering a whit cotton shirt\blouse and a fast colored cotton shit\blouse
  • Learners clear, clean laundry work area and store laundry work equipment and materials using the right procedure
  • Learners observe safety when laundering white cotton shirt\blouse and fast colored cotton shirt\blouse at home
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 135- 136

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 130- 131

  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment





Laundry work – cleaning and storing equipment and materials used in laundry work

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discuss safety precautions to observe when laundering different articles at home
  2. Clean and store equipment and materials used in laundry work
  3. Appreciate the importance of laundry work in maintenance of clothes
  1. Why do you launder clothe? 
  2. What is the procedure of laundering articles made of cotton at home?
  • In groups\pairs, learners practice laundering a whit cotton shirt\blouse and a fast colored cotton shit\blouse
  • Learners clear, clean laundry work area and store laundry work equipment and materials using the right procedure
  • Learners observe safety when laundering white cotton shirt\blouse and fast colored cotton shirt\blouse at home
  • Realia
  • Charts
  • Video clips
  • Digital devices

MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 137- 140

MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 131-


  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration
  • Self-assessment






Read 383 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 November 2022 09:55

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