Wednesday, 23 November 2022 12:07

English (Keynote) - Class 8 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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                                                       ENGLISH SCHEMES OF WORK FOR CLASS EIGHT TERM ONE - 2022

  1  -  General   Revisions  By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to recall content covered in previous class in preparation for std. eight work.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Tests and quizzes
  • Past exam papers
  • Trs own collections
  • Relevant revision materials
  • Covered content in previous class
-Language pattern
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:-use the given language pattern Who and whose correctly in constructing sentences.
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • constructing simple sentences
  • Sentence cards
  • Model sentences on chalkboard

Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg.

 2   " ORAL WORK
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able : -Acquire vocabulary related to social values and use them appropriately i.e honesty, kindness, trust, respect……
  • Recite poem MY STAND
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
  • Sentence cards
  • Dictionary
Ppls bk 8
 3   "  READING
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read passage :Living with Kiboi and answer oral/written comprehension questions
  • Revising the new words learnt.
  • Reading
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Passage in text bk.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
  • Sentence cards
Ppls bk 8
 4   "  WRITING
  •  Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the exercise to reinforce language pattern learnt
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Writing
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
 5   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. (-ing forms as subjects)
  •   Writing
Exercise in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
-Continuous writing
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to put together paragraphs to form a complete story in a neat and legible handwriting.
  • Outline points.
  • Explanation
  • Writing
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to use question tags in the grammar exercise correctly (question tags)
  • Asking and answering
  • Discussion
Exercise in pupils text book Ppls bk 8
 3         1  CAREERS  ORAL WORK
-Language pattern
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using language pattern: Present simple tense describing general truths.
  • Reciting a poem
  • Constructing sentences.
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Sentence cards
  • Dictionary
Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. 18  
  2   " ORAL WORK
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able acquire further vocabulary relating to careers and use them appropriately: i.e career, qualification, interview, manager, job…….
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
  • Sentence cards
  • Model sentences on chalkboard
Ppls bk 8
  3   " READING
- Reading
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read the given passage ( A humble beginning) based on careers and answer oral and written comprehension questions.
  • Revising the new words learnt.
  • Reading
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Passage in text bk.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Boo
  • Sentence cards
Ppls bk 8
  4   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to express himself/herself in written exercise that require critical thinking using present continuous tense
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
  5   " WRITING
y the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify and use determiners (this,these/ that,those) appropriately
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Writing
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
  6   " WRITING
-Continuous writing
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to rearrange sentences to retell a story in a neat and legible handwriting.
  • Explanation
  • Writing
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify and use determiners (some and any) appropriately
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Writing


Pictures and passage in the Pupil’s Book.

Ppls bk 8
Pg. 24
-Language pattern
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to –construct at least three correct sentences using language pattern ( phrasal verbs with get)
  • Constructing sentences.
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
 Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
-Sentence cards
 Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. 32  
 2   "  ORAL WORK
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using given vocabulary; bhang, alcohol, smoking, trafficker, cocaine…
  •  Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
 -Sentence cards
-Model sentences on chalkboard
 Ppls bk 8
 3   " READING
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read the given passage ( Dons story) and demonstrate comprehension ability by answering oral and written questions
  • Reading
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book\
  • Sentence cards
Ppls bk 8
 4   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the exercise to reinforce language pattern learnt.
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
 5   " WRITING
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. (Past perfect tense)
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
 6   " WRITING
-Continuous writing
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to write guided composition on drug and drug abuse
  • Outline points.
  • Explanation
  • Writing
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
- Discussion
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give facts (points) in a discussion on drug and drug abuse
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Discussion
Discussed points on chalkboard Ppls bk 8
  5        1  LIFE SKILLS  ORAL WORK
-Language pattern
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to -Discuss life skills using accurate sentence structures ( use of a, an and the)
  • Constructing sentences.
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • conversations
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
  • Sentence cards
  • Dictionary
 Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. 42,46  
 2    " ORAL WORK
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to discuss life skills using accurate vocabulary. ( life skills, problem solving, ……..)
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
  • Constructing sentences using given vocabulary
Ppls bk 8
 3    " READING
- Reading
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read the passage ( Tomorrows master tailor) and answer oral and written comprehension questions.
  • Readin
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
  • Sentence cards
Ppls bk 8
 4    "  WRITING
-Written exercise
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the exercise. (Use of every and other)
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
 -Exercise in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
 5    "  WRITING
-Written exercise
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. (Adverbs of degrees)
  • Answering written exercise
 Exercise in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
Pg. 48
 6    "  WRITING
-Continuous writing
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to complete a given story in a neat and legible handwriting.
  • Explanation
  • Writing
 Exercise in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
- Grammar
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to use the infinitive with/without to appropriately.
  • Reciting a poem
  • Asking and answering questions
 Exercise in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
 6   -  FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT   GENERAL  BY the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct answers to given test items to reinforce retention of content.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Tests and quizzes
  •  Exercises
  • mid - term exams
Selected revision materials
  7                                            HALF TERM
-Language pattern
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using language pattern; ( use of determiners in the affirmative, interrogative and negative) -Constructing sentences.
-Asking and answering oral questions.
-Sentence cards

Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. 58


  2   "  ORAL WORK
 By the end of the lesson the learner should
-Talk about basic child labour messages using correct vocabulary i.e child, wages, labour……
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
 Constructing sentences using given vocabulary  Ppls bk 8
Pg. 53
  3   "  READING
Reading -
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be read the play Huduma in hospital and identifying the evils of child labour orally and in writing
  • Reading
  • Asking and answering oral and written questions.
  • Passage in text bk.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Boo
  • Sentence cards
 Ppls bk 8
  4   "  WRITING
-Written exercise
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the exercise to reinforce language pattern learnt .
  • Asking and answering questions
  • writing
  • Chalkboard
  • Exercise in pupils text book

Ppls bk 8
Pg. 58


  5   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. ( the passive voice)
  • Asking and answering questions
  • writing
  • Chalkboard
Ppls bk 8
Pg. 62
  6   " WRITING
-Continuous writing
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to write a formal letter in a neat and legible handwriting.
  • Explanation
  • Writing
  • Sample letter in ppls text book
Ppls bk 8
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. ( the passive voice)
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Retelling read stories
  • Exercise in the Pupil’s Book.
Ppls bk 8
-Language pattern
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:-Construct at least three correct sentences using language pattern; verbs followed by a present participle
  • Reciting a poem
  • Constructing sentences
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Sentence cards
  • Model sentences on chalkboard
 Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. 79  
  2   "  ORAL WORK
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using vocabulary; border, region, visa, trade, export, import………
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing sentences
  • matching words with their meaning
 Exercise in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
Pg. 76, 78
  3   "  READING
- Reading
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read the passage United we stand fluently and answer the comprehension questions.
  • Reading
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
  • Sentence cards
  • Dictionary
 Ppls bk 8
  4   "  WRITING
-Written exercise
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the exercise to reinforce language pattern.
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Chalkboard
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
 Ppls bk 8
  5   "  WRITING
-Written exercise
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. ( the hyphen)
  • Discussion
  • writing
 Exercise in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
  6   "  WRITING
-Continuous writing
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to write a report according to given guidelines in a neat and legible handwriting.
  • Outline points.
  • Explanation
  • Writing
 Sample report in pupils text book.  Ppls bk 8
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. ( Brackets)
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Writing
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
-Language pattern
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using language pattern; (determiners with uncountable nouns)
  • Constructing sentences.
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • conversations
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
  • Sentence cards
  • Dictionary
Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. Pg.90  
  2   " ORAL WORK
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using vocabulary relating to commerce and industry i.e trade, price, sale, sell, goods, bargain, customer, item………
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing sentences
  • filling blanks with learnt vocabulary
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
Pg.86, 89
  3   " READING
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read the given passage (The alarm clock ) fluently and answer comprehension questions.
  • Revising the new words learnt.
  • Reading
  • Answering questions.
  • Passage in text bk.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
Ppls bk 8
  4   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to use determiners few, little, a few, a little correctly in given written exercise.
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
  5   " WRITING
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify and correctly use regular and irregular verbs in a sentence
  • Making sentences
  • writing
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
  6   " WRITING
-Continuous writing
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to fill in a form in a sample form correctly.
  • Explanation
  • filling sample form
  • Sample form in pupils text book
Ppls bk 8
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify and correctly use regular and irregular verbs in a sentence
  • Making sentences
  • writing
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
-Language pattern
 By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using language pattern; Using a verb + noun or pronoun + to + verb
  • Constructing sentences.
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Reciting sentences
  • Model sentences on chalkboard
  • Sentence cards
 Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. 104  
  2   "   ORAL WORK
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using vocabulary relating to commerce and trade i.e shops, stalls, kiosks….
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
  • Reciting given sentences
  • Sentence cards
  • Illustrations on the chalk board
Ppls bk 8
Pg.101, 104,
  3   " READING
- Reading
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read the given passage (Wanzau and calabashes) fluently and accurately and answer the comprehension questions.
  • Reading
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
  • Sentence cards


Ppls bk 8
  4   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the exercise to reinforce language pattern learnt.
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Chalkboard
  • Exercise in pupils text book.
Ppls bk 8
  5   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. ( the dash)
  • Answering given exercise
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
  6   " WRITING
-Continuous writing
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to write an imaginative composition in a neat and legible handwriting.
  • Outline points.
  • Explanation
  • Writing
Guidelines from text book Ppls bk 8
  7   " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. ( Present simple tense)
  • Answering given exercise
Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
-Language pattern
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to- construct at least three correct sentences using language pattern; ( using when/after/as soon as in sentences)
  • Constructing sentences.
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
 -Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
-Sentence cards
 Ongeri M. et al (2017 Rev. ed.) Keynote English Std.8. Nairobi: Longhorn Pub. ppls bk pg. 111  
  2      "  ORAL WORK
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to construct at least three correct sentences using vocabulary relating to clubs and societies i.e fans, race, medals, flags…. 
  • Explain meaning of words
  • constructing simple sentences
  • word attack exercises
 -Sentence cards
 Ppls bk 8
  3      " READING
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read the given passage( International competitions) fluently and answer the comprehension questions.
  • Reading
  • Asking and answering oral questions.
  • Discussion
-Passage in text bk.
-Pictures in the Pupil’s Book
Ppls bk 8
  4      " WRITING
-Written exercise
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the exercise to reinforce language pattern. (Using determiners: a, an and the)
  • Discussing the given questions orally.
  • Asking and answering questions.
-Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
  5      " WRITING
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to give correct written answers to the grammar exercise. ( comparative and superlative adjectives) -Discussing the given questions orally.
-Answering given exercise
-Exercise in pupils text book. Ppls bk 8
  6      " WRITING
-Continuous writing
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to write short messages to friends according to given guidelines. -Explanation
-Answering given exercise
-Outline points on chalkboard. Ppls bk 8
- Library
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read selected story books for leisure. -Reading
-Asking and answering questions
-Retelling read stories
-story books Stories from selected stories.  
  13   -   REVISION   General By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to recall content covered in the term in preparation for end term exam Asking and answering questions.
Tests and quizzes
Past exam papers Revision books and relevant materials  
Read 626 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 November 2022 11:49

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